So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1105: The same way (under)

The first one hundred and five chapters of the same way (bottom)

When Li Fatzi was busy moving things, Wang Xiaoyan went to Yang Ming’s side: "What do you want to do?"

"Driven in the past, before they took action against me, I started by shooting and detonating the tank of the truck." Yang Ming did not hide and said his plan.

"It's too dangerous! It's all in the same way!" Yang Ming's voice just fell, Wang Xiaoyan screamed: "What if they hold the same purpose?"

"How else?" Yang Ming smiled bitterly: "Can't you wait to die?"

"But... or I will accompany you!" Wang Xiaoyu hesitated and said.

"No need." Yang Ming shook his head. "It doesn't make sense, then I have to take care of you. Well, the fat man is moving out, I have to go. If the time is too long, people over there should be suspicious."

"I am going!" Wang Xiaoying said that he bit his lip and said firmly.

"No!" Yang Ming said coldly: "You don't want me to die, just wait here for me to come back."

"I..." Wang Xiaoyu still wants to say something, Yang Ming has turned around and is ready to get on the bus.

"Don't you, I am. If you are not at ease, you will do it once in the car. When I am dead, you will give me a baby." Yang Ming smiled and said, ridiculously. .

"You... this time is still a joke!" Wang Xiaoyan's face was red, the atmosphere was also eased a lot, waiting to say something, Li Fatzi over there has done everything.

"Brothers, they are all done!" Li Fatzi also understood that Yang Ming must do something very dangerous. His face was dignified and said: "If you don't say anything extra, you can escape this time. I will owe you to Li Fatzi." One life!"

Yang Ming smiled and got on the bus. He was afraid of Wang Xiaoxiao’s remorse, so he quickly rushed the car forward.

To be honest, Yang Ming’s calm is actually only to comfort Wang Xiaoying. At this moment, his heart is still very nervous. After all, this difficult game is also the first time.

The range of the beach is obviously much larger than that of the pistol. That is to say, within a certain distance, Yang Ming can't kill each other, but the other party can easily solve himself.

Yang Ming holds the steering wheel in one hand and holds the pistol in one hand. The palm of his hand has been soaked in sweat. Yang Ming only keeps wiping on the clothes to avoid slipping and can not hold the pistol.

The effective range of the pistol is generally 50 meters, and the maximum range is only about 100 meters. However, after more than 50 meters, it is difficult to ensure the accuracy of the bullet trajectory.

Yang Ming could not shoot at a distance of 50 meters. The effective range of the small rocket launcher in the other hand is at least 200 meters. Therefore, Yang Ming may not have opened 50 meters away from the target, and the other party fired first.

Yang Ming took the opportunity to drive a car, first opened a shot outside the car, and regardless of whether the other party can hear the sound, and now the exchange of fire between the two sides is basically very obvious, the other party must understand that Li fat child has a gap.

Because of this long time, the drug lord did not contact the black third, which has already explained the problem.

Yang Ming has been watching the direction and approximate distance of the bullet with the light. Yang Ming should record the direction of the bullet and the maximum range of the bullet after the gun is fired for fifty meters.

Generally speaking, the bullet trajectories shot by the same pistol are similar. Yang Ming only needs to find out the law of one of the shots, and then it is easy to do it. Just aim at the target in the direction of the bullet trajectory.

Three hundred meters, Yang Ming's breathing has become urgent, this is the real life, Yang Ming can not be nervous, when the original murder, basically unilateral slaughter, it is difficult to have such a very critical moment.

Two hundred meters, Yang Ming did not mind the reaction of other people at the Lucca, but always pay attention to the movement of the two people in the truck who took the rocket launcher.

Fortunately, it seems that they have no intention of firing. This makes Yang Ming’s nervous mood relax a little, but he does not dare to care. Who knows what kind of changes may occur?

One hundred and fifty meters, Yang Ming saw a person at the road card picking up a phone call, then his face suddenly became gloomy, and then shouted a few words to the people inside the military truck. Yang Ming could not understand Vietnam. Then, two people in the truck raised the rocket launcher at the same time, standing at the window of the truck awn, ready to aim. ,

Yang Ming’s heart suddenly burst into shock, and the heart suddenly hung to the eyes of the blind man! Although I don't know what was said in that person's phone, it is certain that it should be related to the death of drug lords!

The poisonous cockroach died, angering the people here, prompting them to solve the battle with the rocket launcher when the car is not fully open.

One hundred and fifty meters, not the effective distance of the pistol! Although Yang Ming can now jump, but everything will be abandoned. In this unknown country and the unknown jungle, Yang Ming is not the opponent of the other person.

The hot weapon in their hands is that Yang Ming cannot fight with the flesh.

One hundred and forty meters... one hundred and thirty meters... One of the men holding the rocket launcher moved and seemed to be ready to fire. Yang Ming’s heart was shocked, but there was no mess...

Only ten meters away, there are ten meters left, and then stick to it, you can reach the range of the pistol immediately! That is, it takes about a second to reach!

However, time did not wait for people, in Yang Ming saw that the man's finger began to move, until he pulled the trigger, only a short half second!

Yang Ming slammed the door open. At the same time as the jumper, the fuel tank aimed at the military truck was a shot! The shooting action and the jumper were completed at the same time, without any stagnation.

Of course, this is only for Yang Ming. If you change someone, you will not achieve this effect. Because Yang Ming does not deliberately use the line of sight to aim when shooting, as long as you close your eyes, you can clearly see the direction of the target.

After Yang Ming jumped out of the car, he quickly rolled to the jungle on the side of the road...

The bang of the "Boom", the Toyota 4500 that was just driven by himself turned into a fireball instantly. The hot air current rushed Yang Ming’s back, and the car was splashed with gravel and fire. The dead branches were made on Yang Ming’s body, and the fire was burning, but Yang Ming had already taken care of this at the moment.

Look at the military truck in the distance, there is also a sea of ​​fire! Yang Ming’s mouth showed a faint smile, and he succeeded. Just now, when jumping, Yang Ming did not have 100% confidence to hit the other's fuel tank. After all, the distance has reached the maximum range of the pistol, and the bullet and force of the bullet itself are no longer able to shoot. It is just lucky. Fortunately.

Yang Ming looked at the sea of ​​fire, and several people who had been bombed and were not adult-like, smiled coldly, temporarily, safe! Yang Ming couldn't help but feel a sigh of relief. However, going back from here, it took more than a kilometer. Yang Ming shook his head and stood up and walked in the direction of his body.

After Yang Ming left, Wang Xiaoying was nervously staring at the direction Yang Ming left. The path in the jungle is straight, without any obstacles. At this time, there is no complete bright day. Wang Xiaoying can clearly see the taillights of Yang Ming's car.

Wang Xiaoyu’s mood has never been as tense as it is today. Even when he left home, he never felt this way. This is a feeling of worrying about one person. Wang Xiaoyu had such a feeling for the first time. Until now, Wang Xiaoying understood that this might be the feeling of loving someone.

Wang Xiaoyan can't imagine what would happen if Yang Ming had something wrong.

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