So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1018: Lure failure

The first thousand and eighteen chapters of the inducement failed

It was confirmed that the phone was called by the right elder. Xia Bingyu nodded to the assistants around him. The assistant immediately connected to the computer network and began to check where the phone was coming from.

After Xia Bingyan asked for the peak, after the meeting was studied, he decided to send him a technical expert, which is also the assistant. Others can ask the local police to cooperate with the right elders.

"I... I am not very comfortable these days, so there is no action. Tonight, I will finish the task tonight!" Chen Afu said with a trepidation.

Although Chen Afu’s tone was somewhat abnormal, the right elder didn’t care. He thought that Chen Afu was afraid of him. He sneered aloud: “Well, this is what you said, tonight, if you still can’t get a fresh one. The body, I will use you to practice my evil spirits!"

After that, I hang up the phone.

"Where is the call coming?" Xia Bingyan asked the assistant.

"I can't find out, the other party is very smart, not using a fixed phone and a mobile phone, but a Skype-like VoIP phone," the assistant shook his head and said.

"Can't find the user's ip address?" Xia Bingyan did not give up.

"I found it, but it is a foreign IP address. It must have been used by an agent. I don't know how many layers of agents have passed." The assistant said helplessly.

Xia Bingyan saw the assistant saying that although he was not willing, there was no way. However, if the right elder is caught so easily, then it is not the embarrassing behind the scenes!

It is also impossible to use the mysterious investigation bureau, and the local police can handle it. Before, Xia Bingyan investigated the mobile phone number of the right elder stored in Chen Afu's mobile phone and found that it was also transferred to an overseas mobile phone number after several transfers.

"Everything continues to act according to the plan." Xia Bingyan nodded and said.

Xia Bingyan’s order, the departments immediately started to work, the police led the team is Xia Xue, early ambush in a pre-set location.

“Ready?” Xia Bingyan sat in the command car in the distance and remotely manipulated everything outside.

"Ready." There was a reply from the intercom.

"Okay, prepare for action!" Xia Bingyan ordered.

A large truck slowly started and headed to the intended location. The truck driver was disguised by the police and came to the designated place. The truck suddenly turned a special direction and directly hit the isolation belt near the intersection.

Because the speed and orientation of the impact have been budgeted long ago, the driver has not suffered any damage, but the outside of the truck looks very damaged.

The driver punctured the blood bag that had already been prepared, sprayed it on his body at the moment of the car crash, and then fell on the steering wheel as if it were a dead person.

All of this is simulated according to the real situation, and I dare not have a slight scorn. God knows that the right elder will not be aware of it, so every step is very real.

At this time, Chen Afu appeared, and crept to the location of the big truck accident. He looked at the cab and looked at it for a long time, then picked up the phone and dialed the phone number of the right elder.

"Hey, right elder, I am Chen Afu!" Chen Afu said with a low voice.

"Is it, how are you, is the mission completed?" asked the right elder's voice without any sensation.

"Well, I just did it together, at the intersection of **** and **** avenues!" Chen Afu said quickly.

"Okay, I know." The right elder sneered two times: "Count your boy to return a life!"

Hanging up the phone, Chen Afu breathed a sigh of relief, but it was a complete task, and he was scared to death. Chen Afu turned a circle and returned to the car in the summer Xia Bingyu.

"Well, I have completed the task. Have you promised me before, can you cash it?" Chen Afu said with a sigh of relief.

"You can cooperate with us to do research, we can spare you not to die, but you will be imprisoned for life." Xia Bingyan said.

"It doesn't matter." Chen Afu does not care: "You want you not to hand me over to the right elder, how can I do it, even if I die, give me a good time."

Xia Bingyan nodded, not in the care of Chen Afu, but concentrated on the scene of the car accident, waiting for the emergence of the right elder.

Time slipped away, and in a blink of an eye, half an hour passed, but no one came. Xia Bingzhen was a little anxious, and asked Chen Afu: "Every time after you finish the phone call, how long does he appear?"

"I don't know this. After I finished the matter, I left immediately. I dared to stay at the scene. I was discovered by the police and I was not taken away!" Chen Afu said.

After listening to Xia Bingyan, he did not say anything. He knew that Chen Afu could not deceive him. Therefore, what Chen Afu said now is also true. He does not know when the right elder will appear.

However, according to common sense analysis, the right elder should be as fast as possible here. The slower, the greater the danger. Because on a certain road section, it is impossible to have no car passing by. As long as there is a car passing by and a car accident is seen, it will call the police. The police will arrive at the first time. As a result, the right elder is not without a chance. What?

Xia Bingzhen thought nothing wrong! The right elder really received the call and arrived here as soon as possible! However, after he arrived here, he did not start and did not appear near the scene of the car accident.

The right elder sneered two times and dismissively said: "I can catch me with a group of wastes? It is too self-effacing! Don't think that you can catch me by catching Chen Afu! It is too naive.桀桀桀桀桀桀..."

The reason why the right elder came here was that he found an abnormality for two reasons.

First, he used to be a sly person. Like Zhang, he had an extremely keen sense of other people who used it. Chen Afu was also a half-user, and it was also a right-handed elder.

Therefore, when the right elders arrived nearby, they noticed the breath of Chen Afu! Chen Afu is still near here and has not left!

With this doubt, the right elder is more cautious. The second point, the evil spirits in him, have a strong sense of the dead people! At this moment, there is no change in the evil spirits on his body. That is to say, there is no body in the truck! It is a living person posing!

With these two reasons, the right elder immediately realized that this is a scam! Chen Afu was arrested by the police and wanted to lure himself out!

It was so easy to be fooled, and the right elder couldn't sit on any big things. Looking at the nearby terrain coldly, the right elder quickly found someone ambushing nearby.

It seems that Chen Afu is going to give up. The right elder sighed, and some of the hearts were unhappy. I don’t know who in the police is so capable, I can catch Chen Afu!

Destroyed your own big things, let yourself know that you will not spare this person! The right elder thought of evil.

However, the most important thing now is to leave here. His own evil spirits have not yet been practiced. His body is still flesh and blood. He is still very afraid of the police's hot weapons.

I am strong again, and I will be shot into a sieve after I go out. But it doesn't matter, if you become a sinister, you will not be afraid. At that time, you are not letting yourself do whatever you want.

Thinking of this, the right elders pressed down the anger in their hearts and instantly disappeared into the night.

Xia Bingyan here, waiting for more than an hour, but also did not see the figure of the right elder, suddenly a little anxious, an ominous premonition poured into my heart!

Is it that my own plan is given insight by the other party? Xia Bingyan suddenly had a cold sweat, it is not impossible, it is very possible! The right elder is very very human, the evil door is very, many things can not be measured by common sense, so, to say that the right elders found their own plans, it is really possible!

However, Xia Bingzhen still can't give up until he is completely desperate. Although his mind also understands that hope is getting more and more embarrassing, the right elder is not expected to come, but, at the last moment, Xia Bingyan still insisted.

The sky was slightly white, and I don’t know how long it took. Xia Bingyu was finally disappointed. Seeing that it is going to be bright, this time the elders really won’t come!

This is a hindrance to traffic. When it comes to commuting time, it will affect the normal passage. Xia Bingyu has no choice but to let the people under his command order: "Remove it, don't wait!"

Xia Bingyan also understands that the right elder must have noticed his plan. Although he does not know how he perceives it, failure is a failure. And with this failure, the next time I want to seduce him again, it is even harder!

It can be said that there is almost no hope! However, the Sudoku Investigation Bureau’s unsolved case is not the only one. This kind of case cannot be examined by common sense.

"Brother, just give up?" Xia Xue went to Xia Bingyan's command car and looked at some decadent Xia Bingyan, hurriedly asked.

"Or what?" Xia Bing said with a bitter smile: "It has been very difficult to arrest this Chen Afu. If Yang Ming’s participation is not enough, he is not even caught! He is just an insignificant pawn. It is so difficult. The energy of the boss behind him can be imagined!"

Xia Xue was also a moment of excitement. Now listening to Xia Bingyan’s words, it is also a moment of silence. Yes, it’s just Chen Afu’s one person, it’s already awkward, and I’ve investigated it for so long, and there’s no result. If it wasn't for Yang Ming, it is estimated that Chen Afu is still at large!

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