So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1039: Jewelry Festival

The first thousand and thirty-nine chapter jewelry festival

"What if you don't want to be here later?" Going back to the room, Wang Xiaoyu asked with a lingering heart.

She didn't know for herself. I really wanted Yang Ming to spend more time with her here, or I was really afraid that someone would come here to put a bomb.

"Install a security system." Yang Ming said: "I will find someone to contact a custom set, but I think, with a failure, the person behind the scenes will not use the same method for the second time."

Yang Ming said that there is some truth. Wang Xiaoyan nodded. No one would be stupid. After a failure, he used the second time.

"Well, this can be more secure." Wang Xiaoyu knows that the so-called security system is only for non-professionals. However, since Yang Ming said that he is looking for someone to customize, it should not be bad, at least he can handle it. Such people, or Yang Ming will not propose to install.

"Sleep, it's already late, I think they won't send people again today." Yang Ming said Wang Xiaoyu in his arms, comforted.

"Right, Yang Ming, you just really got your heart down, what kind of King Kong licking the yin legs, can you make it out?" Wang Xiaoyan suddenly remembered the previous things, some complained.

"If she doesn't worry, she will kill me." Yang Ming knows that sometimes he must learn to be jealous, otherwise he will be jealous of others.

"Then, when you were fighting with me, why didn't you have this trick?" Wang Xiaoyu asked with some blame.

"Of course it is different." Yang Ming smiled and said: "You have said, you will be my lover when you lose, if I kick you off, is it not myself?"

After listening to Yang Ming’s approximation, Wang Xiaoyan suddenly turned red: “You are still afraid of kicking it!”


The annual Jewelry Festival will be held in Songjiang. This is a jewelry exhibition organized by Huaxia Jewelry Association. This year's venue is Songjiang.

It stands to reason that Songjiang belongs to a second-class city. Generally, such exhibitions will not be held in such cities, but this time there is an exception. I don’t know why the association’s people choose to be here.

Lin Yuyun is not in Songjiang. Zhao Sisi calls and tells himself that although Liu Weishan Jewelry is a newly established brand this year, it has the signature of Liu Weishan, and there is Shuya, the popular idol singer in Asia, and recently launched a wedding ring. Diy service, so that Liu Weishan Jewelry Company can't be fired again, and the invitation book has naturally come over.

"This time, the Jewelry Festival will be held in Songjiang. It really costs me a lot of thoughts." The boss said faintly: "The deputy president is really black, and one person has received me 10 million gifts."

"However, this million will come back soon, isn't it?" The young man smiled: "And, it will make Yang Ming lose more, even bankrupt..."

"I hope this time, I can see the dilemma of Yang Ming's poverty." The boss sneered aloud: "You are right, against Yang Ming, you don't have to kill him immediately, let him have nothing, it is more useful than killing him." ""

"The next thing is arranged?" the young man asked.

"Do not worry, there will be no mistakes." The boss said: "Huaxia Jewelry Association has sent a letter to the famous security company, who will undertake the security work of the jewelry festival, and I will come up with my collection. The long jewels came out... Hey, when things are lost, see Yang Ming not paying for death..."

Xiao Ai disappeared, which made the boss become a little crazy. Until the next day, Xiao Ai was not seen. The boss knew that Xiao Ai could not come back. With Yang Ming’s means, perhaps Xiao Ai had already been killed.

In addition to the pain, the boss hated Fang Ming’s hate more, and he couldn’t stand it, so he was eager to discuss with the young people overnight and finally agreed on such a countermeasure.

Just the annual jewelry festival was held, but the boss did not feel anything, but the young people seized the opportunity, that is, the organizers held a jewelry festival in Songjiang, and then the famous security company to undertake the jewelry festival. Security work.

In this way, once the jewellery festival has changed, then the famous security company has the responsibility to evade. It happens that the boss has a lot of rare jewelry collections in the world, which can be used in this plan.

It is a jewel of value. Once it is shameful, even if Yang Ming is the richest man in the world, it is enough for him to drink a pot.

So, the boss launched all the networks around him and contacted a vice president of the China Jewelry Association. This association was a non-official organization of the people. Therefore, the vice president was also daring and asked directly. Million, promise the boss will definitely get things done.

As a result, there was really no disappointment from the other boss. In the afternoon, the Huaxia Jewelry Association changed the venue of the temporary change from the previous v city to the current Songjiang city.

On the list of exhibitors, there is also a fake company registered overseas, which is the boss's company. Some of the world's top jewellery is also on display.

When the security company of the violent Sanli received the letter of entrustment from the Huaxia Jewelry Association, it was somewhat surprised. This is the biggest business that the security company has received since its establishment.

Of course, it is not that the price is the highest, but because the scale and impact are the biggest. In the past, most of the famous security companies undertook the security services of shopping malls, companies, residential properties and individuals.

Although the money received is quite a lot, but the influence is not good, the famous security company is only famous in the local, but it is unknown in the field. However, once the security work of this jewelry festival is taken over, the reputation of the famous security guard will be upgraded once.

After all, this is a large-scale exhibition event that provides security services for such activities. It is equivalent to the recognition of the public security and has become a professional security company.

After receiving the entrusted intention, the violent San Li did not take the initiative, but told the phone to call Yang Ming: "Yang Ge, do you think we should undertake this business?"

Yang Minggang learned about the jewelry festival from Zhao Sisi. I didn't expect the jewelry association to choose the famous security company to take charge of the security work of the jewelry festival.

However, it is not surprising to think about it. In Songjiang, the biggest security company is famous for security. Other small security companies are not climate-friendly, and they only provide some private security work and some simple shopping malls and parking lots. Security work.

To say that you can get a countertop and have strength, there is only one famous security guard. The Jewelry Festival is held in Songjiang. It is impossible to hire a security company from a foreign country. Therefore, it is reasonable to choose a famous name.

"As long as the price is reasonable, you can make a decision." Yang Ming did not think there was anything wrong with it, so he said: "However, we must make a famous reputation."

"Do not worry, Yang Ge, I will work hard." Violence said that Yang Ming agreed, so he assured.

There is still a period of time since the opening of the Jewelry Festival. It is only a preparation period, so neither the jewelry company nor the security company is in a hurry, but is doing things in a step-by-step manner.


In a blink of an eye, the holiday is coming to an end, and tomorrow is the time for the new semester to start school.

During a holiday, a lot of things happened. The original classmate Wang Zhitao sank to the bottom of the sea forever, and Zhou Jiajia completely recovered.

Wei Dekang died, Wei Jin also sold the company, Zou Ruoguang was killed, and the people in the family were also panicked.

There are joys and sorrows, so that Yang Ming feels that the only thing that is lost is that Zhao Ying has never contacted him since that night, and Zhao Ming has never been in contact with him. This makes Yang Ming slightly disappointed, so Jing Xiaoyu called, about Yang Ming went out shopping, Yang Ming also asked her to ask her and Zhao Ying.

Yang Ming wants to find Zhao Ying on the Internet, but she has no choice but to find that the head of the "Savage Female Teacher" has always been gray. It is no wonder that Zhao Ying has just moved in and has not applied for broadband, and can not access the Internet. It is also normal.

The day before the start of the school, Yang Ming’s five cousins ​​came to Songjiang and called Yang Ming’s home at the station.

It was a distant relative, Yang Ming was not enthusiastic about this, but Yang Mu was very enthusiastic about calling the car and rushed to the station with Yang Ming. Yang Ming’s car has not been repaired yet, and Yang’s mother has just found a van in the famous heavy industry.

Originally, I wanted to find a car, but I thought that there should be luggage in the hands of the five cousins, and I was afraid that the car could not fit, so I found a van.

The car stopped at Songjiang Railway Station. The five cousins ​​did not come to the car of the five widowers, but they came by train. However, it is estimated that he is not willing to come with the five widowers.

Yang Ming is very helpless to hold a "Yu Chi" brand, waiting at the door of the train station. Bathtub? Shark fin? Fish pond? The name does not know who it is, and it is full of creativity.

At this time, a young man dressed in sunglasses with a suede face and a pair of shiny leather boots came over and saw the brand in Yang Ming’s hand, saying, “I said buddy, you are me. Isn’s son Yang Daming?”

"I am not Yang Daming... I am Yang Ming..." Yang Ming sweated a bit, and as it is legendary, his five cousins ​​seem to be social.

"Oh, all the same, I heard my old man say, you are Daming, I thought you were Yang Daming." The five cousins ​​were finished with carelessness. When they turned around and saw Yang, they raised a hand. Say hello: "Is this my second sister? Second, haha!"

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