No matter how sharp Chu Xia's words were, he remained unmoved, as if the man named Bai in Chu Xia's mouth had nothing to do with him, he didn't even raise his eyebrows, and was completely immersed in his own world.

Chu Xia looked down, wanting to see if Bai Yan was really not good enough, but at this time Bai Yan was sitting on his legs, so that he couldn't see the slightest.

He was helpless and asked the system: "Your favorability sensing system really doesn't work, right?"

"I just sent it to the system center for repair."

Chu Xia heard the key and asked, "That is to say, even if Bai Yan's favorability for me dropped to a negative value just now, no one reminded me."

System: "He doesn't look like his favorability has dropped to a negative value."

Chu Xia: "..."

Although he didn't really want to admit it, Bai Yan didn't look very angry.

Chu Xia couldn't help but wonder in a daze, if he had done too many crimes in the past, and beat Mosaic too thoroughly during the eradication of the **** group, which led to too much resentment in the world, and only ended up in such a field today.

Chu Xia had seen so many videos of hosts doing missions, whether they succeeded or failed, they were all different from her current situation.

What about the villain of the newspaper office? Why be so kind to yourself?

Chu Xia subconsciously wanted to touch her chin to ponder, and as soon as she exerted force on her hand, she remembered that she was being tied to the bed, unable to move, and that annoying medicine, one day he would definitely let Bai Yan taste it too. Taste the medicine.

Bai Yan turned the document in his hand one more page. After reading a few lines, he suddenly realized that something was wrong. The young man who had been humming and swearing had stopped at some point, and there was only a string of ups and downs in the room. Fu's gasping sound, if you say quiet, is not as quiet as the study room on weekdays, but it made him a little uncomfortable. He raised his head and asked Chu Xia, "Why don't you say it?"

Chu Xia blinked, still not forgetting to provoke Bai Yan, he said provocatively, "Are you teaching me to do things?"

The system sucked in a breath of cold air.

However, there was still no anger on Bai Yan's face. He put down the document in his hand and glanced over Chu Xia's body, as if his eyes could be transformed into reality, like a soft feather sliding slowly over Chu Xia's skin. , he was just about to be suppressed, and the medicinal properties were stirred up again, and it was even more turbulent than before, like an unstoppable mountain torrent and tsunami, drowning his whole person in it.

He stuck his head out, trying to struggle to get out, but the old dog Bai Yan pushed him back again.

Bai Yan stood up from the chair and looked down at Chu Xia. He knew that the young man was in the same boy group as his nephew, but the young man's figure was really bad, like a chicken with a thin layer of sweat stuck on it. Coupled with those blue-purple bruises and abnormal blushes, it made people look unappetizing.

Bai Yan asked, "Want to loosen the bond?"

Chu Xia's eyes brightened slightly. Could it be that Bai Yan's conscience found out that he was a person?

He couldn't help but murmured in his heart and asked the system, "Is he lured by my lust?"

The system let out a long sigh, feeling that the codes in his body had dropped again, thinking that Chu Xia hadn't looked in the mirror since he came to this world last night, and he swallowed the words that came to his lips.

Forget it, let Team Leader Chu have a dream.

He must not know how ugly he is now with a bruised nose and a swollen face.

At some point in Bai Yan's hand, there was a silver knife. The blade reflected a silver light and fell on Chu Xia's thigh. Chu Xia's heart throbbed and asked the system, "Bai Yan doesn't eat human flesh, right?"

System: "'s hard to say, it's not shown in the data."

Although Chu Xia really wanted to be eaten by Bai Yan, it was definitely not the way to eat it. He stared straight at the knife in Bai Yan's hand, and the worry in his heart suddenly overwhelmed the desire created by the drug.

Even if he wants to eat, he should be washed and rinsed in advance. Chu Xia saw Bai Yan come to the end of the bed, what happened? Do you still want to start eating from your calves? Will the calf meat be more tender?

Bai Yan looked down at him, the young man's eyes were red and watery, his left cheek was swollen high, and the corner of his mouth was scratched and bruised, which was really not good-looking.

Bai Yan frowned slightly, picked up the knife and cut the rope tied to Chu Xia's two ankles, then lowered his head and glanced at the knife in his hand with disgust, as if there was something dirty on it.

Chu Xia's legs could move freely, and he was sure that Bai Yan didn't use the knife to eat his own flesh, but after he cut the rope on his feet, he stopped and did nothing. He couldn't reach the uncomfortable place with his feet. What's the use of just undoing the rope on the ankle?

He looked at Bai Yan eagerly, and Bai Yan met his bright, water-soaked eyes, inexplicably thinking of a dog he had raised when he was a child.

Chu Xia met Bai Yan's eyes, and immediately grinned, revealing two rows of little white teeth, and said, "Dad, can you loosen the grip on my hand?"

Bai Yan: "..."


Seeing Bai Yan ignored him, Chu Xia became more attentive and called out, "Dad? Grandpa? Ancestor?"

Bai Yan now has a better understanding of the brazenness of young people. He has no sense of shame in any respect, shameless and greedy for pleasure.

Chu Xia begged for a long time, but Bai Yan still didn't respond. Chu Xia changed his face in a second and cursed, "Damn pervert."

The power of the medicine was stronger than before, and he kept writhing on the bed angrily, like a blown up puffer fish, like a stranded mermaid. Bai Yan was satisfied with his current state, and returned to the chair to sit down leisurely. Continue to process the remaining documents, no matter what kind of strange sound Chu Xia makes, it seems that he is not the person in the room.

Chu Xia was exhausted after making trouble for a long time, so she asked the system helplessly, "What else can I do now?"

Bai Yan only liberated his legs, which didn't help him in his current situation. On the contrary, it seemed even more unbearable.

"Team Leader Chu, you can ride a bicycle in the air." Probably to make Chu Xia feel better, the system added, "Slim legs."

skinny mom!

After Chu Xia finally survived the nearly seven hours, the medicinal power in his body gradually subsided. Bai Yan also handled the documents in his hand and left the room. It seemed that he came here to listen to the pain of Chu Xia being tortured. moan.

The subordinates outside stood up immediately when they saw it, and when they looked up, they found that Master Bai had a smile on his face!

This kind of smile is different from the gloomy smile shown in the monitoring room. It can be seen that Master Bai is in a really good mood now, so what did Master Bai and that kid do in the room just now?

Chu Xia in the room was comparable to a Japanese dog. If he spoke from the facts, he would not be as comfortable as a Japanese dog.

After Bai Yan left, someone came in and untied the rope on Chu Xia's hand. Chu Xia was paralyzed on the bed like a pool of mud, not wanting to move at all.

He thought this was the end, but it was the beginning.

For the next few days, Chu Xia would be fed a bowl of medicine, and then Bai Yan came over with a pile of documents. Accompanied by his painful whimper, the document processing seemed to be more efficient than usual.

Chu Xia felt that doing seiyuu for Bai Yan now seemed to be his job. This job was more painful than 007, and it would cost him at least ten years of life.

The leader of the Save the World team is a liar. He said that the man with tall six-pack abs was up to him to choose, but it turned out that he was only allowed to see and not touch, who could live this day.

The favorability sensor system was sent for inspection, and there were no problems. That is to say, so far, Bai Yan's favorability toward Chu Xia has never dropped to a negative value.

After the system learned of this result, it didn't know whether to say Bai Yan was awesome or Team Leader Chu was awesome.

After Chu Xia was exhausted, he felt that he should plan whether he could escape from here. The system did not approve of Chu Xia escaping. Even if he did, he didn't have an ID card now.

Chu Xia was startled and asked in horror, "I still have to work?"

Didn't he come on vacation?


Isn't it normal to have a job?

The system said to Chu Xia, "There should be some work-related parts in the memory you received. You can recall it carefully now."

Chu Xia checked the original owner's memory and found that there was indeed a supporting actor in a big internet movie waiting for him to appear.

Now that he is trapped here in Xishan, there is definitely no way to make that big online movie, and Chu Xia can't pay the liquidated damages now. Chu Xia said in a whimsical way: "Will they force me to sell myself to pay back the money?"


Chu Xia was silent for a moment, and when the system thought he gave up this ridiculous idea, he heard him ask again, "Will Bai Yan be watching when I sell myself?"


He wanted to ask Chu team leader Bai Yan why he was watching from the side?

Chu Xia imagined that one day he would be forced to sell himself to pay back the money. Dozens of men surrounded him, while Bai Yan could only watch all this incompetently and furiously.

The system listened to Chu Xia's voice gradually lengthening and changing its tone, as if it was wrapped in honey and syrup, and then the voice stopped abruptly.

The system also wanted to ask if Chu Xia was uncomfortable, and was stimulated by the villain, and then found that Chu Xia's voice had been muted.


People can't, at least they shouldn't.

Beside him came Bai Yan's inexplicably low laughter, with a three-point ridicule, and the remaining seven-point Chu Xia was not able to distinguish between the ruthless and maddening palette of evil spirits.

Not funny anyway.

Chu Xia was still sad. He turned his head to look at Bai Yan eagerly, his eyes were wet, and inexplicably a little more clever, like curling up by the trash can on a winter evening, looking at the kitten with dried fish in the hands of passers-by, making a meow. to cry.

Ordinary people would not be able to hold back their pity when they saw this scene, put their little dried fish in front of it, or take it home to help it through this cold winter, but Bai Yan is cold-blooded and ruthless. , and want to make him more pitiful.

He tapped twice with his fingers on the table in front of him, thinking about adding more doses to Chu Xia's medicine tomorrow.

Bai Yan didn't stay here today until all the medicinal effects of Chu Xia's body receded. At about noon, someone knocked on the door and came in and said to Bai Yan, "Back to Master Bai, Young Master Bai is back."

The Bai Shao in his mouth was naturally Bai Yijing, the protagonist of this world. Bai Yan, who was concentrating on processing documents, stopped when he heard this, raised his head, and glanced at Chu Xia, who was lying on the bed and humming non-stop.

Chu Xia noticed Bai Yan's gaze, what happened? Could it be that he had to call his nephew over to see him together.

Then you guys surnamed Bai are too good at playing!

Bai Yan left the Xishan villa, and Chu Xia, who was tied to the bed, didn't feel any better because of it. The system was still instilling Bai Yan's obsession with Bai Yijing in his mind.

Chu Xia didn't want to listen, he only wanted men.

It was sunny and sunny outside, and the sky was clear.

Bai Yijing stood obediently at the door. He had just returned from the show, and before he had time to change his clothes, he was red, green and green, like a mascot. Seeing Bai Yan's return, he immediately said respectfully to Bai Yan, "Uncle."

Although they all said that he was the only person Bai Ye cared about, Bai Yijing did not feel too much preferential treatment from Bai Yan. Every time he met Bai Yan, it was like a mouse meeting a cat. Dare to be a little bit presumptuous.

In the past few days, someone called to tell him that his uncle was hiding in the golden house at the Xishan Villa.

Bai Yijing thought to himself what the **** are you talking about! Let's not talk about where the West Mountain is, and his uncle can hide his beauty in a golden house? A sow can climb a tree, but his uncle can't do it.

Back then, Bai Yijing didn't know where he heard that his uncle opened a house with a male star in the entertainment industry. For all these years, there has been no one around his uncle. Bai Yijing thought that his uncle was finally going to have sex. A Baidu Cloud super member with senior research in this area deliberately leaned over and asked Bai Yan, "Uncle, do you know how men and men do. Love?"

Bai Yan glanced at him and said something disgusting lightly.

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