The team leaders in the system center knew that Chu Xia was stranded in the system space and wanted to come over to comfort Chu Xia. They knew that Chu Xia's mission this time must have encountered a major obstacle.

Chu Xia rejected them and asked them to come back after a while. The team leaders thought that the team leader Chu didn't want them to see him when he was sad and sad, so they couldn't help but worry more about Chu Xia's situation. Chu Xia just wanted to finish the 500-episode TV series. After so many days, this time I could finally watch it in a clean place.

After the five hundred episodes of the TV series ended, Chu Xia lay in the system space, hugged the system wearing Persian cat skin in his arms, rested for a while, and sent an application to the system center.

The leaders are currently very concerned about Chu Xia's physical and mental health. If it is the other team leaders in the system center who want to apply to Chu Xia, it may take a long time from reporting to approval. Xia's application will be sent directly to the leaders, and the leaders will deal with it first when they see the information of the leader of Chu.

Seeing that Chu Xia is now trapped in the system space, and hoping to meet with friends in the system center, the leaders agreed to Chu Xia's application without saying a word.

The team leaders were transported to Chu Xia's system space like this. As soon as the team leader of the Goldfinger R&D team saw Chu Xia, he took a step forward and held Chu Xia's hand with tears in his eyes and a choked voice. Said, "Group leader Chu has suffered for a while."

Chu Xia thought about the old aunt's nagging in his ear all this time, and nodded in agreement with the group leader Lin's words.

During this period of time, my ears really suffered.

These group leaders saw him nodding, and the expressions on their faces became even more serious. No matter what kind of abuse the group leader Chu suffered in these small worlds below, they never told them that they were the same. He was carrying it, and this time, he even nodded his head, which shows that this world has really hit Team Leader Chu too hard.

Qin Jiangtian's body was not completely dead, so Chu Xia was stuck in the system space. If Ye Qing wanted him to live, there might be a 30% chance of returning to Qin Jiangtian's body.

These team leaders didn't really want Chu Xia to suffer in that body, and wished they could drag Chu Xia out of the system space directly, but they didn't have enough authority to do so.

"Leader Chu, are you going to stay in the system space from now on?"

Chu Xia nodded, was silent for a while, and added, "Not necessarily, maybe you can return to the small world?"

It would be better to let him stay here, the team leaders thought.

Chu Xia's eyes swept across the faces of these team leaders one by one, thinking about these? The team leaders came here to comfort him, right? If he knew this was the case, he would not give them to the leaders. Sent a message.

The team leaders chatted with Chu Xia for a while, thinking that Chu Xia must be boring in the system space, Team Leader Lin suggested, let's play cards, and the other team leaders agreed.

Although Chu Xia is not interested in money, but seeing the enthusiasm of the team leaders, it is not easy to live up to them. Chu Xia hesitated and asked the team leaders, "Have you brought enough money?"

Thinking of the experience that he almost lost all his pants in front of Chu Xia, Team Leader Lin nodded with a guilty conscience, and said to Chu Xia, "Enough... Enough."

Chu Xia nodded: "Come on, then."

Several team leaders showed the aura of giving their lives to accompany the hero, and sat at the card table. Before starting, they looked at the balance of their cards, and estimated that they could play a few games with Chu Xia.

When the system saw this scene, he was a little speechless for a while. The handsome guy system said that he had a high level of consciousness, but where did he have these? The group leaders have high levels of consciousness. These group leaders clearly know the level of the group leader Chu. , eagerly sent money to Team Leader Chu.

After these team leaders fought with Chu Xia for a few rounds, they found that the state of the team leader Chu did not seem to be in a bad mood. Could it be that he turned grief and anger into strength? Then they just hit the muzzle of the gun again, and luckily they didn't bring all their net worth, but now it hurts too much.

Ye Qing gave all the work to Du Zhong. He did not worry about the Qin family. He only knew Du Zhong's loyalty to Qin Jiangtian. As long as Qin Jiangtian could wake up, Du Zhong would definitely return the things he had to Qin. In Jiang Tian's hands, even if one day in the future, Du Zhong will have a different heart, and he will help Chu Xia get rid of him.

Everything he had tried so hard to get is now less important. Sometimes, Ye Qing even thought, if Chu Xia could wake up, he would be willing to go back to that island and never again. will come out.

He stayed by Chu Xia's bed day and night, for fear that he would miss any opening of Chu Xia's eyes. However, after the inspection, Chu Xia never showed any signs of waking up.

Ye Qing was sitting beside the bed, looking at Chu Xia's face. When he was in a trance, he felt that the person in front of him seemed to have changed. It was something he had never seen before, but it was more suitable for him.

The corners of Ye Qingdu's mouth raised slightly upwards, but soon froze, he was stunned, and this strange hallucination appeared.

He pressed the forehead that had been hurting for a while, who was he? Is that Ye Qingdu? Is it Ye Qingdu, who is regarded by everyone as a dispensable plaything by Qin Jiangtian's side?

So who is the person on the hospital bed in front of me?

Ye Qing was trapped in a dark and cold swamp. Someone once wanted to rescue him from the swamp. He leaned on a gentle vine and gradually escaped from the swamp, and was able to see a little bit of light.

Then, the vine broke and he fell into the abyss again.

Maybe he shouldn't have come down from that island, maybe something was wrong from the start.

The psychiatrist waited for Ye Qingdu for a long time, but he didn't see Ye Qing coming to him for psychological relief. He was a little anxious, afraid that Ye Qing would be completely out of his control. He finally found such a young man who suits his appetite. Also to get the other party.

And in the opinion of this psychiatrist, Ye Qing has suffered so many humiliations and blows on the island, and his mind must be very fragile. If you give him a little gentleness, you can move him and become a **** in his heart, Ye Qing The expression and tone of each answer can also prove this point.

It's just that Ye Qing hasn't come to see him for so long. The psychiatrist is afraid that something is wrong with him, and he is afraid that if he finds someone else, all his previous efforts will be in vain.

The news of Qin Jiangtian's hospitalization was found out by a conscientious person. When the psychiatrist came over, Ye Qing stayed by Chu Xia's bed as usual. The psychiatrist was stunned for a moment. Ye Qing clearly hated Qin Jiangtian. Now However, he is willing to stay by Qin Jiangtian's bedside and be a dutiful son, which doesn't seem to be consistent with what he has shown in front of him.

"Why are you here?" Ye Qing raised his head, glanced at him and asked.

"You haven't been to my place for a long time. I'm worried about your mental state, so I came to see you."

Ye Qing pursed his lips and didn't speak. During this period of time, because of Chu Xia's affairs, he didn't have the energy to deal with other trivial matters, and now there are still people deliberately hitting his gun.

The psychiatrist suppressed all kinds of doubts in his heart and asked Ye Qingdu: "Why are you here? I didn't tell you, you have to stay away from this person so that you can completely get rid of the past and give yourself a reconciliation."

Ye Qing seemed to be stunned for a moment, then laughed suddenly, but his eyes were full of coldness, and he asked softly, "What are you?"

The psychiatrist was stunned. He never thought that Ye Qing would use this kind of speech. He spoke to him in a mocking tone. In his eyes, Ye Qing was just a poor little white rabbit. Now this little white rabbit It seemed that he had suddenly turned into a terrifying monster. The person in front of him was still Ye Qingdu, but he always felt that something was different. A layer of cold sweat oozes out from his back.

Ye Qing lowered his head and glanced at Chu Xia. He didn't want to quarrel in front of Chu Xia, so he took the psychiatrist to the next door. The psychiatrist calmed down a little.

He coughed, cleared his throat, and continued to tell Ye Qing that he couldn't stay with Qin Jiangtian now. If he continued like this, it would cause more trauma to his psychology. The words imply that Ye Qingdu should completely disconnect from Qin Jiangtian and have more contact with himself. His skills are really poor. Ye Qingdu is going to see this? A psychiatrist often doubts this? How does one get it? It is a pity that those men who went abroad to investigate him have not returned.

After the psychiatrist had finished speaking, Ye Qing chuckled and asked, "I'm a little curious, how did you graduate from university with such a three-legged cat? With such a name, it seems that Miss Bai really likes you."

Ye Qingdu's voice fell, and the psychiatrist's face became a color palette. The red, orange, yellow, green, blue, blue and purple kept changing. He really didn't do well abroad. He relied on his illegitimate male-male relationship with the teacher. I just got a diploma, and later threatened the teacher. If I didn't recommend him, the relationship between the two would be exposed. Only then did I get a recommendation that many outstanding graduates in the class could not get. After returning to China, he was blind. The cat met the dead mouse and met the Miss Bai, chatted with the other party for a while, and told the convenience that he was the most powerful psychiatrist she had ever seen. She wanted everyone to know him, and then he lived smoothly. Even if some patients did not get relief from their symptoms here, when they heard Miss Bai's words, they would not doubt him, but only felt that they did not trust him enough.

In this way, he gained fame and money, and it gave him a heart that was expanding day by day, making him think that he was really so powerful.

He thought he was playing with Ye Qing in the palm of his hand, but now Ye Qing has torn apart this layer of illusion on the surface and told him that he always wanted to be a clown. All hit.

Ye Qingdu stretched out his hand and grabbed his wrist, then the other hand took out a recording pen from his jacket pocket and pressed the play button. It was all the time when the psychiatrist was giving Ye Qingdu counseling. , Ye Qing was tempted and hinted, Ye Qing put it on for a while, then pressed the pause button, smiled and said to the person in front of him: "You said, if I put these things out, will you? Disappointed?"

The psychiatrist's face turned pale as soon as he brushed it. He stretched out his hand to grab the recorder from Ye Qingdu's hand, but a few bodyguards came in from outside the door and took him out.

Ye Qing looked down at the voice recorder in his hand, so he would be the one who would kill him if he slapped him.

However, when dealing with Qin Jiangtian, he was hesitant and he had many scruples, so in the end he didn't do anything, but inadvertently, he did it.

Ye Qingdu returned to Chu Xia's ward, looked at Chu Xia who was still sleeping, put her finger on Chu Xia's cheek, and asked him in a low voice, "What do you want me to do to wake up?"

Chu Xia still did not respond to him.

In the evening, Ye Qing came to the small island where he had imprisoned him, and then Chu Xia was imprisoned. He walked into the basement alone and pushed open the door of the innermost room. If he makes a mistake, he will be imprisoned here. He once hated Qin Jiangtian, and he hated this place.

Fourteen-year-old Ye Qingdu, standing here, looked at the cold wall in front of him with hatred, he knew it was those people who were at fault, and he always had to make them all pay the price.

Now, nineteen-year-old Ye Qing is standing in a small room where there is no daylight. He looks around, but begins to reflect, has he made a mistake again?

So he didn't want to wake up and look at himself?

Ye Qing sat down on the ground, the ground was very cold, the coldness seeped into his blood little by little from his skin, and his heart was covered with a layer of frost and frozen into a stone.

He had been in this basement for a long time, and even after he went out from the island, when he couldn't sleep, he would always remember that when he had just arrived on the island, he would expect someone to save him. Go out on his own, but after a while, such thoughts will never come again, no one can come to save him, everything can only rely on himself.

He came down from the island with endless hatred, how could he have imagined that when everything was over, it would be such an ending.

If Qin Jiangtian could become this way sooner, if Qin Jiangtian could always be the way he used to be.

None of them will get to where they are today.

Because I never owned it, it would not be a pity to lose it.

But in this world? Where in the world are there so many ifs?.

Ye Qing leaned against the cold wall behind him and closed his eyes.

In the morning, when the aunt who came to clean passed by the hall, she saw that the door of the basement was open. She thought that a thief had entered, and took a broom and walked down the stairs to the basement. She came to the only one that was open. She walked in, took a flashlight, and found Ye Qingdu huddled in the corner of the wall. She was startled, walked over quickly, and asked Ye Qingdu: "Why are you here? This? Lido chilly!"

Auntie's movements suddenly stopped, she looked at the top of Ye Qingdu's head, and said in disbelief: "How can I see... there are white hairs on your head?"

Ye Qing is not yet twenty years old, how could she have white hair?

Ye Qing raised his hand and stroked his hair, but said nothing.

"What's the matter with you?" Even though Auntie and Ye Qing have not met a few times in total, seeing him like this now makes me feel a little distressed, "Isn't Mr. in a bad situation? "

Without hearing Ye Qingdu speak, Auntie sighed softly, sat down beside Ye Qingdu, and persuaded him earnestly: "This? I can't accept it, but after a year and a half, I will gradually let it go. When my mother died, I was also very sad, my eyes were swollen from crying, but life always goes on, look up , go forward, you will meet new people in the future, and you will have a new life."

Auntie still hasn't figured out the relationship between Ye Qingdu and Chu Xia, but that's what happened between father and son.

"…Not anymore."

Auntie didn't quite hear what Ye Qing said, and asked him, "What?"

Ye Qing didn't speak anymore, he got up from the ground, like a ghost, he slowly climbed the stairs and left here.

Auntie followed behind, looking at the white hair on his head, she didn't know what to say except sighing.

Well-known experts at home and abroad gathered together to study for more than half a month, and finally came up with a plan. The director said to Ye Qing, "It can be operated, but we are only 30% sure."

Ye Qing asked, "What if the operation fails?"

The doctor said calmly: "If it fails, Mr. Qin will die."

Ye Qingdu asked again: "If you don't do surgery, will it continue to deteriorate in the future?"

"This one is not yet certain, and we will need to observe for a while before we can draw conclusions."

"But Mr. Ye, you have to prepare yourself mentally."

Ye Qing snorted, nodded, looked sideways at Chu Xia on the bed, and said to the doctor, "Let me think about it."

This decision is not easy to make, either let Chu Xia sleep like this, or bet with God, but there is only 30% hope, and Ye Qing is unwilling to accept the consequences.

Although it is no different from a dead person, if he is just asleep, there is still a glimmer of hope in his heart that he may be able to wake up one day.

But if he dies, he really won't come back, he will sleep in the cold underground and never see each other again.

"What should I do?" Ye Qingdu held Chu Xia's hand, put it on his lips, and dropped many light kisses on the back of his hand.

A few days later, the expert came over to Ye Qingdu and said, "Mr. Qin's condition has already deteriorated. Now may be the best time for surgery. If you miss it, the chance of success in the future may be even lower."

Ye Qing moved his lips, but couldn't make a sound. A great sadness swept through his barren heart, making him feel that he was killing this person with his own hands.

If you don't do surgery, with Chu Xia's current situation, even if he suddenly wakes up and opens his eyes, he will fall asleep quickly. , he is also going to die.

Ye Qing closed his eyes, and when he opened them again, the man opposite seemed to see a layer of water in his eyes, and he said, "Do it."

"Okay, then let's get ready."

"If it fails..." After the doctor left, Ye Qingdu squatted down beside Chu Xia's bed, held Chu Xia's hand tightly, and said to him, "If it fails, I will accompany you. "

As soon as he said these words, the corner of the dark cloud in his heart suddenly opened up.

This world has nothing to cherish for him anymore. He came out of the island for revenge, but after meeting him, revenge is meaningless.

Ye Qingdu stood in the corridor, watching Chu Xia being taken into the operating room. The red warning light seemed to pour out blood, which was drowning him little by little.

The only person who could save him was in the operating room.

In the system space at this time, several team leaders were like eggplants beaten by frost at this time, one by one, and the team leader Lin shook his hand at Chu Xia and refused, "I can't come again, I really can't come again, If it comes again, I'll be doing it for nothing for half a year."

Chu Xia nodded indifferently and did not force them.

The team leaders clutched their deflated wallets and said goodbye to Chu Xia.

Team Leader Chu doesn't really seem to be sad, at least now they should be more sad than Team Leader Chu.


After the group leaders had all left, Chu Xia glanced at the credit on the card.

Ah, the **** money!

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