After Li Cheng answered Chu Xia's question, he didn't even jump out a word. He neither asked why Chu Xia asked this question, nor did he explain what happened between him and Miss Bai.

Neither of them spoke, and the living room fell into silence again. Chu Xia looked out the window, wondering where all the servants of the Li family were now. Why? No one?

It was almost completely dark outside? Chu Xia? Hesitating for a while, he asked Li Cheng, "Have you eaten, sir?"


Chu Xia asked again, "What do you want to eat, sir? I'll go to the kitchen and make something for you."

It happened that he was also a little hungry. I don't know where Wang Ma and the housekeeper went, and how did they get there? Haven't they come back yet? Chu Xia knew that this matter must have something to do with Li Cheng, but looking at Li Cheng's appearance, he seemed unwilling to explain it to him.

"Whatever." Li Cheng said lazily.

Chu Xia asked, "Is it alright?"

Li Cheng hummed and said nothing else.

Chu Xia went to the kitchen. He was too lazy to do the previous preparations, so he took two bags of hand-rolled noodles bought from outside directly from the refrigerator.

Because Li Cheng didn't like spicy food, Chu Xia chose to use clear soup as the base, cut a few slices of beef in sauce on top, sprinkled a few green onions for decoration, and also twisted a small amount at the bottom of the bowl. Small shrimp for freshness.

He likes spicy food, so after waiting for the noodles to be served, he poured some red oil and vinegar into his bowl.

Chu Xia came out of the kitchen with two bowls of noodles. Li Cheng was still sitting on the sofa in the living room. It seemed that he had no plans to move to the dining room for dinner.

He put the noodles on the coffee table and handed the chopsticks to Li Cheng's hand. Li Cheng took the chopsticks. He didn't use his hands immediately, but asked Chu Xia, "When did you learn to cook?"

The original owner has never been in the Li family or in front of Li Cheng? In the kitchen, because he is not a member of the Li family, he is extremely inferior in his heart, and these inferiority complexes are found in Li Cheng's heart? When it comes to weight, it has all turned into excessive self-esteem. He will never contaminate the things that the servants do. If there is someone who encourages him, he will definitely turn his face faster than he turns a book.

Chu Xia whispered, "...It's natural."

Li Cheng used his chopsticks to pick up a few noodles in the bowl. I don't know what he was thinking, and he smiled lightly.

Chu Xia was a little puzzled, what's so funny about this.

Hear? Li Cheng asked: "Just like you like men?"

Chu Xia: "..."

It's true that you are born to like men, and your cooking skills are trained through the world.

Li Cheng lowered his head and ate the noodles in the bowl, but never spoke again. After he finished eating, Chu Xia put away the bowl and chopsticks, and was about to say goodbye to Li Cheng, but was robbed by Li Cheng. He said to Chu Xia, "Sit with me for a while."

Chu Xia couldn't understand Li Cheng's thoughts. He didn't let himself into his room. He looked like a straight man of steel who was afraid of being taken advantage of by **** men. Now he wants to stay here with him by himself. Not afraid of his animalistic nature, he jumped up and ate him.

However, Chu Xia only dared to think about this kind of thing in his head. He chose a place that wasn't too close or too far to sit down. Even when he was sitting, his **** was always a little uncomfortable. .

He actually thought that when Li Cheng stayed here at this time, there should be something for him to do, or something to ask him, but Li Cheng just sat there quietly, as if he regarded Chu Xia as a ? Air people.

So what is he going to do?

Chu Xia adjusted his posture so that his buttocks were as little as possible against the sofa. He thought that Li Cheng couldn't see him now, so he simply shrank into a ball, lay on the sofa, and rested his head on his arms. Looking at Li Cheng in a daze.

Li Cheng just sat there quietly, he didn't feel bored, he seemed to be a little more stable than Mount Tai?

Chu Xia Mingming woke up not long ago, but he was a little sleepy again. He yawned, his eyelids gradually drooped, and his breathing became even after a while.

He slept.

Chu Xia slept soundly, and the slow and even breathing sounded in Li Cheng's ears not far away, but it sounded like a very harsh whistle, his brows subconsciously wrinkled, his face The expression on his face also showed a bit of panic, he was a little dazed, and it took a long time before he came back to his senses.

Li Cheng stood up from the sofa and came to Chu Xia's side. Suddenly, an unprecedented strong desire surged in his heart. He wanted to take a look at this person in front of him.

What he can't see, his eyes have long been dead.

Li Cheng turned upstairs and went upstairs. After a while, he came down with a blanket and put the blanket over Chu Xia's body. He sat down again in his original position.

He just sat there doing nothing, and didn't need any entertainment. With the sound of breathing that never stopped, time didn't seem difficult to him at all. Li Cheng closed his eyes and leaned his upper body back. Come on, in the darkness in front of him, there seem to be many scenes that he has never seen before, but no matter how hard he tries, he can't see clearly.

Suddenly, he heard Chu Xia muttering in a low voice in his sleep, as if he was acting like a spoiled child: "I still want... still..."

Li Cheng opened his eyes and turned to Chu Xia's direction with some confusion. What did he want?

Li Cheng waited for a while, then heard? Chu Xia grunted and complained, "Didn't you eat? Can't you use some force?"

Li Cheng: "..."

He seems to know what Chu Xia wants. He regrets being in the punishment room today? Help Chu Xia to stop it.

Chu Xia's voice gradually decreased, that dream probably didn't have a good ending, he slept more deeply.

Li Cheng noticed the strangeness of his body and was unmoved. He just waited for it to gradually cool down. I don't know how long it took, maybe five minutes, maybe half an hour, and then again. Perhaps after a while, the housekeeper finally came back and saw that Chu Xia was still sleeping on the sofa, covered with a thin blanket, while Li Cheng was sitting not far from him.

The butler walked over, lowered his voice, and asked Li Cheng, "What's the matter with Mr. Qiu and Young Master Qiu?"

"Nothing." Li Cheng said lightly.

The housekeeper didn't quite believe what Li Cheng said. If it was true, then how could Chu Xia sleep here, and the husband didn't even wake him up.

In the end, what kind of mentality did you treat Mr. Qiu with?

When he thought about Li Cheng's arrival? Maybe he couldn't let go now? Qiu Chi's mother, the old housekeeper only felt that his hair was about to turn white.

Chu Xia got up from the sofa in a daze. When he woke up, Li Cheng had already left. Besides him, there were several servants in the living room cleaning up the toilet. Chu Xia took out his mobile phone and checked the time. , it's already half past nine.

He felt that he didn't fall asleep until two or three in the morning tonight. It seems that there will be class tomorrow morning. Chu Xia sighed and returned to his bedroom from the living room. Inside, take out the computer, the paper that the teacher assigned in the last class? He doesn't seem to have finished it yet.

Hey, life, why do you still have things like homework?

Chu Xia's ten fingers quickly jumped on the keyboard.

Qiu Chi's changes during this period of time, teachers in the professional class are all aware of it. This young master Qiu, who used to skip classes every day, now not only comes to class every day, but also listens carefully, and even completes the homework well and submits it. The paintings that come up are better than each other, and he can still see a little bit of spiritual energy. If he can calm down and focus on painting, he may be able to achieve something in the future. .

In view of Chu Xia's outstanding performance during this period, the teacher even opened a small stove for him, called him to the office, and told him that if there was anything he didn't understand, feel free to ask them, Chu Xia said After saying a few words of thanks, I came out of the office. I just went downstairs and received a call from Zhang Yi. It has been a week now. Zhang Yi has not heard any news from Chu Xia. A little anxious, he questioned Chu Xia on the phone: "You really don't take what I said seriously!"

Chu Xia smiled. Does his face look like he is being bullied? He obviously had contact with the rest of the Li family, so why did he catch his own fat sheep to sew the wool? Was it a bit too much? Chu Xia raised her eyebrows and asked Zhang Yi on the other end of the phone: " who do you think You Are?"

Is it his father or his mother? Born? He or raised? He? Even the salary for the internship period is not given to the original owner, who is the original owner? Why does Hanhan listen to him like that?

Zhang Yi was choked by Chu Xia. Speaking of which, his identity was indeed unattractive in front of the Li family. He threatened Chu Xia, "Aren't you afraid that I will tell Li Cheng about these things?"

"Then go tell." Anyway, he had already confessed to Li Cheng some time ago, and if Zhang Yi didn't tell Li Cheng about it, Li Cheng probably wouldn't let him go.

I don't know? What's the reason, Li Cheng actually arrived? He hasn't made a move now. Is it because he is older and has a broader mind?

This kind of situation is really rare in villains.

However? Judging from the original owner's memory and the current experience of Chu Xia, Li Cheng really doesn't look like a villain.

Zhang Yi's brows were so wrinkled that he could almost kill a fly. He was eager to know what happened during this time. How did Qiu Chi suddenly turn into such a dead pig that was not afraid of being scalded by boiling water? In her heart, she couldn't help scolding her mother, and said to Chu Xia, "Don't you care about your parents' deaths?"

"I know better than you how my parents died."

Zhang Yi immediately laughed and said sarcastically, "You know better than me? You know what you know? If you were really clear, you wouldn't be behind Li Cheng all day long and be his dog."

Chu Xia was not angry when Zhang Yi called him Li Cheng's dog, and said with a smile, "I'm a dog behind Mr. Li, and Mr. Li can give me a bone to eat. You sell it? After the dog meat farm skins and eats the meat, the bones will be boiled for you to drink."

Zhang Yi's brows furrowed even tighter. In the past, he could sense that Qiu Chi liked him, but he didn't care about it at all. To him, Qiu Chi was just an easy-to-use fool. If he likes him, he will be able to use him more thoroughly. Zhang Yi didn't expect that? Now he will have such a change. While Zhang Yi can't wait to strangle him, he also makes Zhang Yi give birth to him. With some unusual interest, he adjusted his voice and deliberately made his voice sound low and sexy. He asked Chu Xia, "You don't want to go to W City with me?"

"Go on your own." Chu Xia hung up the phone and added Zhang Yi to the blacklist again.

Zhang Yi inexplicably felt that Chu Xia's tone was so sarcastic at this time, and then he heard a beep on the phone. After that, no matter how he called Chu Xia, he couldn't get through.

This guy is disobedient, it's time to teach him a lesson, Zhang Yi looked down at his phone and sneered.

In the garden behind Li's house, Li Cheng was sitting on a stone bench and basking in the sun. He closed his eyes, and his thoughts flew to where he went. The housekeeper called out several times. Li Cheng just came back and asked the housekeeper. :"What did you say?"

"Young Master Chen? I'll be back tomorrow."

Li Cheng hummed, noncommittal.

He has always had such an indifferent attitude towards the younger generation of the Li family, only recently he seems to have been somewhat different towards Young Master Qiu.

The housekeeper continued: "By the way, Dr. Gost has already made an appointment for you. The time is next Wednesday morning, don't forget it."

Li Cheng nodded: "I know."

Chu Xia came back from school with a small drawing board on his back, and the system suddenly said to Chu Xia, "That? Li Cheng's database has been completely unlocked. Team Leader Chu, do you want to read it now?"

"Look." Knowing a little more about the villain can also help him in his mission.

Even if there is no mission, Chu Xia wants to understand this person more comprehensively, and there may be a little bit of his selfishness hidden in it.

All the information about Li Cheng's childhood is now revealed to Chu Xia. Li Cheng's father was the last head of the Li family, but Li Cheng was not happy when he was a child. His father always thought that he was Mrs. Li's derailment. The child who came down, at that time, the technology of DNA identification was not fully mature, and there were people from the Li family who interfered with it, so his father always believed that this was not his child.

Maybe it was to torture Mrs. Li on purpose. Even if the owner of the house was convinced that he was wearing a green hat, he didn't? He kicked Li Cheng out of Li's house, but instead kept him in Li's house, and let Mrs. Li watch him in Li's house every day. How the family struggled to survive, Mrs. Li couldn't bear it, and she had mental problems. Finally? On Li Cheng's seventh birthday, she took a lot of sleeping pills in the water and drank it with Li Cheng, but in the end, Only Mrs. Li died, and Li Cheng remained in this world to suffer.

Li Cheng, as a Li family member that no one recognizes, has snatched the Li family into his own hands after he became an adult. Maybe his father saw something in him? The appearance of his youth when he was young, coupled with the deep sleep at night, Mrs. Li cried silently to him, the self-confident Li family head also began to doubt whether the paternity test of the year was wrong, so he was even more towards Li Cheng. Next? No hand.

Later, the head of the Li family was seriously ill and was hospitalized. He secretly found someone to do a paternity test for himself and Li Cheng. The results this time showed that Li Cheng was indeed the real child of the head of the family, but Li Cheng got it ahead of time. The paternity test was shredded, forged a letter, and sent it to him.

The patriarch of the Li family, who had only one breath left, vomited blood when he saw the fake paternity test. He thought that the Li family would eventually fall into the hands of an outsider, and he would never rest his eyes. .

As for the homophobia, it was entirely because Li Cheng had seen it with his own eyes when he was young Dodging, on the contrary, felt even more exciting, and even wanted to pull Li Cheng to their side. This scene left a huge shadow on Li Cheng's young mind.

Chu Xia was speechless, what kind of people were the Li family?

This is simply a group of monsters and monsters, no wonder they have to guard the family law that was left over decades ago. If it wasn't for Li Cheng's suppression here, the people of the Li family would have been squatting in the bureau long ago.

Chu Xia pressed her forehead and asked the system, "If I remember correctly, today is Li Cheng's birthday."


Because Mrs. Li died on Li Cheng's birthday, Li Cheng never missed his birthday, and every night on this day, the top and bottom of the Li family couldn't find him. Chu Xia now sees him. When it comes to Li Cheng's past memories, he knows where he will be, but at this time, he doesn't need to disturb him.

It's just that it suddenly started to rain at night. In the past few years, when Li Cheng was on his birthday, the weather was fine. Li Cheng wasn't there, and neither did the housekeeper.

It can't work now. Since the accident, Li Cheng's health has not been very good. If it rains overnight outside, the housekeeper can't imagine what will happen to the husband the next day. He takes the servants with him. After searching for Li Cheng in the manor for more than an hour, no one was found.

The silver lightning split the gloomy night sky into two halves. Chu Xia woke up from the dream. Hearing the thunder and rain outside, he quickly picked up an umbrella and ran outside.

He knew where Li Cheng was.

Back then, after he took over the Li family, he immediately moved the tomb for Mrs. Li, and no one knew where he buried Mrs. Li.

Every time it was his birthday, Li Cheng would go to Mrs. Li's grave and talk to Mrs. Li.

Mrs. Li's grave is on the hill behind the Li family. Li Cheng hopes she can see it.

Chu Xia hurried all the way to the top of the mountain. Li Cheng was indeed here. He was standing in the rain and didn't care about his body at all.

Chu Xia sighed softly, walked over, and propped the umbrella over Li Cheng's head.

Li Cheng raised his head and stared blankly at the top of his head. He couldn't see it, and there was no other smell on Chu Xia's body, but he knew that he was here. Li Cheng asked, "Why are you here?"

Chu Xia said: "That?...Walking casually, just came? Here."

If you just walk around, you will never come here, but Li Cheng didn't? Ask him again.

"Do you know what this place is?" he asked Chu Xia.

Chu Xia pursed her lips and didn't speak. He heard Li Cheng say, "My mother is buried here."

Chu Xia remembered what he saw from the system, the scene where Mrs. Li died in front of Li Cheng, and his hand holding the umbrella handle tightened unconsciously.

Li Cheng didn't know? By what means, as if he was aware of his strangeness, he asked him, "Are you sympathizing with me?" "I didn't?" Chu Xia denied.

"Is it?"

"Sir, you shouldn't need my sympathy," but after learning about Li Cheng's past, Chu Xia couldn't help but feel a little soft-hearted. He said to Li Cheng, "I feel sorry for Mr.

"Distressed?" Li Cheng seemed to have heard some nice joke, "I have something to feel bad about."

Chu Xia didn't know what to say. The plot he knew was not something Qiu Chi should know.

Li Cheng continued to ask: "Before, I was regarded as the enemy who killed my father, why do you feel sorry for me now?"

Chu Xia couldn't answer, he didn't expect that Li Cheng knew all of these things, but for some reason he never attacked the original owner.

He lowered his head and said to Li Cheng, "Sir, I was wrong."

Li Cheng said coldly, "It's a pleasure to admit your mistake."

"Sir, I will definitely be a good person in the future," Chu Xia assured.

Li Cheng didn't speak, but it seemed that there was a slight smile on his face. Chu Xia thought about something, maybe he didn't care. Not seeing a small trend, Chu Xia asked Li Cheng, "Sir, won't you go back?"

"No, go back."

"Then I'll accompany Mr. here." Chu Xia was really worried that if Li Cheng fainted here, there would be no one to save his life.

However, the weather was so cold right now that Chu Xia ran out in his pajamas. Now it was so cold that he shivered. He sniffed and sneezed one after another.

"Go back." Li Cheng told him.


Li Cheng didn't speak any more. He just listened to Chu Xia's sneezes one after another. How much did he give birth to? He couldn't bear it. He said to Chu Xia, "Okay, let's go down the mountain."

He turned around and walked down the mountain, Chu Xia walked beside him.

There seemed to be a ray of light shining on that barren, barren and dark corner.

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