Sniper Track

Chapter 236: Eagle's Weave, Sweet Love Song

No. 5 replied respectfully: "Yes, my king!

I will definitely complete the task, buckle the eyeball of the 'targeter' and send it to you! "

Suddenly, No. 5 couldn't help but regain his original appearance, as if he was on the phone with Zhang Siqian downstairs in the dormitory before, and he was extremely mad.

Good "eyes" are not eyes, but "eyeballs"...

"Tsk tsk tsk..." "Wang" curled his lips and said, "Don't make things so straightforward...

It's so clear and understandable, but it's meaningless~

Jie Jie..."

No. 5 pinched the corners of his clothes with both hands, only then did he realize the gaffe he had just made, and replied, "Yes, my king..."


After a while, the fifth voice pleaded: "King, I have something to say..."

"Wang" seemed to be in a good mood and agreed, "Oh? Right."

No. 5 said earnestly, "My king, is he the only one of your 'targets'?

As far as I know, he also has a younger brother...and his father.

These three people have the same eyes..."

"Wang" said with a smile that was not a smile, anger that was not anger: "Don't be too full, you people can get back a pair of eyes for me, I'm satisfied, still thinking about two pairs?"


"A family of three pairs of eagle eyes, it's a gift that makes people jealous...

It's a pity that the 'eagle' has grown into a climate, turned into a hegemon above the sky, a hero among the eagles... It simply cannot succeed.

Even the No. 9 of the eighth-rank realm, and the long-established Chou Yingjue, died at his hands, and it was very difficult to deal with..."

Zhang Siqian interjected with promise: "Report to my king, there are rumors that with his original strength, he can stay in Longjing to serve.

However, he ran to such a 'place'.

As for the specific reason, I don't know..."

"Pfft...", "Wang" sneered, and immediately said: "If you can know the secret of this, it will be strange...

When he went to Liaoshen back then, half of the capital was disturbed, and even 'that one' was almost half-dead from anger.

Twenty years have passed, and there is still no connection between their father and son..."

Zhang Siqian, No. 5: "..."


"The one" in the "King of Shadows" mouth?

Father and son?

It's no wonder that Chen Jianxie's eight-rank posture is actually a district guard in a place like the southern district of Beiming City.

It seems that there are many stories and secrets here...

However, the story in this is not something that Zhang Siqian and No. 5 should pay attention to.

In their hearts, the goal of "Only Shadow King" and the ambition of "King"——

A pair of eagle eyes!

A pair of vivid eagle eyes.

No. 5 confirmed again: "Wang, if there is a chance, do you need your subordinates to retrieve the second pair of eagle eyes for you?"

"Wang" was silent for a while, then said word by word: "One pair is the foundation. If possible, bring both pairs back..."

Number Five: "Yes!"

After all, no one would like too much of this kind of good stuff.

One more pair is better than one less...

The more the better.

Under the golden mask of "King", there was a gloomy smirk.

The "King" who stood up from the throne, pointed his right hand diagonally at Sora in front of him, and held it with one hand.

"Tsk tsk, I can't wait to get those golden eagle eyes!


Make it into a card, seal it in new cards, and give it super special abilities! "

Members are dying, and the cards of organization members are constantly being updated, just as the new generation of the Jiangshan generation replaces the old...

And this is also the hobby and pursuit of the "king".

- Collect all kinds of precious things and find ways to create new power cards!

One, two, three, nine...

Since there are vacancies in some positions, they must be filled before school.

The "King" who originally raised his head at a 45° angle slowly lowered his head and stood on the suspended throne looking down at No. 5 on the ground:

"I changed my mind.

No. 5, your new mission is to kill 'Target', take off his eyes, and then try to capture 'Target''s younger brother as much as possible...

I want to wash his past, change his original life trajectory, and let him enter my 'Royal Court'!

hey hey hey...

The blackened younger brother is holding a card made from his brother's eyes in his hand.

What a poignant and sad story this is...?

Exciting and fun.

The dual effect of Hawkeye + Hawkeye will definitely make him my best 'tool' and the most annoying minion for the enemy! "

No. 5 bowed: "Yes, my king!"

"King" sat on the throne, his eyes showing from the hole in the mask were full of ruthlessness and indifference to the common people: "Number four, number five, you two won't let me down, right?"

Zhang Siqian and No. 5 answered in unison: "Absolutely complete my king's orders!"

"Wang" laughed and said: "Okay, I'm waiting for your good news...

Tell me aloud, what is the name of glory? "

Zhang Siqian, No. 5: "Wang Ting!"

【Royal Court】.

The real name of this mysterious organization.

The court of the "king".

The royal court that rules the universe!

"Hahaha, let's go, don't let this king down...

If you can't get the eagle eye back, you can kill yourself! "

"King" laughed wildly, and disappeared into the void together with the throne and candlestick, dissipating invisible.

This "chat room" was temporarily set up with the cards bestowed by the "king", and only the fourth Zhang Siqian and the fifth were left.

As long as one of the two withdraws, the "rallies" will be disbanded as before.

The "king" has ended the curtain call, and the "big stone" that was on Zhang Siqian's head was finally carried away. He straightened his waist and twisted it from side to side, soothing the pain in his back.

Stretching his right hand into the illusory black robe, he took out his card from the pocket on the inside of the left chest of the suit. With a thought, Zhang Siqian only felt that the camel pattern on the card instantly enlarged in his eyes.

A brown camel pattern, top and bottom, is endless, occupying Zhang Siqian's entire inner world.

Gradually, a cool feeling emerged.

Fingers connected to heart.

The refreshing breath followed the tip of the right finger, through the palm, wrist, arm... all the way to his heart.

bang, bang, bang...

An aging heart, beating young and full of energy.

Zhang Siqian feels as if he is ten years younger!

"King" is indeed a god-like figure!

In an instant, the image of the mysterious "king" in Zhang Siqian's mind became even greater and nobler.

Manipulate vitality and inject this vitality into the human body, making its physical health greatly improved...

Isn't this the power to manipulate life and death?

God's magic!

As an ordinary Rao Zhang Siqian, he did not understand the wonders of the world of the fittest, but only deified the "king" in his heart.

How did he know that the "ability" on this card was actually traceable.

Thinking about it, the card should contain the core of some magical beast or the spiritual herb in the ground, so it has this ability to seem to "return the dead".

In fact, it should only have a temporary effect, just like stimulants and other neurostimulatory drugs, giving the receptor a good illusion and immersing him in the illusory pleasure

Perhaps, there will also be various irreversible side effects on the body...

The ignorant are fearless.

Zhang Siqian never thought about what kind of damage the "King" card of power would bring to his body, but he felt more and more that he was great and holy.

After putting the card back into the pocket inside the suit, Zhang Siqian was about to cut off the power transmitted by the card and quit this royal court meeting.

"Wait!", an exclamation came from the left.

Apart from Zhang Siqian, there was only No. 5...

his "partner".

No. 5 is not wearing a black cloak made of cards, but an ordinary white coat with a stethoscope hanging around his neck and a cheap-looking pen in his chest pocket. .

Even on his face, he was only wearing a pair of the thickest medical masks.

Zhang Siqian felt a lot of doubts in his heart.

Previously, when the "king" was there, Zhang Siqian didn't dare to look up.

Now that "King" has left, he realizes that the number five around him is completely different from the others.

According to common sense, when the "King" held a meeting, everyone was in different places in the South China Sea and the North, relying on the cards or other items given by the "King" to draw their own breath, form phantoms, and project them on other people around to form an effect similar to "3D video conference".

Moreover, in order to protect each Rao's privacy and true identity, members can actively choose to let the cards form a uniform black robe and number mask on themselves as a cover.

Why didn't No. 5 summon the black robe, but only showed people in his own clothes?

Zhang Siqian secretly looked at No. 5.

White coat, stethoscope, inferior pen...

No matter how you look at it, this should be the attire of a doctor.

Zhang Siqian thought: "Could it be that this colleague No. 5 is a doctor working in the hospital?"

No, in this way, didn't he expose his true occupation?

still is……

Is this just his trick?

Deliberately wearing a doctor's clothes, so he was suspicious and made people think that he was a doctor, but in fact... his profession is completely incompatible with a doctor? !

tsk tsk...

Zhang Siqian felt a bit of a headache and said to himself: "It's really nerve-racking, guessing and guessing, it feels more difficult than doing business..."

I was thinking wildly in my heart, but it did not delay Zhang Siqian's normal communication: "Is there something wrong?"

If there is no problem with his ears, Zhang Siqian just heard No. 5 call him to stop himself and prevent himself from withdrawing from the power of cutting off the cards to withdraw from the meeting...

No. 5 was a little awkward, stretched out his mask unnaturally, and tentatively said in the direction of the previous throne of the sky: "My king, there are still things to report..."

"My king? Are you still there?"



Ten seconds passed, and the air did not respond.

Zhang Siqian: "..."

What is this for?

Are you looking for something to do with me or to "Wang" to report something important?

Seeing that "King" ignored him, No. 5 breathed a sigh of relief, and slowly said to Zhang Siqian, "No. 4, I want to tell you something, related to the task in a week...

Also related to the organization…”

Zhang Siqian became nervous and said, "What's the matter?"

For some reason, Zhang Siqian felt his heart beating a little faster.

If No. 5 wants it, it's probably not good news...

Otherwise, he wouldn't be so hesitant.

No. 5 put his hands in the pockets of his white coat and said in a trembling voice, " have to keep it a secret for me.


Zhang Siqian: "..."

Why are you so nervous?

Ask yourself to keep it a secret?

Zhang Siqian said heartily: "Okay..."

No. 5 was heartbroken and told the truth: "The card given to me by the 'King' has been lost by me...

Now, I am afraid it has arrived in the hands of the Longjing Police Force. "

"What!" Zhang Siqian was shocked, and he blurted out an exclamation.

Even though he is nearly fifty years old, even though he has been in the business world for half his life, he still cannot control his emotions.

To him, the "king" is a figure like a true god.

Can the card bestowed by the king be lost? !

This is great disrespect!

No. 5 nervously said, "A little bit..."

He wasn't sure whether the "Wang" could hear Liang Rao's conversation, and he was still a little uneasy in his heart.

No. 5: "I didn't lose it on purpose, but when I was tracking the 'target' before, he shot and hit the storage...

That card may have been smashed by the turbulent flow of space, or it may fall into the hand juice of the 'target'...

If it's the latter, I think, the card must be taken away by the police by now, right? "

Zhang Siqian's eyes widened and he wondered, "Then what are you doing with me..."

"Cough cough..." No. 5 coughed unnaturally and said truthfully: "I want to ask you to help me hide..."

Then, No. 5 took out a golden horn cone from his clothes, about the size of a referee's whistle,

"This is the horn of the Beastmaster, and the card given to me by the 'king' is called the 'horn of the golden pattern', and the two of them were originally a pair of male and female treasures.

That 'female horn' was made into a card by the king, and this 'male horn' was directly rewarded to me...

In the plan, that card is not important, it mainly depends on the horn of the beastmaster in my hand.

Rest assured, this will not affect our mission.

I'm just……

If the card is lost, I am afraid that the "king" will blame it.

I only hope to be able to complete this task perfectly, which can be regarded as 'paying for guilt'.

After the incident, please help me lie, just that my card was accidentally taken away during this mission...

please! "

Zhang Siqian couldn't help but take a half step back and said, " could I lie to the 'King'?

No way..."

No. 5 anxiously said: "No! This is not a lie!

If I am blamed by the "king", wouldn't I die in vain?

It would be better for me to survive and continue to be loyal to the 'King'...

I am absolutely loyal to my king and have no second thoughts! "


Zhang Siqian was silent for a long time, his eyes met.

In Number Five's eyes, he saw sincerity.

"Alas..." Zhang Siqian sighed, shook his head and said, "Okay, for the sake of my king, I'll help you tell a lie...

If I find out that you have bad intentions towards the 'King', I will expose myself to the crime of 'concealing and covering' and expose you! "

No. 5 quickly waved his hand and said, "Absolutely not!

I will always be loyal to my king!

cough cough...

After this mission, I will thank you and treat it as if I owe you a favor..."

If not, how could No. 5, who is ranked above Zhang Siqian, be so respectful and polite to him?

Zhang Siqian said impatiently: "Okay, okay, I don't want your thank you.

As long as you are loyal to my king..."

As soon as the voice Zhang Siqian cut off the power of the card, the surrounding dark fog slowly dissipated, and returned to the simple cement wall of the secret room...

No. 5 was in the place where he was most at ease, and the black mist all over his body dissipated and returned to normal.

Only to hear him breathe a sigh of relief and murmur:

"Chen Xingxi, wait to get caught in my 'beast trap, you can't escape!

What the "King" wants, I will give it with both hands! "

Invisibly, a net of "eagle hunting" was slowly weaving, waiting for Chen Xingxi to slam into it and kill Qi Zheng.

And Chen Xingxi, who didn't know about it, spent a peaceful and boring day at home, thinking about the sweet day trip to the playground with Chang'er...

The song of love always makes teenagers and girls intoxicated and sweet as honey.

sniper track

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