So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1024: Organizational merger

The first thousand zero twenty-four chapter organization merger

"What?" asked Wang Xiaoyu.

"Small tasks, can not pick up if you can not pick up, not only do not make any money, but it is easy to *** the goal of the killer group." Yang Ming said: "In the past, the telephone-based task is canceled, unified into the Internet Then I will find a way to connect our system with the international killer."

"I agree with this, but our current tasks are not many. Many old customers just know our phone number. So, do you want to lose most of your customers?" Wang Xiaoyu said with some hesitation.

"Old customers? Most of them are asking you to help solve commercial disputes? What are the discount legs, abolished one arm and the like?" Yang Ming waved his hand and smiled: "This task is better than not, a task can not earn. How much money, the reputation of the killer group is not improved, but will make the killer group fall to the same level as the underworld.

Wang Xiaoyan nodded a little embarrassed, but Yang Ming said it is also true. After all, his killer group is too famous. Not many people know that these customers are still very hard to accumulate: "But Is there better than nothing? Unless you have a better channel to pick up the big task."

"Of course, if I don't have one, I won't recommend it like this." Yang Ming smiled and said: "After all, I am also a member of the killer group. The rise and fall of the killer team has a direct relationship with me!"

Although Fang Tian has been retiring for a long time, it still has some important tasks. Many people want to ask him to go out, so it can be said that as long as Fang Tian is ascending, he will not be able to get the task.

"Really?" Wang Xiaoying looked at Yang Ming with some surprises. If he could receive a big task, then Wang Xiaoyu would naturally not be willing to act as a low-level revenge beater.

"This will be handed over to me." Yang Ming said with confidence: "Let's go, let's go to the killer group now and move these people."

"Well." Wang Xiaoying now almost what Yang Ming said, she will listen to it, because she has already regarded Yang Ming as the only hope to revive the killer group.

The two men stared at the night and came to the location of the original black widow killer group in the shanty town.

The people here have seen the strong skills that Yang Ming showed last time, and he is convinced that he is orally. These people are all worshipping the strong. Now, see Yang Ming is so strong, and Yang Ming wants to find a place for them to gather training. In this way, they may also become as powerful as Yang Ming. Who would not want to? Nature is very happy.

Especially the Taurus, has begun to gear up.

With enthusiasm, Yang Ming nodded, afraid that this group of people was burned out, so even if there is a good training environment is also a white tear.

These people, the individual combat is already very powerful, but the lack of is the spirit of mutual cooperation, and Li Qiang, the opposite, the coordination ability of each other is very strong, let these people integrate with each other, may play Unexpected effect.

A medium-sized bus was parked near the shanty town, staring at the night, and all the black widow killer groups were transferred. Because they don't have any luggage, they only have some professional killer tools, so a car is enough to put it down.

Yang Ming gave Li Qiang and Wang Peng a call in advance, so they did not go through the investigation, and the bus drove unimpeded into the secret base of the suburbs.

If you change to a normal time, it is hard to get such a car to come in.

"Yang Ge!" Li Qiang stood aside, Liu Chao and Wang Peng both stood on his sides, seeing Yang Ming got off the bus and immediately asked.

"How are you doing? Are the training of the brothers lax?" Yang Ming saw that the base was still in a tight situation and knew that their training would not be relaxed, but he was still half jokingly asked.

“No! Brothers are doing routine and extreme training every day,” Li Qiang said. “No one is lazy!”

Yang Ming nodded and said to the people in the car: "You are all down!"

After Jinniu and others listened to Yang Ming’s orders, they all got off the bus, but when they went to the ground, they obviously formed a clear gap with Li Qiang and others.

Although they are also masters of Jinniu, but one by one, one at the east station and one at the west station, there is absolutely no rules at all. However, Li Qiang and others did not have any contempt in their eyes. Yang Ming taught them that they can despise the enemy, but they should not despise the enemy.

In the case of the enemy and the enemy, Li Qiang, Liu Chao, Wang Peng and others are always vigilant and dare not have the slightest scorn.

"Li Qiang, Jin Niu, you come out and introduce each other." Yang Ming glanced at the people on both sides and said.

"Yes!" Li Qiang did not wait for the Taurus to react, and quickly walked up and said: "My name is Li Qiang, a team captain and the head of the base."

Jinniu knows that Li Qiang’s people are also Yang Ming’s men. Maybe they will be their comrades in the future. However, the two organizations belonged to two different organizations, so it is inevitable that they are hostile to each other. See Li Qiang’s first self. Introduction, Taurus's face is somewhat difficult to look at, so the momentum is weaker.

After Li Qiang’s introduction, Jinniu said not to be outdone: “My name is Jinniu, the black widow killer group, who is good at killing!”

Li Qiang and others listened to Jinniu and said that he was good at killing people. Although he did not say anything in his mouth, he still showed some smiles in his eyes.

Yang Ming also saw the hostility of each other. He couldn't help but laugh and said: "It seems that you are somewhat dissatisfied with each other. That's good. So, let's have a test for each other. Let's go together, point to it, of course, No matter who wins or loses, it will be a family in the future. The black widow killer group will no longer exist, and Li Qiang will also be integrated into the new organization, Black Butterfly Organization."

"Yes!" Li Qiang and Liu Chao and Wang Peng immediately replied.

Taurus is also the unwilling to show the humanity of the original black widow killer group behind him: "Do you have confidence?"

"There are... there are..." Although the voice is very loud, but it is uneven, Taurus can not help but look red, this is the gap with others!

Yang Ming nodded and said: "Let's get started, my time is limited, you are quick and quick, don't let me be too disappointed."

When Yang Ming’s voice fell, there was someone on the side of Jinniu who started to attack, but there was no order from Li Qiang, but the brother behind him did not move.

When the black widows are completely moving, Li Qiang moves here. Although the black widows are extraordinary, but Li Qiang is not weak, and there is an extraordinary spirit of collaboration!

The most obvious example is that when Jinniu is attacking Liu Chao, he will be able to put it down. In a flash, other brothers rushed up, blocking the savage blow of Jinniu and giving Liu Chao a chance to breathe. !

It seems that the offensive of Taurus and others is very fierce, but in fact, it is not very effective, it has always been their main attack, but the other side has not even fallen one!

On the other side, there are quite a few people who are too reckless in the attack and are thrown down by the other person! Jinniu looked at the fallen brother, and when he was in a hurry, he also understood why Yang Ming had to train them!

It’s very clear that you’re better off, you don’t have to try it any more, and you’re going to try it. You’re just shameful. When you think of it, Taurus screams: “Stop it!”

The black widow’s attack is fierce. I don’t know why Jinniu wants them to stop. However, because Yang Ming called Jinniu’s head, he is the temporary leader, so under the order of Jinniu, everyone is also there. Lived his hand and stood aside.

"Everyone will stop." Li Qiang saw that the other party did not fight, and told his own people.

When the black widow’s man stepped back and stood still, he suddenly realized that so many brothers on his side had been knocked down to the ground, and they did not know how to rush forward, thinking they were very fierce. But in fact it has already lost!

Looking at each other again, no one fell down, and I was secretly admired at this moment. No wonder Yang Ming would send them to train here.

Although they all serve Yang Ming, they may not be served by Li Qiang and others. However, after the first war, the talent of the black widow was truly convinced. This is the gap between myself and the other, so they have to bow their heads with humility.

"Well, it seems that the results have come out." Yang Ming smiled and asked Jinniu: "How do you feel?"

"Yang Ge, I am convinced!" Jinniu said with conviction: "The people of Li Qiang brothers are not only simple in their skills, but more importantly, they are very acquainted with each other. This is what we lack. And, look In the team of Li Qiang’s brothers, everyone’s level is basically at a high level, and we are somewhat inconsistent.”

"Well, since I realized your shortcomings, I don't say much." Yang Ming nodded and said: "From today, there will be no black widow killer group. There will be only one black butterfly organization in the future! The annoying thing is guilt, and someone let me know, then don't blame me for being rude. My means, Wu Ming is very clear, and I don't know, you can ask him."

Yang Ming’s means, where will these people not know? After Yang Ming left, Wu Ming said the great things of Yang Ming. These people were shocked.

Those ridiculous means of letting people die, so that these people are full of fear for him. Therefore, listening to Yang Mingyi at the moment, Jinniu quickly promised: "Yang Ge, no, you can rest assured that we will be my brother and Li Qiang later."

Yang Ming nodded and said: "Li Qiang, here is your responsibility, Jinniu these people, you are divided into different teams according to their personal strength training, Jinniu is a good person, can delegate some important tasks."

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