So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 1006: Capture Chen Afu

Chapter 1106 arrested Chen Afu

Zhang took the car key and got on the car. Although some of them were not very skilled at first, they finally started the car and went in the direction Yang Ming said.

"After learning to drive, I haven't touched the car for several years. I have been in Miao Village. I am not very skilled at opening it..." Zhang said that he was embarrassed and scratched his scalp.

"Alright, you should be proficient in a few days." Yang Ming nodded, almost the same as when he was just learning to drive. Everything should have a process of adaptation.

Zhang was not familiar with the road, so it was slow to open. Yang Ming did not urge it. This is mainly to make him recognize the road. When he opened it, he did not remember anything at the end. It was equal to white.

The car passed the gate of Songjiang Engineering University and sailed to the Chinese business district not far from the opposite side. At this time, the students in the school have already rested, and the residents in the Huashang Community are mostly nearby technology companies, and they all have early rest, so the silence is very quiet. Except for the passing vehicles, few pedestrians walk around.

Suddenly, the speed of Zhang’s body slowed down a bit, almost like stopping on the road.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

"Someone nearby!" Zhang frowned and frowned, said softly.

"Someone? Who?" Yang Ming was somewhat inexplicable after listening. I don't know what it means to be someone who is wearing Zhang.

"There are people who will use it." Zhang whispered and explained: "People who use sly, in the general metropolis, are rare. I didn't expect that I met one this time."

After Zhang stayed in the body, he parked the car in the temporary stop line on the side of the road and quietly observed the surroundings.

"Is it a good person? Is it related to us?" Yang Ming didn't have a cold on these things. Instead, he felt that Zhang was not too sensitive. As long as the other party is not targeting themselves, there is not much relationship with yourself for the time being.

"I don't know if there is any relationship, but if it appears nearby, you must be careful and find out who it is, knowing yourself and knowing each other can win every battle." Zhang said.

Yang Ming did not understand. Since Zhang was so serious, Yang Ming sat down and watched it become better.

After a long time, Zhang did not have any movements. Yang Ming was somewhat puzzled. He couldn’t help but ask: "I said that I am in the position, the person you used to say has not appeared yet?"

"No, I just felt this familiar atmosphere, but before he did not release the scorpion, I could not determine his exact position." Zhang said.

Yang Ming nodded and no longer asked questions. He just stayed there quietly. To be honest, Yang Ming was very interested in the mysterious thing of 蛊 ,, perhaps because of Lan Ling’s reason, or himself. The reason for being in the center.

However, although Yang Ming stayed there, but he was not idle, Zhang put himself in the search for feelings. Yang Ming searched with his abilities and searched back and forth in a few miles to see if there were any suspicious targets.

When Yang Ming saw a familiar figure, he was shocked! Chen Afu!

Yes, it is Chen Afu! I saw Chen Afu hiding behind a display board near the bus platform not far away, hiding himself in the darkness, but it is not obvious. If you look from the outside, you will not notice anyone there.

What did this kid ran out of in the middle of the night? Yang Ming thought about doubts. Could it be that he would come out to scare people? The traffic haunting case before that would be the ghost of this guy?

Chen Afu is good at pretending to be a scary person. Yang Ming has already arrested him more than once. So, it seems that he has a criminal record. However, this traffic haunting case is quite different. It is not a common costume, but it can be achieved. Yang Ming is also very skeptical about whether the person who is engaged in ghosts is Chen Afu.

That day, with Xia Xue, the scene I encountered was very weird. According to the scene of Chen Afu in the past, the inferior method of loading ghosts should not have such advanced effects.

But... just said that Zhang said that the nearby people used the smell of the sly people, and according to the results of their own search, only Chen Afu was found... Then, then I contacted the strangeness that I encountered when I was with Xia Xue that day. Scenery, Yang Ming suddenly shocked!

Right, squat! On that day, my feelings seemed to be like some kind of witchcraft. According to the judgment of my own body reaction, it should be a kind of martial arts. Can it be said that the person who is kneeling is Chen Afu?

This bold idea made Yang Ming very surprised and shocked! It’s no wonder that I’m a classmate with Chen Afu for three years. What kind of kid is this, Yang Ming is very clear, belongs to the kind of guy who is extremely bullying and hard, and has no special ability. It’s just Wang Zhitao’s little follow-up, and now suddenly becomes a squat. Man, how can this be called Yang Ming not shocked?

However, this is only a guess, Yang Ming has not been confirmed. Yang Ming also wants to ask Chen Afu to ask for it now, but Zhang Zhang seems to have not found his goal, and Yang Ming does not dare to act rashly.

In case of his own judgment, the person who Zhang is looking for is not Chen Afu. Isn't that a surprise? Therefore, Yang Ming still decided to wait for a while to see the development of the situation and then make a decision.

However, Yang Ming’s gaze was locked in Chen Afu’s body, and he never left. Yang Ming wanted to see what this guy was doing.

It didn't take long for Chen Afu to move. I saw Chen Afu reaching out and carrying out a strange round utensil from his arms! When Yang Ming Deng was shocked, hehe! This is the thing used for locusts. After Yang Ming was almost killed last day, after going home, he studied it for a while, so he saw the use of Chen Afu’s hand at a glance!

"With!" What Yang Minggang wanted to say, Zhang also responded here, only to see his engrossed eyes closed, seemingly feeling something: "Someone wants to use it! But I am still not sure of his position! ”

Yang Ming has no doubt about it again this time! Although it was a bit ridiculous about Chen Afu’s squatting in what place, at the moment, he did see Chen Afu’s utensils for mites, and at the moment Chen Afu took out, Zhang’s body was also felt it!

Then, besides Chen Afu, who else?

"Go, catch me with me!" Yang Ming took a shot and gave him a hurried command. Then he pulled out the door and rushed out, striding in the direction of Chen Afu.

Zhang did not understand who Yang Ming was going to catch, but his task was to protect Yang Ming’s safety. At this moment, he had already felt the people who used it nearby, and Yang Ming ran off the car alone. Rest assured, I also refused to lock the position of the person who used it, and followed Yang Ming's back and ran off the car.

Tonight, it is the deadline for the right elder to give Chen Afu. If you can't get a dead body to him, the right elder will kill him Chen Afu as a sacrifice for practicing.

Therefore, Chen Afu can not care much, even if there is police patrol, even if he is risking being caught, he will come out to commit crimes! Chen Afu studied the map of Songjiang for a long time, and finally set the location of the crime tonight near Songjiang Engineering University.

Now the school has not yet started school, so pedestrians are particularly rare at night, but there are occasional vehicles passing by on the road, which is just right for them to commit crimes.

But even then, Chen Afu did not dare to care about it. He stood here for a while, determined that no police were nearby and there was no danger before he began to prepare for the crime.

However, Chen Afu just took the locust powder out of his arms, and he felt the sound of the wind coming from behind his neck. Chen Afu scared a big jump and quickly turned back, only to find that his neck collar has been taken!

Behind him, standing alone, a person Chen Afu did not want to see! That is Yang Ming!

Chen Afu’s face suddenly changed, showing a look of horror: “You...what do you do with me...”

Yang Ming is simply his nemesis! Whenever you meet Yang Ming, be prepared. From the initial class complaints, to the later resort to play, in general Chen Afu is a big mold.

"What are you doing?" Yang Ming smiled coldly and stared at the things in Chen Afu's hand and asked, "What do you say I am doing? What are you holding in your hand?"

Yang Ming’s sentence reminds Chen Afu that the things in his hands are made of a special mites, scattered in the air, and the people who come into contact will have hallucinations and make some strange Things are coming!

Thinking of this, Chen Afu has a lot of peace of mind, he has this magic powder in his hand, afraid of him a ball! Thinking of this, Chen Afu quickly rushed the powder in his hand to Yang Ming.

"Yang Ge is careful!" Zhang set up to see Chen Afu suddenly screamed, and quickly screamed and reminded. He is also a person who is proficient in squatting. So after seeing the items in Chen Afu’s hands, he understands that the person he just looked for is him. Although he does not know how Yang Ming first found this person, he only knows this at the moment. The things thrown in Chen Afu’s hands were very dangerous, so he quickly said something.

However, it is already late, Yang Ming has already touched Chen Afu's powder, and he is dizzy, and suddenly his mind has changed into a scene. Yunnan, Miaojiang... The messy picture appears in front of his own eyes... ...

However, these were just moments. Yang Ming’s vision immediately became clear again. He looked at Chen Afu in a blink of an eye, but he saw that he had been put in and taken over, and the small utensils in his hand were also robbed!


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