So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1081: Sound east hit west (on)

The first thousand zero eighty-one chapter sounds east strike west (on)

"What happened to my leg?" The host moved his right leg and found that his right leg was like listening. Regardless of how he wanted to balance, he could not keep the two legs in coordination. The more anxious, The more the host was unsteady, the body trembled, and the whole person fell on the stage and made a big "squeaky" sound.

"Ha ha ha ha..." There was a sneer in the audience. Everyone didn't think anything. I thought it was just a show. It was a joke in the auction.

"Ah... my legs, who helped me, I can't stand up!" The screams of the host screamed so quietly that the original auction hall was quiet, and people all cast different opinions on the hosts. look.

"What happened?" Several security guards who maintained the order of the scene rushed over under the instigation of the violent Sanli, and helped the host from the left and right: "How did you fall?"

"I don't know, my leg, suddenly it's not good, I don't listen to the command..." The host said with a bitter face. Apparently, he didn't realize how much the matter was, and thought he was Because the station has been running for a long time, there is temporary paralysis in the legs!

"Then we will help you to take a break first?" asked the security guard.

"Well... first help me to sit down for a while!" said the host.

Generally speaking, the sciatic nerve will not have any problems without being traumatized, and the host has been standing on the stage, and there is no injection or wrestling. The chance of sciatic nerve is very small, so he has not gone. Think about that aspect.

The violent San Li did not know how the host suddenly fell, and the leg was out of order, but the vaguely guessed that Yang Ming did the hands and feet! Yang Ming's ability to resist him is clear. Although he did not see how Yang Ming did it, it was already light to make him a disability with Yang Ming's hot means.

Since I don't know, I won't ask more questions about the violent San Li. After all, Yang Ming should let him know what he knows. He shouldn't let him know. He asked him if he asked.

There was not only one host. After learning about the situation here, the Huaxia Jewelry Association sent another host to take over the work of the former host.

The former host did not know how to sit under the stage, watching the auction going on leisurely, thinking about how many commissions he could get, and not worrying about his legs at all. Where did he know that he would spend the rest of his life? It will become a blind man.

The first day of the trade fair ended, except that the host was "inexplicably" turned into a scorpion, and was taken away by the hospital's ambulance, and nothing special happened.

The man who was wearing a gray woolen costume had turned around in the exhibition area one day. The whereabouts were suspicious, but there was no action. After the closure, the other guests withdrew from the venue. This makes Li Qiang's nervous mood slightly loose.

"Yang Ge, that person did not make any derailed action. After the closure, the rules and regulations were withdrawn." Li Qiang reported to Yang Minghui.

Yang Ming nodded. The suspicious person may not be suspicious. Perhaps he just lingered on the love of a certain piece of art. He pretended to hang around in the exhibition area. It is estimated that he would not let the security guards pay attention to him. Who knows? In this way, he is even more skeptical. However, everything has two sides. Although Yang Ming thinks this way, he can't rule out his suspicion: "Look at whether he will appear tomorrow, pay close attention to the movement of this person, and don't take it lightly."

Li Qiang nodded and said solemnly: "Do not worry, Yang Ge, I understand!"

In the evening, the entire exhibition area was completely sealed. Infrared monitoring and various advanced anti-theft systems were all running at the same time. Even so, Yang Ming and others did not dare to relax their vigilance!

Although at night, all the people in the pavilion have withdrawn, the entire venue has been tightly blocked, but this does not mean that you can sit back and relax, and the bank's vault can be opened, not to mention the pavilion built here.

However, the exhibition area and the auction area do not matter. Many manufacturers have their own safes, and the value of each exhibitor's safe is not too big, and at most hundreds of thousands of goods, it is not worthwhile to start.

Opening a safe is quite laborious. Don't say so many safes. Obviously, even if someone starts, they will not be directed at these safes.

In the auction area, the auctioned jewellery has been auctioned today, and they are all in the hands of the buyer. The jewellery to be auctioned tomorrow has not been sent. The jewels that participated in the auction will be sent the next morning. So there is no need to worry about problems.

Yang Ming has mostly deployed manpower in the vicinity of the exhibition area, leaving only some regular manpower guards in the exhibition area. Even if there is an accident, it is a small amount of money, and the famous security company will not bear too much damage.

At night, it was quiet, but everyone was full of spirits, and they did not dare to slack off. The people of the famous security company received such a task for the first time. Because of the lack of experience on the spot, it seemed a little nervous, but it was brought by Li Qiang. The people are well-trained, one by one in the dark, reporting each other's situation with the intercom.

With these examples, the talents of the famous security company slowly set their minds and joined the intense security work.

At this moment, Yang Ming is sitting in a RV not far from the exhibition area, and comprehensively observes the movement of the entire exhibition hall. The pavilion is transparent in the eyes of Yang Ming, and Yang Ming can easily see every corner of the pavilion.

Although Yang Ming can completely see the situation, Yang Ming did not ask Li Qiang to tear people off. This is also an exercise for them. Yang Ming himself is more powerful. After all, he is also a person. What he wants is Only a strong armed force can make the Black Butterfly Killer Group quickly let the world know.

Sitting next to Yang Ming is Lu Xinyang, the military division of the Black Butterfly Killer Group. This is also considered to be brought up by Yang Ming. Lu Xinyang is a man of wisdom, but the big scene has not experienced several times.

“What do you think?” Yang Ming asked Lu Xinyang faintly: “If you are a robber, what would you do?”

"I..." Lu Xinyang hesitated, and some did not dare to speak. After all, sitting in front of them is their big boss, the same person as God. Yang Ming’s ingenuity is unpredictable. It often seems to be very rogue. It’s like a street-style fight. Yang Ming’s will come out, but it’s powerful, enough to make people deadly.

"How? What scruples?" Yang Ming frowned and asked.

"No..." Lu Xinyang shook his head and said: "I am afraid that I am not good at telling you and misleading your ideas."

"No problem, I am just a reference, let's talk about it." Yang Ming waved his hand. Lu Xinyang is more adept at using conspiracy. This is what Yang Ming lacks. It is said that Yang Ming is a soft heart!

Today, Chen Mengxi’s business, if it is happening to another killer, it is estimated that the host and the two bidders have already lost their lives at the moment!

Yang Ming, only slightly disciplining the moderator, let him smash it, and the two bidders, Yang Ming felt that there is no need to anger theirs, they let them go.

Lu Xinyang hesitated a moment and then said: "Now it seems that the security work of the entire exhibition hall is quite strict. If the other party is a person who knows the goods, it should be able to see the difference between our black butterfly and the famous security guard. Wherever, it should not be rashly moved. If the other party can't even see this point, then such an opponent is not worthy of us to move the crowd, and it can be eaten casually."

Yang Ming listened to Lu Xinyang's analysis and nodded, then said: "Go ahead."

"If it is me, in the case of such strict security measures, it is difficult to steal the jewels inside, so I will use the way of slamming the West to steal treasure!" Lu Xinyang said concisely.

“Sounds hit the West?” Yang Ming came to the interest. Although Yang Ming has an intuitive grasp of the overall situation here, it is also a good thing if he can understand the other conspiracy plan.

"Yes! It’s the sound of the East." Lu Xinyang nodded and said: "Only by distracting the attention of security personnel, it is convenient to start."

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