The country where Chu Xia is now located is Zhou, and the Great Zhou has a vast territory, but there are alien races in the northern border, which have not been peaceful over the years. , not a long time.

Chu Xia doesn't need to care about these things now. If the protagonist and the villain want this throne, he won't completely resist it.

"This lock..." Chu Xia fiddled with his hand and said to himself, "How did you get it??"

"Ah?" The handsome guy asked Chu Xia with a pure face, "What is the lock? Why do you want to put it on? Mosaic? Would you like to be the leader of Chu? Can you describe it to me? I'll help you find a solution."

Chu Xia: "..."

For the first time, he missed a little bit of the one who followed him in the past? That macho system is now, and there is a difference between the cloud pet and the cloud pet, the current? The system is too pure, Chu Xia is very sad, let himself describe to him what it is Lock, he will have a feeling that he has taught bad children and will face the macho system in the future.

After asking Chu Xia for a long time, the system didn't see an answer. Seeing that he had a sullen expression, after encouraging Chu Xia, he said to Chu Xia, "Leader Chu, how about? Let me introduce you to this world's mission target."

Chu Xia's dream of chaotic palace was completely shattered by a small lock. He stared at the lock for a long time, stretched out his hand to break it for a while, and the front and rear locks did not move at all. He sighed softly. , leaned on the pillow behind him, and said to the system, "Introduction."

The system began to babble about all kinds of villains in this world. His tone was rhythmic and he was very emotional. According to the information given by the system, Chu Xia knew that the villain in this world was named Lu Cong, and now he was a first-rank general. He was of noble birth and was the eldest son of the Peking Marquis Mansion, and the stunningly beautiful concubine in the palace was once his fiancee.

After the original owner brought the beauty to the palace, he asked someone to investigate her past clearly and carefully. After knowing that she was Lu Cong's fiancee, he immediately issued an imperial decree to send Lu Cong to the frontier. During that time, there were frequent frontier wars, and the original owner had the idea of ​​letting Lu Cong die in the frontier.

But Lu Cong's luck? That's right, he is very talented in the military, and has made many military exploits. Even if the original owner is not happy, in order to make Lu Cong feel at ease guarding the frontier for him, he can only be sealed again and again. , until now Lu Cong has become a first-rank general, and this official will never be promoted again? The original owner was afraid of the military power in his hands, fearing that he would turn against him one day. , brought Lu Cong back to the capital, prepared to hold a feast of Hongmen, and asked for his head.

Chu Xia also admired the original master's frequent desire to die. Even if he had the ability to kill Lu Cong, there would be no commander in the border. I'm afraid those alien races would conquer Qingyaguan soon. The original owner also took this into consideration, so he secretly made a deal with the generals of the alien race, and asked their people to kill Lu Cong. He was willing to hand over and send him out of Qingyaguan. The original owner was real?

In the past, when she thought of her own beauty who almost married someone else as his wife, the original owner felt extremely uncomfortable, and at that time, the imperial concubine said that she had always regarded Lu Cong as her elder brother, and that Lu Cong was entangled with her, relying on them. There is a marriage contract, and I want to touch her again and again.

Hearing this, the original owner was furious and wanted to immediately order Lu Cong's head to be beheaded, but at that time he had to rely on him to stabilize the military's heart in the frontier. Besides, he had no evidence. Just behead a man of merit at will.

The original owner was tortured by hatred, day and night thinking about how to seize Lu Cong's military power and let him live or die.

Some time ago, when Lu Cong returned to Beijing, the assassins he had prepared had attacked Lu Cong in one night, but Lu Cong was dead, and nothing happened.

It had been a few days since the assassination. Lu Cong should have been able to find out that the master behind the scenes was the original owner and the current self. Thinking of this, Chu Xia's eyes were a little dark, and he could vaguely see a few golden stars. Gone with the wind, the original owner directly took someone's fiancee, and wanted to take someone's life. If he can live to this day, it may really be thanks to the villain.

Chu Xia pressed the aching forehead. If he sent the fiancee back to the villain now, would he be able to be the emperor for a few more days.

Estimated a little hanging.

And Lu Cong's fiancee, who is the current owner of the original owner, the concubine, doesn't seem to like Lu Cong very much, but Chu Xia only analyzed Lu Cong's thoughts based on the original owner's memories, but Chu Xia couldn't see through Lu Cong either. idea.

In addition, the original owner's death and this thing on him don't know exactly who is in charge. The original owner has offended too many people, and it is not easy to investigate in a short period of time.

After the system finished speaking, seeing that Chu Xia kept his eyes down and did not speak, he wanted to say something sweet to comfort the team leader, "Leader Chu, don't worry, you are still the emperor, you can enjoy this world, even if Don’t worry if the mission fails, the leaders will compensate you well when you go back.”

Before the lock was discovered, Chu Xia thought this way. The question was now that the tools for committing crimes were confiscated, how could he still enjoy it.

Chu Xia couldn't bear to stay on the bed? He hammered it twice. The palace servant who was standing beside the bed heard the movement of the bed and asked in a soft voice, "Your Majesty, are you awake? Do you want to get up and change?"

Chu Xia coughed, cleared her throat, opened the bed curtain, and said to the palace servant, "Pour a glass of water."

The palace servant quickly brought the tea in front of him, Chu Xia took two sips, put down the teacup, touched his chin and thought carefully.

Wearing such a thing, it is very uncomfortable to move around, he can't go on like this forever, if he wears this thing all his life, then why not? Find a temple, become a monk and become a monk, and there are skilled craftsmen in the world. So much, someone should be able to open the lock below.

If it was the original owner, he might be concerned about his own face, and it would take a long time for another person to know about it, and he would most likely kill someone later, but Chu Xia didn't care about that. Things, I just want to unlock the lock quickly, and enjoy the joy of being an emperor before being killed.

He instructed the palace servants: "Find me a locksmith and ask for the best."

Don't the palace servants know what His Majesty is looking for the locksmith to do, but the people in the palace who are serving the emperor's side know better than anyone else, don't you? Don't ask a question? If you ask more, he answered. Get out in a hurry.

Of course there are locksmiths in the palace, no? They must be the most powerful in the world, but they are not bad either.

The locksmith followed the palace servants into the emperor's bedroom in a confused manner. After Chu Xia said a word, all the palace staff withdrew, leaving only the locksmith and Chu Xia in the palace.

What did the locksmith think the emperor was doing wrong? He was a good-looking treasure, but he couldn't take it out when he was locked up, so he called himself here.

That's a really ugly baby.

When the palace servants all left, I saw His Majesty taking off his trousers facing him. The locksmith was stunned, unable to realize what was going on in front of him. What was His Majesty doing? Physician, I am a locksmith myself. I can't do anything else. Is it possible? Your Majesty is interested in me, so I want to break my sleeves with me?

The locksmith's heart was beating non-stop. If he refused, would His Majesty become so embarrassed that he would splatter his blood on the spot.

The locksmith completely forgot at this time, he is in his forties this year, and he is not well maintained. Is it because Chu Xia sees his belly? Big, or his thin hair!

Oh, man, he is so ordinary, yet so confident.

Not long after, when the locksmith saw something on Chu Xia's body, his face instantly turned pale, trembling all over, he knelt on the ground and kowtowed.

"Don't kowtow for now," Chu Xia felt annoyed and flustered when they saw them kowtow in front of him, and waved his hands to call someone in, "Come here first and show me, can you untie it?"

The locksmith crawled over from the ground tremblingly and looked at the lock on Chu Xia's body. Those two hands trembled as if they were insane. "Your Majesty, this lock is made of Yunzhou fine iron, which is very hard. It has to be smelted with high temperature to melt it, its size fits you very well, if it is forced to be removed, I am afraid it will hurt the dragon's body, so it can only be opened with a key."

Before the locksmith said these words, Chu Xia almost guessed that this would be the result, or else he wouldn't have to find the locksmith. He directly asked the locksmith, "Can you get a key?"

This lock is extremely ingenious. With the skill of a locksmith, it is impossible to make such a lock, let alone a key. However, at this moment, he is afraid that he will tell the truth. The emperor in front of him is only Hui killed himself with a sword, he knelt on the ground and said to Chu Xia, "Wei Chen is willing to try his best."

Hearing this, Chu Xia knew that the locksmith probably couldn't unlock the lock on his body. He waved his hand to let the locksmith back off.

When the locksmith walked out of the bedroom, his legs were soft. He learned about His Majesty's big secret today, wouldn't he be murdered? He has an 80-year-old mother and a child who is waiting to be fed. But this little life can't be lost.

The locksmith really couldn't understand. His Majesty just accepted a group of newcomers into the palace some time ago. How could he put this thing on himself? Could it be that it was worn by the imperial concubine for His Majesty? Empress's courage? Shouldn't be so big, looking at what Your Majesty means, she really doesn't have a key, or else she won't let a locksmith see this kind of thing.

The locksmith raised his hand and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. The most important thing at the moment was to find a way to untangle that thing on His Majesty's body. Otherwise, his little life might not be saved.

But he really couldn't think of a way to unlock the lock, why not prepare for his funeral as soon as possible.

Chu Xia in the palace and the locksmith outside the palace sighed together. Chu Xia put on his pants and walked around the palace twice. Before last night, did the original owner not have this lock on his body? , Then last night? What the **** happened? After killing someone, you still have to humiliate the corpse.

Chu Xia looked down for a long time. Fortunately, the man didn't put a bell on the lock, but the scene was even more interesting.

He studied the lock before and after, but fortunately it wasn't completely sealed, just with sharp serrations on the back, want to live a happy life? It's impossible unless another friend is not? It's made of meat ?

Fortunately, toileting shouldn't be affected.

The palace servant came in and said, "Your Majesty, the noble concubine is outside asking to see you."

Chu Xia was changing clothes, and when she heard this, she directly refused: "Zhen is going to the court, let her go back first."

The palace servants were a little surprised. Usually, as long as the imperial concubine came, no matter how busy His Majesty was, he would still make time to spend time with the imperial concubine. Why would he be willing to let the imperial concubine go back alone today?

When the imperial concubine heard the news, she was also a little unconvinced. She twisted the fan in her hand and asked the palace servant, "What's wrong with your majesty recently?"

The palace servants reported truthfully, "A locksmith has been summoned this morning."

"Locksmith?" The noble concubine is pretty? She frowned slightly and asked in confusion, "What is your majesty looking for a locksmith for? What kind of locksmith is he?"

She knew that Zhao Wen had always been lecherous, and although he had a special preference for herself, it never delayed him from finding new people for fun. She heard the palace servants say that he had found a locksmith early in the morning. One thought is that the emperor? Who unlocked the lock? The goblin was hooked.

The palace servant explained to the imperial concubine: "The locksmith is more than 40 years old, a little fat, not too much hair, not very good-looking, and the other servants are not clear, after the locksmith comes, His Majesty will The slaves have all been driven out." He paused for a while, and then asked the imperial concubine, "But Niangniang needs slaves to check what the majesty told the locksmith?"

"Don't use it yet." The imperial concubine touched her lower abdomen and said lightly.

Since that person will not pose a threat to herself, she doesn't have to do these nasty things. If the emperor finds out, she will lose her temper again.

Just be patient for a while and everything will be fine.

Chu Xia put on the black dragon robe, and the beads on Mian Yan swayed slightly with his steps, which did not affect his sight. He walked to the dragon chair with the sound of long live and sat down. Assassination, he was sick at home these few days, and did not go to court, but the original owner knew that he was not sick at all, but the original owner was guilty and did not dare to ask again, and even sent a few imperial physicians to the general's residence.

In the courtroom? Jing left some people who were slapping their beards and slapping horses. They were all singing praises to virtues. Chu Xia was bored, his eyelids were drooping, and he was drowsy.

The sun is just right outside, and the streets of the imperial capital are bustling with pedestrians. The hawkers on both sides are chanting one after another. The aroma of meat pie and steamed buns floats far away from the foot of the city gate.

Wangjiang Tower is one of the most prestigious restaurants in the imperial capital. The literati and poets love to come here. The sound of the silk and bamboo orchestra is so sweet. Lu Cong is sitting on the second floor of the Wangjiang Tower at the moment, opposite him. It was the youngest son of the Duke of Qi's family, named Xiao Tianheng.

Xiao Tianheng has been laughing non-stop since he came to Wangjiang Tower. After Xiao Er served the dishes and retired, he drank a cup of tea and asked Lu Cong, who was smugly across from him, "Guess I was last night? What have you been doing?"

Lu Cong didn't say a word, poured himself a cup of tea, and looked downstairs silently, with the wind and snow brought from the frontier between his eyebrows, as if it would not melt all year round.

"You are so boring," Xiao Tianheng knew that Lu Cong's temperament had always been indifferent, but he was still a little disappointed when he saw his reaction, so he could only say to himself, "I sneaked into the palace last night and put it on for that dog emperor. Got that lock."

After he finished speaking, he laughed again, searched in his sleeves and found a key, he shook the key in his hand, the golden key gleamed in the sunlight, "I see how he will get there this time. bully Li'er."

Li'er in the mouth was Xiao Tianheng's sweetheart. She was from ordinary background, but she was just a little handsome. She was forced by those dog officials to be sent to the palace. In this election, she won a high or low position.

The palace is a place to eat people. The emperor is definitely the one who eats the most. Now that he has sealed the emperor's mouth, the palace should be at peace for a while.

Although Xiao Tianheng's move could prevent the emperor from being able to see the beauty in the harem, but according to the emperor's temperament, how many people will die in the palace this time, but this has nothing to do with Lu Cong.

Xiao Tianheng stared at the key in his hand for a while, then sighed suddenly, and said to Lu Cong, "You know I have no memory, why don't you help me hold this key, I'm afraid I'll be here in a few days. The toy was lost."

Lu Cong lifted his eyelids and glanced at it, and said lightly, "Take it."

Xiao Tianheng knew that he would react like this, but today's interesting things didn't let Lu Cong reveal the slightest news, Xiao Tianheng was still a little regretful, Lu Cong didn't know how to laugh at all.

Xiao Tianheng thought for a second, if his sweetheart was robbed of the palace as a noble concubine, and he was sent to the bitter and cold land on the frontier for many years, he might not be able to laugh.

He turned the key twice in his hand, and if he lost the key, he would lose it. It's good that the dog emperor has been wearing that thing all the time. Did he harm the girls in the harem? He has done a good deed. .

He tucked the key back into his sleeve at will. After two days, the key probably won't know where it will be.

"The thing about your assassination some time ago should have been found out," Xiao Tianheng leaned forward a little, his voice lowered, he asked Lu Cong, "What are you going to do?"

Lu Cong didn't say anything, he just looked down at the young woman playing the pipa downstairs, Xiao Tianheng heard that the imperial concubine in the palace was also good at playing the pipa, and lamented in his heart, then he frowned and asked Lu Cong, "Are you not? Check it out? No? It should be, I checked it out."

"I checked." Lu Cong said coldly.

Xiao Tianheng asked again: "Then you are going to let that dog emperor mess around? In order to kill you, he handed over Qingyaguan to those aliens. This dog emperor really has no brains? He has no brains."

Lu Cong still looked downstairs, his voice was calm, he could not hear joy or anger, he said, "It's just a dying person,"

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