It was not Bai Yan who shot, but one of his subordinates.

The bullet was heading in the direction of Chu Xia. Everything happened too fast. The kidnapper who was holding Chu Xia didn't react. He just pushed Chu Xia away and ducked to the side by a conditioned reflex, but he couldn't move faster than the bullet. His wrist was punched through a hole, and red blood dripped to the ground.

Chu Xia breathed a sigh of relief, he knew that the villain, this dog, could not commit suicide.

Bai Yan's men jumped onto the kidnapper's boat, and the leaking hull shook violently in an instant. Even though these kidnappers were desperadoes, this time they followed the boss to kidnap Bai Yan's little lover. All the preparations were finished, but the fear of death was a human instinct, and a few people hurriedly got on the lifeboat and escaped.

The kidnapper wanted to catch Chu Xia again, but Bai Yan's subordinates were not vegetarians, so they subdued him in three or two strokes. Chu Xia stood on the deck and looked up at Bai Yan on the other boat. When the light was on, his expression was hidden in the dark, and he couldn't see it clearly.

The two boats were getting closer and closer. Chu Xia carefully walked to the bow of the boat and stepped on the built-up one. Bai Yan stood at the other end of the boat with his hands down. Chu Xia suddenly felt that today the villain looked more handsome than before. too much.

He smiled at Bai Yan, Bai Yan frowned, and said in disgust, "Ugly."

Chu Xia didn't want to talk, did this person still have some friendship? If not, let's go back and disperse.

He winked at Bai Yan, taking care to make himself look even more ugly.

Bai Yan looked at the youth with an even more disgusting expression, but there was two more smiles in his eyes.

There was the last step, Chu Xia stretched out his hand, Bai Yan reluctantly raised his hand, pulled Chu Xia, Chu Xia jumped out, laughed at Bai Yan, and the two rows of little white teeth watched in the sunlight It's a bit dazzling, but the bruises on his face seem to be more annoying.

Chu Xia stood by Bai Yan's side, admiring how the kidnappers were captured. Their ship was about to sink, and this kidnapping could be considered a near-miss solution.

Chu Xia played Lianliankan boredly. Connecting the people on the opposite boats wearing the same color would be eliminated. Most of Bai Yan's subordinates wore the same color, and the kidnappers' clothes were richer in color. Chu Xia It took some effort, and just as he was about to look away, he suddenly saw that the lifeboat that the kidnappers had gone away from had come back. Someone was aiming a gun at Bai Yan and pulled the trigger. Before Chu Xia could think about it, he turned around and slammed Bai Yan. Push aside.

He didn't think about helping Bai Yan block the bullet, he just rushed over and pushed it smoothly, but he just rushed too fast, some water was sprinkled on the deck, it was a little slippery, and the railing at the bow just jumped by Bai Yan's men. Before getting off, they were all unloaded. All kinds of coincidences piled up together, causing Chu Xia to rush into the sea without stopping the car.

When the subordinates heard the sound of gunfire, they immediately came to protect Bai Yan layer by layer. The kidnappers in the lifeboat saw that they could not hit Bai Yan, so they simply fired four or five shots at the place where Chu Xia had just fallen. A piece of red comes.

At the same time, Bai Yan pushed aside the men standing in front of him and jumped into the sea.

"Master Bai!"

Seeing that Bai Yan was jumping, his subordinates didn't dare to delay, and they all jumped down one by one like dumplings.

None of them were able to find Chu Xia.

"He's dead hahahaha!" The kidnapper leader laughed. He cooperated with others to kill Bai Yan's parents. After Bai Yan took over the Bai family, he was madly retaliated by Bai Yan. Over the years, he has been living like a mouse. In the same way, sneak and dare not see the sun. Although the person who died today is not Bai Yan, this person is not irrelevant to Bai Yan.

"Bai Yan, no one will ever love you in this life!"

The vicious curse echoes endlessly at the junction of sea and sky. More than 20 years ago, he lost his parents here, and today, the youth has also disappeared here.

Bright red blood fell on the deck. Bai Yan had just come out of the sea. He was soaked all over, his face was pale, and there was no blood at all. He was like a water ghost. It was diluted to a faint pink, and the last trace may not be there after a while.

"Master Bai?" His subordinates stepped forward, wanting to ask him what to do next.

Bai Yan did not speak.

Angel is gone.

He suddenly smiled for no reason.

what an angel...

That is a…

Just a…

what is it then? He couldn't explain clearly either, as if a ray of light suddenly shone into the darkness, and then disappeared quickly.

He smiled again, raised his head, looked at the still blue sky above his head, and instructed his subordinate: "Continue looking for someone."

On the boundless sea, the snow-white waves swelled with the waves, and the little blood that appeared just now was scattered by the waves, and the seagulls were looming in the mist in the distance.

Chu Xia opened her eyes and found herself standing on a deserted road. The bustling city was in the distance, but it was very unfamiliar.

Just when Bai Yan and the others hadn't found the kidnappers, the leader of the system center came here to visit Chu Xia.

After layers of approvals, the system center finally approved their application, but there were strict restrictions on their coming to the small world. There was only one quota at a time, with a time limit of ten minutes, and they were not allowed to communicate with the team leader Chu. The leader of the Goldfinger development team finally Standing out, he saw Chu Xia sitting on the ground with a bruised nose and a swollen face, with his hands and feet tied. He was startled, and quickly asked, "What's going on?"

The system gave a simple explanation of the cause and effect, ignoring most of the grudges and grievances between Chu Xia and Bai Yan on the bed.

The team leader of Goldfinger looked at the best-looking team leader Chu in their system center with distress. Although Team Leader Chu did not use his own face now, the leader of the Goldfinger R&D team still felt distressed. No wonder the system during that time I often reply to them with six points. It may be because the team leader Chu is afraid of their worries. The team leader pondered for a moment, and suddenly sighed: "The villain has a vicious mind."

"Ah?" The system is puzzled. Although it is said that Team Leader Chu has been kidnapped and Bai Yan is inseparable, but because of this, Bai Yan is wronged to say that Bai Yan has a vicious mind.

The team leader nodded seriously and said, "He must know that an enemy is targeting him, so he deliberately asked Team Leader Chu to act as a shield to protect his Bai Yueguang."

The system vaguely felt that something was not right, but there was no way to refute it, and even felt that what the team leader said made sense.

The more team leader Goldfinger thinks, the more he feels that his thoughts are all right. He thinks that team leader Chu stays in the anti-pornography group all day, and he sees the most real reactions of human beings under the control of desire. Where have you seen them? Such a hypocritical and ugly human heart must have suffered in this small world during this time.

The team leader felt that it was necessary for him to do something for the team leader Chu. The task did not need to be completed. Anyway, the world saving team had never done it themselves, but they must not be wronged. The team leader assured the system: "You can rest assured, I'm here, I promise not to let Team Leader Chu suffer, I'll see if I have any gold fingers I can use here."

There is a request from the system center. They come here to visit Chu Xia. It is forbidden to provide extra help to Chu Xia. However, he is also a goldfinger. There are more ways than other departments. When he got the opportunity, he said to the system: "I have a gold finger that has just been developed, and it has not been tested yet, so it is equivalent to a marginal product. It has not been seen before, you can use it. You don't need to record it, you can give it to Team Leader Chu later."

When the system heard the team leader's words, he immediately took a deep breath. The team leader even gave Team Leader Chu a golden finger, so he was not afraid that Chu Xia would get overwhelmed and give all the gangsters away.

Team Leader Goldfinger rambled and explained a lot. The last five minutes were up, leaving a message for Team Leader Chu to enjoy life, and reluctantly returned to the system center.

After that, at the moment when Chu Xia fell into the sea, he was hit by the kidnappers. Fortunately, it was not the key point. He was in severe pain. The system asked him if someone sent him a golden finger. Do you need to use it now.

If there is a golden finger delivered to the door, is that still a person? Chu Xia replied without hesitation: "Use it!"

Then there was the scene that Chu Xia saw now.

He asked the system, "Can I ask where I am now?"

The system was silent for a while, and said to Chu Xia, "You may be in country T in the southern hemisphere now."

Chu Xia's eyes went dark, and he almost went straight to the ground without an ass. Now he has no ID card, no mobile phone, and is far away in a foreign country. The garbage system can't load the language translation system here.

Looking around, holding the last glimmer of hope that the system might be wrong, he took a few steps forward, and then saw two blond beauties speeding past him in a sports car, Chu Xia was silent for a long time. , asked the system: "What is the golden finger you gave me just now?"

He didn't know the system either, so he answered truthfully, "I don't know either. It was left to you by the leader of the Goldfinger R&D team, Lin."

Chu Xia said, "Thank him for me."

The system always felt that Team Leader Chu was gnashing his teeth when he said the words "thank you".

The shot hit Chu Xia's thigh, and it wouldn't kill anyone, but every step he took would pull the wound, causing Chu Xia to **** in the cold air. I don't know how to comfort the other party in order to make the other party feel better.

Chu Xia's trousers were stained by the blood gurgling from his thighs, and he silently moved towards the distant city.

He didn't speak for a while, which made the system feel a little guilty. He couldn't help but ask Chu Xia, "Team Leader Chu, why don't you speak anymore."

"I'm thinking about something."

"What are you thinking?" the system asked.

Chu Xia said faintly, "I'm thinking... If I go to sell my **** later, can I earn back the money for the medicine and the flight back to China?"


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