So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1067: Money

The first thousand and sixty-seven chapters of money

The tellers didn't dare to hesitate, took the cash out in a hurry and placed them in the bag designated by the robbers. In this case, no one would make a joke about their own lives, even if there would be leaders blaming them, they would also care. Not a lot.

The robbers put the bag with the money in their hands, and did not check whether there was still money left in the counter. They began to retreat from the bank in an orderly manner. The last one who withdrew was the big man who took the assault gun. Before leaving, he quickly The use of automatic painting left two large English letters "sb" on the bank's wall, and then quickly disappeared into the doorway.

The whole process was less than five minutes. Although someone has reported the police, the police may not arrive within five minutes.

The rapid and calm robbery and professionalism made Yang Ming feel very confused. Especially after the robbers got the money, they didn't even look at it. This made Yang Ming more confused!

Yang Ming even has a feeling that these robbers are robbing the bank, not for money! Perhaps they are too professional and will not waste time on counting money, which is why they escaped smoothly.

In short, Yang Ming always feels that something is wrong, but what is wrong, Yang Ming can't say it. Also, before the robbers left, the two English letters painted on the bank walls made people feel a little ridiculous.

What exactly does this robber want to do? Is it because you want to express something, or is it a pure joke, and the people in the bank are sb stupid? Or, what other special purposes?

Yang Ming didn't think so much. When the robbers left, the customers in the bank messed up and fled to the bank's door. The banks that were not big were instantly blocked by these customers.

At the same time, not far from the faint voice of the siren, these customers have not completely ran out of the bank, surrounded by the police with guns around the bank.

I have to say that these police officers are coming quickly enough, but the speed of the robbers is still worse. Because these three robbers are really too professional!

However, the police outside did not realize that the robbers had already withdrawn at this moment. They also carefully laid out the cordon and shouted to the bank: "The people inside are listening, you are surrounded, please put down your arms immediately. Don't do unnecessary resistance..."

When the customers in the bank rushed out of the bank, the police outside were somewhat overwhelmed. After all, this situation is very rare. I have never seen any robbers who will take the initiative to release the hostages. However, it may be that the robbers want to Camouflage adult quality to escape together.

Therefore, the police immediately took action to control the people who ran out of the bank one by one, and checked until the majority of the population learned that the robbers had already ran away, and then quickly notified the headquarters, and sent additional personnel to set up the level. In the main roads for key investigations.

Yang Ming didn't do it. It didn't mean that he just let go of the kidnappers. Yang Ming used the power to lock the three robbers after the robbers fled. However, let Yang Ming helplessly, after the three fled, actually Will split the action! Yang Ming's abilities are not multi-faceted and can only lock one's action trajectory. This is already difficult enough and can't be distracted. Otherwise, even if it can be seen, the target is mixed in the vast sea of ​​people and it is not easy to find.

No way, Yang Ming can only lock the robber who took the purse. After the robber ran for a few kilometers, he put the purse into a trench.

Then he ran away in the direction of the port. Near the port, he boarded a speedboat and sailed to the sea. At this point, Yang Ming has no need to continue to lock. Yang Ming has to observe whether the money in the trench will be The person who was taken by the joint took it. On the one hand, he had to observe the kidnappers. It was a little difficult. Finally, he had to give up the kidnappers and lock his eyes on the bag of money in the gutter.

From a normal point of view, the robbers put the money here, there must be people with other internal joints to take, so Yang Ming can only find the old nest of the robbers if he locks his eyes there.

Yang Ming and other customers were taken to the Commercial Street Police Station to make a record of the incident. Yang Ming weighed the pros and cons and decided to hand over the matter to the police. After all, the robbery had nothing to do with himself. He didn’t have to go to marry any hero, so Yang Ming simply told the police what he knew and let them go. Responsible for the investigation.

Yang Ming hesitated for a moment and took out the phone. He was ready to call Chen Fei to talk about the incident. Although the case occurred in the geographical area of ​​the branch, it must be handed over to the criminal investigation team of the General Administration. Chen Fei is responsible.

"Sorry, you can't use the phone right now." Yang Ming just wanted to dial, but was stopped by a police officer who was responsible for making the transcript.

Yang Ming can't delay, what if the money is taken away? Yang Ming pulled the police to the side: "My girlfriend's father is Chen Fei of the city bureau, I have to call him."

The policeman glanced at him and looked at Chen Mengyu, but hesitated. After all, this case is of great importance. Although Yang Ming is only an eyewitness, he can’t take it lightly. Otherwise, no one can afford this responsibility. So, “That’s you. Wait a minute, let me ask for it..."

The police naturally requested the director of the branch. This case has been reported to the case. The director of the branch heard that Chen Fei’s daughter and son-in-law were there, hesitated and went out personally.

Seeing Yang Ming, he explained: "The phone does not have to be played. I have already informed Captain Chen that he is on the way."

"I am in a hurry, I can't delay for a minute." Although the other party was polite, Yang Ming was anxious at the moment, and his tone was tougher.

"There is no way. Now it is a big deal. No matter who you are, you have to wait for the city bureau to come. You can make a phone call after you have finished the transcript." Although the bureau chief felt that Yang Ming could not lie to him, he did not dare to be scornful.

Yang Ming had no choice but to frown. He had to take out the certificate that Xia Bingyan gave himself from his pocket and handed it over. He said, "You should know this document? I am really in a hurry!"

The director of the branch took a look at the documents handed by Yang Ming, and suddenly he was shocked. Although he was surprised that Yang Ming would be the person of the mysterious investigation bureau, the stamp and anti-counterfeiting logo on the top would not be fake, and he nodded. No longer say anything.

Yang Ming made a phone call to Chen Fei. When Chen Feigang answered, Yang Ming said: "Chen Shu, the money is in the third trench in the street, and immediately sent people to stare at it!"

"Yang Ming?" Chen Fei is somewhat inexplicable.

"Yang Ming, what are you talking about? What money?" Chen Fei suddenly received a call from Yang Ming, some inexplicable, do not know what Yang Ming is referring to.

"Bank, the money that was robbed." Yang Ming said.

"How do you know?" Chen Fei was a bit strange.

"Chen Shu, I was in the bank with my nightmare, but as for how to know, I can't say it." Yang Ming said.

"Mystery Bureau of Investigation...?" Chen Fei immediately thought of something, although Xia Bingyan did not say anything, but Yang Ming joined the Mystery Bureau of Investigation and he knows a little about it.

"Well." Yang Ming faintly responded.

"Okay, I know." Chen Fei did not say anything more. Yang Ming was able to join the mysterious investigation bureau and naturally had his excellency, so Yang Ming accurately stated the location of the robbery. Nothing is weird.

"As for the transcripts, you don't have to do it. These customers should have nothing to do with the robbers." Yang Ming also observed every customer in the bank when the robbers came. At this time, the psychology of these people is Tensions, everyone thinks how can escape, robbers can hurt themselves, Yang Ming also looks at his eyes with his powers, and no one has any special thoughts, so you can conclude that these people are innocent of.

"Well, you give the call to someone who is working on your case." Chen Fei said.

Yang Ming handed the phone to the secretary around him. The secretary took the call and listened to Chen Fei’s words.

Chen Fei did not dare to delay, and directly took people to the Huoru Street that Yang Ming said, and secretly monitored the movement of the third trench. As for Yang Ming, the Secretary listened to Chen Fei’s words and put these customers back.

The reason why Chen Fei dared to be so determined was because Yang Ming’s other identity, the mysterious investigation bureau’s head and signboard were very big, and it was possible to find Yang Ming. It would definitely not be a mistake, there must be some truth, but these Everything is classified as confidential, and Chen Fei is naturally not too good to ask too much.

Seeing Chen Fei has no doubts about Yang Ming’s words. It can be seen that Yang Ming’s identity is even more problematic. The document was returned to Yang Ming. The director’s attitude is much better. Yang Ming should go to the office to sit, but Yang. Ming did not have any time, and the guest set aside two sentences, leaving Chen Mengxi and Lin Yuyun to leave the police station.

In the car, Chen Mengyu and Lin Shuyun were sighed with relief. Chen Mengyan patted his chest and said: "I was scared to death, I am afraid that you will rashly manage this matter..."

"I am not a fool. I can manage it. I can't beat it. Isn't it a death?" Yang Ming said: "The three men are all armed with guns. I am not invulnerable. How can they be hard-hitting with them?"

When Yang Ming gave the director's certificate and called Chen Fei, they were all outside the transcript room, so Chen Mengxi and Lin Yuyun did not see this, and Yang Ming did not want to let these things let Chen Mengyu and Lin Yuyun know.

"However, these people's movements are very fast, I don't know if I can solve the case." Chen Mengyu heard Chen Fei said a lot of serious cases from an early age, and also knows the difficulty of this robbery.

The robbers were very professional. When they entered the door, they destroyed the monitoring system, and they systematically killed a person to warn people in the bank not to act rashly, and then quickly evacuated after taking the money. Only the two English letters that were sprayed on the wall before leaving were somewhat inexplicable.

If it’s not a spoof, it’s just what the robber wants to say. Yang Ming thinks this way too. However, from the overall flow of these robbers, there is no waste action to delay the time, so why should we leave two before leaving? What about words?

The possibility of spoofing is relatively small, because Yang Ming thinks that these robbers are not so boring people, then there is only one possibility left, that is, what these robbers want to express through these two words.

If sb is not stupid, then it is possible that the robbers, like the terrorist organizations, have left a mark after declaring that it is a masterpiece of their organization...

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