Chu Xia lowered her head and searched around with her eyes. Finally, she found the phone that was shattered during the beating just now. He picked up his schoolbag on the ground, carried it behind his back, and limped to the street while leaning against the wall.

While walking, he sorted out the memory of the original owner, and found that there was actually nothing to sort out. It might be the various experiences he experienced in his childhood that made his mind a little distorted. As long as it was what he wanted, he had to get it.

Thinking that the contents of his schoolbag were all the trash thrown by the girl, Chu Xia just wanted to sigh. It was a bit of a test to maintain the character of the original owner.

Chu Xia finally walked to the intersection and looked at the cars coming and going on the street. He leaned against the stop sign beside him, yawned lazily, and asked the system, "Do I need to maintain my character in the future? ?"

The system replied: "Try to maintain the character design in front of people, and it is best to maintain a little bit behind people, but it really can't be maintained, and it doesn't matter much."

Chu Xia snorted, and immediately took the wallet out of the schoolbag, and then dumped all the other messy things into the trash can.

It was only when Chu Xia was taking out the garbage that the original owner's schoolbag even had half a piece of bread left over from the little girl's meals a few days ago, and it was estimated that it would become moldy in two days.

Chu Xia patted his now empty schoolbag, and suddenly felt much more comfortable.

He called a car and returned to Su's house.

Since the original owner was an illegitimate child, his status in the Su family was actually a bit awkward. Although Mrs. Su and Mr. Su did not treat him harshly, they didn't like him very much. The servants of the Su family were used to seeing faces. He is respectful to him, but he often secretly complains about him behind his back in private. The original owner knows all this, but he doesn't tell anyone. It's just getting more and more gloomy and unlikable.

Chu Xia felt that he could understand the original owner's character a little bit. He returned to the Su family's villa. Mr. Su was in the study on the second floor and dealt with the documents that had not been processed in the company, while Mrs. Su was a few friends. Went to a charity dinner together and haven't come back till now.

The Su family has a child who is the same age as the original owner. His birthday is a little younger than him. He is his younger brother. He studies in the same aristocratic school as the original owner. His name is Su Ting. He is the protagonist of this world. Like the new transfer student in the original main class.

This is probably the only similarity between the original owner and the brothers Su Ting.

Unlike the original owner's gloomy and silent temperament, Su Ting is like a little sun, shining wherever he goes, but the brighter and dazzling he is, the more prominent the original owner is.

The original owner hated this half-brother. How many times when he walked on the stairs with Su Ting, the original owner wanted to stretch out his hand and push him down from above, but he didn't want to give up his decent life now. , I only dare to think about it in my mind, and never dare to put it into action.

The birth of the original owner was a complete accident to Mr. Su. After Mr. Su and Mrs. Su got married, they broke up with those old friends and friends. After taking the medicine, he slept with a wine companion. When Mr. Su woke up the next day, he gave the woman a hush money and was not allowed to tell anyone about it.

After the woman held the money for a while, she found out that she was pregnant. She was going to blackmail Mr. Su for a large sum of money after the child was born. She even thought that she might become Mr. Su's mistress. Finding a long-term meal ticket, she naively thought that a successful person like Mr. Su would definitely not let her children wander outside.

So Mr. Su didn't know that he had such a child until after the original owner was born. At that time, Mrs. Su was about to give birth. He almost had an accident after knowing this. Mr. Su finally asked Mrs. Su's forgiveness. He hated women deeply. He not only Don't want that child, and drive the woman out of the city completely.

The woman can only raise the original owner alone, but a few years ago, the woman was terminally ill and died. She asked someone to give Mr. Su a message. If Mr. Su is not willing to take the child back, he can only sent to the orphanage.

Mr. Su was determined not to recognize the original owner, and in the end, Mrs. Su was kind-hearted and found someone to bring the original owner back.

The original owner suffered a lot of abuse under his mother's hands when he was a child. Now he has become like this, and he has an inseparable relationship with his deceased mother.

The servants in the kitchen didn't leave any food for the original owner. Chu Xia went upstairs silently, returned to the original owner's room, took out two packets of crispy noodles from the drawer, and put them down after a few bites.

The original owner is very thin, his stomach is not very good, he eats irregularly, one meal is cold and one meal is hot, one meal is hungry, and one meal is full. He is 1.78 meters tall, but only a few hundred kilograms, and his ribs are all smashed.

Chu Xia was lying on the bed and turned off the lights in the room, thinking that in order to maintain the original owner's character, tomorrow he might go to the trash can to dig through the things that the little girl used, and he felt a little disgusted. The package he just ate. Just wanting to go upside down, Chu Xia quickly found a bottle of water and pressed it down.

Forget it, let's talk about tomorrow.

The next morning, Chu Xia and Su Ting took the car to the school together. The two of them sat in the back row, one on the other side and the other on the other side. There was a large space in the middle. Su Ting held his mobile phone and bowed his head. The classmates in the group chatted enthusiastically, while Chu Xia looked out the window silently, not saying a word from beginning to end.

In fact, when the original owner was just taken over to the Su family, Su Ting had shown the original owner several times, but the original owner ignored it all, so that Su Ting was not willing to put a hot face on his cold butt, and just thought he lived in the house. stranger.

They came to the school and entered their respective classes. Chu Xia came a little late today. Most of the students in the class had already started their early self-study with their books in hand. Chu Xia silently walked to the last row of the classroom by the window. In the corner, as soon as he sat down, the students in the class secretly turned their heads to look at him. Last night, someone in the anonymous group in their class said that Su Mao was blocked in the alley and beaten up. I still don't believe it, but looking at the bruises on the corners of his mouth and the scratches on his face today, we can be sure that this man was really beaten.

But even if he was beaten, he deserved it, how could there be such a disgusting person?

Chu Xia was naturally able to detect the gazes of these little brats, but this thing was neither painful nor itchy, and could not cause any harm to him.

Originally, he was leaning on the edge of the trash can, but since someone knew that he secretly rummaged through the trash can, he moved the trash can to another corner of the classroom overnight.

It looked like he was afraid that the original owner had stained the trash can.

Chu Xia: "..."

Very good, looking at this situation, he doesn't have to go to the trash can.

He raised his hand and pressed his forehead in distress. The character of the original really a bit pitiful.

If he completely followed the original owner's behavior, Chu Xia felt that he might be beaten every day in the future. Before going to school today, he went to the pharmacy to buy a few bottles of Yunnan Baiyao and put it in his schoolbag, just in case.

The morning self-study was passed without incident. The first class was mathematics. Chu Xia boredly listened to the math teacher holding the papers on the podium and criticizing the students who did not pass the exam this time, including the original owner, the math teacher. I firmly believe that even if I hold a **** and **** casually on the test paper, I will do better than the original owner.

The students burst into laughter in an instant, and the classroom was full of cheerful air. Chu Xia looked down at the original owner's math paper. The original owner's grades could be said to be very poor. He only got 17 out of 150 in mathematics.

Chu Xia very much wanted to perform a script of Long Aotian's counterattack for the teachers and students in front of him. However, there were restrictions in this world, and he couldn't let him collapse.

That was very uncomfortable.

After the math teacher in the Mediterranean named and criticized the students one by one, they finally started to speak. come to eat.

Not long after, he wandered off into the sky, wondering who the villain in this world is and when he will be able to see him.

Chu Xia remembered the extremely gentle expression on her face when she left in the last world, and patted her somewhat flushed cheek.

The one who had just promised to be together, and when he came to this world, would have to hook up with another little girl, which was really unkind.

The girl that the original owner liked is called Wen Qing. The family conditions are not very good, but her studies are very good. The school spent a lot of money to dig her out of the original school. Give her a scholarship.

She was sitting in the first row of the classroom, a long distance away from the original owner. The original owner usually peeked at the little girl when she didn't listen carefully in class.

In order to maintain her current personality, Chu Xia also looked in Wen Qing's direction from time to time, but other boys in the class noticed him and glared at him.

Chu Xia was very helpless. He was **** and didn't want to stare at other people's little girls.

After finally getting through the get out of class, the students in the classroom did not leave. Instead, they chose to stay in their seats and peeked at Chu Xia to see if he was going to rummage through the trash again. He stood up from his seat and walked out of the classroom.

If Chu Xia wanted to know the identity of the villain, in fact, he only needed to ask the system, but he thought that he had just arrived and was not in a hurry, and wanted to see if he could recognize the villain from the crowd at a glance.

Since this story takes place on campus, the villain should also be here.

Chu Xia was still very confident in his eyes. Their classroom was on the fourth floor. The villain might be a teacher, a student, or someone else. He walked slowly along the corridor to the stairs in the middle. , many students passed by, and when they recognized Chu Xia, they all avoided him.

They don't want to have anything to do with this pervert.

Chu Xia didn't care about their opinions. He didn't come to this world to make friends with these people. Now he had to find his future boyfriend first.

Chu Xia walked out of the teaching building and searched the playground for a long time, but didn't see anyone resembling the villain. These students looked too ordinary.

There was also a north playground behind the teaching building. There was cheering from there. Chu Xia looked for the voice and walked over. A basketball game had just ended here, and all the male and female voices were shouting the same name - Shen Jue .

In the memory of the original owner, this Shen Jue was a man of influence in their school. He was the only heir to the Shen family, and the Shen family was the richest man in city G.

Chu Xia stood on the periphery of the crowd. The brothers in front were so tall that he couldn't even see a single hair of the people inside. In order to maintain the original owner's character, Chu Xia couldn't squeeze in, so he could only stand alone in the original place. land.

Anyway, this person can't fly away with wings. As long as he is in school, there will always be a chance to meet him, and he is not necessarily the person he is looking for.

Chu Xia figured this out, and was about to leave when she saw the crowd in front of her suddenly separated again. Several tall boys came out of the crowd. Chu Xia looked at the boy walking in the middle. He was tall and tall. , handsome features, shaved head, wearing a large blue basketball shirt, with a pressing aura, it is the students who call Shen Jue, who should be the villain of this world.

He passed by Chu Xia's side without looking sideways. Chu Xia raised his hand unexpectedly and wanted to hold him to say hello. Although this might be a bit unfortunate for his personality, it was just a momentary thing, and Chu Xia didn't think about it at all. so many.

In the end, before Chu Xia's hand touched Shen Jue, someone recognized him and slapped his hand off. The back of his fair hand immediately turned red, and Shen Jue heard the voice and glanced sideways. , The boy explained to Shen Jue: "Brother Shen, stay away from him, this person is sick and a pervert."

Chu Xia is speechless, isn't it, isn't it, isn't it? Has the original owner's perverted reputation spread so far?

Shen Jue glanced at Chu Xia, then withdrew his gaze lightly, and continued to walk forward.

Chu Xia stood there, and the classmates beside him whispered about everything about Shen Jue. He raised his eyebrows and asked the system, "The villain?"

The system flattered and said, "Team Leader Chu, you are really smart."

Chu Xia stared at the man's back, pursed her lips and said nothing.

The system reminded him: "Team leader Chu, the character design! The character design!"

"I know, I know," Chu Xia left silently and walked to the back of the teaching building. He leaned lazily against the snow-white wall behind him, until Shen Jue's figure completely disappeared from his sight, and he lowered his head. Eyes, asked the system, "I didn't say that my character would not let me empathize and leave love?"


After thinking about it, the system seems to be ok.

The system has followed Chu Xia for several worlds. Looking at Chu Xia's eyes rolling a few times now, he can probably guess what he is thinking.

He reminded Chu Xia, "But Team Leader Chu, if you dare to treat the villain like this, you may be beaten."

Chu Xia turned around, walked to the window of the small shop, and looked at the reflection of her figure on the glass window. The original owner's skin was very white, almost transparent, and one of his brown eyes seemed to contain a hint of melancholy. The other eye was blocked by the long bangs. When Chu Xia first came, he was not used to the look of the original owner. Could it be to protect the eyes?

"It's okay," Chu Xia smiled lightly, licked her dry lips, and said the system said, "I already have Yunnan Baiyao and... lubricating fluid in my schoolbag."


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