Play with the kids on it? Ye Qing almost laughed at this moment, he didn't know his own? Where did this anger come from, obviously Qin Jiangtian, an old pervert, had found a group of new people and didn't play with himself, why was he angry? He couldn't ask for it! He should find some young, good-looking boys to send to his bed!

The housekeeper also didn't understand why Ye Qingdu suddenly changed his face, and this face became more and more ugly, and it would be dripping water after a while.

The housekeeper asked carefully: "What's the matter? Are you uncomfortable?"

Ye Qing was aware of his abnormality, and quickly suppressed the abnormal color on his face. He looked gentle and amiable again. He continued to ask the housekeeper: "It's okay? I can go. Look? Look?"

The housekeeper hesitated: "This is not good."

In the past few days, they have also seen it. Master Qin really intends to raise Ye Qing as his son. At this time, Master Qin is having a lot of fun on it. He is a little unreasonable when he goes up.

But this time, Master Qin called so many people up at once, but the housekeeper was actually a little worried. After this year, Master Qin will be 36 or 16 years old, and he is not young anymore. Playing with so many young people, He didn't know if his body could take it or not, so he called the doctor and waited downstairs, fearing that Master Qin would have an accident.

"I'll take a look," Ye Qingdu said, "I'm a little worried about godfather, have the identities and backgrounds of those people been investigated?"

The housekeeper smiled and said, "It's someone Du Zhong found, so there shouldn't be any problems."

Du Zhong has always been prudent and proper in his work. He should have checked the identities and backgrounds of those people. There must be no problem with those who can be sent to Master Qin.

Du Zhong... Ye Qingdu's expression became more earnest, and he said to the housekeeper, "Let me take a look? I'm always worried."

The housekeeper did not dare to make a decision without authorization, he said to Ye Qing, "Then let me ask Master Qin."

"Thank you housekeeper." Ye Qing smiled at the housekeeper in front of him.

The servants of the Qin family like Ye Qingdu very much. This young man is very polite, no matter when he first came to the Qin family, or now he has become the Qin family's other half masters. It's all an attitude, never looked down on these servants because of the change of their status.

There are not many young people with this quality nowadays.

Ye Qing went upstairs with the housekeeper. Every room in the Qin family's villa has good sound insulation, but even so, you can still hear the music and frolic from the huge conference room in the middle. Sound, you can see how happy the people inside are having fun.

The smile on Ye Qingdu's face widened a bit, and the housekeeper glanced at it inadvertently, feeling a little scary.

The housekeeper walked to the door, knocked on the door, and stood respectfully aside, after a while, the door was opened, and the housekeeper walked in and stopped at the door.

The housekeeper thought that the scene in the room would be **** and messy, but everyone's clothes were still in good condition. They were wearing them, but there were two young men standing in front of them with microphones in their hands and singing duet, and two backing dancers for them. , while Master Qin was sitting on the sofa, surrounded by young men joking with him.

"What's wrong?" Chu Xia asked the housekeeper standing at the door.

The housekeeper said, "Young Master Ye is back, I want to come and see you."

Chu Xia refused to say, "No need, let him rest early."

When Chu Xia's voice fell, Ye Qing pushed the door open, walked in from the outside, stood behind the housekeeper, and called to Chu Xia, "Godfather..."

Chu Xia was sitting on the sofa. If it weren't for the fact that there were a group of people around him who seemed to be in love, he would have liked to take off his clothes immediately? Men, he is sitting upright now? While listening to a grand classical concert, Ye Qing stood at the door and asked, "Godfather, what are you doing?"

What is Ye Qing doing? Can't you see?

Chu Xia sighed in her heart that originally these young people were quite good-looking, but when Ye Qing came, they made them look like a dog's tail.

Why is Ye Qingdu so idle? He should not hurry up and try to break into the Qin family's interior and overthrow himself. How can he still have time to care about his nightlife.

Chu Xia took the red wine that was handed over, took a sip, and asked coldly, "Why are you here?"

He has always had this attitude here. The young boys brought by Du Zhong were startled when they saw his indifferent expression at first, thinking that Master Qin was not satisfied with him, and then everyone played here. Only then did I realize that Qin Ye had such an indifferent face most of the time, and only occasionally would he smile, which made the boys wonder if Qin Ye was really looking for him to go to bed? What does it look like? It looks like their dean. As soon as Master Qin opened his mouth, they couldn't help standing upright, drooping their heads, and obeying the instructions obediently. But in Ye Qingdu's eyes, it's a different meaning. Just now, this person was joking with these young men. When he saw him, his face changed immediately, so he didn't want to see himself? Also, he is happy here now? Of course he doesn't want to see himself.

Ye Qingdu seemed to have a raging fire in his heart, looking at the young boy in the room, he burned his reason and wisdom, but soon he calmed down and said to Chu Xia: " I'm a little worried about godfather."

What's there to worry about?? Chu Xia murmured, he had a lot of fun with the little brothers here, Ye Qing has to leave now, he will thank this godson.

Seeing that Chu Xia didn't speak, Ye Qing took two steps forward and stopped not far from the sofa. He asked Chu Xia, "Godfather hasn't told me what this is for?"

Chu Xia looked up at Ye Qingdu. For some unknown reason, he felt that Ye Qingdu's expression looked a little gloomy, but when the lights flickered, everything became normal again. Ye Qingdu's eyes were full of The concern and worry, I should have just seen it wrong, Chu Xia said lightly: "Find someone to sleep with."

It's hard to imagine that when he said this, Chu Xia still maintained his iceberg face, as if going to bed would make no difference for him to eat, but now he was just choosing a dish to his heart's content.

The question Ye Qing wanted to ask has already been answered at this time, and he should not stay here.

"Why are you still here?" Chu Xia asked. The boys around him, after they came from Ye Qingdu, all have their eyes floating on Ye Qingdu's body, and the ones in their hands? The wine glass was handed to Ye Qingdu, and he graciously called Ye Shao to drink. Chu Xia could fully understand their behavior that they couldn't control their eyes when they saw the beauty, but as the gold owner who paid the money, see? Still a little dissatisfied with this scene.

Chu Xia looked around at the boys and found that only in the corner of the sofa on the left was a young man in a white shirt still looking at him. The white shirt was printed with a golden robot cat, and those eyes were sparkling, as if he was A stack of banknotes just taken out of the bank.

Okay, this little guy can actually see through the phenomenon? The essence, Chu Xia immediately decided that it was him tonight, but his look made Chu Xia very worried, wouldn't it be a zero again?

Forget it, he should believe in Du Zhong's ability.

Chu Xia waited for a while, neither? When Ye Qingdu answered, and Ye Qingdu left, there was a smile on the corner of his mouth, but there was not much smile in his eyes, he asked: "Is it possible? You want to stay too. down?"

This sounds like a bit of ridicule. Those with a thin skin should leave immediately, and Ye Qingdu is now Chu Xia's serious son, what can he do here? Accompanying his godfather to the election?

The housekeeper frowned indistinctly, Ye Qing is always winking when he sees him, how can he be so in front of Qin Ye today? I don't know the importance of it, and when Qin Ye gets angry, can there be him? Looks good.

Ye Qing had to have some brains, so he should leave now, but he didn't. He said to Chu Xia, "If my godfather needs it, of course I'm willing to stay."

Although it sounds tempting, Chu Xia really doesn't want Ye Qingdu to touch these things again. He said that if he wants to accept Ye Qingdu as a son, then it can only be a son. Don't think about anything else. Said: "No need, you go back to rest early."

Chu Xia suspected that he was on the island? Those years left a lot of shadows on Ye Qingdu's heart, so he is just like this now. He should hire a psychiatrist for Ye Qingdu, give him a good look? ?, Chu Xia made a decision in her heart, and wait until tomorrow to find time to explain this matter to Du Zhong.

Du Zhong is really very useful, look at the handsome guys around him, Chu Xia wants to bring Du Zhong back to the system center and introduce him to a system job.

Taking advantage of this, Chu Xia remembered that the leaders of the system center had promised him to let him bring a living person back, but because of the lack of energy, it has not been successful. I don't know if they have any new ideas. exhibition.

No need, go to rest early...

Ye Qing heard this? At that time, he almost broke the wine glass in his hand. Is his own life so rotten? To make him dislike it to such an extent, he clearly enjoyed it that night, but he didn't recognize anything in the blink of an eye. Don't tell him that Chu Xia's reaction that night was all disguised.

Ye Qingdu was still standing there. The lively party had already quieted down. Everyone could sense that the atmosphere between Chu Xia and Ye Qingdu was a little abnormal, but what was the abnormality? Can't say much.

Could it be that Qin Ye was always chaotic and abandoned? And then gave Ye Qingdu the title of a godson? But if this is the case, when will Master Qin throw them away!

Ye Qing has calmed down and considered whether he should stay in this situation. He knew in his heart that in this situation, he should leave quickly. If he stayed here forever, something he was very unwilling to accept before might happen. However, his feet seemed to take root, and he couldn't move half a step at all.

Chu Xia looked at the stone-like pestle here? Ye Qingdu was very puzzled, what happened to him?

Is it possible? Is it because you look at so many? The little handsome guy is also jealous? It stands to reason? It shouldn't be. According to his experience in the previous worlds, the villain should not be such a person.

But each world's villains are different, and this is really hard to say.

Chu Xia shook the wine glass in his hand. Although the system center told him that these villains were different, Chu Xia could always see some similar things in them. He looked at Ye Qingdu, there were Sometimes I will think of Lan Que, and occasionally Lu Cong. After more than ten years, Ye Qingdu will be older, maybe he will see Bai Yan's shadow on his body.

Could it be that the protagonists are different? The villains are all similar?

Chu Xia was going to be amused by his own jokes, so naturally Ye Qing didn't? Missed the fleeting smile in Chu Xia's eyes, he eagerly wanted to know why he was laughing at this moment, Ye Qing was all over again He took two steps forward, like a little beast afraid of being abandoned, shouting, "Godfather..."

He was looking at him pitifully, Chu Xia had already discovered that he was a little soft and not hard, Ye Qing had to be tougher, and he planned to have someone shoot him out, but he Now showing this look, Chu Xia can't help but remember that when he was just sent to the island?

At that time, he was still young, but he had a good brain. He spent half a month planning his escape route, and finally managed to escape the first lap of patrol. After a severe beating, Ye Qing lay in the small room, staring blankly at the white ceiling above her head.

The more Chu Xia remembered about Ye Qingdu's childhood? These memories, the more he felt that the original owner and Ye Qingdu's biological father were not individuals, but Ye Qingdu's biological father was already dead, Ye Qingdu's next goal should be the hand Blade yourself.

Chu Xia didn't feel afraid. After knowing his identity, he was ready to leave this world at any time. He always believed that the world saving group had not completed a single mission over the years. The problem with the world group itself is not that big, but the characters that the system center chooses for the hosts are always full of deep malice.

Who do the villains hate the most, and who do they want the host to be?

Everything had already happened and it was irreversible. Now Chu Xia just wanted to be a good person and a good father. By the way, he could find a few handsome guys and enjoy life.

"What the **** happened to you?" Chu Xia asked helplessly, putting down the wine glass in his hand.

Ye Qingdu himself couldn't tell what happened to him now, but seeing Chu Xia sitting in the middle of so many men, he felt an eyesore.

This old pervert is really a pervert, a man can't satisfy him, he has found so much.

Ye Qing seemed to be stunned for a moment, and now he just can't see him being so lewd and rambunctious, for fear that he will become more perverted in the future.

Chu Xia saw that Ye Qingdu's eyes were on his side? This group of handsome guys? His body kept spinning, and a flash of light flashed in his mind. He suddenly felt that he might know that Ye Qingdu was abnormal today? What is the reason? .

Ye Qing has been raised on the island for several years. Although others have come down from the island, they may not be able to get rid of the shadow of the island psychologically. Seeing so many handsome guys is a little bit uncontrollable, so didn't want to leave.

Chu Xia was even more affectionate to Ye Qing for a while. He must ask Du Zhong to find him a psychiatrist tomorrow to take a look. Such an important thing must not be forgotten. He thought he had figured it out. With Ye Qingdu's thoughts in mind, let this poor child, Ye Qingdu, get his wish today.

He put down the wine glass in his hand and said to Ye Qingdu very generously: "Look? Look? Are there any ones you like? Pick one."

The boys around Chu Xia heard what Chu Xia said, and their eyes lit up. One by one, they tried their best to get close to Ye Qingdu. choose me choose me.

The reason why they are so active is not because they fell in love with Ye Qingdu at first sight, but mainly because Qin Ye is one, it is too embarrassing for them to commit themselves to Qin Ye, and since Ye Qing has been by Qin Ye's side before , that should be a zero, he looks good, and it's not a loss at all.

Ye Qing heard this, the smile on his face disappeared in an instant, and the expression still looked a little weird, he asked Chu Xia: "Godfather, what do you mean?"

Chu Xia changed her posture. Was this unlucky child pretending to be stupid? What does he mean to see now? Can't it come out?

All he wanted was Ye Qing to pick someone to spend a pleasant night, and now he left his own territory in a hurry.

"That's what you heard." Chu Xia said calmly.

Ye Qing didn't know what was in his mind. He suddenly laughed and asked Chu Xia, "Is there anyone here for me to choose?"

Chu Xia lowered his eyes and said, "Of course."

He knew in his heart that Ye Qingdu was really lonely and wanted to find someone to accompany him.

He should let Ye Qing go out for a walk. In this way, he can meet more people and have more choices.

Chu Xia was thinking about all these messes, and even began to think about arranging a few blind dates for Ye Qing, but these might have to wait until Ye Qing has seen a psychiatrist.

"What if I want a godfather?" Ye Qingdu suddenly took another step forward. The housekeeper behind him was startled. He lowered his head and asked Chu Xia, "Is godfather willing to give it to me too?"

After Ye Qingdu said these words, half of his heart sank into the boiling pool, while the other half sank into the dark swamp.

He didn't know how to choose.

How could I want Qin Jiangtian, an old pervert?

He must be in order to let Qin Jiangtian, an old pervert, relax his vigilance, in order to allow him to give himself more opportunities.

Although Qin Jiangtian has given him power and identity now, he has no reason for these. Qin Jiangtian may go back on it at any time and take it back. He will be relieved only if he gets it through a transaction.

So he didn't want this old pervert, he just wanted more benefits for himself.

Ye Qing comforted herself like this.

He made Qin Jiangtian happy, and Qin Jiangtian gave him benefits, which was in line with his vision.

Ye Qing knew vaguely that his logic might not be right, but he didn't want to change.

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