Sniper Track

Chapter 193: Warrior class!

The night will eventually pass, and the morning sun will shine on the earth again.

Light and darkness, black and white, are like twins born by the **** of all gods and the ruler of heaven and earth.

They are each other's opposites, and each other's complements.

When one appears, the other will appear on the other side of the earth...

When the two are put together, they will be complete.

Unfortunately, they always come to two different worlds...

(Do you think that the words I occasionally write at the beginning or end of some chapters that are "pretending to be advanced" and like "philosophy" are just a few words?

Do not! Then you are dead wrong!

Where you haven't noticed, I may have hinted and paved the way to the finale.

Including the life trajectories of some characters...

Every word is a hole I dug. )

(Please call me the detail freak)


Although he went out for a long circle in the early morning and brought the riots of the Hurricane Horses with him, Chen Xingxi slept very comfortably this time, not much worse than sleeping on the bed at home.

Rubbing his sullen eyes, Chen Xingxi straightened his back and stretched his waist.

I didn't think about it. Just as I stretched halfway, I felt my shoulders sink, which hindered my smoothness of stretching, and there was a very soft "嘤" in my ear.

Chen Xingxi sucked in a breath of cold air: "Hi!"

This sound, this fragrance, this feeling...

Chen Xingxi was startled, and instantly regained his spirits.

Gently turned his head and looked at the person who was lying on his shoulders, who else was there besides Lin Gechang?

Chen Xingxi: ?????)~~~"

The little one, she looks so cute when she's asleep...

Chen Xingxi rested his left arm on the ground, keeping his left shoulder still, so as not to wake Ke Ren who was sleeping, he stretched out his right hand and lightly tapped her face.

The soft touch, and the cuteness that is visible to the naked eye...

The corners of Chen Xingxi's mouth rose unconsciously, his eyes narrowed into slits, and he looked at Lin Gechang dotingly.

In this world, there is no one more gentle than Chen Xingxi...

(Huang Si: "You are gentle with your horse! The way you lift the tripod is more 'gentle'!")

On the other side of the cave, Shen Longxiao and Wei Tao put their arms on each other's bodies, sleeping like two dead pigs.

Ai Chengxiang sat aside with an unbelievable expression on his face.

Chen Xingxi said in shock: "Huh? How can Ai Chengxiang have such a complicated expression?

Even if two suns appeared in the sky, he couldn't be so surprised, could he?


Chengxiang, what's wrong? Did you dream of something strange? "

In order not to wake up Lin Gechang beside Chen Xingxi...

, I didn't dare to move, I didn't dare to make a sound, I could only guess silently in my heart.

How could he know what Ai Chengxiang was thinking...

Ai Chengxiang stared at Shen Longxiao who was "hugging" Wei Tao, puzzled and silent:

"Last night... Shen Longxiao didn't even snore?

Could it be because you didn't sleep in the bed?

Damn... I actually felt that something was missing...

This is not a good phenomenon..."

Chen Xingxi looked at the two masks that were thrown in the corner, thoughtfully.

Judging from the color of the surface, the phosphor powder seems to have been burnt out, right?

Could it be that Long Xiao and Wei Tao really went out again last night? ?

Chen Xingxi: ||?_?)..."

Poor old Yan, I don't know if I could sleep with peace of mind last night...

Did you get a good night's sleep...?

It would be interesting to say that Wei Tao and Long Xiao went out after a few hours after Chengxiang and I came back...

Presumably, Yan Lao just relaxed his vigilance and was about to start to rest, and was woken up again?

Tsk tsk tsk, it's pitiful to think about...

Kudos to poor old Yan.

touch my head~


Inside the big tent.

The mentors who got up early have come here one after another, ready to take over the colleagues who had a hard day yesterday.

Everyone got together, talking and laughing.

Some people are talking about some interesting things that happened yesterday, some people are praising the "good seedlings" they like, and some people are analyzing the final ranking of this year's beast hunting battle...

Only Yan Lao was incompatible with them.

In terms of age, there are mentors who are the same age as him.

In terms of personality, Iwao is usually not too taciturn.

It's just that he was in a complicated mood today, so he didn't chat with everyone.

At this time, Yan Lao was racking his brains and thinking hard:

How did the Hurricane Horse group riot?

Why were two monitors knocked out at 12:30 and 3:45?

Why did someone let out a scream after three o'clock?

And when I chased it, I didn't find anything unusual...?

Is this a distortion of human nature, or a loss of morality?


Grass! (a plant)

Weird, so weird!

Not only weird, but also irritating!

He made a noise at 12 in the morning and wouldn't let me sleep after 3 o'clock...

My life is so hard!

Maybe... it was because of bad luck yesterday...

Listening to the teachers around him happily sharing interesting stories, Mr. Yan sighed.


At this time, Yan Lao,...

It's like an emoji.

The joys and sorrows of life are different, I just think they are noisy...


In the mountains and forests, the students who participated in the beast hunting battle also got up and resumed their cautious look, guarding against those monsters who had also just woken up and were about to go out for food.

Shi Sanming walked out of the cave. Facing the sun, he stretched out beautifully. Recalling what happened last night, Shi Sanming was suddenly a little stunned.


Shi Sanming said to himself, "Did I have a strange dream last night?

Dreaming of a ghost who looks a little fat?

And I happened to be dreaming about peeing at the time? ?

He just came out from behind me? ?

With a face full of ghosts, it almost scared me to wilt...? ? ?


I feel that this dream is so real, it doesn't look like a dream...

Could it be that I really got up and went to the toilet last night? "

Lu Feng's voice suddenly sounded behind him, interrupting Shi Sanming's reverie: "Why are you standing on that rock? Are you looking at the scenery?

Hey, by the way, why did you suddenly run out of the cave last night? "

Shi Sanming asked with a puzzled face, "How do you know I've been out of the cave?"

Lu Feng said angrily: "How could I not know? You made too much noise when you got up, and you stepped on my foot, I was woken up by you!

Speaking of which...why did you suddenly scream outside the cave, as if you were living in hell..."

Shi Sanming: ||?_?)!!!

Ok? Have it? "

So, did I really see a ghost? ?

A fat ghost with a fire on his face. . .

Shi Sanming: "..."

I must have not woken up yet, or else I am crazy...

Huang Si stood quietly at the entrance of the cave, and said in a majestic voice, "Don't be stunned, just eat something and prepare to go out hunting.

Today... don't use the shameful method of yesterday! "

Huang Si is a martial artist and a fighter. For him, facing off against someone of the same strength or even stronger is what makes him happiest.

Especially the kind of close-quarters fighting that punched to the flesh, it was enough to make his whole body's blood boil and burn.

Huang Si doesn't want to go through the "fishing" and "touching porcelain" battles like yesterday.

It's so frustrating!

I would rather have a piece of meat scratched by the sharp claws of a demon beast than use such a despicable trick!

On the side, Liang Shu scratched his head blankly and smirked. He didn't express any thoughts on yesterday's "fishing" tactics, and he had already rectified his position as a "bait"...

When Shi Sanming heard Huang Si's words, he immediately jumped up: "Don't do it, brother!"

Huang Si: "...

Ok? "

Shi Sanming: "..."

When Huang Si heard Shi Sanming's rebuttal, he stared at him coldly, and Shi Sanming shuddered in shock.

I am a mother...

That look is so terrifying!

As expected of the former "Rookie King"...

Although Huang Si was defeated by Chen Xingxi during the competition for new students, he is different today than he was a few days ago.

Just like Shi Sanming in the past, Huang Si also "knows shame and then braves".

During the military training, he trained until late at night every night until he was exhausted and fainted in the training ground...

Not to mention anything else, just his family's secret skill - the golden dragon body, is very different from that at the time!

At the beginning of the Beast Hunting War, the shadow of the golden dragon that Huang Si shot into the sky is proof that he has gained new insights after intensively practising "Golden Dragon Body"!

Looking at the leopard in this way, it can roughly show the results of Huang Si's practice this week.

Now, he can fight hand-to-hand with the savage beasts, and within fifty rounds, the beasts will be torn apart!

Within the third-grade realm, Huang Si could not guarantee that he would defeat Chen Xingxi completely.

However, when it reaches the fourth rank, it will "change the sky"!

The third stage of the middle grade is mainly to temper the physique, qi and blood. When the golden bone is condensed at the sixth grade, it is the perfect body, "the body is sanctified", and it is even enough to use the defensive power of the body to resist the bullets of the fittest in the same realm.

At that time, Huang Si was very sure that his family's golden dragon body was absolutely invincible!

Shi Sanming was taken aback by Huang Si's ruthless secondly said, "You can't say that, listen to me and give you a detailed analysis..."

Saying that, Shi Sanming leaned over to Huang Si's side and smiled "flatteringly": "It depends on your own choice.

Do you want to fight with monsters and get the thrill of blood boiling?

Or do you want to beat Chen Xingxi's team? "

Huang Si: "..."



This... If you lose to Chen Xingxi again this time, it will be a shame!

No, if I lose a game, I have to win it back!

Huang Si gritted his teeth and said slowly, "I want to win!"

Shi Sanming smiled and said, "bingo! That's right!

Then... we today...? "

Huang Si: "Continue 'fishing'!"


On the other side, Chen Xingxi and his party of nine were walking in the forest.

Chen Xingxi frowned, speechless: "So you two went out for a walk wearing masks at around three o'clock, and ran into someone?"

Shen Longxiao said excitedly: "Not bad! He yelled so loudly that I turned around and ran away in fright..."

Chen Xingxi wiped the cold sweat that didn't exist on his forehead: "And... you knocked down another monitor?" #br...

r# Wei Tao nodded: "Yes, then I took Long Xiao for a long run, and finally came back secretly, making sure that the school can't catch us!"

Chen Xingxi: "..."

Very familiar operation.

History repeats itself...

Suddenly, Chen Xingxi said, "Be careful! Listen!"

Some huge monster is walking slowly, shaking the ground!


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