So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1100: One year (on)

The first one hundred and one hundred years (on)

The place where Yang Ming celebrated his birthday did not choose his own territory in the heavens or the night, but chose Juyuanchun, the place where he celebrated a year ago.

Although Yang Ming has not been the same, it still misses the years before a year ago. A nervous and relaxed high school life, squabbling with Chen Mengyu every day, and Zhang Bin together.

When Yang Ming rushed to Juyuanchun, Zhang Bin was standing in the lobby of the hotel and talking to the boss here, because it was a friend of Zhang Jiefang, naturally and Zhang Bin was more familiar, and Zhang Bin did not have less and Zhang Liberation. Together, after I went to college, I didn’t come over for a while because I founded my own company and later suffered injuries.

"Boss! You are here!" Seeing Yang Ming walked into the hotel, Zhang Bin quickly greeted him, just as he was waiting for Yang Ming at the school gate a year ago.

"I am not late?" Yang Ming saw Zhang Bin and smiled at him: "This year I am asking you to wait for me."

"The place I booked, I naturally have to come early for a while, they haven't come over yet, and they are in the company, they can come over in a while." Zhang Bin said.

"Why, is there business today?" Yang Ming was surprised. The jewellery fair has been over for a while, but I didn’t expect the jewellery company’s business to be so hot.

"This is not, February 14th is Valentine's Day, and this March 14th is called White Valentine's Day!" Zhang Bindao said: "So, today's store business is also very hot, Sisi they have to look after."

"White Valentine's Day? What is that stuff?" Yang Ming heard inexplicably, but I only knew Valentine's Day, but I don't know if there is white Valentine's Day!

"I didn't know it. This is not because the company is promoting promotions. It is a promotion plan proposed by an employee. I only know how white Valentine's Day is going!" Zhang Bin explained: "This white Valentine's Day is actually Called for etiquette!"

"Fare etiquette?" Yang Ming came to the interest, did not expect his birthday is still a holiday! Yang Mingchang knows this big time.

“In fact, 'Valentine' and 'White Valentine' originated in Rome in the third century.” Zhang Bin began to sell and sell it. This knowledge is seen from the promotion plan of the employee in the company: On February 14th, the Roman emperor saved a pair of lovers who had to be executed because of the violation of the marriage ban. The Roman emperor set up Valentine's Day to commemorate the day. On March 14th, one month later, the pair The lover who was rescued will swear to death, and in order to commemorate this day, he will be ordered as a white Valentine's Day. This festival will be spread from Europe to other parts of the world."

"What does this have to do with the etiquette?" Yang Ming heard inexplicably.

"Boss, you wait for me to finish!" Zhang Bin said with a smile: "It is said that if a man and a woman receive a Valentine's Day gift from the opposite **** on February 14th, they will have the same affection for each other. Or if you are in love, you will be sent back a lover's gift on March 14. That means they are already in love with each other. This is the origin of the etiquette!"

"It turned out to be like this! I rely on it. If I receive a bunch of birthday presents in a while, what should I count? Is it a white Valentine's day, or a birthday present?" Yang Ming listened to Zhang Bin's words and asked with a smile. .

"Hah, that's what happened to you and your nephews. It has nothing to do with me. I just told you what I know!" Zhang Bin said quickly. He didn't want to mix Yang Ming's family affairs. After all, this is not a year ago.

It’s really fun to think about it. A year ago, he and the boss were still talking about Chen Mengxi. Now Chen Mengyu has become his own amnesty... So Zhang Bin is afraid to comment again.

Yang Ming and Zhang Binzheng spoke, and suddenly the door of the hotel was pushed away by the sound of "砰". From the outside, four young people wearing black leather jackets and cigarettes in their mouths, one of them wearing sunglasses The young man shouted without any scruples: "Which is the boss?"

"I am..." A middle-aged man next to Zhang Bin looked tight and accompanied the smile to welcome the past: "What are some things?"

"You are the boss?" The sunglasses man spit the cigarette in his mouth on the carpet, and then used his foot to smash, and suddenly a black mark on the red carpet was made.

Ju Yuanchun’s boss also knows that these four people are not good at all. When they hear the tone, they know that they are looking for something, so they don’t dare to be angry. Be careful: “I am...”

"Well, since you are the boss, I will not say anything extra!" The sunglasses man snorted: "Do you know what I am doing?"

"I don't know... I would like to ask the little brother is..." Ju Yuanchun asked busy.

"Brother, your mother has an eggplant, who is your brother?" The sunglasses man grabbed the neck collar of Ju Yuanchun boss, pushed him hard, and said: "I am a famous company. You won't have heard of it?"

"Famous company ... heard, heard..." Ju Yuanchun boss nodded quickly. This year, the famous company was born, how could he not know? Open the hotel, how can you not know the name of the famous Leopard?

"If you have heard it, what we are doing, we don't have to say more." The sunglasses man said, "My boss asked you to prepare 50,000 yuan, as a protection fee! Every month is this number. !"

"Ah..." Ju Yuanchun’s boss stunned and said: "Fifty thousand, this is too much. I can earn a few 50,000 in a month."

"You earned a few 50,000 for his mother's eggplant. I don't care if our boss lets you take 50,000. You have to give me 50,000!" Sunglasses men obviously don't want to be more inked with Juyuanchun boss. Said.

"Excuse me, your boss is..." Ju Yuanchun boss saw sunglasses and men's oil and salt did not enter, had to ask. In fact, he also has some security guards and strong waiters in his house. He can drive these four guys out, but he can't stand the name of a big man. Who knows the company, who dares to provoke? Therefore, Ju Yuanchun’s boss is angry and does not dare to act rashly.

"Grass your grandmother's eggplant, my boss is a violent three-Leopard brother, you don't know?" The sunglasses man said in a blink of an eye.

Yang Ming thought that it was a little punk that had seen so many movies, but he did not expect that these people could directly name the name of the violent Sanli! You know, there are not many people who know the name of the violent San Li. Everyone knows that he is called Leopard, but he does not know that he is called Sanli! And those who know the name of the violent trinity can say that there are very few, except for the employees in the famous formal industry company, the people on the road almost do not know.

Therefore, when Yang Ming heard the name of the sunglasses man who mentioned the name of the violent Sanli, he frowned and didn't know what identity this person was.

When Ju Yuanchun’s boss heard the name of the violent San Li, it was also a glimpse, but Leopard brother naturally knew that he quickly said: “It turned out to be a leopard brother...”

"Know it, I thought you didn't know. If you don't know, you have to hit it until you know it!" The sunglasses man snorted and said: "Tomorrow, give me 50,000 pieces, I will come over personally." Take it, otherwise, you don’t want to open this hotel!"

After that, the sunglasses man did not care about how the boss of Juyuanchun thought, directly waved his hand and took his three hands out of Juyuanchun Hotel.

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