Chu Xia is very uncomfortable now, as if her body is on fire, but the fire is not hot enough. leave, no matter what.

Like a scumbag.

It was an indescribable taste. Those medicines had completely melted into the blood of his whole body, and the flesh and blood under his skin seemed to have his own consciousness, screaming and crying non-stop.

The effect of this medicine was exerted too quickly. Chu Xia lay on the bed, his eyes were lost, and he gasped for breath. The abnormal blush stained his cheeks. rush over.

Chu Xia knew that he was not mentally normal now, and sometimes fantasies were a kind of comfort, but he didn't expect that even fantasies could not follow his thoughts and open his arms to welcome these coders who fell from the sky. Don't ignore him, just walk and stop on the ceiling, flying around, as if to seduce Chu Xia to look for them.

In a trance, Chu Xia felt as if wings had grown from behind him. He slowly flew out of the bed and came to the snow-white ceiling, chasing after those strange codes. He didn't know why he was chasing this thing. When the system center saw these things, his head hurt, but at this time, the world fell into a wonderful golden and bizarre scene, full of laughter, but Chu Xia's wings were flapping, and they didn't catch a single one.

Those codes merged into a group of men, standing not far from him, pointing at Chu Xia, leaning back and forth with laughter, mocking him for the uselessness, the birdman without broken wings was flying fast, Chu Xia was so anxious that he stayed where he was. Fluttering their wings, the men laughed even more wildly, until the laughter turned into a pile of codes, and all of them were 0. The scene was funny and full of ridicule.

Chu Xia would rather that his eyes were blind at this moment. He suddenly woke up, and it was even more uncomfortable after he woke up. He secretly cursed Bai Yan's lack of morality, too wicked, and lacked the virtue of eighteen generations of ancestors.

If this were in the system center, he would lead the anti-pornography team to smash Bai Yan's head.

Thinking of this, Chu Xia's face instantly collapsed. He is not in the center of the system now, and landing a phoenix is ​​not as good as a chicken.

He bit his lower lip tightly, and those voices still came out of his mouth. He was the only one in the small, cramped room. The voice echoed in the room, and it seemed that a 3D surround sound took effect in a trance. The more uncomfortable it was, the more he wanted to scold people, making people want to find an ice cave to jump into, Chu Xia simply opened his mouth and shouted, but the situation did not improve much.

The system knows from the information it holds that the people in the Xishan villa area are people who have offended Bai Yan. Most of the people here go crazy after staying for less than three months. Even if they are lucky enough to go out, The shadow left here for them has also shrouded the rest of their lives.

The torture that Chu Xia was suffering from was much better than he had imagined. Last night, the system made up for all kinds of cruel methods that might be imposed on Chu Xia, and even worried that after they left this world, Team Leader Chu would meet them. revenge on him.

I didn't expect that Bai Yan's revenge against Chu Xia was this, much better than the system imagined.

In his brain supplement, Chu Xia had already been ripped off several times.

However, according to the character shown by Team Leader Chu yesterday, it is not certain that he will find the torture more unbearable now.

The system slumped in an instant, thinking that this was over, he must have been hated by Team Leader Chu, and maybe he would have to wear small shoes when he returned to the system center.

Money is hard to earn, **** is hard to eat, he should have known.

It's come, it's already like this, accept your fate.

Chu Xia was completely speechless at this time, her lips were trembling, as if a group of ants were crawling around him, biting at his flesh, not letting go of every inch from head to toe, he was lying on the bed After tossing and rubbing, he couldn't relieve the itch. In the end, one accidentally fell under the bed, but none of the ants that crawled on him fell off.

He regained a little sanity, gritted his teeth and asked the system, "How long will the medicine last?"

"Five to seven hours."

"How long has it been now?"

Although the fact should be difficult for people to accept, the system still told the truth: "Less than ten minutes, to be precise, seven minutes and forty-three seconds, forty-four seconds."

Chu Xia sucked in a breath of cold air, and squeezed out a few words between her teeth: "Bai, Yan, you, milk, milk, ah!"

However, his voice was so low that no one except the system could hear him, and because he lacked strength, his tone was soft, sounding like he was acting like a spoiled child.

He was soaked all over, as if he had just been pulled out of the water.

The whole person curled up on the cold floor, like a cooked shrimp.

A monitor was installed in the room, Bai Yan was sitting in front of the screen at this moment, expressionless, looking at the young man on the screen who was tortured by drugs, his expression was as calm as ever.

The people around him couldn't understand what Bai Ye was thinking, so he stood quietly behind, pretending to be wood.

The medicinal power was almost fully exerted. The young man on the screen was lying on the ground, his body kept twisting, like a shedding snake. His hair was wet with sweat and stuck to his face. His eyes were confused and out of focus. What are you talking about.

Chu Xia kept asking the system if there was any way to relieve the medicinal power in him. The system went back and forth with that sentence. Without points, it could not interfere with the normal development of the world.

Where is this normal!

Chu Xia staggered to get up from the ground, leaned on the bed and walked to the wall, took a deep breath, prepared herself, and slammed her head against the wall, the system in the sea of ​​consciousness was caught off guard. He was startled, and a big bag hit his forehead, but he just failed to pass out as he wished. He rubbed his head and hit the wall twice again. Like a drum beat, most of the water in his head was knocked out, leaving a chaotic sound buzzing in his ears.

When the subordinates in the monitoring room saw this scene, they couldn't help but burst into laughter, and then they realized that Master Bai was also here, and quickly put away the smiles on their faces.

The system made a weak voice: "Team Leader Chu, it's not like that."

Chu Xia was too lazy to talk to the system. He analyzed a wave. The reason why he couldn't faint just now was because the impact was not strong enough, but he really has no strength now, and the small light bulb on top of his head is too small. Undead.

He took a deep breath, perhaps on his own.

Chu Xia lowered her head, looked at her hands, and clicked her tongue.

The self-proclaimed straight subordinates who followed Bai Yan suddenly felt that they might not be so straight.

Bai Yan's eyes dimmed slightly, and he instructed his subordinates, "Let someone go in and tie him to the bed."

Although Chu Xia could not be completely satisfied now, he also slightly relieved the medicinal properties in his body. It was like he was infected with some kind of addictive drug, and he always wanted more.

With a click, the door was pushed open, and three or four men came from outside. They lifted him from the ground. Just when Chu Xia thought his spring was coming, his limbs were held down and tied to the bed. .

Chu Xia: "?"

He stared at a pair of eyes full of soul torture, wanting to ask these brothers if they have hearts.

However, these people may all be blind, and they were not tortured by Chu Xia at all. After making sure that he would not struggle from the bed, he patted his **** and left.


Chu Xia put on a lifeless face.

He can still endure all kinds of pain. When he first came to this body yesterday, the injury on his body was not light, but for Chu Xia, it was over.

But the situation is different now. The time seems to be endless. He feels that several hours should pass, but the system reminds him that it is not even ten minutes.

Bai Yan was definitely watching him secretly, that's why he moved so fast.

Chu Xia was helpless and asked, "Do you think that if I scold Bai Yan now, will his favorability for me drop to a negative value in an instant?"

The system couldn't calculate how much Bai Yan's favor with Chu Xia was now. Only when the value fell below the negative value would the system's alarm sound, and then he would be ejected into this world.

Team Leader Chu's idea now is really dangerous.

If Chu Xia could see the code of the system, he would find that all the o's in the system's program swelled into o's at this moment.

"What do you say I scold him to make him so angry?"

"Leader Chu, stay awake!" The system said in horror, "Think about how the members of the anti-pornography team will think of you if you go back so soon? What will the team leaders of other teams think of you? What's wrong with the system center?"

"That's nothing," Chu Xia said indifferently, "Your group hasn't completed a single task for so many years, and it's not that they are doing well together."


Damn, I want to change the host.

"Hurry up and help me find out how to scold someone?"

Although the system didn't want to be in trouble with Chu Xia, under the threat of Chu Xia complaining to the leader, the system could only help him find out how to swear at him to make him the most annoyed.

He showed Chu Xia what he had found, □□You□□go to □□Mother □□Uncle □□□□Death □□□

Chu Xia's eyes hurt: "Okay, I'll do it myself."

"Team Leader Chu, that..."

"Don't worry, I know what to do."

The system thought to myself, but I don't have a clue in my heart, what exactly do you want to do? Let me reveal it.

Chu Xia: "I don't scold anyone, I'll just say a few words."



Just as the system was about to ask what Chu Xia was telling the truth, it heard Chu Xia faintly say: "Bai Yan, if you don't lift it up, you can't stand up. You're not a man, a dead old eunuch, Eunuch Bai."

He didn't know if Bai Yan was still looking at him, and he just kept saying these words back and forth.

When the system heard this, the entire system would be deformed. If he had known that Chu Xia was telling the truth, he, he...he couldn't do anything.

I hope Bai Yan can't hear this description from Team Leader Chu.

In the monitoring room, several subordinates could not wait to cover their ears and never heard this, and then they saw that Bai Ye who was sitting in front of the monitor laughed.

They all shivered.

The last time they saw Master Bai smile like this, it seemed like it was seven or eight years ago. After that, the Bai family changed overnight. Those who offended Master Bai were either crazy for no reason, or evaporated from the world. No audio at all.

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