So I went to Douluo

Chapter 968 Western Suburbs House of Horror

"Six Points of Terror in the Monitoring Room" is the most popular item in the brochure and in the mouths of the staff. Naturally, there are quite eye-catching signs in this venue.

Following the direction indicated by the staff just now, Chen Fei soon saw the final destination of his trip.

The first thing that comes to mind is "Six Points of Shock in the Monitoring Room". These seven large characters are deliberately aged, cracked, and flashing red.

Looking at its entrance, it looks like a horror house. There is also a quite atmospheric chandelier hanging above the entrance. I don't know if it is because of unstable voltage, but the white light is flashing.

Sometimes it even simply goes out for a few seconds. The filament of the old light bulb emits an ominous overloaded red light, which makes people worried whether it will suddenly explode in the next second, and whether they will be showered with debris when they walk under it.

In short, even before entering, the feeling of fear has been well created.

Chen Feidu chose not to go around, and subconsciously looked up when he passed the lamp.

Although the lights in the entrance are dim, they are still bright enough for people to see clearly what is going on inside the entrance from the outside.

Chen Fei walked in without hesitation, and was suddenly startled by the sound next to him.

"Welcome to the West Suburban House of Horrors!"

Chen Fei suddenly turned around and saw the front desk set up next to the entrance, just in the blind spot.

The staff member was sitting behind the front desk, and a beam of light shone up from his chin, making the face with slightly weird makeup appear a bit creepy, the kind that could scare the weakest people.

Meeting Chen Fei's gaze, the staff member even gave a standard toothy smile in a particularly "caring" manner.

This time, the apples of his muscles bulged up, and his face became more three-dimensional. Under the white light at that angle, the light and dark were more distinct, and the shadows looked particularly ferocious.

The staff still smiled: "Do you want to visit our western suburbs horror house?"

Before Chen Fei could reply, the staff behind the counter continued talking to himself.

He even made a somewhat regretful expression: "But guest, I must regretfully inform you that our Western Suburbs Horror House is no longer open for business very early, so you may be disappointed today. You should be I heard that our Western Suburbs Horror House is a leader in the industry, so we came here to visit it, right?"

He sighed and said: "I think back then, our horror house in the western suburbs was also very popular. There was an endless stream of tourists visiting every day. I really liked to see them being scared and running away from the exit. Unfortunately, now, ugh "

The staff member was talking to himself, and Chen Fei was stunned for two seconds.

But it sounds a bit like introducing the background of the game?

Is this project so hardcore that it jumps right into the plot?

But could the Western Suburbs House of Horrors be a coincidence?

Someone in the barrage had the same idea as him and said it directly in the barrage.

[Western Suburbs Horror House? I remember that the anchor came to Aolai City this time. In addition to participating in the national festival, he also went to explore the haunted house in the famous Western Suburbs Amusement Park in Aolai City, right? 】

[Have any friends from Aolai City come forward to speak out? 】

【People from Aolai City are here! But I’m not very sure, because there are very few people in the western suburbs now, but the name of the haunted house in the abandoned paradise in the western suburbs seems to be the Western Suburbs Horror House. 】

[So the same name shouldn’t be a coincidence, but a deliberate setting, right? Could it be that? ! 】

[Have we triggered the hidden plot? ! 】

【Great! It’s a hidden plot! 】

The barrage was roaring, and Chen Fei had followed what the staff said before and successfully started a conversation with him.

Chen Fei looked curious and said, "So is it forbidden to visit here now?"

The staff hesitated for a while and said: "That's not true, it's just that our Western Suburbs Horror House has stopped operating due to some things. Most of the facilities in the Horror House are now in a sealed state, and we cannot guarantee your playing experience, so"

He paused and continued: "But you can take a look around inside. The props in the horror house have basically been removed now, and most areas are inaccessible. You probably won't see much."



Chen Fei thought for a while and said, "I see, so I can still go in and have a look, right?"

After seeing the staff nod, Chen Fei continued to pretend to be curious and asked: "Why did the horror house stop operating? What is so serious that it doesn't accept any tourists now?"

The staff looked at both sides mysteriously, then leaned a little closer, and lowered their voices and said to Chen Fei: "I actually don't know exactly what happened, but the news circulated among our horror house employees is that at that time, Four corpses were dug up in our house of horrors!"

Chen Fei made an extremely surprised expression: "Really or not?"

The staff member kept his mysterious look: "I don't know, but this news seems to have come from an old employee of the House of Horrors. It should probably come true!"

"And, you know, it is said that some things that happened in the house of horror were, you know, not normal things! So I think there is a 90% chance that it is true!"

Chen Fei nodded thoughtfully: "That's it."

The staff straightened up again: "In short, if you want to visit, you can, but please do not go into those sealed places, because most of those places are places where abnormal situations have occurred.

"Whether you believe this or not, you can't go wrong with being careful, right? Here, I'll give you this map of the horror house. Because most of the area is blocked, there is only one road left that can be used. I'll give it to you. You marked it, and you can come out from the exit just by walking along it. You can just visit the interior along the way. That's right.

"This is the route. It will pass by a security room in our House of Horrors. That place is also blocked, but that place is said to be the place where abnormal things happen the most.

"If you go there, you'd better pass by quickly. If you hear some noise, don't worry, just run out!"

Finally, the staff member gritted his teeth and looked like he had made some difficult decision: "If, if you are really scared, just shout loudly! The security room is not far from the exit. I will come to you immediately if I hear it. !”

The staff member's upright and awe-inspiring appearance was quite realistic. Chen Fei smiled, nodded and said, "I understand, thank you."

He picked up the map given by the staff and looked down. Sure enough, in addition to being a flat map of the horror house, it was also a playbook.

Above, the rules and play methods of the "Control Room Six Points of Terror" project are clearly written.

Chen Fei did not read in detail immediately. After waving goodbye to the staff, he turned and walked into the entrance passage of the horror house.

After walking some distance and entering the first room on the route marked on the map, he unfolded the manual under the smart camera and read it carefully with the audience in the live broadcast room.

The rule of "Six Minutes of Shock in the Security Room", in a nutshell, is to stay in the security room for six minutes.

During these six minutes, you need to look for traces of the enemy based on the surveillance in the security room, and take countermeasures when the enemy approaches the security room.

If you successfully resist the enemy's attack within six minutes and do not let any enemy enter the security room, the game will be considered a success.

The manual also details the enemies you will encounter and their respective attack methods.

To put it simply, there are a total of three enemies that need to be dealt with and defended. They are all terrifying dolls that move around on wheel tracks.

The first doll is called "Bride". It will attack from the left door and wardrobe of the security room. Closing the door will prevent it from entering the security room.

The second doll is called "Mirror Spirit". It will attack from the mirror in the security room. You need to use props to drive it away, otherwise it will slowly approach and eventually enter the security room. It will also appear on a certain surveillance screen. At this time, you need to switch the surveillance screen or turn off the surveillance, otherwise it will attack from the mirror faster.

The third doll is also the one that seems to have the strongest desire to attack. Its mechanism is also more complicated, and it is called "Lihun".

In terms of setting, it mainly attacks from the right door of the security room, and can also be defended by closing the door. However, "Li Hun" can also launch attacks directly from mirrors and surveillance screens. If you see it touching your face on the surveillance screen, you need to switch the screen or turn off the screen. If it appears in the mirror, you cannot look at it.

However, there is another mechanism here. When the "Li Hun" appears in the mirror, the "Mirror Spirit" will not appear in the mirror. However, if the "Mirror Spirit" is found on the surveillance screen at this time and is close to the face, but does not respond in time , will cause the game to fail.

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