Although the taste is indeed unstoppable, Chang Wei doesn't think he will always be like this.

This man is not worth spending too much time on him.

Immortal Venerable Changwei turned his head, and his eyes fell on the cabinet by the bedside. In addition to Chu Xia's daily reading book, there was also a copy of "The Heart Sutra".

Now this scripture is placed here, inexplicably like a kind of irony.

Chu Xia was too tired. After falling asleep, she still hummed, and hooked back Changwei Immortal Venerable who had planned to leave. Changwei's eyes swept over his body.

Chu Xia turned over, and the bedding under him was a little wet.

Those things, Immortal Venerable Changwei, should have been cleaned up by Chu Xia, but since he said it was needed by the child, Changwei naturally ignored it.

Seeing this scene, Chang Wei felt her throat tighten, and she suddenly wanted to do something more.

But in the end, he held back, Chu Xia was indeed too tired.

He got into bed, got dressed and fell asleep.

The lights in the room were all extinguished, leaving only the sound of two people's breathing rising and falling.

In Changwei's current state, he actually no longer needs to sleep, but now he is lying on the bed, listening to the even breathing of the people around him, and seems to be a little sleepy.

Wait? When Chu Xia opened his eyes the next day, he found that he was being embraced by Immortal Venerable Chang Wei, and Chang Wei was hugging a little tight. His long snow-white hair was intertwined with Chu Xia's blue silk. After finally breaking free from Chang Wei's arms, he sat up, lowered his head and untied the tangled hair, but the tangled hair was a little messy, so Chu Xia was patient and came little by little.

It took most of the day and only a small part of it. Chu Xia was a little tired and could not wait to go back to sleep, but if she fell asleep now, after waking up, the two of them would probably have their hair tangled even more. .

Chu Xia's patience was gradually exhausted. He yawned, and then looked up to find that Immortal Venerable Changwei had woken up at some point and was looking at himself quietly.

Chu Xia blinked, woke up and didn't give a favor. He sent the messy hair in his hand to Immortal Venerable Changwei.

The long micro-finger lightly tapped in the air, and then the two of them's hair parted.

Chu Xia was stunned. He really wanted to practice. It seemed like a lot of fun, but none of the people on Qianxuefeng wanted him to practice again.

Forget it, if you can’t cultivate, you can’t cultivate. Once you cultivate, he doesn’t know how long he will stay in this world.

Chu Xia changed his clothes and went out, leaving Chang Wei sitting on the bed alone, Chang Wei raised his hand and pressed his forehead, suddenly, his eyes stopped, and there was some hair left by Chu Xia on the bed. One of his white hair was still tied to him. It must have been too tangled. Chu Xia couldn't get it out just now, so it was torn off.

He stretched out his hand, and the white hair fell from his hair. He took the two hairs in his hand and looked at it for a while, but he didn't know what to see.

As soon as Chu Xia walked out of the room, he felt refreshed. His thighs, which were still a little weak, suddenly regained strength. It might be that the medicinal pill that Immortal Venerable Changwei fed him that night was indeed effective. .

He looked up at the sky, the sky was still so blue, the sun was still so...

Why is the sun going to set again, and how long has he been with Changwei?

Chu Xia felt that if he stayed here in Changwei again, after two days, his **** would really bloom. This thing still needs to be controlled a little bit. He should go back to Luoxia Garden for two days.

Chu Xia's body was actually fine. The various marks that Changwei had left on his skin meant that it looked rather tragic, but thinking about Changwei's attitude in bed yesterday and the day before yesterday was a little scary, mainly. It was because he had never done it for such a long time before, and he was about to lose his kidneys.

Thinking of this, Chu Xia raised his hand and touched the position of his kidneys. Are all his kidneys really there?

As soon as Chu Xia returned to his own Luoxia Garden, Luo Chao, who lived next door, knew that Chu Xia had been relying on Changwei Immortal Venerable all day before, and Luo Chao was very dissatisfied. Now that Chu Xia came back voluntarily, Luo Chao He began to wonder if something happened between him and Chang Wei.

Luo Chao felt that he was like an old mother now, and he was simply worried about Zun Shang and Chu Xia.

Soon after, Xuan Yi also discovered that Chu Xia had returned to Luoxia Garden, but he was not very curious, he already had the answer in his heart, it must have been Xianzun who thought this person was too annoying and rushed back.

Chu Xia took the little civet cat from Xuan Yi's hand and teased the cat until midnight. Finally, he felt a little sleepy again. He lay down on the slump, and the kitten clumped together beside his pillow. Tuan, the tip of the gray tail swiped left and right, and then fell asleep, making a series of grunting noises.

Chu Xia didn't think the sound was noisy, on the contrary, there was a little hypnosis. He closed his eyes and fell asleep soon after, but this sleep was really uneasy, he always felt that someone was making trouble for him, he stretched out his hand in the air in disgust He waved, but didn't touch anything. Chu Xia felt that something was not right. He opened his eyes and immediately realized that this was not his own Luoxia Garden at all, but he was not unfamiliar with the decorations in front of him. Isn't it the palace of Immortal Venerable Changwei?

Chu Xia took a deep breath, and then let it out slowly, she was dreaming.

There should be no more than six hours between him and Changwei Immortal Venerable last ending.

Chu Xia closed his eyes again. His ostrich appearance was a bit ridiculous. Chang Wei's chuckle came into his ears. Chu Xia reluctantly opened his eyes. Chang Wei was still in front of his eyes.

It's only six hours, Immortal Venerable Changwei has lost so much Yuanyang, don't you need to stop for a while to make up for it?

Chu Xia asked Xianzun Changwei, "Why did I come here?"

Chang Wei stretched out his hand to lift Chu Xia's chin, and asked him in a light tone, "Is this seat allowing you to leave?"

That's not true, Chu Xia smiled ingratiatingly, and asked Chang Wei, "Your Majesty, can I go back to Luoxia Garden now?"

"What do you say?"

Chu Xia nodded and said, "I think it should be possible."

However, Chang Wei said, "It's a mistake, you should be punished."

Chu Xia's eyes turned black, penalty? How to punish?

Chu Xia felt that he could know what Chang Wei was thinking by moving his toes. If this was in the first few worlds, Chu Xia would be so happy that the corners of his mouth twitched behind his ears when he heard that he would be punished.

However, specific cases need to be analyzed in detail.

Chu Xia felt that he really couldn't take it anymore, but Chang Wei didn't stop and put two medicinal pills in his mouth. Before Chu Xia could taste the taste of the medicine, the fierce battle began. .

Chu Xia originally wanted to be passive at work, but Chang Wei is probably gifted in this respect, or maybe he has some muscle memory about the previous world, so... he is especially good at teasing Chu Xia, and he has a good grasp of every point. , the strength of light and heavy is also very accurate, plus Chu Xia's current physique, he has absolutely no way to pretend to be dead on the bed.

A dignified Immortal Venerable, don’t learn good things, it’s useless to learn these things!

This time, Immortal Venerable Changwei considered that Chu Xia was a mortal person. In addition to giving him enough supplements, he could not let him be too indulgent.

So he personally helped him tie a bow, Chu Xia stared at the almost completely symmetrical bow for a long time, why didn't he use pink?

Chu Xia asked this question unconsciously, smiled and said, "So you like pink."

"I think black suits you better," Chu Xia's skin was extraordinarily fair. He paused and continued, "But since it's used on you, it's still up to you to like it."

Changwei's hand lightly touched it, and the black ribbon turned pink.

Chu Xia only felt that this time he was going to suffer. Soon after, his two legs were hung in the air. Chu Xia felt that this posture was a bit familiar, as if he had seen it in the book? When Shan bought him a text book, he specifically asked him to buy some colored ones. Xuan Yi immediately showed a disgusting expression, as if Chu Xia was asking for something very dirty, but in the end he still followed his wishes. Bought it for him.

At some point, a water mirror was placed on the top of his head. When Chu Xia opened his eyes, he could see himself clearly. It turns out that Immortal Venerable can also see this kind of thing.

Chu Xia didn't know how this night passed, or maybe it wasn't just this night, Chu Xia seemed to be in a dream, and it seemed like he was standing on the edge of a cliff, his life was hanging by a thread, but he was blissful. place.

In the end, Chu Xia's head was blank, and he couldn't hold anything except Chang Wei.

The first... I don't know how many days in the morning, Chu Xia got up from the bed, both legs were soft, he stepped on the soft carpet, he wanted to rub his waist like he usually does, but in fact his waist It didn't hurt much. The two medicinal herbs of Immortal Venerable Changwei didn't know what kind of spirit grass they used to make them, but Chu Xia still felt a little empty. This kind of emptyness might not come from the body.

In the afternoon, Daojun Baishui came to diagnose Chu Xia's pulse. After a while, he put his hand back and said to Chu Xia, "The child is very healthy."

Chu Xia nodded, touched her stomach, laughed, and said to Daojun Baishui, "It's all taken care of by the Immortal Venerable."

Daojun Baishui wonders, what does this have to do with Immortal Venerable?

He also knew a little about the situation above Qian Xuefeng. Now Xuan should have gone down the mountain to buy food for him all day long, and the spirit beast he ate was sent back by Luo Chao.

What did the immortal do?

Daojun Baishui looked at Chu Xia strangely, but Chu Xia said nothing.

Daojun Baishui suddenly remembered that when he came here two days ago, he didn't seem to have seen Chu Xia. Daojun Baishui asked if Chu Xia had gone down the mountain, and Chu Xia shook his head.

Did not go down the mountain, went to heaven.

"However, why hasn't your belly changed at all?" It stands to reason that after such a long time, the belly should be a little bigger, but Daojun Baishui watched, his belly told him that Chu Xia was pregnant. A day doesn't seem to make a difference.

Chu Xia said nonsense seriously: "That may be the child of Xianzun. Unlike ordinary people, he grows slowly."

"Really?" Daojun Baishui still felt that something was wrong, but even if it wasn't because of his superiority, it might be because of Chu Xia. After all, he is a man, and his body structure is not the same as a woman's, so the development of children is not the same. Maybe a little different too.

In the future, when the month is over, where will this child be born? Daojun Baishui rummaged through the medical books of Guiyi School, and there was no record of a man giving birth to a child.

Chu Xia is a mortal now, and it would be difficult to give birth to this child.

After Daojun Baishui left, the system asked Chu Xia, "Team Leader Chu, when do you want to get this child in your belly?"

Chu Xia protected her stomach and said to the system, "You are so cruel, that's an innocent life."


Is the team leader Chu too deep into the play, where is there life? Outer space?

"I'm pregnant, I'll keep it for now, it won't delay things anyway," Chu Xia said.

The system let out a laugh. It really didn't delay things. The time that the world was blocked for was increasing exponentially. The system couldn't believe that it would be blocked for such a long time.

However, Team Leader Chu was able to persevere completely, and his complexion was not bad. He was really powerful.

The system expressed its admiration for Team Leader Chu, and then fell silent. Chu Xia stroked the kitten in his arms, thinking that in a few months, if his belly is still like this, Changwei and the others should also be suspicious. .

He definitely won't be able to give birth to a child, and he has to find an opportunity to get this child away.

But don't worry too much, it's really not enough to be pregnant with Nezha for three years.

Chu Xia thought about these messes, and she didn't know when the kitten in her arms ran away, until Chang Wei appeared behind him and said to him, "Come here."

Chu Xia looked at it now? When he saw Chang Wei, his calf was trembling. He never imagined that Chu Xia would have such a day.

He asked Chang Wei, "Is there anything wrong with your honor?"

Chang Wei looked down at him and said to him, "This seat is here to take good care of you."

Chu Xia hadn't reacted at first, but only later did he remember where Chang Wei's care came from?

Chu Xia entered the palace with Chang Wei. It was really cool. When I think about it now, my scalp was numb, but I couldn't spend all my life on it. He said to Chang Wei, "Your honor. Come on, do you think that you have spent too much time on me, which has delayed your cultivation."

After Chu Xia finished speaking, she couldn't believe it, this was something that could come out of her own mouth.

How can this be so? How could this be so!

Chang Wei raised his eyes, glanced at him with a half-smile, and said to him, "This is also a kind of cultivation."

This kind of words? It can also be said, Chu Xia is simply impressed by this Immortal Venerable.

When he saw Chang Wei for the first time on Qianxue Peak that day, why was his brain pumping, thinking that he was an immortal Venerable who was aloof and abstinent and did not eat human fireworks.

But the man was provoked by himself, what can I do?

Besides, Changwei's technique was so good, except that it took too long to make Chu Xia feel out of control, and he couldn't find any other faults.

Then enjoy it, he lay down on the bed, in a rather uncle-like posture, and looked like the emperor who was waiting for his concubine to come to serve him.

Chang Wei didn't mind, and only served him comfortably.

But this time, it didn't last too long.

Chang Wei removed the filth from his body, changed his clothes and went out to meet the sect master. The sect master of the Guiyi sect came this time for the sake of the demons. They seemed to have discovered the traces of the demons in the Guiyi sect recently.

Long Wei nodded and said that he knew.

The Sect Master of the Guiyi Sect was about to step back, but as soon as he looked up, he saw Chu Xia walking out of the inner room, looking like... a hibiscus flower that had just been nourished.

The sect master didn't understand why Immortal Venerable Changwei kept Tang Sifeng on Qianxuefeng, and the mouths of these disciples on Qianxuefeng were tighter than each other, and they couldn't ask anything.

Previously, the Sect Master thought that Tang Sifeng would be mistreated here, but now that he was ruddy and healthy, it was completely impossible to see that he had been tortured here.

The sovereign felt that he had seen through everything.

Honourable, he is afraid that he has taken a fancy to Tang Sifeng's furnace physique.

The Sect Master has no opinion on the matter of Changwei Immortal Venerable wanting to find someone for double cultivation.

But Tang Sifeng's cultivation has been abolished, even the furnace is useless, and it has no benefit to cultivation.

Although they belonged to the one sect, they were not those sects that relied on double cultivation, but none of the sects did not have a single furnace.

Tang Sifeng stayed by Changwei Immortal Venerable's side, and he was always not at ease.

The Sect Master moved very quickly, and sent those furnaces to Qianxuefeng the next day.

Chu Xia watched Luo Chao bring several good-looking young people up, and asked curiously, "Your master is going to accept apprentices again?"

"No." Luo Chao glanced at Chu Xia.

A questioning villain slowly rose from Chu Xia's head. How could he feel that Luo Chao looked at him with a little sympathy in his eyes.

Luo Chao continued to say to Chu Xia, "These people were sent by the sect master."

"What's that for?" There are enough people on Qian Xuefeng for now.

"They are all unique cauldrons, and they were given to you by the sect master." The cauldrons that can still be cultivated are much better than the **** Chu Xia.

Chu Xia snorted and nodded clearly. He felt that the look in the eyes of the old man when the Sect Master left was a little strange. It turned out to be the case.

"You..." Luo Chao hesitated.

"Anything? Just say it."

Luo Chao said: "Don't be too angry, it's not good for the child in your belly."

Chu Xia: "..."

Luo Chao, this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes, was led astray by himself.

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