So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1011: Let's go together

The first thousand and eleven chapters we go together

"If you want to go after eating it, it’s not a good boy!"

When Zhou Jiajia was shocked, he felt that he had been hugged from behind and suddenly turned back. He saw that Yang Ming was smiling at himself, and there was a trace of drowsiness in his eyes.

" are not asleep?" Zhou Jiajia is like a child who has done something wrong. He is caught in the current situation, blushing and unable to speak.

"Oh, I fell asleep, but I was awakened by your kiss." Yang Ming smiled.

Zhou Jiajia flattened his mouth, apparently not convinced that Yang Ming would blame. On the night of the same day, Chen Mengxi had already told her a lot of things that Yang Ming was doing, so she would not believe what "kissing up" The reason for the class.

"Hah, what I said is true. Haven't you heard the story of Snow White and Prince Charming?" Yang Ming continued to carelessly saying: "Oh, Sai Rui, I said wrong, it should be Snow White Prince. With the story of the White Horse Princess, Snow White fell asleep, and the White Horse Princess kissed him and he woke up..."

“Hate!” Zhou Jiajia’s face was flushed and he said: “Where am I, what is the White Horse Princess...”

"Why don't you, I said that you are you..." Yang Ming smiled.

"I mean, the White Horse Princess is so ugly... I don't want to be." Zhou Jiajia said shyly.

After Yang Ming listened, he laughed and took Zhou Jiajia into his arms. The two fell together on the bed.

"You... what are you going to do?" Zhou Jiajia was shocked. Although he was already prepared in his heart, Zhou Jiajia was a bit timid when things really happened.

"You were not quite bold, but you took the initiative to kiss!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "Come on, let's exercise again. Kissing this thing is like drinking water. Practice regularly..."

Zhou Jiajia heard the confusion, what kind of practice to drink water, what mess? However, I was distracted by these inexplicable things, but the small mouth was sealed by Yang Ming’s big mouth...

"Oh..." Zhou Jiajia struggled subconsciously, and then fell softly in Yang Ming's arms...

I haven’t felt this for a long time. I remember that I kissed Yang Ming last time, or at the class meeting. However, that time was unintentional. Only this time, Yang Ming was truly active.

Although Zhou Jiajia is very shy, but very happy, unintentional, and Yang Ming's initiative, is basically two concepts. Zhou Jiajia trembled and grabbed Yang Ming’s back, letting him act on himself...

"Lin sister, you said, are we a little cold in the past few days, Yang Ming..." Chen Mengyu sat on the bed with his legs, curled up in the quilt, and asked Lin Yiyun, who was in the same position.

"I don't know..." Lin Yuyun shook his head.

"You, you are too disobedient, and you will be bullied by him in the future." Chen Mengxi said helplessly: "Do you want to go to Yang Ming now?"

"I...what I have..." Lin Yiyun suddenly turned red and shook his head.

"You are a small traitor." Chen Mengxi smiled and went to the armpits of Yulin Yunyun.

"Yeah...Dream sister, don't make trouble... I can't help it, haha..." Lin Yiyun was not willing to show weakness.

"You, the dead Nizi, said something, how do you know? It must be that Yang Ming likes to touch you, you know it!" Chen Mengyu was directly penetrating Lin Yiyun's lies.

The two girls laughed and clashed together, and they stopped tired for a long time, lying on their bed on their side.

"Lin sister, or else, you will go to accompany Yang Ming tonight. He himself is also blaming poor. Just after we went upstairs, I saw his disappointed expression, some could not bear it..." Chen Mengxi sighed. The tone also returned to normal, said to Lin Yuyun.

"I...mother, sister, or you go..." Lin Yiyun thought of Yang Ming, but thought it would be better to let Chen Mengyu go.

"What am I going to!" Chen Mengxi said with a smile: "When can I go to see him? I am in Yang Ming’s mind, probably a very stingy person, very careful person, I must always occupy him, he does not Say, my heart will definitely blame me."

"Where is it, dream sister, I think you are very tolerant..." Lin Yiyun said from the heart: "You knew about me and Yang Ming, and didn't...and didn't stop...I Very grateful..."

"Speaking back, it is the relationship between you and Yang Ming. Yang Ming is a very soft person. I want to thank you. I didn't take it for you. Let Yang Ming break up with me..." Chen Mengyu sighed and fainted. Said.

"Of course I won't..." Lin Yuyun shook his head and said affirmatively: "Now I am very contented, dream sister, we are two good sisters for a lifetime, OK?"

"Yes, there is also Jia Jia, she is brought home, I have not discussed with you ... I am afraid that you will have opinions ..." Chen Mengyu nodded, then said.

"These things, dream sister, you are the master, I have no opinion." Lin Yiyun said it does not matter.

"Well, don't say this, go ahead, Yang Ming estimates that you are waiting for an anxious, and I should be annoyed for a while!" Chen Mengqi took a shot of Lin Yunyun and urged him.

"I...I am going?" Lin Yiyun was somewhat uncertain: "Really, am I going?"

"Call you to go and go, you think clearly, but you still look after the situation, you have to change it after you have this problem!" Chen Mengyan said with a slap in the face: "If you don't go, I am angry?"

"That... then I went." Lin Yiyun hesitated, climbed up from the bed, and then turned his head and said to Chen Meng: "Dream sister, do you want to go together?"

"Together?" Chen Mengxi glimpsed, then looked at Lin Yuyun silly: "We...what are we together..."

"We are good sisters, we should be together..." Lin Yiyun said with a red face.

If Yang Ming is on the side, he will definitely be overjoyed. Dazanlin’s sister is simply a goddess, and such a great idea can be imagined and worthy of praise.

"That... that's not good..." Chen Mengxi's face is also red.

This dead Nizi, can think of such awkward thoughts, Chen Mengxi is really shameful, and ordered Lin’s head: "I don’t know what you think in your little head, it must be Yang Ming. The wolf has affected!"

"Where is it..." Lin Yiyun has some grievances: "I just think that we are sisters, have good things to share together..."

"You, Yang Ming is bad for you, you still say that it is a good thing!" Chen Mengxie can't smile: "I don't know what Ecstasy he has given you."

"That... then he made a bad to me... I also like it very much..." Lin Yuyun whispered, "Don't be a dream sister, are you not like this..."

"I..." Chen Mengyu suddenly spoke, Lin Yuyun said that it is correct, hey, I thought I could draw a Confederate army, but I didn't expect Lin's sister to be a small traitor anyway, Chen Mengxi did not swear, but had to slap the scalp. "Okay, let's go together, but let's say it, let Yang Ming make you bad, I am on the side... with you on the side."

"Dream sister... you are even worse!" Lin Yuyun suddenly became shy after listening, and looked down at Chen Mengxi.

Chen Mengyu was curious. He wanted to see what happened when Lin and Yang Ming were together. They couldn’t help but pull up Lin Yuyun. The two went to Yang Ming’s room.

At the beginning, Lin Yuyun was still a little tweaked, but after taking two steps, he didn't feel anything. Anyway, he said to the sister-in-law, and he would be a good sister for a lifetime. What about it? Have a look back in the morning and evening...

The two men crept in front of Yang Ming’s room. Chen Mengxi just wanted to knock on the door. Lin Yuyun took her: "Dream sister, if Yang Ming is already asleep, what should we do, we bother him, not very good. What?"

Chen Mengqi is funny in his heart. No one knows Yang Ming’s temper better than him. He wants to disturb us. It is best to disturb that every day!

However, without knocking on the door, Chen Mengxi decided to push the door in. If Yang Ming fell asleep, it would be good to scare him.

So, nodded, gently grabbed the door handle and hit it.


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