So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1052: On the eve of school

The first thousand and fifty-two chapters on the eve of the school

"I am not afraid of 10,000, I am afraid of it..." Yang Ming said with helplessness: "Don't say anything else, I said that I had broadcast on TV, there is a film called "Days to Leave Lei Feng", which accidentally crashed into the car. The telephone pole killed the driver of Lei Feng. After the transfer, one driver saved an old man, but he was dragged by the old child. What is even more irritating is that the old man’s child actually said that he even dared to hit Lei Feng. Who else? I dare not hit it... He really can’t say it..."

Zhou Jiajia nodded silently. He didn't know if he should get off the bus. He was hesitating, but he saw a girl walking quickly toward the old man.

“Song Yu?” Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia recognized the girls at the same time. The girls were Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia’s college classmates. Song Yu was the squad leader of Yang Ming’s class. He once participated in propaganda and civility with Yang Ming. Charitable activities.

"She is going to help the old man..." Zhou Jiajia sighed, and some embarrassed said: "I am also the squad leader, but she is..."

"You don't have to blame yourself. If I didn't say a few more words, it's you who are helping others now!" Yang Ming advised.

"Yeah, when you said it, I remembered it. I have to quickly record the process of saving Song Yu's life with a mobile phone. You are right. If you are not afraid of 10,000, you will be afraid of it. In case the old man is looking for Song Yu's trouble, I also provide a piece of evidence!" said, Zhou Jiajia took out his mobile phone and ran off the car.

Yang Ming listened to Zhou Jiajia’s words and nodded secretly. This girl is not simple. Everything knows to leave evidence. When Chen Fei asked her to help detect Wang Xifan’s case, she did not see the wrong person!

Today's mobile phones are equipped with a camera function, which can easily have several megapixels. Although it is different from professional camera equipment, it is more than enough to record some ordinary videos.

Zhou Jiajia turned the phone into a camera function, and then stood by and started from Song Yu. The whole process of saving people was completely photographed by Zhou Jiajia.

If the old man really wants to rely on Song Yu in the future, then with this video, they will not be able to marry Song Yu. So after listening to Yang Ming's words, in order to prevent accidents, Zhou Jiajia completely recorded the video until the old man said thank you, Song Yuxi helped her to get a taxi and disappeared into the field of vision.

Zhou Jiajia got on the bus and stored the video inside the mobile phone. He said: "I see the old man and Song Yu said thank you, she should not be that kind of person?"

"Human **** is hard to say." Yang Ming waved his hand.

This episode has passed, and the two did not care much. The old man left, and the road became smooth. Soon, he went to the Chinese business district where Yang Ming lived.


Zhao Ying did not know how she took a shower, wiped the water drops on her body, stumbled into her pajamas, walked out of the bathroom, stood on the stairs, and the cold air outside made her wake up.

Everything is just his own guess. Zhao Ying has no evidence. Moreover, the set is not necessarily used to do that. Zhao Ying once read an electronic magazine, saying that the sleeve can be used to repair the computer CD-ROM drive. A substitute for the belt.

Of course, this chance is very small. Zhao Ying knows that Wang Xiaoyu is not a computer expert. It is impossible to repair any optical drive. However, there may be other uses...

Zhao Ying is not willing to think about it, nor dare to think about it. She needs to be calm and absolutely calm. Come and re-examine your attitude towards Yang Ming. Are these things really important for themselves?

Even if Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu are really together, will they affect themselves? Zhao Ying should think carefully and find a time to seriously consider it. But now, it is pretending that nothing has happened.

She didn't want to ask Wang Xiaoyan, nor did she need it. Wang Xiaoying did not tell herself that she naturally had her reasons. Zhao Ying did not want to make the sister relationship between the two people too stiff, so it is better to be confused now.

Going downstairs, Zhao Ying tried hard to make her expression look natural. However, Wang Xiaoyan still found that Zhao Ying’s smile was somewhat unnatural: “Ying sister, what happened to you? How come you laugh so strange?”

Wang Xiaoxuan didn't think much, just thought that Zhao Ying's smile couldn't tell the difference, more like there was any conspiracy.

"Nothing, it may be that the bathing time is too long, the facial muscles are somewhat deadlocked." Zhao Ying shook her head and smiled and said.

"Oh, it really washed for a long time." Wang Xiaoyan stretched out on the sofa and said: "I have to fall asleep, Yingjie, you live here at night, we haven’t said whispers for a long time... ”

"Ah..." Zhao Ying was shocked and refused: "Tonight, even if you start school tomorrow, you have to prepare, and I still have a paper that I have not finished writing..."

Zhao Ying is afraid that she will stay with Wang Xiaoyu for too long, and she will show flaws. At least not today, she will go home and adjust her emotions.

"I don't have anything to clean up, let's talk about it. Tomorrow is just to report a new way. If you look at the new book, there is nothing." Wang Xiaoyu said: "Your paper can also be written here!"

"No... the information is at home. It’s too much trouble to get here... Next time!" Zhao Ying hurriedly waved: "Then I will go back first, hehe."

"So fast to go?" Wang Xiaoying is somewhat inexplicable: "Ying sister, your hair is still not dry, go out to catch a cold."

"It's okay, my family is close, and it's coming soon." Zhao Ying waved and waved with Wang Xiaoyan, and then quickly walked out the door.

"Wait, Yingjie, I will send you..." Wang Xiaoyan got up from the sofa and put on his slippers, but he saw that Zhao Ying had already opened the door...

Wang Xiaoying is very strange, why Zhao Ying is so anxious. Shake his head, close the door, went upstairs, there was some sleepyness just now, Wang Xiaoyu planned to take a good sleep.

These days, Yang Ming is here, tossing her for several nights, she did not sleep well, and Wang Xiaoying was a person who refused to admit defeat. Although she later couldn’t stand it, she insisted on her teeth.

Lying in bed, fell asleep, and left the things of Zhao Ying before.

Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia returned to the villa together. Li Wei was wiping the floor and saw Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia coming back. They rushed over. Before Chen Mengqi came home, Yang Ming did not return to the villa and lived there at Wang Xiaoying, so he has not returned for several days.

Zhou Jiajia went upstairs to prepare for the school to be brought tomorrow, and Yang Ming was called by Li Wei.

"What's the matter, Li Wei?" Yang Ming asked.

"This is the case..." Li Wei said that Zhao Ying had waited for his strange night and Yang Ming said that although Li Wei did not know what Zhao Ming was looking for, he had to call Yang Ming. She did not let it, but when she saw Yang Ming, she still told Yang Ming what she had said.

Yang Ming had already learned from Zhao Xiaoying that Zhao Ying had noticed it. I did not expect Zhao Ying to wait here for a night! Yang Ming secretly regrets, no wonder Zhao Ying did not contact himself these days, but also thought that his memory tree was sent out after the stone sinking sea, I did not expect Zhao Ying to find himself, was missed by himself!

Moreover, it also hurt Zhao Ying's heart! Thinking of this, Yang Ming is a little embarrassed, it seems that he really wants to converge in the future. Now, Zhao Ying has given birth to her own anger, it seems that she can only find a good time to enlighten her.

Fortunately, Wang Xiaoyu has already explained with Zhao Ying, saying that she is just a fake boyfriend of Wang Xiaoying. It is not true. I hope Zhao Ying will believe this reason.

It is not that Yang Ming is not willing to tell Zhao Ying about himself and Wang Xiaoying, but the relationship between himself and Wang Xiaoyu is somewhat complicated. It is not clear in a few words, and this relationship should not be promoted. If it is passed to the ear of Chen Mengyu, then it is another war. With Wang Xiaoyu’s temper, will it suffer? Maybe something will happen!

"I know, Li Wei, this matter should not be mentioned again with others." Yang Ming ordered. Yang Ming is afraid that other girls will hear the extra branches.

"Okay, Mr. Yang. I understand." Li Wei nodded. She also knows that the owner of this family is Yang Ming. As a nanny, she is naturally only responsible for Yang Ming. In fact, the reason why she waited for Zhou Jiajia to go upstairs and said to Zhao Ming is because of this reason. Li Wei is doing very well at this point. She is a competent nanny.

Although Zhou Jiajia decided to stay here at Yang Ming, there must be a baggage in the dormitory of the school. It is only a place to be perched on the weekend. Usually, I still have to stay in the dormitory.

Yang Ming is also the same. It is impossible to live here every day. It is okay to come here with Chen Mengyu and Lin Yunyun. However, if you live in a cohabiting life, it is estimated that your father and mother will not agree.

However, Yang Ming's dormitory belongs to the kind of luxury apartment, there is nothing missing in it, and there is no need to worry about the holiday will throw things, so there are basic supplies, Yang Ming does not need to bring anything.

In the twinkling of an eye, it was time for dinner. Yang Ming and Zhou Jiajia ate a dinner with only two people. It was very warm. Zhou Jiajia also adapted to this kind of life. However, there was some disappointment: "In the future, there should be very few defects. What about the chances of being alone?"

“Why didn’t you?” Yang Ming laughed after listening: “For four years, both of us will be at the same table. You are superior to Chen Mengyu. At that time, you have to be embarrassed by others!”

Zhou Jiajia thinks about it as well. Indeed, I am at the same table with Yang Ming every day. I am looking forward to it!

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