So Pure, So Flirtatious

: Heartbeat memories of Chen Mengyi

T01. Christmas special chapter heartbeat memories of Chen Mengxi articles

December 25, 2005.

Today is Christmas Eve, the legendary lost night.

Yang Ming was sitting in a boring position, listening to the math teacher Zhao Ying in front of the three-dimensional geometry, but Yang Ming did not understand.

Hey, Yang Ming sighed, and Zhao Ying’s teacher is all right, that is, he always asks himself. Changed to another teacher, I have already given up Yang Ming.

Looking at the outside of the classroom, the white snow was floating, and Yang Ming’s thoughts flew out of the window. If you can take Chen Meng’s hand and walk on the campus, what a wonderful thing!

However, I was thinking about it, but I was named by Xiao Zhao. "Yang Ming, is your eyes floating there? This is going to be the final exam. What do you want?"

"I... didn't think about anything." Yang Ming screamed at the gods, and some awkwardly stood up and replied.

"I didn't think about anything, why didn't your eyes look at the blackboard?" Zhao Ying obviously didn't believe it.

"I want to dream of Chen Mengxi." Suddenly someone said a word with a scorpion, and suddenly attracted the laughter of the classmates in the class.

The person who spoke was Chen Afu, one of Wang Zhitao's followers, and Zhang Bin's table. Usually, Yang Ming and Zhang Bin talked together. Chen Afu was clear about listening, so he did not let go of any chance to make Yang Ming ugly. By this mouth, he would think about bad Yang Ming.

Chen Afu is a kind of sinister person. He always likes to hide behind other people's bad people, watch others ugly, and then feel happy with the group. At this moment, Chen Afu said that he was holding a scorpion. Zhao Ying did not understand who said it. He thought it was Yang Ming’s. He was very annoyed and looked at him: "Yang Ming, what do you say?"

"Not what I said..." Yang Ming frowned, began to look for the culprit of the voice, the mother forced, the school's fight king legendary Yang crazy also dared to be provocative? Don't want to live? Although I like Chen Mengxi is true, but I have not yet reached the level of confession with Chen Mengyu!

"I was thinking, go to bed with her..." Chen Afu saw that everyone did not find his own actions, and immediately became very proud, and pinched the scorpion and broke Yang Ming.

“Ha ha ha ha ha —” The classmates in the class suddenly laughed.

Chen Mengyu is a sixteen-year-old girl. Where has she heard such lascivious words? Just listening to "Yang Ming" and thinking about myself, I was so shy and flushed. At this moment, I heard that "Yang Ming" said that he would go to bed with himself. Where can he endure?

In the face of so many people in the class being beaten, how can Chen Mengzhen be able to withstand it? Originally, the cheeks were thin, and then I heard the harsh laughter. The tears fell immediately, like rain, hands covering my face, flying out of the classroom...

Yang Ming did not hear clearly who said it for the first time, but the second time, it was clear! Seeing Chen Mengxi ran away, suddenly furious like a thunder, picked up the neckline of Chen Afu in the front row, gave him a slap, and slaps his face on his face: "Your mother forced you! ?"

In the class, the classmates who were still laughing, were stunned by Yang Ming’s outburst, looking at this silly.

"Yang Ming, what are you doing!" Zhao Ying saw Yang Ming suddenly beat Chen Afu, and quickly stopped to stop.

However, Yang Ming did not seem to hear the general. He took Chen Afu’s hair and pulled him to the last classroom wall. He dragged his desk in the middle and ignored Yang Ming. The hard-working Chen Afu On the wall, punching and punching, violently hit Chen Afu's stomach, and when he hit Chen Afuden, he rolled his eyes.

"Yang Ming, stop working! You are blatantly beaten classmates in class class, are you afraid of being expelled?" Wang Zhitao couldn't sit still, and he saw his own powerful man being beaten by Yang Ming, and immediately jumped out and walked quickly. Go up to La Yangming.

Zhang Bin had long seen Wang Zhitao not pleasing to the eye. He was dressed in the sky and swayed in front of Chen Mengyu. Isn’t it a bit of money at home? Learning better? What's so great?

Zhang Bin sees Wang Zhitao running over and knows that this guy is not well-intentioned. Sure enough, this death forced an opening, and Yang Ming was determined to beat the classmates for the class!

Zhang Bin immediately sighed on his heart and took advantage of Wang Zhitao's enthusiasm. He secretly extended a foot and passed it. As a result, Wang Zhitao did not have any defense. He slammed out and shook his dog.

"Who is mixing me?" Wang Zhitao climbed up from the ground and looked back. Zhang Bin had already recovered his foot, and he sat there like nothing.

Wang Zhitao was too anxious to go. He did not even remember where he fell from. At this moment, no one admitted that he could only admit that he was unlucky. However, after such a trouble, there is no previous momentum, and go forward to stop Yang Mingdao: "Yang Ming, you still do not let go? You will not let go, I will go to the teaching director!"

Zhao Ying had come to see Wang Zhitao to pull the rack, but still very happy, but after listening to a sentence behind him, suddenly frowned! What happened to Wang Zhitao? The classmates in other classes have been fighting, and they are afraid that they will be smeared by the school to the class collective honor. Can this squad leader be good, but also take the initiative to tell the school?

Wang Zhitao was originally angry with Yang Ming. How long did it take to start school? The relationship between Yang Ming’s bad student and Chen Mengyu was actually better than his own squad leader and Chen Mengyu!

The most annoying thing is that every time this guy skips classes, Chen Mengxi is bitterly dissuaded, but this guy is always hippie and smiley. Wang Zhitao is going to be mad, a mixed student, as far as teaching him?

Although I know that Chen Mengxi can't like this little punk, Wang Zhitao is not good. If there is no Yang Ming, he will have more time and Chen Mengxi to exchange the work of the class committee. Now, Chen Mengxi almost spends his time outside of studying to educate Yang Ming.

Therefore, at this moment, there is a good opportunity to see Yang Ming ignore him. Wang Zhitao decided to give Yang Ming a lesson. He strode forward and stepped forward, pulling the neck of La Yangming's neck hard, and he also made a strong effort on his hand, trying to hold Yang Ming's neck.

When Yang Ming saw Wang Zhitao coming, he knew that he was coming to the side of the frame. He smiled slightly and secretly used his left hand to hold Chen Afu’s arm back and forth. In the eyes of outsiders, it is like Chen Afu is struggling.

"砰", Chen Afu's fist smashed on Wang Zhitao's nose, and suddenly his face was blood, "Ah" screams.

"Oh, isn't this the big squad leader? I am really sorry, I haven't been able to control Chen Afu's kid, let him miss you!" Yang Ming cat cried and looked at Wang Zhitao, sympathetic.

The outsiders are far away, and they all think that Chen Afu is playing! However, Wang Zhitao was clearly aware of it. Chen Afu was beaten by Yang Ming to lose his ability to fight back. How can he still have such a great force to attack him?

It must be the ghost of Yang Ming’s guy! Wang Zhitao licked his nose and gas and gnashed his teeth.

"Yang Ming, what the **** is going on here?" Zhao Ying saw Wang Zhitao also accidentally injured by Chen Afu. Suddenly he felt some headaches and could not care much. He came forward to pull Yang Ming.

Yang Ming has already played almost, and then it is estimated that Chen Afu was disabled by himself. So he was pulled by Zhao Ying, and the homeopathic leaned back, directly leaning on Zhao Ying’s arms.

Uh... it’s so big... it’s so soft... Yang Ming’s body is stunned, thinking about it.

Yang Ming leaned on his chest. Zhao Ying didn't know if Yang Ming was deliberate, but he shouldn't look at him. His face was red and he gently pushed him away: "Yang Ming, why are you playing Chen Afu? ?"

"He learned my voice and said that I want Chen Mengxi, I want to be with Chen Mengyu... that..." Yang Ming said truthfully.

Zhao Yingyi said that the situation was urgent. She didn't think much about the previous things. Now I want to come. Yang Ming doesn't even love learning, and he doesn't publicly adjust the guts of female classmates in class!

"Chen Afu, Yang Ming said is this?" Zhao Ying looked at Chen Afu and asked.

Chen Afu was beaten with a stomachache, and she had no strength to speak, and her face was pale and gasping.

"I heard it, Chen Afu said!" At this time, Zhang Bin stood up and gave Yang Ming a testimony.

With the witnesses, it would be easy, Zhao Ying nodded slightly, and there was some anger in Chen Afu’s behavior. Isn’t he looking for it? Yang Minghao, he is really not at all! However, as a teacher, she could not say so. She had to swear to Yang Ming: "Even if this is the case, you should not shoot people..."

Yang Ming seems to have not heard Zhao Ying's words, staring in the direction of the window.

I saw, on the empty playground, standing alone, with a long row of footprints behind him, not who is Chen Mengyu? Yang Ming couldn't endure the feelings in his heart and rushed outside the classroom...

Chen Mengxi heard a footstep behind him and looked back with some surprise. It’s time for self-study at night. The playground should be no one except myself. When I just came out, there was no one else on the playground.

However, when Chen Mengxi saw that the person was Yang Ming, his face immediately went away, and he ran forward quickly... She hated Yang Ming, and in the face of so many classmates in the class, she actually said such awkward words.

"Chen Mengxi!" Yang Ming shouted, and quickly chased the past.

Chen Mengxi is a girl. Where is Yang Ming’s sportsman running fast? I thought that when Yang Ming was caught in a knife with a knife, it was quite weak.

"Chen Mengxi!" Yang Ming grabbed Chen Mengyu's arm and prevented her from running.

"What do you pull me! Let's release!" Chen Mengyan turned his head and glared at Yang Ming. The tears on his face looked very sorrowful: "Yang Ming, I hate you!"

"Chen Mengxi, you listen to me to finish the words!" Yang Ming was afraid that Chen Mengyu would run away again, and she would hold her arm.

"What are you going to say? I don't want to listen to your disgusting words!" Chen Mengxi was subconsciously covering his ears, but found that one arm had been pulled by Yang Ming and could not move.

"You don't want to listen, I have to say!" Yang Ming said in a hurry: "Chen Mengxi, who am I, are you still unclear? Although I am not serious about hippie smiles every day, but when did I say to you? That's the case? I haven't said it privately. How can I say it in front of the class?"

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Chen Mengyu calmed down. Yes, Yang Ming said that there is nothing wrong with it. Although he told him not to skip classes every time, he could find some strange reasons to perfuse himself, but he never I didn’t say anything to myself, let alone the classmates!

I had a blank space in my head, and I didn’t have time to think about it. I wanted to remember it. The voice of the speech was really weird. It seemed that it was really not Yang Ming’s voice. So the gas also disappeared a lot. Suspiciously asked: “Really Not you?"

"Nature is not!" Yang Ming shook his head and said: "I am not stupid! He is right. I like that you have a good impression on you, but if I want to talk to you in front of the class, Not letting you hate me more..."

When I heard Yang Ming say that I liked myself, Chen Mengxi’s face suddenly became red, and whispered softly: "Don’t talk about it... you might hate me too late..."

In fact, Chen Mengxi is not disgusted with Yang Ming, and the age of 16 or 17 is the time when he has a ignorance of love. Yang Ming has a good impression on her. Chen Mengxi does not feel that there is anything wrong with it. It is just that she is speaking in front of the class and makes her a little embarrassed.

Chen Mengxi’s heart is contradictory. Just now, listening to Yang Ming’s words was not what he said. He was relieved, but he was slightly lost, but Chen Mengxi thought about it. He wanted Yang Ming to study every day. Yang Ming was not disgusted. I am not bad, how can I have a crush on myself?

Now, listening to Yang Ming’s words that are similar to confession, Chen Meng’s shame, and some delights. I am still somewhat attractive. Hey, even Yang Ming, a poor student who doesn't learn, has a good impression on himself and can't help but be slightly proud.

But on the mouth, I can't admit it, so I gently blame it.

However, after the completion, Chen Mengxi felt that his tone was a little spoiled, and quickly added: "That is not what you said, who said it?"

"It’s Chen Afu, I have already told me to kneel down." Yang Ming said with hate.

"Ah! You fight again!" Chen Mengyu frowned immediately after listening: "I haven't said you many times? Tell you not to fight with classmates. Is there anything that tells the teacher how to solve it? What do you have to fight? ?"

"I didn't want to fight, but when I thought that he would cry you out, I was angry, and I couldn't control it..." Yang Ming said with a smile.

After hearing this, Chen Mengyu glanced at Yang Ming. This guy is really angry. It is obviously his fight, but he has to push his responsibilities to himself. There is no way to argue.

"Hey, what he said, isn't that what you think?" Chen Mengxi couldn't answer Yang Ming's words, and he could only swear.

"The conscience of heaven and earth... My good feelings for you are very, very pure... I don't think about anecdotes like going to bed..." Yang Ming said wrongly.

"Yeah! You still said!" Chen Mengyu listened to the word "go to bed", the small mouth immediately flattened, glaring at Yang Ming: "You hate!"

"I am really embarrassed. I want to hug you at most. It is already the most wonderful thing in the world... and it is a very pure hug..." Yang Ming said with open arms: "Or, try it." You will know how pure I am when you try it!"

"Why don't you die!" Chen Mengxi saw Yang Ming's innocent look, suffering in his heart, waving a small fist, raining like a squat on Yang Ming's chest: "Hey, blame you, blame you, you If they didn’t say that they liked me, how did they know? How could they make me joke? So, it’s all your fault!”

Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengyu's pear flower with rain, and really wanted to hold her in her arms, but he did not dare, this hug, it is estimated that Chen Mengyu will not completely ignore himself.

So he let Chen Mengyu vent.

After a while, Chen Mengyu was exhausted and tired, only to suddenly realize that his behavior was somewhat inappropriate. How to see how it feels like being in a lover's arms, his face is red: "Well, then forgive you this time, However, there is a condition."

"What conditions?" Yang Ming sees that Chen Mengyu is no longer angry, but also let go of his heart. The conditions do not matter.

"You have to study hard in the future, and you are not allowed to skip classes." Chen Meng squatted and said in a serious way.

"Ah?!" Yang Ming said, then you might as well kill me, but still said: "I try to do it... but you know that you just try to..."

Chen Mengyu also knows that it is impossible to make Yang Ming turn only in this way, and he will not say anything more. Suddenly, a ring of school bells rang, and Chen Mengxi said "Yeah": "Yang Ming, have I come out for a long time?"

"Why not? You didn't see it all after school..." Yang Ming smiled bitterly.

"Let's go to school... Then go back... Oh, it's awful, I am like this now, how come back?" Chen Mengyu had just cried so badly that he was blown by the cold wind, and both eyes were red.

"Then you are here waiting for me for a while, will I help you get the bag out?" Yang Ming asked temptedly. In fact, Yang Ming’s real purpose was to send Chen Mengyu home when he was a flower protector.

"That... well..." Chen Mengxi thought about it, and it was the only way to go back. It’s not good for the classmates to see it.

Yang Ming got Chen Mengxi’s instructions and ran to the direction of the teaching building. When I returned to the classroom, I discovered that the people in the classroom had already gone out. Chen Afu disappeared, but Yang Ming didn’t care. For him, fighting has become a common practice. As for how to deal with the school, whatever it is, it’s a big deal. Over.

Yang Ming first put his schoolbag on his back. His schoolbag has not been opened since he went to school in the morning, and he does not have to clean up. Then came to Chen Mengxi's desk and helped Chen Mengxi to organize the schoolbag.

Looking at the workbook full of desks, Yang Ming smiled and shook his head, this Xiao Nizi really worked hard, it seems that they have seen it today. Yang Ming carefully loaded Chen Mengxi’s textbook and workbook into her schoolbag... well? what is this?

Yang Ming came out of the desk and found a soft thing, some strange, take it out and see, Yang Ming suddenly sweats! Actually a pack of sanitary napkins!

"Yang Ming, let me come... Yeah--" Chen Mengyu screamed and looked at Yang Ming silly.

Just in the playground, Chen Mengxi suddenly remembered that he came to that... There was a pack of sanitary napkins on the desk, and suddenly he was shocked. He was afraid that Yang Ming would see it, so he ran back to the classroom in a hurry. Just as soon as he entered the door, he saw it. Go to Yang Ming’s hand and take a pack of sanitary napkins...

"What is this stuff?" Yang Ming saw Chen Mengxi's face, and suddenly began to pretend to be stupid, this is his long term! Yang Ming picked up the sanitary napkin and stood up. He said to Chen Meng: "Is this a wet wipe? Come, wipe your eyes..."

"Hey!" Chen Mengyu took the sanitary napkin that Yang Ming handed over, and didn't know what to say. No way? Yang Ming does not know? Actually told her to use this to wipe the eyes?

However, this is also good, but it is to avoid smashing, Chen Mengxi hurriedly put the sanitary napkin into his pocket and said: "Nothing, no need..."

"Oh!" Yang Ming packed up Chen Mengxi's schoolbag and then carried it on his other shoulder.

"I am carrying it myself?" Seeing Yang Ming helping himself with his backpack, Chen Mengyu was a little embarrassed.

"You just cried, no strength, or I am coming!" Yang Ming is already on his back, ignoring Chen Mengxi.

Chen Mengxi had no choice but to let him carry it.

In the winter, it was very early in the dark, and the car was not good to sit on, so after school, the students in the school hurriedly left. When Yang Ming and Chen Mengyu came out of the classroom, they walked again on the playground of the school. There were few in the school. Personally.

The two came to the campus gate. Chen Mengxi saw that Yang Ming had not returned the bag to her. He hesitated: "Yang Ming, give me the bag, I am going by car..."

"Let's go, I will send you to the station. This road is quite dark, and there are no other classmates..." Yang Ming said with a grand voice.

Chen Mengyu moved his mouth and finally did not say anything. After the previous one, the relationship between the two people got closer, especially Chen Mengxi knew that Yang Ming liked her and made her panic.

The two walked side by side on the snow, the moonlight pulled the shadows of the two people long, Yang Ming was still thinking, and walked with Chen Mengyu, I did not expect this dream come true.

"Brother, buy flowers? There are apples!" A child stopped in front of Yang Ming and Chen Mengxi.

I don't know when to start eating Christmas on Christmas Eve has become a custom, and sending girlfriend flowers on Christmas Eve has become a fashion.

Yang Ming is a bit embarrassed, Chen Mengxi is also a bit embarrassed, she and Yang Ming are not a relationship, this child is obviously misunderstood.

"Brother, buy flowers for a pretty sister!" said the child shaking the rose in his hand.

Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengxi and hesitated. He said, "I buy an apple, how much?"

"Ten dollars!" The child handed a big red apple to Yang Ming. Yang Ming took some ten dollars from his pocket and paid it to the little boy.

The child was happily holding the banknote, and Yang Ming handed the apple to Chen Mengxi’s body: "Give it to you."

"What are you sending me..." Chen Mengyan's face was red, and he was as red as the apple in Yang Ming's hand.

"Christmas Eve, eat apples on Christmas Eve!" Yang Ming said with a smile.

"Okay, thank you..." Chen Mengyu took over the apple and took it in his hand. She knew that Yang Ming did not buy flowers, but he was afraid that he would not accept it, so he bought an apple. If he doesn't even want Apple, Yang Ming will be very sad, so Chen Mengyu accepted Yang Ming's apple.

In front, it was the station. The mission of Yang Ming's flower ambassador was coming to an end. Yang Ming looked at Chen Mengxi and sighed. Some emotions said: "On Christmas Eve, it is a kind of happiness to have someone you like. I never thought that I can dream come true..."

Chen Mengyu listened to Yang Ming’s words, and some of them shyly bowed their heads. Although she was not disgusted with Yang Ming, she could not talk about it. Moreover, Chen Mengxi has decided not to fall in love during high school. However, when I saw Yang Ming at the moment, I couldn't bear to attack him. I just said faintly: "If you are thinking about it, it is good to learn."

“Oh,” Yang Ming did not directly answer Chen Mengxi’s words, but said: “Thank you, let me complete my dreams. I know the gap with you, we are also doomed to be together, but you can I am very happy to send you the apple, but if you can accept the flowers, it is better, haha!" Yang Ming laughed at himself.

After listening to Yang Ming’s bitter words, Chen Mengxi didn’t know why, and his heart was particularly uncomfortable. He raised his head and looked directly at Yang Ming: “How can you give up on yourself? Are you stupid than others? Everyone is true. I am not worse than anyone who is admitted to the four schools. I believe that if you seriously work hard, you will definitely be rewarded!"

Seeing Yang Ming’s disapproval, Chen Mengxi did not know where the courage came, and Yang Ming said: “Don’t say any gap, the gap between people is really not that big! If Christmas Eve three years later, We are classmates, I... I will accept the flowers you sent me..."

When Chen Mengyu finished speaking, he turned around and ran away. Just as a 87-way car stopped at the platform, Chen Mengyu quickly got on the bus and only dropped Yang Ming, who was standing on the platform.

87 Road slowly drove away, Yang Ming was back, shouting at the far side of the 87th road: "The nightmare - your bag forgot to take away -"


Chen Mu: "Oh, how do you come back with an apple? Hey? What about your schoolbag?"

"I... I forgot to be at school..." Chen Mengyu was so bitter, and explained. This Yang Ming, seeing himself on the train, does not know to return the bag to himself.

"That's it, then forget it. Go to school tomorrow morning." Chen Fei said indifferently: "Dream, is this apple bought for Dad? It just happens that I want to eat apples..."

"No... I... I ate it myself..." Chen Mengyan blushes and ran back to his room in a panic.


Yang Ming: "I am ready! I am ready! I have to study hard, I have to go to college!"

After a while, Yang Ming couldn't read the formula in the textbook and shouted: "God, give me a super ability to cheat! I must thank you very much!"

God: "Wait, wait until I have time."

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