So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1034: Wei Jin's mandate

The first thousand and thirty-four chapters of Wei Jin entrusted tasks

On the way back from the investigation bureau, Chen Dazhuang was still arranged behind, but his look was very sad and sad. Yang Ming hesitated, and said to Xia Bing: "I will sit back later."

Xia Bingyan knew that Yang Ming wanted to enlighten Chen Dazhuang and nodded and agreed.

The rear door slowly closed and the lights in the compartment lit up. The environment is obviously good, with comfortable seats and an automatic water dispenser.

"Chen Ershu," after getting on the bus, Yang Ming looked at Chen Dazhuang's look and said: "Chen Afu can have the present result, it is already the best, and you should not be sad again."

Chen Dazhuang nodded and said: "I understand, but after all, it is the son of a child, he has done so many wrong things, and my heart is also guilty."

"Oh, Chen Ershu, this world is hard to say, you don't have to be too upset, maybe one day, Chen Afu may use his actions in exchange for his freedom." Although Yang Ming knows this possibility is almost Zero, but this kind of lie is also innocuous: "So Chen Ershu, I think you are still looking for a job, live well, this is serious."

"What are you talking about? Afu still has the opportunity to come back?" After Chen Dazhuang listened, his face suddenly showed a hint of joy. He also saw that Yang Ming had a good relationship with Xia Bingzhen, the person in charge of the case. He did not know what role Yang Ming played. However, he felt that Yang Ming’s words still had certain credibility.

"There will definitely be opportunities, but this is not easy to fight, just look at himself." Yang Ming said.

"Oh, there is a chance." Chen Dazhuang also showed a smile: "You are right, I will work hard and wait for the day when Afu returns."

"As for work problems, you don't have to worry about Chen Ershu. I still have some connections in Songjiang," Yang Ming said with a smile. "But those high positions don't dare to say, you start from an ordinary position."

"I have just been out of prison, how can I be in a general place? It is good to have a stable job. Where can I be picky?" Chen Dazhuang smiled bitterly: "If Yang Ming can help me find a job, then Thank you very much! I am not afraid of dirty and tired, and I have no labor in prison, as long as I can ***!"

"That's not necessary, you used to engage in company trade before, so let's go to the famous heavy industry to be a salesperson, as long as you do well, you don't have a chance to promote." Yang Ming said.

"Ah! That's great! I will work hard." Chen Dazhuang was shocked and happy, and quickly promised.

In fact, Yang Ming just arranged for him a little, it is not an important post, no big deal. Moreover, the position of the salesperson is more work and less, and he wants to earn more.

Yang Ming did not contact his father directly, but called Wang Jinde and asked him to help arrange it. Wang Jinde is a person on the side of the violent Sanli. It is natural to listen to Yang Ming’s words.

Back at Chen Mengyu's home, Yang Ming was pleasantly surprised to find that Chen Mengyu had been able to walk down the ground. It seems that the cold medicine has already had an effect.

"Dream, why don't you sleep? How much better to sleep for a while." Yang Ming smiled and sat next to Chen Mengxi, at the moment Chen Mengxi was watching TV on the sofa.

"Wake up, don't get bored." Chen Mengxi said: "I feel much better. It may be no problem to take some medicine later."

"Oh, what a pity..." Yang Ming said with some disappointment.

"What a pity?" Chen Mengyu heard inexplicably.

"It's a pity that you can move yourself, I don't need to feed you porridge..." Yang Ming sighed and said.

"Hate you!" Chen Mengyan blushes and screams.

Chen Mengxi’s illness was not all right. Yang Ming did not immediately take her back to the villa. Although both of them were reluctant, but under the eyes of Chen Fei and Chen Mu, the two did not dare to do anything special. thing.

On the way back, Yang Ming received a call from Wang Xiaoyan, and Wei Jin applied for the assassination of Zou Ruoguang on the Internet.

Although Yang Ming is a company of Wei Jin, he does not want to have anything to do with things like "hiring a murderer." After all, once he is implicated, he is not good enough to get out of the way, so Wei Jin himself is going to find the killer company. In this way, I have little to do with myself.

"Is contact with him?" Yang Ming asked.

"Not yet, isn't you talking to him? I don't know what to do." Wang Xiaoyu said.

"Okay, I know." Yang Ming said: "When I go back, let me talk."

According to Yang Ming's idea, it is enough to find a person in Li Qiang's training camp to complete this task.

Back to Wang Xiaoyu's villa, Yang Ming saw Wei Jin's mission request on Wang Xiaoyu's computer. However, this guy is really funny, actually said that he would kill Zou Ruoguang at all costs.

Yang Ming smiled and called the violent San Li and asked: "What is the approximate market value of Dekang Real Estate?"

"According to the normal calculation, or the price of the price..." Although the violent San Li is very inexplicable, why Yang Ming asked this question, but still honestly said.

"Of course it is the normal price, there is no need to suppress the price." Yang Ming said, this is just a problem from the left pocket into the right pocket, the price is not much related to himself.

"Okay, Yang Ge, you wait a moment, I ask someone to budget, and then I will call you back."

"Well, you are faster." Yang Ming was anxious to know the price of Dekang Real Estate. Here, the Lions opened their mouths to Wei Jin for a price. The two prices are slightly different, but the difference is not great.

"I understand now that it is a wise choice to help you to be a killer. You are not only guilty, but the most important thing is the heart." Wang Xiaoyan had to sigh, Yang Ming is too strong, so no technology. The amount of broken tasks, you can have so much money!

Many of the complex tasks of their own family, there is not much that Yang Ming wants this time.

"Of course, who is right, this Wei Jin, his son is not a good cake, want to set fire to my company, I was killed directly, but my anger has not decreased, so only the father debt is paid." Yang Ming smiled and said: "As for Zou Ruoguang, a pure sb one, chasing Chen Mengying chasing Zhao Ying, I have long seen that he is not pleasing to the eye."

Yang Ming does not evade Wang Xiaoxiao. These things, the two are each other, killers, and the heart is too soft to become a major event.

"Oh, I think you are killing two things." Wang Xiaoxiao smiled and said: "But let's say it first, the money of the killer group, gave the killer group, that is, we are two, you can no longer privately."

Yang Mingyi, then smiled bitterly: "I think you are more swindling than me?"

"Of course, the killer group can solve the big problem with this big money!" Wang Xiaoyan nodded and said seriously.

Yang Ming listened to some helpless sighs, but he did not feel the pain of this money, but Yang Ming felt that Wang Xiaoyu’s idea is really too interesting: "You, sometimes smart, being clever, the killer Since I took over, I naturally don't care. I want to make it bigger and stronger. It depends on strength. I still have money. Even without this money, I will continue to invest in the killer group. of!"

After listening to Yang Ming’s words, Wang Xiaoyan suddenly turned red and felt that she was indeed a little self-sufficient. Some embarrassed words: “I just talk about it!”

"If you just talk about it, you will be punished. You are punished tonight..." Yang Ming said.

This chick is crazy and tight, and the conquest is extremely strong. Yang Ming and her fight for who is the problem, has developed into a stone scissors cloth to rule.

"Well, let me do it once." Wang Xiao said with a grin. She did not expect Yang Ming to use this as a punishment, but Wang Xiaoxiao did not reject it, but the relationship between the two people became more and more wonderful... Is it just simple to cooperate? Wang Xiaoyan sighed, what if he really got stuck in it?

Yang Ming has made the killer team the strongest in the world. It’s better to say that, since then, you can enjoy your own life, but what if Yang Ming did not make the killer team the strongest? Do you have to obey the fate that your father has arranged for yourself, return to the family, and marry the apprentice of the so-called king of the killer that he does not like or even see?

Thinking of this, Wang Xiaoyan was a little annoyed, and his brows could not help but wrinkle.

"What's wrong?" Yang Ming also saw that Wang Xiaoxuan seemed to have something to worry about, so he asked.

"Nothing..." Wang Xiaoyan sighed and sighed and shook his head. "Suddenly I remembered something unhappy, but it doesn't matter."

"Or, will the opportunity at night be given to you?" Yang Mingxi Wang Xiaoxiao was happy.

"Oh, this is what you said!" Wang Xiaoyan did not even quit the resignation, and directly responded. Yang Ming said, you don't know what is modesty? However, if I say that the water that I poured out when I went out, I want to take it back, it is impossible, I can only recognize it.

"Well, it is what I said." Yang Ming smiled and said: "Is this time happy?"

"Well, okay," Wang Xiaoxiao said with a smile: "Yang Ming, when can we receive the big task, that is the kind recognized by the international killer ranking system..."

"Come on?" Yang Ming did not know if there was any news on Fang Tian: "I am not in a hurry, wait, the school will start immediately. It is not very good to leave at this time."

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