Sniper Track

Chapter 184: Doppelganger

Chen Xingxi was very "sad" about the exhaustion of the power of shadow.

Before, he was accustomed to using the power of shadows to deal with various situations in battle, but now, he can no longer continue to use shadows like before...

On the day of the final of the freshman competition, Chen Xingxi first played against Huang Si, and then he fought 9 to 9, using up all the shadow power in his body as a "disposable consumable".

Even though Chen Xingxi has been working hard to restore and rebuild in the past two days, the effect is not great. The power of shadow that has been condensed again is only about one-third of the original amount...

Far from enough!

At this time, the armor of shadow that Chen Xingxi can condense is more than one layer thinner than the previous armor, which makes Chen Xingxi wonder if he is wearing fake and inferior armor...

This feeling of emptiness is indescribable, it seems not so strong, but it is like a fishbone stuck in the throat, which is very annoying.

This resentment was vented on the Phantom Wolf by Chen Xingxi.

The sharp halberd of owl teeth, through the anger, added a third of its power, and it happened that the Phantom Wolf's brain had not had time to react. With one blow, the Phantom Wolf saw blood.

It's not deep, but it hurts.

The Phantom Wolf let out a shrill howl: "Aww...woo!"


The pale yellow, translucent shield slammed into Lie Claw Yanhu's body, Zhang Xiucheng's strength was infinite, and this time, he knocked Lie Claw Yanhu back again and again, and fell out three or four meters.

Chen Xingxi and Zhang Xiucheng attacked at the same time, and they took advantage by surprise. The two snipers, Wei Tao and Chen Xingye, seized the opportunity and ran into the woods without a trace.

Snipers must hide in the dark in order to snip with peace of mind, and at the same time, they also have a greater deterrent effect.


With an eagle chirp, Chen Xingye stepped on a silver-white flying eagle, flying close to the ground, half a meter above the ground, and flew into the woods in an instant, disappearing without a trace.

This trick "Silver Eagle Detonation" can be used like this when there is no explosion?

And... the fittest of the third rank can also stay in the air like the middle rank?


The others were stunned, but Chen Xingxi understood.

The speed of Chen Xingye's move just now was so fast that people were caught off guard, but the consumption was also not to be underestimated.

First release the fourth combat skill - the shadow of the "silver eagle" image, step on the back of the eagle, solidify it with adaptability and mental power, so that your feet will not pass through the shadow, The whereabouts, this, completed the first step.

The second step is to use a large amount of mental power and use the ability of mind to control objects to hold the silver eagle that has solidified into a semi-solid body...

In this way, Chen Xingye, who stepped on the shadow of the silver eagle, "flyed".

so amazing……

People step on the shadow, and the shadow "steps" on people's spiritual power. The two rely on each other and rely on each other... Can they fly?

It sounds very much like the legendary Wudang ladder, where you can go to the sky with your left foot on your right...?

It is still very difficult for them to lift a body of more than 100 pounds with mental power.

This trick is too expensive to be used very often, but it is still very desirable in order to speed up the situation when the situation is critical.

At least, no one reacted to the speed of Chen Xingye just now...

Chen Xingye was driving the silver eagle, and disappeared in an instant. When others recovered, he did not know which tree he ran to ambush.

Wei Tao on the other side did not have Chen Xingye's special acceleration combat skills and skills, so he could only carry a sniper rifle and run on his own legs.

Fortunately, his physical fitness was good and his speed was not slow. He made the perfect use of the opportunities created by Chen Xingxi and Zhang Xiucheng, and seized the opportunity when the two monsters were attracted by Chen Xingye, and rushed out of the encirclement in the blink of an eye.

Wide sea diving, sky high the birds to fly.

The two "snipers" have already left the core battle circle, and according to their own personal habits, they go around to find suitable "sniper spots".

With a loud shout, the shield came out, first with two flashes, then seven in a row, shining one after another.

Zhang Xiucheng responded very quickly.

When Chen Xingye and Wei Tao had just rushed out, Zhang Xiucheng had already made preparations, with two shields placed on the two snipers without even thinking about it.

After the two disappeared, Zhang Xiucheng added shields to everyone. He also held a shield made of "shield armor" and stood in the center to support both sides.


The Phantom Wolf and the Fierce Claw Flame Tiger finally reacted and began to roar recklessly.

Tiny humans!

Before we can take action, you dare to take the lead? !

Make it clear about your identity and status as "prey"!



The tiger and the wolf roared together, but Chen Xingxi didn't plan to give them a chance. The black halberd in his hand slashed horizontally and vertically, slashing the Phantom Wolf twice in a row, and kicked the Phantom Wolf out with another kick.


Really hard!

As soon as he stepped down, the Phantom Wolf took three steps back, but Chen Xingxi also felt that his toenails might not have split.

Why is this phantom wolf so rough?

Chen Xingxi shouted: "Chang'er, blast it!"




After Chen Xingxi and Phantom Wolf opened a safe distance, Lin Gechang fired without hesitation.

The first skill "Bomb" doubled in power and heat with the increase of the flame of the red lotus, first hitting the Phantom Wolf, and then delaying the explosion.

The flame damage from the two consecutive explosions roasted the Phantom Wolf's skin into black, cracked coke. …

"Huh..." Chen Xingxi's scalp tingled.

This... looks painful...

But it is undeniable that this has become its weakness.

So, Chen Xingxi "shamelessly" stuck the tip of the halberd on the bare white flesh.

Without the protection of the fur, the meat loses its defenses and becomes vulnerable.

With a whistle, the bayonet sank into the wolf's flesh, causing the phantom wolf to go crazy in pain.

The phantom wolf was in pain, angered, liberated its instincts, and released three identical phantom clones.

In an instant, the "four" phantom wolves appeared on the field with fierce light in their eyes.

Chen Xingxi frowned.

The four phantom wolves had four identical wounds on their bodies.

I originally thought that my eagle eye should be able to distinguish between the main body and the avatar, but I didn't expect... its avatar technique is so clever that even the eagle eye can't see any difference!


The character of the fittest shotgun will become impatient and bold with their own firearms, because this is determined by their fighting style.

For a shotgun to do the damage it deserves, it has to be close to the target.


The high-ranking barbarian is also a fierce claw flame tiger with superb attack power. Can the shield on his body really withstand this claw?

Zhang Xiucheng raised his shield and said, "Why don't you follow me, I'll stand in front of you, you can find a chance to spray it!"

Ai Chengxiang: "This..."

If you are not sure about the power of the enemy's attack, you will be passive if you charge rashly.

If Zhang Xiucheng couldn't bear the power of the claws, wouldn't it be a "white give" double kill?

Zi Miwei frowned and said valiantly, "I use the firepower of the machine gun to suppress it!"

Fire suppression? Let the fierce claw flame tiger fall into the passive, and then one person holds the shield, and the other person sprays it close to it?

Zi Miwei added: "Or, I can use 'freeze' to slow it down and freeze it, how about it?"

Fire suppression, reckless attack.

Or is Frost slowing down, slowly plotting it, and dealing with Fierce Claw Flame Tiger?

Ai Chengxiang said expressionlessly, "Be steady."

Zi Miwei knew in her heart that the snow of Tianshan danced out of her body, hovering beside her, she didn't move for a long time.


Zi Miwei said helplessly: "The temperature is too high, my flying snow dare not approach..."

"He, tui!"

Shen Longxiao retreated behind Zhang Xiucheng at some point, and used Zhang Xiucheng's tall and strong body as a "bunker". Hearing Zi Miwei's words, he spat on his backhand.

The blue water pattern on the pistol activates!

Since the temperature is too high, let it cool down!

Shen Longxiao emerged from behind Zhang Xiucheng with a head and a small fat hand, shouting, "Look at me using a water gun to feed it!"


The light blue water vortex came into contact with the flame claws, and a large white mist rose up. On the contrary, the temperature of the claws also decreased as the water evaporated.

good chance!

Zi Miwei scolded: "The snow in the Tianshan Mountains is frozen!"

The ground was covered with ice, and even the claws of the Fierce Claw Flame Tiger had a little frost.

The Fierce Claw Flame Tiger felt the aura that disgusted it, and with a roar, the frost seemed to show signs of melting.

Where will Ai Chengxiang give it a chance to rekindle the flame? Carrying the Dilong gun, he rushed up.

Zhang Xiucheng held up his shield: "Battle formation charge!"

Group augmentation skills.

Within the range covered by the halo, Ai Chengxiang's feet were windy, and his running speed increased a lot.

The golden pattern on the Emperor Dragon's gun is dazzling.



Facing the four phantom wolves, Yang Tong whispered unconfidently: "Maybe... I can give it a try?"

Chen Xingxi took two small steps forward, crossed the halberd of Xiaoya, and protected Lin Gechang and Yangtong behind him.

One-on-four, this is not easy to do...

The most troublesome thing is that the four phantom wolves can attack, if one fails to block, wouldn't the teammates behind them be in danger...?

Chen Xingxi said in his heart, "Kaisha, if there is an accident, remember to protect everyone... hiss!"

Before he finished speaking, Chen Xingxi saw four strong beams shot from behind him, hitting the four phantom wolves in the middle!

The light attribute's Yangtong's It's just...

Chen Xingxi muttered in his heart: "I just don't know if her beam is a ghost or a Si Yu..."

No matter what kind of combat technique it is, as long as it can solve the problem, it is a good combat technique!

The strong light released by Yangtong is extremely dazzling, especially the phantom wolf that restrains the shadow attribute.

Under the strong light, the four wolves closed their eyes subconsciously.

Just in this moment!

Bang bang bang!


Chen Xingye's rifle and Wei Tao's sniper rifle fired at the same time.

Wei Tao's 98k shot hit a phantom wolf in the head, and the bullet was shot from between the eyebrows, while Chen Xingye shot three times in a row, all of which hit one point, almost shattering half of the head!

The two phantoms dissipated in an instant, and the situation became clear.

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