Chu Xia's ears were buzzing non-stop, and many parts of her body were aching. It felt as if she had just experienced a fierce battle. Her hands and feet were cold and cold. Chu Xia opened her eyes, and her vision was blurred. Clearly, he could see the tiny potholes in the concrete, and the shimmering gravel.

It seemed that someone else had said something. Chu Xia raised his head. The first thing that caught his eye was an ordinary face, a man who seemed to be less than thirty years old. Chu Xia blinked, he knew this? Plus you should have at least three people? Where is the other person now?

He just now? His ears are not very good. Even if he heard the voice just now, he could not tell which direction the other party was in. Chu Xia put both hands on the ground and tried to get up, but accidentally pulled it on his leg. The wound, Chu Xia immediately gasped, kicked both legs, and fell to the ground again.

It seemed that his whole body was the only head left to move freely. Chu Xia stretched his neck and looked around. A pair of black leather shoes caught his eye. He raised his head hard to see the owner of the shoes He looked up along his body, and finally saw the man's facial features, star eyes, sword eyebrows, very handsome, and a very decent appearance. The man is drooping his eyes, looking at the ground, as if in a trance.

Chu Xia suddenly wanted to laugh, he felt that he didn't need it now? The system could identify who the villain in this world was, and this man was just now? Mr. Li from another person.

Behind Mr. Li stood several bodyguards, all wearing the same black suits, all of average height, standing neatly in a row.

Chu Xia lowered his head and continued to lie on the ground honestly. The system didn't come. He didn't know what happened before, so he didn't dare to speak casually.

Just now? The family law in the man's mouth made Chu Xia a little worried. Looking at everyone's dress, this should be a modern society, so how can there be such feudal dross as family law!

The Mr. Li opened his mouth again and said, "Take it back."

Immediately, someone came up to help Chu Xia from the ground and put him on a stretcher. Chu Xia cooperated very well, letting him raise his arms and raising his arms, and letting him stretch his legs. It could be seen that Chu Xia had suffered a lot of trauma. If he had been screaming a long time ago, he could endure it without saying a word today.

Is it because I heard the husband say that family law is afraid, if so? Wouldn't it be nice to be so honest earlier?

The system came late, and with a ding, let Chu Xia pay attention to receiving the memories of this world.

The original owner of Chu Xia's current body is Qiu Chi, an orphan. His parents went out on a mission when he was five and a half years old, but an accident caused them both to die. He was first sent to his father's brother's house. Since he left, the uncle and aunt have been quarreling all day long. At that time, he was young and had no idea why the two would quarrel every day when they saw him. His cousin, who was six years older than him, would bully him every day. , and no one to take care of it. After more than half a year, the eldest uncle and aunt finally stopped quarreling, and the original owner was sent to the orphanage on a rainy morning.

The welfare home was rebuilt from an abandoned primary school, and there was not much funding to support it. Therefore, the life here is not much better for the original owner than in the uncle's house. Not only does it have to do various things every day He is also bullied by the older children. Every night, he hides under the quilt? Cries secretly, hoping someone can take him out of here?

Finally one day, his dream came true. A young man in a suit came to the orphanage and asked him to leave.

The original owner was brought back to the Li family just like that. Later, he realized that it was the owner of the Li family, Mr. Li, who had a little friendship with his mother. After hearing about him, he sent his subordinates to the orphanage to receive him. Family.

The original owner knew that he was not a member of the Li family, and was very inferior in his heart. Whenever he stood with the children with the surname Li, he would keep his head down, always deliberately lowering his sense of existence, and did not want to be judged by anyone. people found.

He is like a little mushroom growing in a dark and humid corner. Although Mr. Li occasionally pays attention to his life and studies, most of the time Mr. Li is cold and treats everyone the same.

When he was in junior high school, he had a dispute with several children of the Li family. After the matter was settled, the original owner suddenly found that he was more important in Mr. Li's mind than the surnamed Li? Desire erupted at this moment, and from then on, the original owner began to falsify his power and use Mr. Li's power to get everything he wanted.

The original owner also had the ability to talk to people and talk to ghosts, and made Mr. Li's subordinates more happy than each other. After the original owner went to high school, he watched **** with his roommates and accidentally discovered that he liked men. Acts are more and more absurd, and meat and vegetables are not in a hurry.

The original owner is a junior this year. He is studying art. When he was in the college entrance examination, he originally wanted to study finance. He thought that he might inherit a company from Mr. Li in the future. Unfortunately, his grades were too poor. In 2010, he fell in love with a younger brother who was studying art. He wanted to catch up with others, so he turned around and started to learn to paint. As a result, he was a half-way monk, and his basic foundation was poor. I can't wait to poke my eyes on the homework I hand in. After the college entrance examination, when the grades came down, it was the Li family who paid for him to send him to a well-known university in the city to study art.

The original owner relied on the support of Mr. Li behind him, and was domineering in the university, but fortunately, he was not too outrageous, so no one would come to Mr. Li to complain. After all these years, he has also treated the people around Mr. Li. Not as polite and respectful as before, except for Mr. Li, he looked arrogant in front of everyone else.

He seemed to forget that his surname was Qiu, and he regarded himself as the master of the Li family.

The original owner met a man when he went out for an internship last semester. The man’s surname was Zhang and his name was Zhang Yi. Zhang Yi was older than him. He was the leader of his internship company. He valued the original owner very much. The relationship with Zhang Yi is getting better and better, and even told Zhang Yi a lot of his own secrets.

Zhang Yi told the original owner that the reason why Mr. Li was so good to him was because of guilt. The original owner's parents had an accident because of Mr. Li. The original owner was skeptical, and then Zhang Yi took out a so-called The evidence is the letter from Mr. Li to the original owner's mother. In the letter, Mr. Li threatened the original owner's mother. If she did not leave the original owner's father, then the consequences would be unwilling to see her.

The original owner didn't care whether the letter was true or not, and foolishly believed it. He cooperated with Zhang Yi to bring down Mr. Li.

During this period of time, he secretly sneaked into Mr. Li's study, stole a lot of confidential things and gave them to Zhang Yi.

Before starting the job, the original owner was going to reward himself with a good meal. During this time, he fell in love with a sophomore junior and chased him for a long time, but the junior was disgusted by the original owner, and every time he saw the original owner When he came, they all hid far away. The more the junior refused, the more the original owner wanted to get this person. He planned this for a long time, bribed the friend around the junior and asked him to a friend. In the bar, he put medicine in his drink, but it didn't work. The younger brother felt that something was wrong, so he hurriedly called the family, and the family sent someone to pick him up.

The original owner thought that this was the end of the matter, but today he was blocked in the alley by the younger brother's brother. The original owner was too brittle, anyway, the people just disappeared, and Chu Xia came over.

The younger brother's family is not an ordinary family, and has some power, so he went to Mr. Li.

Mr. Li rushed over directly, and then Chu Xia heard it and wanted to use family methods against him.

Chu Xia felt that the original owner was not very smart, and he was able to agree to cooperate with Zhang Yi. I am afraid it was more out of his selfishness. Avenging his parents was just an excuse. What he really wanted to do was to satisfy his growing greed. That's it.

Having already gone through four worlds, this is the fifth one, and Chu Xia is no longer surprised by what kind of role he gets.

The villain in this world is naturally the Mr. Li that Chu Xia met just now. He is the head of the Li family. His name is Li Cheng. He is thirty-four years old this year.

Many people say that Li Cheng once loved the original owner's mother so much that he would take the original owner back from the orphanage, indulge him, and spoil him. Because he couldn't let go of the original owner's mother for so many years, he never got married.

However, judging from the original owner's memory, connivance was a little bit, but spoiling was nothing at all. As for the other Chu Xia, he couldn't tell whether it was true or false for the time being.

Chu Xia was carried back to Li's house like this, and a doctor came to apply medicine for his wounds. He also quickly knew what Li Cheng's family method was referring to.

This world is indeed a modern society, but the Li family still maintains many outdated habits. There are direct descendants and side branches. By the time of Mr. Li's generation, there are not many direct descendants of the Li family. Mr. Li is like a member of this feudal family. The head of the family is in charge of the life and death of everyone in this family.

There are many family laws of the Li family. The most serious one is being expelled from the Li family.

He lay on the bed and patted the pillow boredly. Soon after, the housekeeper knocked on the door and walked in from outside. He called to Chu Xia, "Young Master Qiu."

Chu Xia: "Grandpa the housekeeper."

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment. He hadn't heard this person call him the housekeeper's grandfather for many years. He stood by the bed and said to Chu Xia, "Young Master Qiu will remember to ask for the family law later."

"What is it?" Chu Xia asked.

"Forty boards."

Chu Xia: "..."

Before the kick started, Chu Xia already felt that his **** was hurting. Forty kicks... Can he still want his **** after being kicked today?

Chu Xia stared at her round eyes and asked the housekeeper, "Can you discuss it with Mr.

The housekeeper said helplessly, "Young Master Qiu, don't make Mr. angry at this time."

Back then, this child was obviously very obedient, and every time I saw him, he was a housekeeper and grandpa, and he was especially good at making people happy. How did he become like that? The housekeeper knew that he had changed more and more in the past few years, and he didn't learn well with those friends, but these gentlemen turned a blind eye. If it wasn't for the Zhao family who came to the door in person, the housekeeper would never have thought of Mr. Qiu. can do this.

Chu Xia moved his lips. He had other injuries on his body. After being beaten, it would be fine if his **** was gone. Is his life still alive?

He exhaled upwards, and the bangs on his forehead shook.

He looks a lot better now, the housekeeper sighed silently, maybe this time he can really teach him a lesson.

"Do you really want to go?"

The housekeeper nodded and replied, "This is what Mr.

This is not what the housekeeper said. Li Chengcai is the one who calls the shots. Chu Xia asked the housekeeper, "Then can I go see Mr.

The housekeeper did not answer Chu Xia's question, but said to him, "Maybe this year, sir, you will get married, Master Qiu."

The housekeeper said this to remind Chu Xia of his identity. His surname is Qiu. After all, he is not her husband's child. After the husband gets married, he will have his own child soon, and he can be expelled at any time, so he is still obedient now. point.

"Oh?" Chu Xia's eyes lit up inexplicably. He sat up from the bed and asked the housekeeper, "Really?"

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