The imperial physicians from the Imperial Hospital were all called to diagnose and treat Chu Xia, but when they saw Chu Xia, they were all stunned.

This person is dead, why did Lu Cong let them come? What else can they do?

The subordinates really couldn't guess General Lu's mind.

Now Lin Mengyue kills this dwarf lord. This matter has nothing to do with the general, and that dizzy lord has no heir, so it is logical for Lu Cong to ascend to the throne. In the future, he will also be in history books. Don't have to bear the slightest infamy.

But looking at what the general means now, it seems that he intends to conceal the news of the death of the king.

What is the general trying to do?

Chu Xia's body was left in the bedroom by Lu Cong, as if he was still alive.

Treat the dead as the living, and the general's brain is afraid that something goes wrong.

After the system found out that Chu Xia was dead, she showed more pain than Chu Xia herself. Of course, part of it was because Chu Xia didn't seem to be in pain at all, and seemed to be quite happy.

The system complained and felt sorry for itself. Was it because he was too incompetent, that was why Team Leader Chu's mission in this world failed.

When he was in the Nanfeng Pavilion before, the group leader Chu and the villain got along quite happily. He thought that the mission in this world should be successful, but the group leader Chu died.

It was him who failed to provide enough help to Team Leader Chu. Before the mission started, he should have learned more from his friend, the macho system. It was him who was wrong, and he had to reflect on it.

After a period of introspection, the system felt that it was still necessary for him to ask his good friend, the macho system, about what he did not do enough. Maybe he would have the opportunity to do the same in the future. Team leader Chu can help him successfully complete the task.

After the macho system saw his question, it replied to him a question, asking him how many mosaics he watched during the task of assisting Team Leader Chu. The system recalled this point. He is still a little proud. During his work, although there were occasional mosaics on the body of Team Leader Chu, it was far less serious than the system center said.

He sent the answer to the macho system, but after seeing his answer, the macho system was silent for a long time, and finally heaved a deep sigh, no wonder.

No wonder what? The macho system couldn't figure it out, and a series of question marks came up in his head.

After a while, the Hunk System sent a voice message, and after clicking it, he only heard him say to the system with an envious tone: "You are so lucky."

The system felt that he was being ridiculed. He failed his mission. How could he be lucky? He didn't expect the macho system to be such a system. He really misunderstood him before.

The people are gone, and it is useless to say this now, the system has cut off the connection with the macho system.

Now they should go back to the system center, but there was no movement for a long time.

The system space seems to be malfunctioning and cannot be teleported. The system has to let Chu Xia wait for a while, and he will definitely deal with it as soon as possible.

Chu Xia was awake, everyone died anyway, he didn't miss this time, closed his eyes and started to rest.

As for when Lu Cong wants to press the newspaper, he also has more than his heart but is not enough.

So be it.

The leaders of the system center heard that Team Leader Chu was coming back, and sighed together. Although they chose this world mainly for the enjoyment of Team Leader Chu, they still had some secret expectations in their hearts. Hope Leader Chu can give them a surprise.

But if they fail, they fail. Anyway, before Team Leader Chu, they never succeeded in saving the world team.

Failure is the norm?

They have long been used to it.

Lu Cong never buried Chu Xia. Except for a few palace officials and his subordinates, the high-ranking officials still didn't know the news that the emperor had passed away. They only thought that the emperor had passed away. He was imprisoned in the palace by Lu Cong.

The strange thing is that Chu Xia's body is not rotten, as if he fell asleep.

Lu Cong called for an imperial doctor, a capable person from a different race, and wanted to save him, but these people were all helpless, just let him put Chu Xia into the ground as soon as possible.

Lu Cong sat on the edge of the bed and put Chu Xia's hand that fell outside back into the quilt. Lu Cong's fingers landed on his cold lips, and the tears he once fell here are long gone.

He remembered that night, when Chu Xia wrapped himself in the quilt and stared straight at himself, but had no focus, he said it was for himself.

Lu Cong thought it was a bit ridiculous. If he really came for himself, why would he pretend to be a clerk and deceive himself in the Nanfeng Pavilion.

Why did you leave again.

He pulled Chu Xia's cheek and asked Chu Xia, "Didn't you say you came for me?"

Why did you leave again?

After Lu Cong entered the palace and knew Chu Xia's identity, the two of them never had a good conversation.

He stayed in the dormitory all day, and had endless business affairs and trivial matters to deal with, but if he wanted to, he could always squeeze in a little time to talk with Chu Xia.

But he? He never figured out what to do with him?

"When will you wake up?" Lu Cong asked Chu Xia's small ears.

Chu Xia was lying here obediently, he would not leave, nor would he respond to Lu Cong.

Lu Cong let go of his hand and looked at him silently for a long time. Finally, he hung the pendant that was supposed to be given to his fiancée, where his mother left, on Chu Xia's waist.

"You're mine now," he said.

He already knew that Zhao Wen was drugged by Lin Mengyue, and he also knew that Zhao Wen's life was held in Lin Mengyue's hands, and he might not survive for a few days.

But Lu Cong didn't care, Zhao Wen's life and death, in his opinion, were just some boring tricks by these people.

He? He also said to Xiao Tianheng indifferently that he was just a dying person.

He could not care about Zhao Wen, but he could not treat Chu Xia with the same attitude.

I want to look at the two of them thoroughly, but forget that they are still the same person.

The dense remorse covered Lu Cong's whole heart. If he could have thought of this earlier, he would not have been taken advantage of by Lin Mengyue.

Perhaps, it is already doomed, he can not keep this person.

He didn't know why he felt such emotion. In a trance, he seemed to see in a snow-white room, someone was dying, lying on a hospital bed, someone sitting Beside the bed, whispering "What? Is that a scene he has never seen before?"

The person among them didn't look the same as his Chu Xia, but Lu Cong still recognized it at a glance, and that was him too.

He was a little sad to think, why they can stay together until the end.

And you can't get it?

Chu Xia thought that after he woke up, the system should have repaired the faults and bugs, and they could go back to the system center immediately, but this time I don't know what happened? The system didn't make any progress, he ? And the system is still trapped in the system space.

Chu Xia walked over. The system was now wearing Husky's skin, so Chu Xia always felt that he was not repairing it seriously, but was destroying it.

Chu Xia squatted down and stared at the system for a while. He didn't know much about the programs in the system space. Even if he started learning now, it would be too late.

Chu Xia asked the system, "Is it alright? Can you fix this problem? If not, go to the system center now and ask them to come and pick it up."

The system thinks it may not be enough. He has tried all the methods that can be tried just now, but there is still no way to transmit normally. He has read the system center user manual from beginning to end. Over and over, he said to Chu Xia a little embarrassedly: "Chu team leader, we can't teleport back now, there may be another reason."

If there is another reason, even if the system center sends people over, they still have no way to go back successfully.

Chu Xia suddenly had a bad premonition in his heart, and he said to the system, "Let's talk."

The system held up the manual and said to Chu Xia, "It may be that you didn't die enough in that small world."

"Did not die thoroughly enough?" Chu Xia thought about the situation before his death. He just went straight back to the system space. How could he know how he died.

But what does the system mean, is he now? Has he become a vegetable?

Chu Xia was silent for a while, and then asked the system, "Then I have to find someone to give me a knife now?"


Although the idea sounded a little bit of a nuisance, it really should work, so the system nodded.

If it weren't for the abuse of the system, Chu Xia would have wanted to roll up his sleeves and beat the system in front of him.

"Where are you going to find someone to make up for the knife now?" Chu Xia asked.

"I don't know either," the two of them are now trapped in the system center, unable to contact other people, the system thought for a while, and then comforted Chu Xia, "This world is an ordinary world, with an average life expectancy of six Ten years, don't worry, sooner or later you will surely die one day."

So he will stay in the system space all the time while he waits to die.

Chu Xia didn't feel comforted at all.

He was too lazy to speak again, the system was a little unhappy seeing him, and asked, "Can I find some videos for you to watch?"

Chu Xia refused: "I don't want it."

The system silently took the video player back and asked Chu Xia, "Then what do you need?"

Chu Xia let out a long sigh and said to the system, "I want a man."


"I want a man to sleep with me."

The system was baffled, what is this special hobby of Team Leader Chu, and he still needs a man?

The system said to Chu Xia, "Why don't you give me a man's skin and I'll sleep with you?"

Chu Xia glanced at him lazily, what was his skin like? Can it stand up?

Can't stand up? It's not the same? It's useless.

He patted the head of the system, tapped it lightly on the forehead, and said, "No need, you? That's fine too."

He picked up the system space user manual on the side and concentrated on studying it.

Lu Cong didn't want to accept that Chu Xia left him like this. Since his body wasn't decomposed, there was always a way to save him.

Lu Ming's medicine was brought from the hands of the aliens, so Lu Cong arrested many, many aliens and forced him to ask them for an antidote.

The gray-haired old man knelt on the ground, he raised his head, his eyes flashed with a strange light, and suddenly he laughed, and after his laughter stopped, he said to Lu Cong, "That's not true. Isn't there no way? It's just that General Lu is willing to take the risk?"

"What??" Lu Cong asked.

"There is a flower called death in Evil Dragon Abyss. If you use it as medicine, this young man will wake up."

Evil Dragon Abyss is a forbidden place for their alien races, and it is extremely dangerous. Even the top masters in the martial arts, go in and die, and most of the ones who are born are also a little disabled.

If Lu Cong could die in the Evil Dragon Abyss, or get some disabilities, then they will be in chaos. When they send troops to attack, the world will be theirs.

The old man suppressed the joy in his heart, and added another sentence to Lu Cong: "General Lu should send someone earlier. I don't think this person will last for a few days."

The world's top expert is none other than Lu Cong. To be on the safe side, Lu Cong must go to the Evil Dragon Abyss in person.

The subordinates discouraged them one after another. If something happened to Lu Cong in the Evil Dragon Abyss, what would Da Zhou do.

But Lu Cong has made up his mind, and no one can change what he has decided.

Besides, the world is not very important to him.

Xiao Tianheng wanted to go with him, but Lu Cong hesitated. Xiao Tianheng suggested himself, "Take me there. I've always had good luck. Maybe I can help you. What?"

Lu Cong finally nodded and took Xiao Tianheng to the Evil Dragon Abyss.

The strong wind roared through the mountain stream like a roaring dragon, which is the origin of the name of the dragon. The roars of wild beasts not far away came one after another, forming one after another.

The people Lu Cong brought were not many, but they were all top-notch experts in the world, but they were a little overwhelmed in this abyss of evil dragons that were full of traps and ambush.

Above the Evil Dragon Abyss, there were also aliens who came to attack, but they came a few times, but they were all repelled by the men and horses brought by Lu Cong.

These people waited for a few days, and they couldn't help but feel worried when they didn't see Lu Cong coming out of the Evil Dragon Abyss.

Until the evening of the fourth day, Lu Congyi crawled out of the Evil Dragon Abyss in blood.

He picked the dead flower, and he survived.

Xiao Tianheng's luck is indeed good, if not for him, Lu Cong might really die in the Evil Dragon Abyss this time.

As soon as Lu Cong came out of the Evil Dragon Abyss, he gave Chu Xia the Flower of Death to serve.

No one knew that Lu Cong came this time? Evil Longyuan actually brought this deceased His Majesty with him.

Xiao Tianheng still doesn't know the news of Chu Xia's death, nor does Lu Cong go to Evil Dragon Abyss to pick that flower? What is the purpose of the flower? I just remember that Lu Cong took a fancy to a Nanfeng Pavilion a while ago. The little waiter in the middle of the house, and then the little waiter disappeared and stopped after a few days of searching.

Speaking of which, Lu Cong gave up looking for someone. It seemed that it was the day he entered the palace. Could it be that after seeing Lin Mengyue, he had some thoughts about Lin Mengyue, so he gave up I met the little waiter I met in the Nanfeng Pavilion.

Thinking of this, Xiao Tianheng took a breath, hoping that Lu Cong would never be fooled by that poisonous woman, Lin Mengyue.

The old man of the alien race saw Lu Cong pick up the medicine and come out of the Evil Dragon Abyss, without missing arms or legs, so aggrieved that he almost vomited a mouthful of blood.

No matter what the old man thought, Lu Cong still thanked him very much.

It has been two days since Chu Xia took the flower of death. Lu Cong also returned to the capital from an alien race. He didn't know when Chu Xia would wake up, so he stayed by his side all the time. Move all the memorial documents that need his approval to the bedroom, hoping that the first person Chu Xia sees when he opens his eyes is himself.

Lu Cong changed Chu Xia into new clothes. When he saw the lock on his body, he chuckled lightly, and then the smile on his face disappeared.

This man seems to have lost some weight, he still remembers the day he just entered the palace, he cut his clothes open, at that time his belly was bulging, but he has lost a lot of weight these days , Lu Cong fed Chu Xia some soup, thinking that it would be better to feed him some meat when he wakes up.

He patted Chu Xia's cheek and said to him, "After sleeping for so long, it's time to wake up."

Chu Xia still couldn't give him any response. Lu Cong's heart trembled suddenly. He didn't dare to think about what he would do if he couldn't wake up like this.

It seems that the long waiting and dormancy in the past are all meaningless.

The next day, when the imperial doctor came to check on Chu Xia, he found that he had a pulse. Although it was very weak, it was a sign of improvement, and he should be able to wake up in two days.

The heart that Lu Congyi had been holding up could finally be let go.

So he was not away from Chu Xia's side for a few days.

The subordinates sent by Lu Cong captured Lu Ming and Lin Mengyue back, and sent them to Lu Cong, and Lu Cong came to deal with them.

During this period of time, Lin Mengyue and Lu Ming were fleeing and hiding, and her originally beautiful appearance was also affected.

And Lu Ming has now become a bereaved dog, no more high-spirited, like a lunatic, Lin Mengyue is terrified, she has always been a delicate flower protected by someone In the face of such Lu Ming, she not only misses the days when she was pampered in the palace, but also misses Lu Cong. Back then, even if Lu Cong was not favored by the Marquis of Beijing, he was in a difficult situation, but he never? It will be like Lu Ming.

Compared with Lu Cong, Lu Ming was a little worse after all.

The subordinate asked Lu Cong for instructions: "General, what should we do with these two?"

Lu Cong held Chu Xia in his arms, glanced at them, and said lightly, "Kill them all."

"Why are you doing this to me?" Lin Mengyue raised her head abruptly and looked straight at Lu Cong who was not far ahead. Unmoved, Lin Mengyue only felt extremely aggrieved. Although she was really bad to Lu Cong back then, after entering the palace, she even instigated Shun Jun to kill Lu Cong several times. Even so, in order to survive, Lin Mengyue, She could say anything? She cried and complained to Lu Cong, "I entered the palace for you, and I made you a first-class general because I spoke so kindly beside the drowning lord. And for you? Killing this stupid prince, how can you treat me like this?"

When Lu Cong heard Lin Mengyue's words, he thought it was ridiculous. She entered the palace for herself? Nice words?

Lu Cong hugged Chu Xia's hands, lowered his head and kissed Chu Xia's cheek.

Then he looked up at Lin Mengyue and asked him: "You said, why did I want to kill you?"

Lin Mengyue was stunned. She cried so hard just now that she didn't notice that Lu Cong was holding a person in her arms, not to mention that this person was still the faint-hearted prince she described.

What was Lu Cong doing just now?

he? kissed him??

What does it mean?

Lin Mengyue? Time actually forgot words, Lu Cong he?, he?

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