Sniper Track

Chapter 196: "Brother Niao!" "Brother!"

The sun is just right, and the breeze is slightly drunk.

In the forest, a "farce" is being staged.

The protagonist of the farce is Chen Xingxi.

At this time, he was closely following the frantic general and the overlord lord, "arrogant". If he had a tail behind him, it would have been raised to the sky at this time.

Humans and beasts walk side by side, in perfect harmony, making people wonder...


Is the world at peace?

Is there peace between humans and monsters...?

It's an extremely absurd scene!

The overlord lord stared at Ai Chengxiang fiercely, the poisonous saliva from the corner of his mouth fell on the ground "tick-tock", corroding the dust on the ground to make a "sizzling" sound.

But at the same time, it also had to accompany the smiling face.

Whenever a madman finds that its "service attitude" is not good, a small slap will be slapped.

Overlord: "..."

The 8-meter-tall Crazy General was lying on the back of the 7-meter-tall Overlord, with Chen Xingxi who was 1.8 meters tall beside him.

Chen Xingye and the other eight people were far away, following behind Chen Xingxi, it felt like they were dreaming...

A few minutes ago, no one would have imagined that everyone would "mix" with the warlord-level monsters, and they would mix so harmoniously.

Aren't humans and beasts supposed to be mortal enemies?

Shouldn't they be desperate to beat the other party to the point of genocide and seize land and resources?

Why is it that "brothers are good"...

Chen Xingxi and Kuang Tiao walked and chatted, raised their heads, their necks were sore from exhaustion, and opened their mouths and said, "General Tiao, your head is too high, and my neck hurts from being tired."

The mad warrior twisted his butt, got off the back of the overlord lord, shrunk into a pet dog, and jumped into Chen Xingxi's arms very spontaneously.

Crazy General: "Is this shape okay?"

Chen Xingxi smiled and patted the crazy general's head, and said, "Yes, it's just right!"

The mad warrior shouted loudly, "Don't touch this general's head!"

Chen Xingxi said embarrassedly, "I'm sorry... it went smoothly..."

treat you like a dog...

Of course, Chen Xingxi didn't dare to say the second half of the sentence.

If you make a sound, you have to die...

Recalling what happened just now, Chen Xingxi felt that he was in a fog, like a dream.

Although I don't know the exact reason, the mad warrior really didn't mean to hurt them, and agreed to let them leave.

If you change to any other person with a normal head, you will immediately stay away from this place of right and wrong, and dare not stop for a while, lest the beast will regret it...

However, Chen Xingxi did not take the usual path!

With his left hand holding Xiao Kuanghan, his right hand secretly gestured towards Chen Xingye behind his back.

The meaning of the gesture is—


Chen Xingxi is 80% sure that everyone is extremely safe now.

He had already guessed a secret that the school did not tell the students, that is, the location of everyone at this time... on the north side of the campus.

And not too far!

In the daytime, the luster of "that wall" may not be too obvious, but at twelve o'clock at night, when illuminated by the moonlight, there will be a dazzling brilliance reflected for a moment!

Coincidentally, when he was traveling last night, Chen Xingxi saw that familiar silver light.

Maybe others won't be so sure, but Chen Xingxi grew up in a military camp.

To the north of his home, next to the main entrance on the north side of the barracks, is "that wall"—

City Barrier!

Chen Xingxi, who has been with the enchantment for 18 years, how could he not know it!

The east and west sides of the mountain forest are protective barriers that penetrate the sky and the earth. Only the middle area has no barrier.

And the school's beast-hunting battle happened to be here again...

So, where is this?

If nothing else, this is not outside the countryside, but the boundary line...

Cities and places of urban outreach.

The bus started from the South Gate, turned left and right around Longjing City, and in the end, it only went around to the north side of the school, and did not pass through the barrier to reach the wild!

This is the truth of the matter.

This is not a suburb, it is the so-called back mountain on the school map!

The school does not tell everyone the truth, mostly to "scare" the students and "squeeze" everyone's true strength. Perhaps, the so-called "death toll" every year is also made up to scare people, right?

No matter at this moment, whether there are high-quality powerhouses hovering above the sky to "threaten" these two generals and lead beasts, presumably the arrogant generals are still aware of current affairs and will never hurt anyone.

That is to say...

Most of the students are of 1st, 2nd, and 3rd rank. The monsters that can attack humans are only 2nd-level beasts, 3rd-level brutes, and 4th-level elites.

Whenever there is a change in command, it will be immediately suppressed by the thunder of the mentor!

And this warlord beast has long been conscious, so he doesn't know this truth.

The so-called pursuit of wealth and risk...

As long as you follow these two "big men", there will be absolutely no danger!

If you have just left, you must always be careful and beware of monster attacks.

However, following the overlord lord and the arrogant general, there will be no monsters who dare to attack.

Chen Xingxi hugged Kuantao and chatted eagerly, like a pair of old friends who hadn't seen each other for many years: "Why do you call it a 'Kanantian' general?"

Speaking of're not crazy like this...

Your legs and feet aren't working well. You are crazy. Are you crazy?

The mad warrior shook his "dog's tail" and said proudly, "I have mad capital!"

Chen Xingxi: "..."

What capital do you have? !



If you look at it from another angle, it should be considered a skill to make good use of tactics, means, and conspiracy, right?


You are a sixth-level boss, what you said is correct...

Chen Xingxi turned on the "flickering" mode: "You can't call this name, it will scare the little girls.

You should change to a cute name to please people!

Human girls are like this, so are female monsters! "

Chen Xingxi vowed firmly, with firm eyes.

The mad warrior in his arms raised his head, blinked his big ignorant eyes, and asked, "Really?

Let me tell you, my IQ is over 400, you can't lie to me! "

Chen Xingxi shrugged: "IQ and EQ are different. You have a high IQ, but not necessarily a high EQ!"

When the mad warlord heard it, he was suspicious: "..."

It sounds reasonable...

Chen Xingxi then said foolishly: "Some people are born with extremely high IQs, but their emotional quotients are slightly insufficient...

Even if he is prosperous in society, he still cannot win the favor of the opposite sex, and there are not a few such people. "

Crazy became more and more shocked as he listened: "..."

Isn't that what I'm talking about? !

Same as me!

Chen Xingxi: "General Tiao..."

The mad warrior smiled "beautifully" and interrupted: "Hey... You're born with this, right?

Don't call me general, call me brother Tiao! "

Chen Xingxi: ||?_?)...Okay Brother Nian..."

The mad warrior stuck out his tongue and laughed happily: "Hehehe, that's right!

Who are our brothers with whom? !

This whole piece of crazy mountains and forests, with me covering you, don't worry!

Walk sideways, walk vertically, walk upside down...

It's really not possible, you can also ride a little wolf on the back! "

Little wolf?

Chen Xingxi: "???"

Which little wolf?

Following his frantic little paws, Chen Xingxi saw the Overlord...

Chen Xingxi: "..."

Why do you call this a "little" wolf? !

┐(′-')┌. . . . .

Sorry, I forgot that your body is more than one meter taller than it.

Being tall can really do whatever you want...

Chen Xingxi hugged Xiao Kuang embarrassedly and shook his head embarrassedly, "No, no..."

The arrogant general tutted his mouth: "You look at you, are you treating me as an outsider? Why are you being polite to me!"

Chen Xingxi: "⊙ω⊙, I'm afraid of heights, really..."

Crazy twisted his body, changed to a more comfortable position in Chen Xingxi's arms, and put his little head next to Chen Xingxi's face: "Let's talk about business!

Then you say... what name should I change? "

Chen Xingxi pondered for a while, glanced at the white hair and golden flower patterns on the frantic general's body, and hesitantly said, "How about you call Xiaobai? Or Xiaohua?"

The mad warrior was silent: "..."

Behind him, Shen Longxiao said in a low voice, "When did Xingxi... be able to fool like this..."

I almost believed it!

Chen Xingye smiled helplessly, not knowing what to say.

Wei Tao pouted: "I don't know if the top bosses of our human race also need to deal and negotiate with the peak beasts of the eighth and ninth levels...

If you really need to negotiate, you should send Xingxi over there..."

Shen Longxiao continued: "Yes, as soon as Xingxi came out, he could fool the beasts into surrender, and then let go of the territory and stay in the zoo..."

Chen Xingye whispered: "My brother, he has used all the psychological knowledge he has learned..."

Shen Longxiao was startled: "Huh? How do you say it?"

Chen Xingye: "When dealing with smart people, you have to follow the opponent, and then attack from side to side to find his 'shortcoming', and then use this as a breakthrough point to break the opponent's confidence in this aspect..."


"⊙_⊙!!! (suddenly realized

Chen Xingxi first praised Kuantao's IQ, and then judged his emotional intelligence, leading Kuangao into a "trap"...

Its genius lies in constantly praising the other party's strengths, and then showing it in a lower stance, his "long board" is exactly the other party's "short board", and claiming that the two will cooperate for mutual benefit and "progress together". ".

Only in this way can not touch the arrogance of the wise man, nor make him resentful.


So cheap!

He even applied human psychology to monsters.

You are really the "first person" who pioneered the world, you can't accept it.

With someone else, who has the courage, who has the courage?

Everyone was speechless for a while, but Chen Xingxi and Kuang Nian in front of them were chatting more and more hotly...

Chen Xingxi: "Brother Niao!"

Crazy general: "Brother!"

One person and one beast said together, "It's too late to meet you!"

Overlord, Lin Gechang and other eight people: "..."

I'm really crazy...

You two are really the scum of humans and monsters!

He actually called each other a brother!

Chen Xingxi casually pointed to a fourth-level elite beast on the side of the road: "Brother Tiao, that's it, it bullied my brother yesterday!"

Mad and furious: "How unreasonable! Brother Xingxi's brother is my brother, brother will avenge you!

Little Wolf, come on! "


The Overlord Lord reluctantly slapped the poor elite demon tiger, beating it to the core.

This is the feel!

Don't be beaten to death, leave some residual blood!

Let me collect the heads!

Chen Xingxi hugged the mad tiger and couldn't get his hands free, so he took out a pistol and shot the tiger in the forehead.

The bracelet jumps slightly...

Level 4 Elite Beast, 1000 points credited!

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