So I went to Douluo

Chapter 1094 City Tour: Haixin City

April comes in a blink of an eye.

"I want to take you there today?" The first episode of the second season was officially announced to be filmed.

The filming location for this issue is Haixin City in Douluo Continent.

The meeting place was a small square.

Considering that there were new members of the audience, Director Qi looked at the guests standing in a row and said: "From left to right, introduce yourself in turn."

Needless to say, the six permanent guests are still the original cast of the first season.

After Xu Yue and Xu Chen in the middle introduced themselves, it was the turn of this issue's flying guests.

"Hello everyone, I am director Li Yong."

Li Yong is a middle-aged man with a stout figure. He has a smiling expression and looks very kind.

"This is my daughter Li Yue. She won the gold medal in a national piano competition when she was 15 years old. She is 22 years old this year and will graduate from college soon."

Li Yue has the appearance of Xiaojiabiyu, with a light complexion, which gives people a very comfortable feeling at first glance.

But it seems that his style clashes with Bai Sheng's.

Li Yong looked proud when talking about her achievements. Li Yue's pretty face was slightly red, but she still smiled openly: "Hello everyone, I am Li Yue. Please take care of me in the future!"

Xu Yue recalled the information about this pair of flying guests in her head.

Li Yong is probably a well-known director in the industry, but he has never worked with them before.

It's just that Xu Yue will remember him because she heard from others that this person seems to like to play with unspoken rules.

As for Li Yue

Xu Yue doesn't pay much attention to the piano circle, so she doesn't know much about Li Yue.

But looking at the background of the father and daughter today, they should be trying to build momentum for Li Yue and prepare her to make her debut, right?

Having been an agent for a long time, Xu Yue's sense of smell is extremely sensitive in this regard.

In short, if you don't know the situation clearly, it's better to stay away.

When she made a decision in her mind, Director Qi also began to announce the rules of this season.

"The theme of this season of our program is urban travel. As the name suggests, each guest team will receive some initial funds, and you will need to rely on these initial funds to spend five days and five nights in Haixin City.

"Food and accommodation for five days are entirely up to the guests themselves. You are not allowed to bring your personal brain, and the program team will provide new equipment for everyone to use. In addition, you cannot accept help from fans and can only rely on your own money to solve the problems of food and accommodation. ! Highlight it!

"In addition, during these five days, each guest group must visit a tourist attraction in Haixin City every day. Similarly, everyone needs to earn the money for the tickets. The five tourist attractions in the five days cannot be repeated. Check-in The way is to take photos in the scenic spots.

“The Adventure Stars of this issue will be awarded to the guest group that successfully completes five check-in tasks and has the largest balance. If multiple groups of guests complete the tasks, the final ownership of the Adventure Stars will be determined by the outcome of the game.

"Okay, that's the general rule. Do you have anything else to ask?"

Yu Xingzhou said: "Lao Qi, if you don't get the Adventure Star this season, will there be any punishment?"

Director Qi smiled cruelly: "Of course, Lao Yu. How could it be possible that this favorite part is missing?"

Yu Xingzhou: ""

Xu Yue raised her hand silently: "Director, how much is the initial capital?"

The smile on Director Qi's face became more and more cruel: "Don't worry, I will definitely miss you. Now, please come and collect the smart devices that will replace your personal brains for the next five days."

The staff brought ten small boxes and distributed them to each guest.

Xu Yue was the first to open it, then took out the contents and displayed them in front of the drone lens.

The corners of her lips twitched: "Mobile phone? No, it's really hard for you to find such an old antique."

The other guests were all silent with their mobile phones in their hands.

Not to mention how many years it has been out of use, whether today's software can still adapt to the mobile phone system, and whether such an antique thing can be used, are issues that cannot be ignored.

Director Qi glanced at Xu Yue and said: "Don't worry, everyone, your mobile phones have been debugged by professionals, several commonly used software are installed in them, and you have all logged in to the accounts prepared by the program team.

"The initial funds prepared by the program team are in the payment software on your mobile phone. You can check and confirm by yourself."

When he said this, everyone began to try to operate their mobile phones.

But for now, only Xu Yue and Xu Chen are able to turn on the computer skillfully.

Fu Jingting thought about the first time he met the siblings in "One World: Three Thousand Worlds". In that game world, he had studied mobile phones, a product that had long since been eliminated, so it was only a little slower and he successfully booted it. .

Fu Mingxuan and Changchang immediately gathered around Xu Yue: "Princess, princess, how do you use this?"

Xu Yue pointed to the buttons on the side of the phone: "Press and hold this to turn on the phone. After turning on the phone, tap it to control the switch of the screen. The long button on top is for controlling the volume. The other operations are similar to those of the smart brain, except that this one is physical ”

Her voice was not too soft, so the other guests learned silently and followed her instructions.

After successfully turning on the computer, the two children played with it by themselves and quickly got started.

Excitedly: "It's really the same as a smart phone! But the phone is too big and not as convenient as a smart phone."

Xu Yue opened the payment software and checked how much money was in the account.

Then when I saw the "00" in the balance, I fell silent.

The atmosphere of silence spread quickly after all the guests saw the balance figure.

At this time, Director Qi smiled and spoke, his tone sounded like he was gloating about others' misfortune.

"Why aren't you talking? Do you not like talking?"

Fu Jingting sighed softly: "Director Qi, if the program team is short of money, I can help you get some investment."

Director Qi choked.

Xu Yue was speechless: "What can you do with ten dollars? Even if the prices in the empire are not high now, you can't buy many things. You might as well just let us drink the northwest wind."

This is not the wilderness, there is no food readily available, and it is really difficult to move without some money.

Director Qi said confidently: "That's why you have to earn it by yourself. Otherwise, why would you call it a poor tour in the city? How will the audience see you struggling to survive in the city?"

Xu Yue: ""

I'm so angry, but I can't refute him!

Xu Yue thought about her salary of 5 million per season and immediately became calm again.

She nodded numbly: "Okay, since Director Qi you don't want to be a human being."

Director Qi: "?"

Why are you still attacking him?

He glared: "Okay, okay! The recording starts, everyone, get going! Let's go, go!"

But even though they said they were going to leave, none of the guests took action.

Fu Jingting and Yu Xingzhou naturally gathered around Xu Yue and Xu Chen, and they got used to hugging each other.

Fu Jingting was the first to ask: "Mr. Xu, do you have any advice?"

Xu Yue squinted her eyes: "My suggestion is to just wait for death."

Fu Jingting: ""

Xu Yue was full of resentment: "What can I do with only ten yuan? I bought two loaves and it was gone. It's not even enough to stuff my teeth!"

She gritted her teeth: "Damn it, this is the first time I've been so possessive. Why isn't the money in the bank mine?!"

other people:""

Calm down first!

The dog author adjusted his biological clock today. He can't code late at night every day, and he can't even hold in a fart during the day (weak)


Good night~

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