So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1064: Trade fair responsible

The first thousand and sixty-four chapter trade fairs responsible for matters

“Why did you say that before?” After getting into the car, Xiao Qing said with some embarrassment: “Zhang Yue is a contact with many students. You said that you have to do a banquet for a while. If you don’t do it, then How do you say it? They still can't think that I was abandoned for the second time?"

"Hah, that's impossible. I'm not Song Hang that sb!" Yang Ming said with a smile: "I naturally want you guys to see that you are very happy now, or you will definitely have some 嫉妒 you long. A beautiful person is gloating!"

Indeed, what Yang Ming said before is that Zhang Yue wants to spread through her mouth, so that Xiao Qing’s friends know that Xiao Qing is very happy now!

Xiao Qing nodded and understood Yang Ming’s thoughts, but she didn’t say anything, but she was very happy. After all, Song Hang disappeared at the wedding. Many friends looked at themselves with strange eyes, and now If Zhang Yueyi says that he is married again and is very happy, it is estimated that those views will disappear.

"Right, Yang Ming, you are not opening a jewelry company, is your company attending this jewelry fair?" Xiao Qing asked.

"Participating, so I decided to drop by to see the venue of the trade fair to see if we have booked the showcase. If there is no reservation, we will book it directly." Yang Ming said.

"Let's go and have a look," Xiao Qing said: "Cognac is also very concerned about you. If it is not the latest thing, it is estimated that you will also attend the trade fair."

"Yeah, cognac is not very good recently, but I will try my best to help me find Tianqi Big Brother." Yang Ming said. Yang Ming has sent Liu Tianqi's information to Xia Bingyan. Anyway, Yang Ming has this identity. It doesn't need to be used. The police's incompetence does not mean that the mysterious investigation bureau has no way.

Yang Ming was able to experience the magical parts of the mysterious investigation bureau. He even investigated some of his own private affairs clearly. This energy can not be underestimated.

Therefore, when Yang Ming took a bath in Xiaoqing last night, he passed Liu Tianqi’s information to Xia Bingyan through the computer network. For the things that Yang Ming personally entrusted, Xia Bingzhen could not pay attention to it. Ming, I am afraid that I owe Yang Ming too much. When Yang Ming refuses to contribute, now Yang Ming actively contacts himself and asks for help. Xia Bingyan naturally agrees.

This is also the time when Yang Ming was preparing to take a bath and **** last night. He found the document that Xia Bingyan gave himself, and suddenly remembered it.

Yang Ming still has confidence in Xia Bing's ability to handle things, but if there is nothing that can be done under the hail, then it is really hope.

"Right, do you have any idea of ​​urinating?" Yang Ming suddenly thought of a crucial thing, the ultimate goal of his trip with Xiao Qing.

"Not yet..." Xiao Qing's face was red, and some tweaked said: "Maybe soon..."

This kind of thing is a physiological reaction, and I can't wait for it, so Yang Ming is not urging, and can only wait quietly. However, sometimes things tend to be like this. The more you worry, the less it comes. This is called conditional reflex.

"Okay, then wait a minute..." Yang Ming said here, suddenly thought of something, the expression is a bit lascivious and said: "Right, I have a trick, if you are interested, we can try."

"What trick?" Xiao Qing asked, said.

When Yang Ming waited for the signal light, he fell in the ear of Xiao Qing, whispering a few words, Xiao Qing suddenly blushing: "Yeah, Yang Ming, what are you talking about!"

"I am telling the truth!" Yang Mingxiao laughed.

Xiao Qing glanced at Yang Ming, but after a while, he was still curious and asked: "You said that Blue Ling and yours... every time...?"

"Yeah, hey, I have to change sheets at night to sleep..." Yang Ming sighed. "Would you like, let's try?"

"Hey, I don't want to try!" Xiao Qing said shyly, but added another sentence: "If you want to try, you can't try now!"

"That is it at night?" Yang Ming listened to Xiao Qing's words, it seems that there is a door, so he quickly asked.

"Let's talk about it at night!" Xiao Qing said lazily: "Now you are still driving your car... Don't think about it, otherwise we won't have a chance to try it!"

Xiao Qing has always been like this. Although some of Yang Ming’s demands are shy but not rejected, this is one of the reasons why Yang Ming is very obsessed with her.

Yang Ming did not go to the jewellery fair, and did not know where the trade fair was held. Zhao Sisi was always following up, but at the moment it was the first time.

However, it does not matter, there is Bao Shuping's car leading the way in front, Yang Ming directly followed him in the back, and did not have to find it himself.

Not long after, Bao Shuping’s car quickly entered the parking lot of the largest convention center in Songjiang. Yang Ming followed his car and went in and out. After finding the empty position, he stopped the car and then separated. I got off the bus.

At this time, Zhang Yue saw Xiao Qing and Yang Ming's gaze completely changed, and became somewhat envious. Originally, Zhang Yue was a better place in the class of their classmates in the university. Bao Shuping was young and promising. He owned a jewelry company and was the envy of many students, but now and Xiao Qing Compared to it, there is a gap in nature!

Although the BMW and Mercedes-Benz are about the same grade, the price is similar, but the difference can be drawn from the license plate number. When I think of myself before Xiao Qing and Yang Ming, Zhang Yue is blushing.

Under Bao Shuping's lead, four people came to the reception room of the trade fair. The last time Bao Shuping was talking to a middle-level leader who was responsible for the fair and entertainment of the trade fair, and also the venue leader of the trade fair.

Bao Shuping was unpleasant with him, so today, the staff member was notified directly to the person in charge and asked to come and talk.

It didn't take long for the person in charge to come. Bao Shuping quickly got up and just wanted to say something, but the person in charge did not see him, and came directly to Yang Ming's side, respectfully said: Yang Ge, how come you came in person?"

The person in charge of this move shocked everyone present, Bao Shuping and Zhang Yue, did not expect the person who has always been bullish to be so humble and calm today.

However, even Yang Ming is somewhat inexplicable, pointing strangely to himself: "Do you know me?"

Yang Ming did not know that the venue of the trade fair was entirely responsible for the reputation of the site. He thought that it was only responsible for the safety of the venue. So, when the person in charge knew him, he was somewhat puzzled.

"Enn!" The person in charge nodded and said: "I used to be the secretary of Hou, I have seen you several times, but you may not remember me!"

Yang Ming, Khan, where did the secretary of Hou Zhenduo remember? Moreover, this face is basically a star, and there is almost no one in the famous institution.

“How are you responsible here?” Yang Ming asked strangely: “Isn’t the security business only named?”

"No, including the operation of the trade fair and the distribution of the showcase are all named operations." The person in charge explained: "Hou always sent me to take charge of this matter."

Yang Ming nodded after listening, but his heart was a bit puzzled. It is reasonable to say that the work of this distribution site should not be operated by outside companies. It should be operated directly by the jewelry association. I don’t know what this means. Too trustful and famous, or do they want to decentralize? Yang Ming did not want to understand, and he would not think about it for the time being, because it is difficult to figure out this kind of thing without asking the parties.

However, when Yang Ming saw that the trade fair was operated by his own people, he would not worry. If Zhao Sisi could not get a good position, it would be that she did not take the initiative. It is impossible to leave her a good position.

When the person in charge and Yang Ming finished speaking, they noticed that Bao Shuping, who came together, immediately recognized him. A glimpse of the heart suddenly began to complain, Mom, you know Yang Ge, you don’t say it earlier? Did you say it earlier, isn't it a word? Why do you want Yang Ge to come in person? This is really a good look!

If this matter is known to the tyrant or general, then it should be ignited, I don’t know how to punish myself! Thinking of this, the person in charge suddenly revealed a smile that was more ugly than crying. He smiled and said: "Mr. Bao, you see... you know Yang Ge, just mention one sentence that day, you don’t have to let Yang Ge personally come. ... my attitude was really a bit bad that day, I am really sorry..."

Bao Shuping saw the person in charge of this one hundred and eighty-degree turn, suddenly stunned, but immediately thought of what he said, and I understood it in my heart!

This person in charge must have misunderstood, misunderstood that he invited Yang Ming, in order to honor what he said that day, to ask him to look good! I didn't expect that I had accidentally hit the wrong one, and I met the noble person on the road. The problem was solved.

Thinking of this, Bao Shuping’s heart was like a sigh of relief. However, Yang Ming was on the side. He would not be too proud of himself. The goal would be better. There is no need to be aggressive. "Oh, we are just a chance encounter. My wife and Mr. Yang’s wife are classmates, and the relationship is good..."

The person in charge will naturally not believe it, but since Bao Shuping said so, he will also borrow the **** and say: "Let's say it, but you can rest assured that the position of the trade fair will be satisfactory."

Since Yang Ge and Bao Shuping are not pursued, the person in charge will not say anything more.

At this moment, Zhang Yue sees Xiao Qing's gaze more complicated than before. She did not expect that Xiao Qing would find such a powerful husband.

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