So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 107: Yang Ming won the prize

Chapter 107, Yang Ming won the prize

If you change to Zhang Bin, you may have already taken your **** and left! In fact, this is the case, Zhang Bin has been cool, but see Yang Ming there is no movement, then went back to the room to find a lady to help him loose bones.

Yang Ming’s heart is indeed very contradictory. Tell him in the subconscious mind, let's go, and when the girl wakes up, you will be finished. But another deep voice said to myself: She is already your woman, and you have the heart to leave her here? If you want to be a successful superior, you can't even protect your own woman, and fight with Wang Zhitao!

Forget it, I am not a local, it is impossible to take her back. At most, she and her sensational emotions, let her not do this kind of thing in the future, I don’t have 20,000 deposits yet! Take out 10,000 and give it to her. Yang Ming shook his head and dressed and walked out of the room.

Zhang Bin just took a shower and saw Yang Ming, and immediately smiled at his face: "Yang Ming, how are you, cool?"

Yang Ming suddenly met Zhang Bin, and he was a little embarrassed. He only had a hip-hop nod. "Yes, if the person is taken away, the lobby manager will not say anything?"

"No, the average chick is a hammer sale, they only earn a difference. Not a fixed lady here. Even if it is a young lady, I don't want to do it myself, the old mother can't interfere!" Zhang Bin said: "Why, boss? You Wouldn't it be to see her?"

"This thing goes back and says, you help me with the lobby manager for a box of emergency avoidance. Pregnancy." Yang Ming whispered.

"Rely, you cow! It’s too bully!" Zhang Bin extended his thumb: "I saw the hacker like you for the first time, and I bought it for the lady. Pregnancy!"

"She is not a lady, you know, she is a last resort." Yang Ming shook his head.

"There is a sale downstairs, I will accompany you to buy." Zhang Bin said.

Sure enough, on the side of the downstairs hall, there are counters selling these, avoiding. Pregnancy, avoid. Pregnancy drugs and **** toys are available. Yang Ming bought a box of "Yu Ting". He was a little embarrassed, but saw a man who was directly paying for an electric jb, and took it up and researched a woman on the side. Yang Ming also suddenly became a big face: "How is this medicine used?"

"The first piece is eaten within 72 hours, then the second piece is taken after 12 hours," the seller explained.

"Oh, I know." Yang Ming nodded.

At this time, Zhang Bin had already negotiated with the lobby manager. Sure enough, the girl had nothing to do with the bathing center. The guests were willing to take it better and save the bath center.

Zhang Bin was quick to shoot 3,500 yuan. Originally, three thousand two was enough, but I gave a tip of three hundred yuan. The face of the lobby manager’s music has blossomed, and it’s straightforward. The lobby manager didn't lie. I saw that he had counted two thousand pieces from the middle and put it in an envelope. He said to a cashier at the front desk: "These are the girls who are named blue for a while."

Yang Mingcai knew that the girl was surnamed Blue.

Feeling the look of the lobby manager behind her, Yang Ming felt a little unnatural.


In the room, Lan Ling had already woken up. When Yang Ming went out, she opened her eyes and stared at the closed door. The faint road said: "Mom is right, and the man does not have a good thing. If you take your own **** and leave, then you can’t blame me."

Originally, Lan Ling had already thought that Yang Ming would be a dead person, and the door of the room was opened. Lan Ling looked at the man who had just licked himself and returned!

It is said that it is not appropriate. Although Lan Ling was forced to take the aphrodisiac, but the consciousness is sober, it seems that he is more active. So Blue Ling made a decision. If the man is a little better after himself, tell him a secret. After all, this is also a responsibility. But if the other party is going to take the **** and leave, let him go to fend for himself.

Seeing Yang Ming coming in, Lan Ling subconsciously covered himself with a quilt, leaving only the part of the eye outside, and watching Yang Ming nervously.

"Are you awake?" Yang Ming asked a little embarrassed.

"..." Lan Ling did not speak.

"This is the medicine I bought for you... You ate it..." Yang Ming put the box of contraceptives in front of the bed, and then opened the mineral water in his hand: "You don't want to be pregnant yourself..."

Lan Ling looked at the contraceptive pill in front of him and looked at Yang Ming: "When you come back, give me medicine?"

Yang Ming didn't know how to answer, nodded and shook his head.

Lan Ling frowned. "If this is the case, you can go. I don't have to take medicine. I will handle it myself."

"I am actually..." Yang Ming bites his teeth, Mom, isn't it just to persuade people? "Can you not do this in the future?"

"What do I do?" Lan Ling asked faintly. However, the corner of his mouth was a smile. Girls are very concerned about their first time, especially Lan Ling, a girl who has received traditional education since childhood. Therefore, in her heart, Yang Ming is more inclined to be good to her, instead of throwing herself here and leaving.

Because the quilt completely covered Lan Ling’s face, Yang Ming couldn’t see her expression, and she didn’t know if she was happy or angry, but since she decided, Yang Ming said to herself: “You should be this age. Still going to school? Your father doesn’t want you, but you can eat it yourself. I have 10,000 yuan here. You can use it first...” Yang Ming took a stack of money from his pocket. At the bedside. Losing the cash machine downstairs, or so late, I really don't know where to go to get the money.

"You don't want me?" Lan Ling frowned slightly. Is this man good for himself or not for himself?

"I..." Yang Ming’s helpless face, why didn’t he want it, but what if he wanted it later? Bring Lan Ling back to Songjiang? What about Chen Mengyu?

"I am not a local," Yang Ming explained.

"I can go with you." Lan Ling decided to give this man a last chance. If he didn't cherish it, then forget it.

"..." Yang Ming hesitated, and a girl took the initiative to let you take her away. This is a big temptation, but I have no economic strength and no social status. Take her back, first of all, my parents will not be able to pass.

"You don't have to say..." Lan Ling shook his head, and it seemed that the man in front of him didn't want to take him away.

"I don't mean this... In fact, you can follow me... but I mean that my feelings about you now only stay on your body, I don't know you at all..." Yang Ming anxious, saying Out of my own heart. This is indeed what he thinks.

"Oh... that's enough, you will fall in love with me slowly." Lan Ling smiled and his eyes turned into a new moon.

"Why are you going out to sell? I heard that your father didn't want you?" Yang Ming sighed and sat down at the bed.

"You thought I thought, I was filled with medicine." Lan Ling pulled the quilt on his face, revealing a charming and playful face inside.

"Right, how old are you? Will you not be an adult?" Yang Ming suddenly remembered a very important question.

"Sixteen years old, just getting grown up. Don't worry, the police uncle will not come to arrest you." Blue Ling is somewhat proud, it turned out that this guy is not so calm!

"Oh... I don't mean this..." Yang Ming was smothered by something. "I mean that when you are under age, the relationship is not good for your body..."

Lan Ling did not care about him: "Then you have been so hard! Not afraid to kill me?"

"Hey... are you particularly crazy?" Yang Ming smiled.

"I still want to?" Lan Ling suddenly looked at Yang Ming very charmingly, and the blurred eyes directly ignited Yang Ming once again...

"Do you still say that I don't like me? What is this time?" After the rain, Lan Ling asked very naughty.

Yang Ming is speechless. If he still says that he doesn't like her, then his own behavior is just rogue.

"Hey, you don't say it's useless, I can feel what you think in your heart..." Lan Ling was on Yang Ming, listening to his heartbeat.

Yang is clear and tempted, and this stunner in front of him is enough to make any normal man tempted. Pure and playful looks like elves, but in the bed is a strange wild. The charm of pureness is one of the highest realms among the best women.

"How do you know what I think?" Yang Ming was said to have thoughts, and some were embarrassed.

"Because you have my heart." Blue Ling said leisurely: "I can feel your love for me..."

I rely on? what? Yang Ming slammed up from the bed and won the prize?

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