So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1032: Feeding porridge

The first thousand and thirty-two chapters of feeding porridge

Yang Ming didn't dare to delay. He quickly put on his clothes and ran out of Wang Xiaoyu's villa. On the doorstep of his villa, he saw a familiar car parked at the door of the villa!

It was Hou Zhenhao’s previous Jetta! Look at the people in the car, actually Zhang is in the body.

When Zhang Zhang saw Yang Ming coming out, he opened the door and got off the bus: "Yang Ge, am I looking for the wrong one? Leopard tells me that it is here, Riyue Pavilion, do you live next to it?"

"No, I went to a friend's house. The place you are looking for is correct." Yang Ming said: "Why, are you connected with the violent Sanli?"

"Yeah, after I came back from my ancestors, I saw that it was quite late, and I didn't bother you. I just went to the Leopard brother. I didn't expect him to have the house car ready for me!" Say: "The efficiency of Leopard's work can be really fast!"

Yang Ming did not expect to mention a sentence before the violent San Li, he got it so quickly, the most unusual thing is that the two actually connected to the single line, but it is also their own worry, this is quite good, just strange question Dao: "After the violent Sanli, I will give you such a broken car? Which unit of the car is eliminated, and it will be scrapped."

"This is my own pick..." Zhang said with some embarrassment: "Leopard brother led me to the parking lot, told me to pick a car by myself, I think this car is good, relatively broken, inconspicuous... ..."

"Okay, let's just follow it, you like it." Yang Ming smiled and shook his head. When I remembered that Hou Zhenyu had been eliminated from the car, it seemed to be used again. I didn't expect to be idle again. It can also be seen that the security company is making a lot of money, which is no longer the case.

"Yang Ge, are you going out?" Zhang asked.

"Well, I just thought about how to go, I saw you." Yang Ming’s car crashed yesterday and was towed and repaired. Wang Xiaoying’s little girl’s foot is quite fierce. It’s estimated that there is no ten days. Half a month is not repaired.

Zhang set up to help Yang Ming open the door of the co-pilot. After pulling for a long time, he opened it. Some of the embarrassing words: "The door is somewhat deformed and not easy to open."

"I said, staying, you have to change the car for me. I haven't got a car for half a month. I am sitting in your leaky car. I want to freeze me?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Oh, you I will finish the matter with me for a while, and I will change it at night. Calling Sanli will give you an Audi."

"Okay, Yang Ge." Zhang nodded and nodded. Who wouldn't want to drive a good car? It was just that Zhang was not familiar with the violent Sanli. I was too embarrassed to pick a good car, so I picked such a broken car. .

Pointing Zhang in the direction, the two rushed to Chen Meng's home. When passing the pharmacy on the way, Yang Ming got off the car and bought some cold medicine. When he arrived at Chen Meng's home, Yang Ming asked Zhang to stay here and wait for him. He went upstairs alone.

Chen Dazhuang has come. It is estimated that Chen Fei has already told him that Yang Ming has a way to help him, so Chen Dazhuang greeted Yang Ming with great enthusiasm: "Xiao Yang, you are here!"

"Well." Yang Ming nodded, but he didn't have the heart and he was cold, just to Chen Feidao: "Chen Shu, nightmare, how?"

"In her room, lying in bed, do not eat breakfast, you go see her." Chen Fei sighed and pointed to Chen Mengyu's door.

Yang Ming walked quickly to the front of Chen Mengxi's room. Just wanted to knock on the door. Chen Fei said: "The door is not locked. You can go straight in."

Yang Ming pushed it a bit, and the door was not locked. After entering, the door was covered again, but Chen Mengyu closed his eyes and lay in bed, his face was very pale.

"Dream, how are you? I am coming to see you..." Yang Ming sat at the bedside of Chen Mengyu, pulled up her little hand and asked softly.

Chen Mengxi was already awake, but he was so cold that he was squatting in the quilt. He was reluctant to move and listened to Yang Ming’s voice. Chen Mengxi suddenly stunned, opened his eyes and looked at Yang Ming: "How come you... Alright?"

"I heard Chen Shu say that you are ill, then rushed over, yes, I bought you a medicine, you can eat it first..." Yang Ming suddenly thought of a question: "Are you still not eating?"

"Well..." Chen Mengyu nodded slightly.

"That's still something to eat first and then take medicine." Yang Ming hesitated and said: "I am going to get something, you are waiting for me."

Originally, Chen Mengxi had no appetite, but seeing that Yang Ming was very good to himself, there was no objection.

Yang Ming came out of Chen Mengxi’s room. Chen Feizheng and Chen Dazhuang spoke in the living room. It sounded like Chen Fei was persuading Chen Dazhuang.

"Great and strong, Chen Afu is self-defeating, you don't have to be too guilty..." Chen Fei sighed.

"Chen Fei, I also know that it’s all bad for me. I used to do something. I sat in prison and didn’t teach Afu the child so much that I made him become like this...” Chen Dazhuang complained Road: "I remember that he has hurt so many people, I am upset in this heart!"

"Forget it, Da Zhuang, A Fu also got the punishment he deserved. Don't think so much, your age is not big, hurry to make a living, and then become a family is serious." Chen Fei advised.

As he spoke, see Yang Ming came out, so Chen Fei asked: "Yang Ming, have you seen the nightmare? Can you go now?"

"The nightmare didn't eat, I couldn't take medicine. I planned to come out and see if there was anything I could eat. Give her something to eat, and then let her eat the medicine." Yang Ming said.

"Dream her mother licked the porridge, in the kitchen, you just have to go and enjoy it." Chen Fei said.

Yang Ming came to the kitchen. Sure enough, I saw some porridge in the pot. It was only a little cold. So I plugged in the electricity and heated it for a while before I found a clean bowl. I took out a bowl and carefully entered the room of Chen Mengyu. in.

"Dream, come eat porridge..." Yang Ming put the bowl on Chen Mengyu's bedside table, then filled it with a small spoon, and blew it on his mouth. He said to Chen Meng: "Open mouth...ah... ”

When Chen Mengxi saw Yang Ming's appearance, he suddenly "fluttered", but his heart was full of sweet happiness. Struggling to get up, but I found myself without a trace of strength.

I used to live in the villa, but I didn’t get used to it when I went home. In the villa, Chen Mengyu almost all sleep naked, has developed a habit, and returned home to forget to wear pajamas, and the result is frozen overnight, and fever in the morning.

Seeing that Chen Mengyu struggled to think about it but could not get up, Yang Ming smiled and said: "Don't get up, I will feed you."

"Do you feed me? How do you feed me?" Chen Mengxi is somewhat inexplicable. He doesn't sit up and how to eat?

However, I saw Yang Ming sip the porridge in the spoon into his own mouth. I was wondering how Yang Ming gave it to himself, but he saw Yang Ming bowed and pointed his mouth. Her mouth...

Chen Mengxi was shocked and immediately understood what Yang Ming was doing. Some shy words: "Don't... I have a cold, the infection is for you..."

Chen Mengyu didn't talk well. When he spoke, Yang Ming took the opportunity to capture Chen Mengyu's little mouth. He sent the porridge in his mouth to Chen Mengyu's mouth little by little...

After one bite, Chen Mengxi’s face is full of blush, and his eyes become full of love.

"It doesn't matter, my physical condition is good, I don't easily catch a cold." Yang Ming said with a smile: "Come, eat some more..."

Chen Mengyu did not stop Yang Ming this time. Yang Ming’s way of feeding porridge made her like it too. The sweetness of only two parties can be realized.

After eating a few porridges, Chen Mengxi’s temperament also recovered. Yang Ming helped her to sit up and feed him a cold medicine. He said, “I want to go out, you are good at home, I am sick. Come back to see you in the afternoon."

"Where are you going?" Chen Mengxi also wanted to call Yang Ming to accompany her, watching her fall asleep, but she did not expect Yang Ming to leave.

"Your second uncle Chen Dazhuang is coming, outside, let's go and see Chen Afu." Yang Ming said.

"Oh, then go, go early and go back early." Chen Mengxi did not think much, just thought that Yang Ming was in classmates' feelings before he went to visit Chen Afu.

Yang Ming gave Chen Mengyu a good quilt and let her close her eyes with peace of mind, and she quietly left Chen Mengxi’s room.

"Chen Shu, the nightmare ate some porridge and ate the medicine. Let's go." Yang Ming said.

"Oh, you still have a way, I am dreaming of her mother, how to say she does not eat!" Chen Fei smiled: "When you come, she ate, it seems that the power of love is great!"

"Chen Shu, you are joking." Yang Ming was a little embarrassed.

"Oh, go on, Xia Bingyan has already said hello, it is estimated that the car has gone downstairs." Chen Fei said.

Yang Ming nodded and went downstairs with Chen Dazhuang.

Sure enough, I saw a car with a very odd shape and a military green color hanging in the downstairs of Chen Meng’s home.

Yang Ming and Chen Da makeup went downstairs, the car's door opened, Xia Bingyan jumped from above, saw Yang Ming, and smiled: "You kid, actually hang my phone."

"I was taking a shower at the time. How can I have a leisure time and you are nonsense?" Yang Mingxi smiled. This guy is never ready to let himself go.

"Get on the bus." Xia Bingyu nodded to Chen Dazhuang. Chen Dazhuang immediately followed the direction of Xia Bingyan in the direction of the car.

Xia Bingyan opened the door behind the car and let Chen Dazhuang get on the bus. Yang Ming was going to follow up, but he was stunned by Xia Bingyan: "What are you doing? You are sitting in front!"

The rear door slowly closed, Xia Bingyu got on the driver's seat, and Yang Ming was sitting in the co-pilot position.

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