Chu Xia felt that her proposal was very good. Isn't Li Cheng going to marry that Miss Bai soon? In this case, that Miss Bai is not considered an outsider, and it would be good for everyone to get along with each other more before marriage. Yes, you can also cultivate some feelings, and increase your understanding of each other by the way.

Li Cheng's hand froze in midair, he seemed to notice that he was holding Chu Xia's hand just now, and his brows were even tighter, as if a certain corner of his heart was suddenly empty. After coming down, he stared at Chu Xia for a while, Chu Xia just stood there calmly, let him look at it, anyway, it was not him who took the initiative just now.

Li Cheng looked at it for a long time, but there was still the mist-like gray in front of him. He couldn't see anything. He turned his head and asked the housekeeper, "What's going on?"

"I asked Young Master Qiu to bring down the cold food by the head of the bed, and then..." The housekeeper was at a loss for words, and then Mr. suddenly reached out and grabbed Chu Xia's hand.

When he saw this scene, the housekeeper was shocked. How could it be so coincidental that he grabbed Chu Xia's hand as soon as he grabbed it.

Chu Xia picked up the dinner plate on the cabinet, and felt that there was nothing for him in this place, and Li Cheng might be a little homophobic, he? Or don't stay here and continue to stimulate him? If it is good or bad to stimulate, then it will be a big sin. He said, "Then I will go down first."

No one spoke, Chu Xia left the room consciously, and closed the door very politely.

After Chu Xia left, Li Cheng said to the housekeeper, "Don't let him enter my room again."

The butler responded, the room fell into silence, the butler hesitated, and finally said to Li Cheng, "Sir, I think Young Master Qiu has really changed."

Li Cheng lowered his eyes to look at the hand that he had just grabbed Chu Xia. His vision was a foggy dark gray, his fingers clenched unconsciously, and there was nothing left.

The housekeeper asked with concern: "How do you feel now, sir? The doctor should be here in five minutes?"

"I'm fine." Li Cheng put his hands on the bed and sat up. The housekeeper put the pillow on his back, and Li Cheng asked, "What time is it now?"

"It's half past eleven."

Li Cheng hummed, he didn't sleep well last night, and had a lot of strange dreams. In the dream, he was Li Cheng, but he didn't seem to be Li Cheng, but now that he woke up, what did he see in his dream? Well, he's almost forgotten about it, he? said to the butler, "Find me a dress."

While looking for clothes for Li Cheng, the housekeeper asked, "Do you want to go out, sir?"

Li Cheng got up from the bed and walked to the bathroom, "I'm going to take a shower."

The housekeeper shouted, "How can you go to bathe now, sir? You still have a fever!"

"I know." After Li Cheng finished speaking, he pushed open the bathroom door and walked in. The housekeeper couldn't stop him except sighing. He? Looking at the clothes he just found, why is the husband so rebellious every time he is sick!

In the bathroom, Li Cheng was soaking in the bathtub, his eyes were half closed, his body seemed to be falling continuously, falling into the deep seabed, where the darkness and cold tempt him? He should sleep here forever.

He closed his eyes, water waves rippling around him, until a ray of sunlight hit him directly, and he seemed to have been redeemed and returned to the human world.

The housekeeper was worried about him? He would have an accident in the bathroom alone. He had been waiting in the bedroom. After more than half an hour, Li Cheng came out of the bathroom. The housekeeper handed him his clothes. Li Cheng put on his clothes.

The doctor who had been waiting outside for a long time came in and examined Li Cheng. To be honest, it was not a serious illness, but the illness was on Li Cheng's body. The most uncooperative patient he has ever seen in his career.

It’s okay if you don’t like taking medicine when you’re sick. You don’t even eat much food. But this person is the head of the Li family. He doesn’t listen to anyone. The doctor sometimes thinks that the housekeeper doesn’t need to call him. Mr. Li It is obvious that he intends to rely on his own immune system to get through this disease.

The housekeeper and the doctor shared the same worry. When Mr. Li was sick, he would not let anyone approach him. He had to wait for him to take care of him. He could only do it when he was in a coma. I thought that Chu Xia could be the exception, but the result? Mr. Li immediately kicked people away, and now Chu Xia is not even allowed in the room.

The housekeeper sighed silently in his heart. After the doctor left, he said to Li Cheng, "Sir, why don't I call Miss Bai?"

"No need."

The housekeeper was not surprised at all when he heard these two words. Although the husband intends to marry Miss Bai, the matter has not been confirmed yet, and to be honest, these two are standing together. At that time, he really didn't see what kind of relationship between a man and a woman the husband had towards Miss Bai, but Miss Bai seemed to have so much interest in her husband.

However, these feelings are all out of the office, maybe it will be fine after a while.

Li Cheng took the medicine, but still had no energy, and lay down on the bed.

Downstairs, Chu Xia was humming a song in the kitchen to make fried rice with eggs. He learned how to fry the eggs into thin filaments first in the video. So far, he has failed twice, and he is now trying for the third time.

The housekeeper went downstairs and heard the movement in the kitchen. He came over and took a look. He didn't expect Chu Xia to be busy here. He stood at the door and watched for a while. Didn't realize that he came here, but the housekeeper suddenly felt that Young Master Qiu had really changed. He walked over and asked Chu Xia with a smile, "What are you doing, Young Master Qiu?"

"Egg fried rice." This time, the egg shreds were finally fried successfully, and the rest of the procedure was not too technical. He turned his head and said to the housekeeper, "You can try it later, Grandpa housekeeper."

The housekeeper smiled and didn't leave, he just stood at the door to watch Chu Xia busy. Seeing him, he took care of all the ingredients, and he said to Chu Xia, "Want to eat this? Let Wang Ma Just do it."

Chu Xia smiled and didn't say a word. This very home-made version of egg fried rice was too troublesome to make. He was really embarrassed to trouble Wang Ma.

While cooking, Chu Xia chatted with the housekeeper. The housekeeper asked Chu Xia curiously, "By the way, how do you know that Mr. and Miss Bai are getting married?"

"Ah, this one..." Chu Xia explained, "My friend called me yesterday and said that he saw the husband and the eldest lady of the Bai family dating."

The housekeeper nodded: "So it is."

Chu Xia asked the housekeeper, "Is that Miss Bai good-looking?"

"Of course it looks good," the butler said with a smile. "It's a perfect match to stand with Mr.

The smile on his face became brighter and brighter, as if he could see that one day in the future, the husband would have his own children and play in the small garden outside.

Chu Xia asked again worriedly, "How is that person?"

The housekeeper said, "I haven't said a few words to that Miss Bai, but it's enough that Mr. Bai has an idea. Since Mr. Bai has chosen Miss Bai, he must think that Miss Bai is the most suitable person."

Chu Xia thought about it too, Li Cheng lived so old? He should know how the other party is like.

The egg fried rice was finally ready to be served. The butler heard footsteps behind him, turned his head, and saw Li Cheng walking down the stairs alone. It's not good either. What if you fall directly from the top of the stairs? What if you go there, he? He quickly walked over to support Li Cheng and asked him, "Sir, how did you get down? You're here?"

"Just walk around."

In the kitchen, Chu Xia put her index finger between her lips, gave the housekeeper a stop-talking gesture, then pointed to the bowl of fried rice that she had left for the housekeeper on the table, and returned lightly with her own rice bowl. Going to the room, he knew that Li Cheng should not be able to see, but somehow felt a fiery gaze on his back.

After Chu Xia quietly left, Li Cheng asked, "Qiu Chi was here just now?"

The butler hummed.

"Where is he?" Li Cheng asked again.

The housekeeper replied, "Young Master Qiu went back to the room."

Li Cheng's expression didn't seem to have changed. He sat down on the sofa, as if he didn't care that Qiu Chi came and went, but after a while, he suddenly asked the housekeeper, "He? What are you doing in the kitchen?"

The housekeeper said, "I made a bowl of egg fried rice."

Li Cheng didn't speak anymore, the housekeeper was thinking about him? I haven't eaten anything yet, so I filled a bowl of lean meat porridge from the kitchen and brought it to Li Cheng's eyes. After Li Cheng took two bites, he said to the housekeeper: "I won't eat it, take it."

The housekeeper took a look, Li Cheng ate as much as he had in total, the cat that Wang Ma kept ate more than him, the housekeeper opened his mouth to persuade him, "Sir, you eat too little, eat more. The sick can get better soon.”

"Can't eat anymore?"

Every time Li Cheng fell ill, the housekeeper felt that he was the one with the most headaches. He had to bring the porridge to him. When he came out of the kitchen, the housekeeper saw the bowl of fried rice that Chu Xia had left for him. As soon as he moved, he brought the fried rice to Li Cheng and said to Li Cheng, "Sir, would you like to try this?"

Li Cheng asked, "Who did it?"

"Young Master Qiu did it."

The housekeeper thought that Li Cheng would reject this bowl of fried rice after knowing that Chu Xia made it. He didn't expect that he finally picked up the spoon and ate the whole small bowl of fried rice. In fact, the housekeeper did not want Li Cheng to be sick. Eat this kind of slightly greasy stuff, but it's better than eating nothing at all.

It seems that Mr. Qiu likes the things that Mr. Qiu makes, and he may have to ask Mr. Qiu to help him cook for a few days.

The housekeeper was a little curious about the taste of what Qiu Shao made. Li Cheng asked, "He? How is the injury on his body?"

The housekeeper was stunned for a moment, then thought that what Li Cheng was asking should be Chu Xia, and he replied, "It should be fine, it's just serious, the bones and internal organs are fine."

Li Cheng instructed the housekeeper a few words, and went upstairs to rest again. When the Li family heard that Li Cheng was ill, they all called to greet him. Just a little fever, nothing major.

After replying to all the Li family members, the housekeeper came to Chu Xia's room and said to Chu Xia, "Sir, don't enter his room in the future."

Chu Xia snorted. Whether or not he could enter Li Cheng's room would have no effect on him.

"I have one more thing I want to trouble Young Master Qiu."

Chu Xia: "What's the matter?"

"Sir, how many days have you been sick and can't eat? But what you made, Mr. liked it. When you cook in the future, can you help Mr.

"I see." Chu Xia nodded, making more meals for one person would be no trouble for him.

He? I also wanted to ask if I could eat a plate with one meal, he? Guaranteed to feed Li Cheng to a chubby fat, but the result? He heard the housekeeper continue: "Sir, he also asked how your body is recovering. When? When did you get the family law?"

The housekeeper was a little embarrassed when he said this, but it was not what the husband asked for Chu Xia to cook. The husband only urged him to ask the family law. .

Chu Xia: "..."

When cooking for Li Cheng later, put a box of canned herring and poison him to death.

Under the daily feeding of Chu Xia, Li Cheng's complexion has improved a lot with the naked eye, and his illness has also improved quickly. The doctor who came to examine him felt strange and secretly asked the housekeeper, how are you doing this time, sir? so fast.

The housekeeper said that thanks to Young Master Qiu, the doctor looked surprised: "Young Master Qiu? What can he do? He? Made the husband angry?"

The housekeeper explained that all the food that Mr. Chu Xia had eaten during this period of time was made by Chu Xia. The doctor knew how picky Li Cheng was at this time, so the chef at the state banquet cooked him a table of dishes, and he was not sure. How many mouthfuls can be eaten, the doctor sighed and said, "Young Master Qiu has such craftsmanship, I can't see it, I want to try it too."

The housekeeper has eaten the things that Chu Xia cooked, objectively evaluated, the taste is okay, but it is still a little worse than the real chefs. However, Mr. Li doesn't like the things made by the so-called chefs.

Li Cheng was sitting in the garden, Chu Xia was sitting by the window, drawing with his head down A lot of room for improvement.

Seeing that Li Cheng was sitting there for a long time without changing his posture, Chu Xia simply regarded him as his tool and began to draw towards him. As a result, halfway through the drawing, Li Cheng got up and left. Chu Xia looked at the drawing board. On the unfinished paintings, I decided to use my imagination to make up the remaining ones myself.

Chu Xia's painting was a little fascinated. Li Cheng's facial features were hidden in the shadow of the leaves, and a golden light broke through the thick cloud layer and fell on Li Cheng's body.

Chu Xia put down the paintbrush in his hand and stared at the masterpiece he had just completed on the drawing board for a long time. Suddenly, he felt that the person on the painting was not so similar to Li Cheng, but if he was asked to say who he was, he would not say much. come up.

The housekeeper knocked on the door and came in from the outside, and said to Chu Xia, "Young Master Qiu, tomorrow, Mr. Lin asked you to go to Lin's house and apologize to Young Master Lin."

"I know," Chu Xia quickly buttoned the drawing board and asked, "Where is the Lin family? Please send me the address, Grandpa Steward."

The housekeeper said, "Mr. will accompany you tomorrow."

Chu Xia thought about it, this is fine. If he goes alone, he will probably be beaten. If Li Cheng goes with him, the Lin family should not dare to do anything.

Okay, those meals I made some time ago were considered to be in vain.

The next day, Chu Xia and Li Cheng went to Lin's house in the same car. In order to make Li Cheng feel better, he deliberately sat in the front passenger seat. Li Cheng, who was in the back row, looked out the window, not knowing him? Now he can what did you see.

The Lin family heard that Mr. Li brought Qiu Chi here to apologize, and everyone's faces were not very good-looking. If Qiu Chi came by himself, they could still make things difficult for him. Now Li Cheng is following, but it is Can't do anything more.

However, Lin Zhiyao had already found someone to beat Qiu Chi before, and the one who should have revenge has already done so. Now that Mr. Li can bring him to the Lin family to apologize in person, it can be regarded as giving the Lin family enough face.

Although Lin Zhiyao was still angry at what happened to his younger brother, he also knew that after today, the Lin family should put it down.

The three of them chatted very happily. Lin Zhiyao found that the Qiu Chi in front of him didn't look like the wine bag and rice bag he imagined. If it wasn't that the incident really happened to his brother, he couldn't believe it. A young man would do such a thing. He smiled and sent the tea brought by the servant to Li Cheng's hand. Li Cheng took it and drank a cup of tea. Chu Xia took a sip. One sip and put down the teacup.

At this moment, a servant trotted over and said something in Lin Zhiyao's ear. I saw his face change, and he glanced at a few teacups on the table. He looked like that. As if about to faint.

The servant told him that he saw what the young lady had secretly poured into the cup just now.

He got up and barely kept a smile, and said to Li Cheng, "Excuse me? My little sister is looking for me for something."

Lin Zhiyao endured the anger that almost burned his hair, found the young lady, and asked her, "What did you put into the cup just now?"

This young lady from the Lin family was in the third grade of elementary school this year. She was not tall and had not reached Lin Zhiyao's waist. She raised her head and said to Lin Zhiyao, "What did he drink for my brother that day? I'll give it to you. What is he drinking?"

When Lin Zhiyao heard this, his head was going to explode with anger. He gritted his teeth and asked her, "Where did you get this kind of thing?"

The little lady snorted: "Where can you buy money with money!"

"Do you remember which cup it was?"

The little lady pouted and said, "Those cups all look the same, how can I remember!"

"You know the cups are the same and dare to put them!"

"There was only one cup there when I went there. I thought that only the bad guy came. Who knew that Mr. Li would also come." The little lady blinked her eyes aggrievedly, and tears fell.

Lin Zhiyao pressed his forehead and said helplessly, "Even if Mr. Li didn't come, I might have drank that cup of tea."

"Then you can drink it," said the little lady.

Lin Zhiyao: "…"

I really want to beat this little sister.

God bless the cup of tea that Mr. Li drank from being drugged, and bless Chu Xia's cup of tea.

If there is any pain, let him bear it alone.

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