Sniper Track

Chapter 230: return

Chen Xingxi fooled the matter of "Sheng Xiang" with haha, and Ai Chengfan and Ai Chengjiu obviously did not intend to chat or joke with Chen Xingxi.

The one who "beat us to death" just now stunned us to the ground. After only a few minutes, you dare to "look for the door"?

This is our family home, our home base!

You must be too inflated, right? !

Compared with the name "Ai Shengxiang", Ai Chengfan and Ai Chengjiu were more concerned about what Chen Xingxi used to make fun of with their names!

If it is a joke between friends, it is still within the acceptable range of psychology.

However, it is very impolite to "make a fuss" with the name of Bie Rao when they are not familiar with each other, and no matter who they are, they will feel that this is a malicious behavior...

It is not impossible for the two sides to fight directly when encountering a violent person!

Ai Chengfan and Ai Chengjiu are the third-generation descendants of their respective branches, and Ai Chengfan is also the eldest grandson of the same vein. He is usually spoiled by the elders of the whole vein. For 18 years, it has been smooth sailing, and he has never suffered any grievances...

How could he endure Chen Xingxi's "humiliation"?

For a while, the shame of being instantly defeated by Chen Xingxi and the anger at Chen Xingxi teasing his name all pressed on Ai Chengfan's back.

It is bearable, and it is unbearable!

Although I can't beat you, this is my home!

I can call someone!


emmm, but it seems a bit embarrassing...

Just when Ai Chengfan was wondering whether "face" was more important or "breathing out" was more important, a light cough made him overjoyed.



Ai Chengfan and Ai Chengjiu turned their heads and bowed at the same time to welcome their "backer"——

Elder Baimen.

When they turned around, both of them were stunned.

Not only was the elder Baimen alone, but beside him, there were also six people in different clothes.

Apart from the Huangmen lineage where the sect master is located, the elders of the other seven sects are all gathered here!

Usually, only during the Spring Festival or the whole clan celebration, the seven elders will gather together like this.

What's the matter today?

Could it be...?

Ai Chengfan thought of a certain possibility, and was overjoyed: "Could it be that... the seven elders are all here to support me and Brother Jiu?!"


Then I'm still afraid of a ball? !

Afraid of a der? !

With such a strong backer, I must not lose face!

Thinking of this, Ai Chengfan's back straightened even more, leaning back against the elder Baimen, he stretched out his hand and said, "Grandpa, he was the one who hit me just now!"

Chen Xingxi: "..."

Chen Xingxi, who was pointed at by Ai Chengfan's nostrils, had black lines all over his face...

How old are you?

How can you still be like a child who is reporting...

Are you ashamed? !

But... the posture of these seven elders standing in a row is really a bit scary...

Being able to become the head of a family and a line in a large family of talented people will never depend on simple birth and "nepotism".

Without a little strength and skill, you can't keep your own family business, and you can't suppress the endlessly talented people under your hand!

Don't look at some of the seven elders who are not good-looking, some are smiling...

But Chen Xingxi is very sure that there will not be a "mediocre person" among the seven defects!

Whether it is ingenuity, wrist, or cultivation base, combat power...

All are so!

Or, even if they are not qualified enough, they have already become a member of the three realms of high-quality masters under the nourishment of medicines and spiritual treasures.

The high-quality products spawned by drugs may be just "paper tigers" among their peers, vulnerable to a single blow, but in front of a "rookie" like Chen Xingxi, who is just entering the middle-level, it is an insurmountable mountain!

No matter how much water is in the seventh-rank, it may not be able to beat the sixth-rank peak and the half-step military division of the fighting fit, but it will never be defeated by a fourth-rank.

Chen Xingxi told himself in his heart:


Ai Chengxiang saw the seven elders coming "aggressively" and felt a little guilty towards Chen Xingxi. He stepped forward and took half a step ahead of Chen Xingxi, "protecting" him behind him.

The aura of the seventh rank is like an abyss like a prison, like a sword peak penetrating into the clouds, and a deep sea abyss.

Seven coercive forces fell on Chen Xingxi and Ai Chengxiang's heads, shoulders, and even their entire bodies.

With a guilty conscience, Ai Chengxiang clenched his hands tightly as if he was facing a great enemy, not knowing what he was thinking.

Chen Xingxi guessed that he should be thinking about ways to solve the "deadlock"?

Huh? strangeness……

Chen Xingxi calmed down his beating heart, closed his eyes, and felt the "energy wave" around him...

No, no!

These seven coercions seem to be terrifying, but in fact there is no "hostility" at all?

Chen Xingxi moved his right finger, but did not feel any obstruction, and was puzzled.

If the other seven high-ranking powerhouses were replaced, the pressure would come out and be superimposed on him, I am afraid that he would already be unable to bear it, right?

In that situation, it is difficult to move a finger or a strand of hair.

Moreover, the heart and brain will also experience obvious dizziness and swelling.

People with slightly weaker wills are directly intimidated and kneel on the ground. This situation is also very likely to happen!

It's hard to do even the slightest movement, let alone the entire Rao action...? !

Until now, he can still move freely under the coercion of Gaopin. What is the reason? .

Chen Xingxi said to Kaisha secretly in his heart, "Kaisha, help me feel these seven emotions..."

Kaisha said helplessly: "I don't dare to confirm the specifics, but at least from the current point of view, none of the seven of them have any ill will towards you..."

Chen Xingxi: "⊙_⊙..."

no offence?

And there are no seven people? !

I hit Ai's family and rode their protector condor... They didn't "revenge" me? ?

Chen Xingxi didn't have time to think about the reason, because the seven elders were getting closer and closer!

The elder Baimen who was closest to him had already arrived a few steps in front of Chen Xingxi, stood behind Ai Chengfan, and stopped slowly.



A crisp sound.

Ai Chengfan clutched the back of his head and looked back at the white door elders very innocently and in disbelief.

"Grandpa, why are you hitting me...?"

There was a stream of Qiushui in his eyes, showing the grievances and doubts in his heart.

I was bullied by outsiders, so if you don't support me, why are you hitting me on the head...?

Elder Baimen widened his eyes and said angrily, "Why did you and I hit you?!

You today, disgraced our white door! "

Ai Chengfan lowered his head, like a shy ostrich, buried his head in his chest, completely daring to look up to meet people.

The elder Baimen became more and more excited and reprimanded Ai Chengfan.

Although there was a little helplessness and grievance in his heart, he couldn't find a reason to refute it. Therefore, Ai Chengfan became the "background board" of this "tragic story", quietly enduring a pull on the side.

The elders of Baimen reprimanded half "his head to cover his face", while Chen Xingxi's attention was all on the other six elders beside him, and even Ai Chengxiang took a half step to protect himself, but he didn't notice it... …

The seven elders belong to the seven veins, with different tasks and responsibilities, different backgrounds, and even their appearance and image are different!

First of all, the white door elder does not need it.

He looked cold and stern, wearing a spotless white robe, which just corresponded to the color of the "white door".

Except for him, the other six elders were of different ages, different clothes, and even different genders.

Among them are "strong men" with sharp temperament like swords, old men like urchins, and old women who look very kind.

Robes, modern casual wear, and cheongsams…

Different styles, different styles.

Different branches wear clothes of different colors. The color of the clothes is similar to or the same as the color of the respective branches, which can be seen at a glance.

Most of the old women in blue cheongsams are elders of the blue door.

On the other side, the blue shirt with white lines and sword-shaped patterns should be the so-called "Xuanlan Gate".

The Ai family has eight gates, and some people sum it up as "four righteous and four mysterious".

The blue door, the mysterious blue door, the white door, the mysterious white door...

Red Gate, Xuanhong Gate, Yellow Gate, Xuanhuang Gate.


After Ai Chengfan was reprimanded by his grandfather, he obediently followed behind the seven elders.

The focus of attention turned to Chen Xingxi.

Chen Xingxi: "..."

After learning that the seven people had no ill will towards him, Chen Xingxi had relaxed a lot, but at the same time facing seven powerhouses around the sixth and seventh ranks, he was still a little cautious...

Chen Xingxi "knowing that he was wrong", and first bowed to the elders.

As the so-called "stretch out your hand and don't hit the smiling face", after Chen Xingxi saluted, the expression of the elder Baimen also stretched a lot.

The guardian eagle let out a long cry and flew up. After circling in the sky above its head for a week, it flew to the north, ready to return to its nest.

Elder Baimen said indifferently: "You are a friend of Chengxiang, and he is also a guest of our Ai family.

Logically, the old man should not talk too much, but some things are still necessary. "

Chen Xingxi nodded lightly and made an appearance of listening intently.

Elder Baimen continued: "Guardian beasts are also magical beasts after all, and they may lose control at any time and bring disaster to the surroundings.

Just like this hippogryph, there was once a record of running out of control in the clan.

I don't know what method your friend used to fly in the air on a magic eagle. I just want to remind you that you should be more careful about everything, so that you can be prepared in case of emergencies... "

Chen Xingxi nodded lightly, agreeing with the words of the elder Baimen.

The expected "conflict" did not appear.

The field seemed to be "peaceful".

After talking about Warcraft, the topic naturally shifted to Ai Chengxiang.

Perhaps because of the presence of an "outsider" like Chen Xingxi, or because of other reasons, the elders did not pursue Ai Chengxiang's previous mistakes, but only symbolically fined him a month's funds to set an example and clear the clan's laws. .

Chen Xingxi pouted, glanced at Ai Chengxiang, and said to himself, "It seems that things are going well..."

As long as Ai Chengxiang is not punished too severely, it is not bad.

After seeing that Ai Chengxiang was all right, Chen Xingxi's heart was relaxed, he said a few more words, and then said goodbye.

Elder Baimen: "Fan'er, Jiu'er, send one to see the guest."

Ai Chengfan and Ai Chengjiu: "..."

Being beaten up and entertaining people.

After the reception is over, I have to send it to others...

What's the point of this? !

The two of them listlessly and with black faces, "enthusiastically" led Chen Xingxi to the south gate of the clan...

We brothers have nothing else to ask, as long as you hurry up!

All the elders looked at the backs of Chen Xingxi, Ai Chengfan, and Ai Chengjiu, and breathed a sigh of relief.

Ancestor, finally gone...

Elder Baimen couldn't help but looked up at Kong, and the blue-robed old woman immediately reminded: "Heart, bow your head!"

"That lord", not everyone can look directly at it!

Hearing this, the elder Baimen quickly lowered his head, stared at his toes, and laughed at himself, with a little envy in his eyes.

After a few seconds, the invisible pressure from the top of the head seems to have disappeared...

The sturdy elder of the Xuanhong Sect said with a heart: "That lord, has already left... right?"

Everyone muttered: "I'm not sure..."

The big man's thinking is not something that these people can figure out clearly, or maybe the big man just restrained his coercion. In fact, he is still watching here in the air...

Bad taste!


The crowd mourned.

What about the seventh grade?

How about the master?

In front of "that lord", the seventh rank is as fragile as a newborn child...

After all, at his level, there are only a dozen or so people in China—

Biography that only circulated among the masters:

"Ten products" realm!

King of Kings.


This episode helped Chen Xingxi pass a lot of boring time.

After leaving the Ai family place, Chen Xingxi went to the Longjing City Library and the Longbow Chamber of Commerce's sales area successively.

Longbow Chamber of Commerce, also known as "Zhang's Chamber of Commerce". Just because the boss's surname is Zhang, he split his surname into the word "Longbow" as the name of the chamber of commerce.

The Longbow Chamber of Commerce is well-known all over the country. Even when he was in high school in the Nan District of Beiming City, Chen Xingxi heard about the Longbow Chamber of Commerce.

After all, the title of "selling everything" is not just casual!

It's a pity that Chen Xingxi was "shy in his pocket", and he didn't see anything he wanted to buy, so he quickly left from the Longbow Chamber of Commerce.

(Zhang Shengjun: "Are you still shy? I believe you are a ghost!"

Chen Xingxi: "Yeah, I'm only poor now, and all I have left is the Battle Intent Stone, and I have nothing else."

Zhang Shengjun: "...")

The journey of life is full of uncertainty, and even you don't know where you are going.

Moreover, you will also encounter some various situations, such as "buying the wrong ticket", "booking the wrong time", etc., and this also adds more variables and more possibilities to your life...

At night, the plane took off from Longjing and landed smoothly at Beiming Airport a few hours later.

Chen Xingxi and Ye got off the plane, walked out of the airport, and returned to this familiar and unfamiliar city.

Outside the airport building, Yu Jinding had been waiting for a long time, and beside him was his car.

Chen Xingxi smiled and went up to give Yu Jinding a big hug: "Brother Long time no see!!"

Ye smiled and said softly, "Long time no see."

Yu Jinding pouted and said, "How long did it take to win?" I haven't seen each other for a month."

Chen Xingxi: "But... I feel like it's been a long time."

It may be because of the competition of freshmen, the battle of hunting beasts, the promotion of mid-rank, and the late night chase...

There's so much happening this month that it seems like it's been a long time...


(Yu Jinding: "Hu Ao, it's because your update is too slow, so it feels long!!!"



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