Ye Qing looked at the person in front of him. In the deepest part, in the deepest part, in his mind? The tight string suddenly broke. He lowered his head and kissed Chu Xia's warm and soft, sweet The sweet wine-scented lips, that kind of taste, made him and his soul tremble together. He couldn't help but ask this person, "Do you like me?"

He actually wants to ask more dizzy questions, does he love him?

Ye Qing only felt that her body and her own thoughts were no longer under her control.

Something wanted to break out of the ground, but was deeply suppressed.

Chu Xia was lying on the bed, and his thoughts became chaotic. He heard someone asked if he liked him, so he opened his eyes and looked at this person. He was so good-looking, of course he liked him, so Chu Xia nodded honestly and said: "like."

Ye Qingdu sneered suddenly? This should be the answer Ye Qingdu hoped for, but maybe it was too easy to get it, so it was gone? The weight seemed frivolous.

What kind of liking did he say? I'm afraid it's just the kind of liking for a kitten and a puppy.

Ye Qing couldn't tell what it was like in his heart. He just wanted this person to pay the price, so why should he care about his status in his heart.

He held onto Chu Xia's wrist tightly, not letting go, but when he heard him say it hurt, he quickly let go of his hand.

He lowered his head and stared at his hand, Ye Qingdu's brows furrowed tightly, he came to avenge him, not to serve him.

Seeing that he hadn't moved, Chu Xia urged anxiously, "Hurry up..."

Ye Qing lowered her head and pressed her lips against Chu Xia's ear, "Then godfather, I'll hurry up."

The warm breath brushed against Chu Xia's cheeks. He was a little itchy, and turned his head slightly to avoid Ye Qingdu.

The heavy curtains completely blocked out the sunlight. Chu Xia seemed to have had a dream. In the dream, he was a white horse that was put on a rein and ran on the endless grassland. No rest, no food, no water to drink, Chu Xia was so tired that she almost vomited blood. What happened after that, he couldn't remember right now?

He opened his eyes, there was no light in the room, and the light was a little dim. Looking at the chandelier with a strange shape above his head, he closed his eyes hard, and opened them again after a while.

Why did you drink too much last night? A good night just wasted in vain?

It's like a dream, wake up? It seems that there is nothing to be moved in the future.

Chu Xia sighed silently in his heart, and sat up from the bed with his waist down. He vaguely remembered that someone seemed to carry him to take a shower. Chu Xia lifted his quilt and saw all kinds of marks on his body. , I hope I can recall the one and a half quarters of last night, otherwise it would be too bad?

Chu Xia pressed his waist, and then he took a deep breath. He lowered his head and looked at his waist. There was a large bruise there. It could be faintly seen that it was a handprint. There was also a handprint on the other side. How much effort was used.

Too bad? Too bad?, the experience is extremely unfriendly, you have to change someone, immediately.

Chu Xia turned his head and saw a tall figure through the thick frosted glass.

Chu Xia touched her chin and felt that the figure in the bathroom was still so familiar. Who could it be?

After a while, the sound of the water in the bathroom stopped, and the man was about to come out. Chu Xia had a sullen face, but after all, he thought that this man had worked hard all night, even though he worked a little too hard? But it's not good to give him a stinky face in the morning.

He adjusted his expression to try to make himself less intimidating.

Not long after, the bathroom door was pulled open, Chu Xia looked up at the bathroom door, and was dumbfounded.

The person who came out of it turned out to be Ye Qingdu.

It was Ye Qingdu who was only wearing a bath towel.

How could it be Ye Qingdu! How could it be him!

Chu Xia blinked, and his head exploded with a bang. Is he here because he hasn't woken up yet? Seeing Ye Qingdu.

Or maybe the water pipe in Ye Qingdu's room was broken, so he came here early in the morning? Take a shower?

Chu Xia called the system, why is Ye Qing here?? Was he optimistic about the robot cat yesterday?

What about a robot cat his size? How do you say it's gone?!

The system is extremely helpless? What he sees is all mosaics, how does he know!

He encouraged Chu Xia to say, come on, Team Leader Chu, you can definitely do it.

Chu Xia was not encouraged by the system, and he could also hear that the system was obviously perfunctory.

Ye Qing didn't seem to notice the surprise in Chu Xia's eyes, he took two steps forward, stopped by the bed, looked down at Chu Xia on the bed, and asked with a smile, "Godfather, are you awake?? Are you uncomfortable?"

To tell the truth, the body is not very comfortable anywhere.

But it is understandable, after all, Ye Qing learned the methods of some lower-ranking people when he was on the island...

Wait? Wait? He learned the following, did he have...

Chu Xia raised her hand, pressed her forehead, and began to try her best to recall, the vague memories gradually returned to his brain. The handsome guys that Du Zhong had brought to him last night were all dismissed by Ye Qing. After that, Ye Qing helped him come in from outside, helped him undress, then knelt down in front of him on one knee, took off his shoes, got on his bed, and then...

How could this be so! How could this be so!

Chu Xia's fingertips trembled slightly? A moment, such a big stimulus made him want to tuck his hair for a while, but he also thought that the hair of an old man in his thirties can't be tucked casually. no more?.

Calm, calm, Chu Xia reminded himself over and over again in his heart that he must not panic at this time, panic? He was defeated in front of Ye Qingdu.

And last night, it was obviously not my own initiative, so I can't blame myself.

It's just that he couldn't understand what Ye Qingdu was thinking in the mind of this unfortunate child?

Ye Qingdu's long shadow fell on the bed, Chu Xia lifted her eyelids, looked at him, and asked lightly, "Why do you do this?"

Chu Xia's voice was calm, and what happened last night still did not leave the slightest turbulence in his heart.

He was so calm, Ye Qing felt in his heart? On the contrary, he was not calm.

Chu Xia lowered his eyes and wondered if he had given it to him last night? Ye Qing had some hints, but after thinking about it, even after being drunk, he had absolutely no idea about it.

Except that he was a little dizzy on the first night, after that, he was absolutely pure and upright towards Ye Qing. How could Ye Qingdu be such an unlucky child that he couldn't think of it so much and had to crawl into his own bed?

Sure enough, it was time to find a reliable psychiatrist for him.

Chu Xia's face became more and more ugly and gloomy. If he was seen by the subordinates around Qin Jiangtian, he would have shivered.

But even at this time, Ye Qing was still thinking, Chu Xia was still looking better with the expression last night, he wanted to let Chu Xia taste the taste of last night when he was fully awake What kind of expression will it show? Will it be humiliation, or involuntary indulgence?

His eyes flickered slightly, he squatted beside the bed, and put himself in a very low position. He raised his head to look at Chu Xia, and was silent for a while, and said to Chu Xia, "...I'm afraid my godfather will abandon me. ."

A questioning villain slowly crept out of Chu Xia's head. How could Ye Qing be so worried? He has accepted him as his godson? Why does he still have such thoughts?

"Before? Aren't I the same as the people my godfather found last night?" Ye Qing seemed to have seen through Chu Xia's mind. What did he think of, he suddenly laughed softly? With a laugh, it sounded normal, but Chu Xia felt that there was a wind blowing behind him. He heard Ye Qing ask himself, "Godfather will accept them one day. Do you want to be a son?"

Chu Xia: "..."

The first half of the sentence is indeed true to the original owner, but the second half of the sentence is completely nonsense? He is not a dead eunuch, so what does he need so many godsons to do.

Chu Xia was very satisfied with the status that was arranged this time, but the original owner was too conscientious, Chu Xia didn't bother to clean up, he just wanted a few more days, last night's incident was a complete accident, Chu Xia appeased Ye Qingdu Say, "You're not like them."

Ye Qing used to think that the only difference between him and them was that his face might be more liked by an old pervert like Qin Jiangtian, but now... Ye Qing has to admit that he can no longer guess what he is thinking. .

Knowing that he was probably just coaxing himself, he couldn't help but be excited.

Ye Qing immediately spurned himself and was moved by this little favor.

"Last night... I'm sorry, godfather," Ye Qingdu's face was covered with a layer of blush. At this time, only Chu Xia was in his eyes. The blush spread from his cheeks to the back of his ears, and he lowered his head again. He turned his head and said to Chu Xia, "I just couldn't hold back..."

That's Ye Qingdu's technology, I'm really sorry for myself, but it should be the first time, I haven't had this aspect before, it's understandable.

But do you understand? There is absolutely no next time.

Really bad.

"This kind of thing shouldn't happen again." Chu Xia said with a sullen face.

Ye Qing pursed his lips and lowered his head. Chu Xia couldn't see the expression on his face, and naturally he didn't know what he was thinking at this time.

Ye Qing thought it was Chu Xia who didn't want to be subservient to others. He used to be on top, but now it's normal to resist this matter. He did it because he wanted to be disgusting, but he always felt that Chu Xia said this. When he spoke, there was a bit of disgust in his tone.

Does it really suck?


Chu Xia glanced at Ye Qingdu and saw that he had been squatting beside the bed like a big dog, strangely, Chu Xia said to Ye Qingdu, "Get up."

"Godfather forgive me??" Ye Qing asked.

Chu Xia snorted. After all, he was a novice, and he was driving very fast. If Chu Xia had experienced it well last night, he probably wouldn't have such a big resentment this morning, but he really drank too much? , can only see the two handprints on his waist.

Ye Qing stretched out his hand to Chu Xia and said to Chu Xia, "Then I will serve Godfather to get up."

That kind of thing happened last night. Even though Chu Xia's face was quite thick, it was still a bit awkward to have Ye Qing do all these things for him at this time. He hoped that Ye Qing could recognize his identity as soon as possible.

Chu Xia waved his hand and said to Ye Qingdu, "You go out first."

Ye Qingdu's hand froze in midair, and his face was full of grievances.

This time, Chu Xia did not soften his heart, and repeated his words again, and said to Ye Qing, "Go out."

Ye Qing hesitated for a moment, then retracted his hand, and then retreated from the room? Going out, he leaned against the wall of the corridor outside, Qin Jiangtian's reaction this morning was different from what he had imagined last night, he thought Qin Jiangtian After finding out that he had been raped by himself, he should have beaten himself with a whip, but he behaved too calmly today, even if he was bitten by a dog, it should not be like this.

When Chu Xia in the room saw that Ye Qingdu had finally left, he breathed a sigh of relief. It was really a drinking mistake. The robot cat didn't play, and it played on Ye Qingdu's head.

He raised his hand and patted his forehead, drinking and not driving, driving and not drinking, why didn't he remember it?

Chu Xia got out of bed, went into the bathroom, and soaked in the bathtub. He didn't know whether Ye Qing was showing his true thoughts in front of his eyes, or whether he wanted to let himself down. If it is the former, he must quickly find a psychiatrist for him, but if it is the latter, then this acting is really awesome.

According to what Chu Xia knew about the villains in the previous worlds, he thought it was more likely the latter... If he really wanted to ask Ye Qing if he wanted to enter the entertainment industry, this acting is not good. It's a bit of a waste to play.

However, you should still find a psychiatrist.

The housekeeper saw Ye Qing coming downstairs and couldn't help sighing. Ye Qing didn't come out of the room last night. He had a vague feeling, but he couldn't say it clearly. He just asked the kitchen to make some repairs in the morning. Soup, also boiled a red egg.

Ye Qingdu: "…"

Is there something wrong with the Qin family?

Ye Qing put the red egg in his hand and played with it. The housekeeper asked, "Why doesn't Young Master Ye eat it?"

Ye Qing said with a smile: "Wait? The godfather will come down later, leave it to the godfather."

The housekeeper laughed inwardly, how could Master Qin eat this kind of thing?

But when Chu Xia came down, the food on the table was changed again, Ye Qing put the eggs on Chu Xia's plate? "Godfather, eat this."

Generally speaking, such a whole boiled egg is rarely seen on the dinner table of the Qin family, and this one has already been peeled off by Ye Qing? Chu Xia didn't say anything and just ate it silently.

The butler who was standing on the side moved his lips, but he didn't say anything.

In the afternoon, Shen Ting secretly called Ye Qingdu, and the two chatted? After a while, Shen Ting suddenly asked, "Your voice sounds very happy, did something happy happen?"

Happy? Ye Qing suppressed the smile on his lips and said coldly, "You heard it wrong? I'm not happy at all."

Shen Ting didn't believe Ye Qingdu's remarks at all. When he was talking just now, he laughed so hard that his teeth were leaking, and he wasn't happy?

Could it be that he took advantage of that old pervert in Qin Jiangtian?

Shen Ting thought about it for a while, but thought it was unlikely, Ye Qingdu was only accepted by Qin Jiangtian as his godson, and it was impossible to completely trust Ye Qingdu. In this case, if you want to take advantage of Qin Jiangtian, most of the time It's not worth the loss, Ye Qing should not be such an impulsive person.

After hanging up the phone, Ye Qing continued to handle the work at hand. He is doing very well in the company under Qin Jiangtian's name. It is hard to imagine that he is only eighteen years old this year and has just started working. Living on an uninhabited island, I have no contact with these at all.

In the afternoon, Du Zhong came to the company, called Ye Qingdu out, and said to Ye Qingdu, "Master Qin has found a psychiatrist for you, wait? Come and see with me later."

Ye Qing was a little surprised: "A psychiatrist? Why would my godfather want to find a psychiatrist for me?"

Du Zhong actually wondered why Chu Xia did this. Ye Qing looked normal on weekdays and didn't seem to be mentally ill, but since it was ordered by Qin Ye, he didn't need to ask any more, he just did as he did. , said to Ye Qingdu: "I don't know, maybe I'm worried about you."

Ye Qing sighed, it was his performance last night that made Qin Jiangtian feel that his psychology was distorted?

He thought it was a little funny, how could Qin Jiangtian be so naive?

Du Zhong continued: "By the way, Master Qin also asked if you want to go to university. If you want to go, Master Qin can find someone to arrange it for you right away."

Ye Qing raised her eyebrows: "Go to university?"

"If you think you can't keep up, you can go back to high school to study for a while, or junior high school." Du Zhong carefully observed Ye Qingdu's face. Qingdu has really become a son? Now that he has a good relationship with Ye Qingdu, it does no harm to himself, he continued to Ye Qingdu, "If you are afraid of losing face, Master Qin can also find some tutors for you, at home. ? Tutoring for you."

Ye Qingdu: "…"

Ye Qing couldn't understand more and more, did this person really want to raise him as a son?

He remembered that when Qin Jiangtian went to the island to see himself last autumn, he looked at himself as if he were watching a pig that was about to be slaughtered, but now it is not.

Du Zhong asked Ye Qingdu, "How do you want to choose??"

Ye Qing pursed her lips and said to Du Zhong, "I'm doing fine now."

"Do you work in the company like this now?" Du Zhong asked again worriedly: "Are you sure?"

Ye Qing felt that Du Zhong's work was like going to the grave, he nodded and said, "...sure."

Du Zhong sighed, then suddenly raised his hand, and patted Ye Qingdu on the shoulder with pity, wait? After working as a migrant worker for a few more years, this young man knows how happy it is to be able to return to school.

Ye Qing frowned, only to feel that Du Zhong in front of him was simply inexplicable.

How could such a person stay by Qin Jiangtian's side? For so many years? Still become Qin Jiangtian's confidant? Why?

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