Chu Xia woke up a little and swam up from the water, saying that swimming was taught to him by Bai Yan in the previous world.

When the nobles around the pool saw his embarrassed appearance in the water, they burst into laughter, as if they were watching a clown in a circus.

The young marshal Renault was standing not far away, talking with Duke Johans about things, noticed the movement here, turned his head and glanced, but didn't take it to heart.

Johans was the duke who played the original owner ruthlessly. When he saw Rong Wei falling into the water, he sneered. He didn't know which old man he hooked up with, but he was able to get involved in this banquet.

Rong Wei is now notorious, and his stories are not a secret in the circle. Now there are still people who are willing to bring him here, and he is not too dirty, and he is not afraid of dirtying His Majesty's eyes.

Chu Xia crawled out of the pool, soaked all over. The bright feathers on the hat were soaked, and they drooped down and stuck to his forehead. He looked like a little boy who had just jumped out of the pot. Rooster, and in order to be able to show off at the banquet, the original owner painted a very gorgeous makeup on his face, and it was not waterproof. Chu Xia didn't need a mirror to know that he must be ugly looking like this.

I knew earlier that I should soak in the pool for a while.

The pool was indoors, and the water temperature was not very low. After Chu Xia came out, he still covered his mouth and sneezed several times. Like a virus, the ladies with delicate makeup shook the feather fans in their hands and turned their heads not wanting to see him.

Chu Xia raised her hand and smelled the sleeves on both sides. There was no strange smell. Speaking of which, it seemed that the perfumes on these ladies were heavier.

After staying in the water for a long time just now, and his mind was still a little dizzy, Chu Xia found a corner where no one was around and sorted out the memories from the original owner.

Others avoided him, as if they would lose their identity if they said a word to him, and naturally they would not come.

The original owner was good-looking, otherwise it would be impossible to capture one man after another, but after doing this kind of thing too much, others also know that the original owner has no heart, and they will no longer talk to him about affection, and only treat him as worthless. Little gadgets that don't require much thought, come and go when you call them.

Chu Xia rubbed his forehead, and felt that this was fine. He didn't have too many emotional entanglements, and he was not very good at dealing with such things.

Just as Chu Xia was about to ask the system about the villain, she heard someone in the crowd not far away whispering to the emperor to come down.

He quickly got up, took off his hat, and looked towards the main entrance of the hall as everyone turned their heads.

The entire banquet hall seemed to be illuminated at this moment, all kinds of noise and music had disappeared, everyone held their breath, bent down and saluted,

Chu Xia looked at the young man who was walking slowly on top of the attendants. He was a little stunned. There was no word in his mouth that could accurately describe the beauty of this man. .

The long golden hair hangs down behind his head, the green eyes are sparkling, the slender neck is a white bow tie, decorated with expensive rubies, the two rows of golden buttons reflect the bright lights, and the gray vest is dark red The dress is short in the front and long in the back. The black leggings tightly wrap the straight legs, and the silver chains on both sides of the boots shake slightly with his footsteps.

He is the master of this country, the emperor who is admired by everyone, and also the target of Chu Xia's mission this time, Lan Que.

This His Majesty noticed Chu Xia's gaze, and turned his head slightly to look in his direction. Chu Xia hurriedly lowered his head, and learned how everyone bowed and saluted, listening to the system introduce this His Majesty to him in his mind.

Lan Que was the only child of the first emperor and the first queen of the first emperor. He was established as the crown prince by the first emperor at birth. He was cute and intelligent when he was a child. He was favored by everyone in the palace, but the first queen died. Later, the old emperor soon married a new queen. The second queen did not like the crown prince, and often spoke ill of him in the ear of the former emperor, and the former emperor gradually alienated him.

Later, the second queen was pregnant, the first emperor was very happy, and the whole country celebrated, but two months later, the queen was frightened, and the child in her womb disappeared. All the evidence pointed to Lan Que. death star.

The Black Death Star is a desolate planet that is very far away from the Empire. The longest day of the year is only six hours, and the shortest time is only two hours. Apart from the vicious criminals, there are only some desperate people left here. disciple.

Hearing this, Chu Xia suddenly asked, isn't this Snow White's plot? Has His Royal Highness the Crown Prince met the Seven Dwarfs on the Black Death Star?

The system was interrupted by Chu Xia, and he almost forgot what he was going to say next.

The environment of the Black Death Star is so bad, everyone does not believe that Lan Que, a little prince who has been pampered and grown up, can survive here. Besides, the little prince is very good-looking. What will he experience on the Black Death Star? , and everyone will know it by thinking about it with the head below.

But he survived, and formed an army of his own on the Black Death Star. He took this army back to the empire, blood-washed the imperial capital, and killed the queen, while the first emperor was suffocated to death by the throne. From then on, Lan Que became the emperor of the empire.

Some nobles felt that His Majesty was too cruel, but with the support of Marshal Renault, those opposing voices were quickly suppressed.

Lan Que and Marshal Renault were childhood sweethearts. When he was exiled to the Black Death Star, Marshal Renault took the risk of disobeying His Majesty the Emperor and personally went to the Black Death Star to find him. .

In the known plot, His Majesty the Emperor has always secretly liked Marshal Renault, but Marshal Renault was a straight man of steel, and he couldn't receive the signal of love from Lan Que. He met the love of his life at a friend's wedding. Quickly step into love with each other and step into the palace of marriage.

Lan Que could not accept this result, completely blackened and destroyed the empire.

Chu Xia's task was to appease Lan Que and let him be a person.

Because the leader promised to get a living person as a reward when the task was successfully completed, Chu Xia was more serious than the previous world.

But in the Save the World group, a lot of times it's useless to be serious.

Lan Que sat on the throne that the servants had prepared for a long time. Even though they had seen Lan Que many times, everyone would still be shocked by the beauty of His Majesty the Emperor. I heard that when he was on the Black Death Star, there was something that didn't look long. To get His Majesty, he was killed by His Majesty himself.

It's time to let that feisty **** come to see what a real beauty is. They subconsciously looked for Chu Xia's figure at the banquet, and then found that the messy makeup on Chu Xia's face was wiped off at some point. , with red lips and white teeth, it still looks like that. They can understand at a certain moment why so many people know what kind of virtue he is, but they are still seduced by him.

Although he is not as good as His Majesty, he seems to be able to make do with it.

The nobles were taken aback by their own strange thoughts, and they would compare such a person with His Majesty, which is simply an insult to His Majesty.

The banquet gradually resumed its liveliness. His Majesty the Emperor sat on the throne. His eyes occasionally fell on Marshal Renault in the center of the banquet, but the Marshal did not notice it and only regarded the Emperor as his best brother.

Chu Xia watched them for a while, and the situation was different from the previous world. Although the previous world systematically said that Bai Yijing was Bai Yanguang's Bai Yueguang, Chu Xia found out after staying in the Bai family for a while that Bai Yan didn't care much about it. This nephew took it to heart, and it did not match the information revealed by the system at all.

But Lan Que is different, he should really like Renault.

What remained in the green eyes for the longest time was the figure of Reynolds.

Chu Xia liked Lan Que's eyes very much. They were like precious gems that pirates in fairy tales had to work hard to obtain. After drinking a sip of red wine, he felt in a trance that, being stared at by Lan Que's eyes for a long time, no matter what he wanted. , want him to get what he wants.

He touched his chin. Lan Que's wish was to get Renault, but Renault is the protagonist of this world. If he goes against Renault's will, he will not be able to complete the task.

If Renault takes the initiative to like Lanque...

He was thinking about the feasibility of this idea when he heard someone shouting not far away: "Weiwei come here."

Chu Xia reacted for a while before realizing that Wei Wei was calling him.

The original owner's name is Rong Wei.

He sucked in a breath of cold air, which was actually numb.

He raised his head and looked in the direction from which the voice came,

The person who called him was an old aristocrat who was newly hooked up by the original owner. He was standing beside Renault. He was over 100 years old. However, the average life expectancy of human beings in the interstellar world was 170 years old, so the old aristocrat was not very old. big.

The old aristocrat was very fond of the original owner, and was willing to spend money, and he didn't sleep with him. He simply raised him as his own son. Chu Xia was a little emotional. If he could recognize more fathers like this, it would be a good thing.

Chu Xia walked over, and the old noble father held his hand and patted the back of his hand, as if to appease him.

Chu Xia was quite inexplicable, and then he heard the old noble say to him, "I will go to Sata Star in a few days. I have asked the Marshal to take care of you for a while." After he finished speaking, he winked at Chu Xia. blink.

Chu Xia put a blank face, always feeling that this development was not right.

On the throne, His Majesty the Emperor sat up slightly, his eyes stayed on Renault, then turned to Chu Xia, and asked the attendant beside him, "Who is that?"

The attendant followed Lan Que's gaze, and immediately understood which one Lan Que was asking. He did not hide his disdain for this person at all, and told Rong Wei's past.

Lan Que shook the wine glass in his hand, and the red shadow of the wine glass fell on the back of his fair hand. He looked at Chu Xia as if he was looking at a piece of disgusting garbage.

The author has something to say: I am not sure about the update time tomorrow, it depends on the situation

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