So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 2 Chapter 116: Jade

Chapter 116

"Zhang Bin produced, it must be a boutique!" Zhang Bin's current look, really a little gambling feeling.

Yang Ming ignored him and returned to the room with Lan Ling. After two people put the door on the do not disturb, they lay on the bed. Yang Ming and Lan Ling are tired. Originally, Lan Ling still wanted to do something to do with love, but there was really no strength, so the two people fell asleep.

Stupid, Yang Ming suddenly stopped a strange voice, this voice Yang Ming is very familiar, Lan Ling will send out many times every day. Yang Ming opened his eyes and looked up and found that the TV set was actually a super adult blockbuster!

Lan Ling did not know when he had already woken up. He was sitting in front of the TV and watching attentively. He couldn’t help but nod his head and looked thoughtful.

"Blue Ling, how do you call it out?" Yang Ming asked strangely.

"Yang Ming, is this the real movie you said? The demonstration is really more common than the floating astronomy, video hall, billiard room, watching adult movies. Now, that day seems to be very far away, in Yang Ming’s memory is blurred.

Now Yang Ming has a new life, with a new trajectory, with Blue Ling...

Chen Mengyu waited for a few days at home, and did not see Yang Ming calling himself. Chen Mengxi was really mad.

This Yang Ming, who said that he likes himself and wants to be his girlfriend himself, why haven’t he moved now? I was busy studying a while ago. This guy still went out on his own. Now that the college entrance examination is over, everyone is fine. How can this guy not agree with himself?

Chen Mengxi felt very wronged. It wasn’t that he had looked at him that day, but what happened to the girl’s little temper! Chen Mengxi feels that he is a girl, so he can't tolerate himself. How do the two people get along with each other?

But for a long time, Chen Mengxi felt that he was also wrong. He actually believed in Wang Zhitao's words. Yes, he believed in Wang Zhitao, but he doubted that Yang Minglai was changing himself. He would be angry!

With the courage to make the first call, Chen Mengyu once again called Yang Ming. This time is the chosen night time, it is estimated that Yang Ming should be at home.

Sure enough, the phone didn't ring twice, and someone picked it up.

"Hey, hello." Listening to the voice, it should be Yang Ming's mother.

"Hello, aunt, I want to find Yang Ming." Chen Mengyu said nervously. That time, Yang Ming was "ill" and Chen Mengyu also gave him a call. It was also the mother of Yang Ming, but that time, Chen Mengxi and Yang Ming were only good friends, so they didn't feel anything. This time is different. Now, the relationship between Chen Mengyu and Yang Ming is very subtle. Chen Mengxi feels that there is an ugly wife who sees her in-laws.

"Oh, are you?" asked Yang.

"I am Yang Ming's classmate, my name is Chen Mengyu." Chen Mengyu said.

"Oh, it's you, Yang Ming often mentions you, saying that his performance has improved, it is your credit!" Yang Mu listened to the girl is Chen Mengyu, and immediately became enthusiastic.

"Auntie, you talked, Yang Ming himself is also very smart, he often test in front of me!" Chen Mengyu said quickly.

"Oh, free time to come to the house to play, aunt must be entertaining you!" Yang mother laughed.

"Well, okay, Auntie, that Yang Ming..." Chen Mengxi saw that Yangmu did not mention the matter of helping her to call Yang Ming, so she reminded me.

"Oh, look for Yang Ming, Yang Ming goes out!" Yang said: "He went to the field!"

"Going to the field? When did you go? Where have you been?" Chen Mengyu was a bit strange.

"I went to Yunnan with my classmates and went the day before yesterday." Yang said.

"And classmates? And who is going?" Chen Mengxi asked subconsciously.

"Oh, don't worry, it's a male classmate, called Zhang Bin." Yang mother smiled a little. I can hear that this girl is very concerned about Yang Ming.

"Auntie, I don't mean that..." Chen Mengyu yelled, but she really meant that moment.

"I just said it, don't worry about it." Yang said with a smile: "Do you have anything? When he comes back, I will tell him."

"I don't have anything, you tell him that I can call him." Some things can't be told, so Chen Mengxi can't say.

"Okay, I must tell you!" Yang said.

"That, aunt, I am fine, I hang up the phone?" Chen Mengxi said carefully.

"Well, have time to play!" Yang mother did not forget to say.

"Okay, I must go." Hanging up the phone, Chen Mengxi was relieved. However, there is some anger in my heart. This Yang Ming, when I went out to play, didn’t tell myself, I was worried that I had been worried for so many days!

After Chen Mengxi learned that Yang Ming was not in the local area, she was also relieved. She felt that Yang Ming would contact her after she came back, so she should start doing something.


Yang Ming looked at the platform of Lan Ling, which turned out to be a closed channel. Recalling the nature of his room, Yang Ming was relieved. Many hotels offer adult channels in couples. Because it is a private screening, and this is a shallow rule of many hotels, so generally no one reports, the management department will not specifically check this.

After watching TV, Lan Ling began to eagerly try again. Yang Ming once again did not resist the temptation of Lan Ling...


At six o'clock in the evening, Zhang liberated back. I called Yang Ming and went out to eat. Wu Facai did not make arrangements this evening. After all, people can't accompany a customer every day. He has other customers to accompany.

When Yang Ming came to Zhang Bin’s room, Zhang Binzheng spoke with his polished stone eyebrows and Zhang Lie.

"How to identify the good or bad of this jade, there are six standards, namely, 'color, transparency, uniformity, shape, knock, photo'..." Zhang Bin rehearsed the words of Yang Ming and his words in the afternoon and Zhang Jie.

"Oh, son!" Zhang Jiefang was full of smiles after listening: "I didn't expect you to understand so much! Although the two jade you gamble are not good, but Dad is still very happy! You As long as you are studying the business of your family, don't say buying a car, you can buy a house near the school!"

"Hey, I also learned from Yang Ming in the afternoon..." Zhang Bin was a little embarrassed, and after all, he was plagiarized.

"Oh?" Zhang Lie surprised and glanced at Yang Ming who just entered the house: "Yang Ming, you seem to be particularly interested in jade?"

"Yes, Uncle Zhang, I also want to gamble a few jade, earn some tuition." Yang Ming smiled and nodded.

"The gambling jade is no problem, but it does not necessarily earn tuition. This thing is entirely by luck. Just like the merchant we saw today, it is a jade, but the chance is small." Liberation said: "If you like to play, but want to earn tuition, it is a bit difficult."

"I also know, so I don't plan to get more, I am going to gamble on a few thousand stones." Yang Ming said. Too much is not that Yang Ming has no money. The key is that Wu Facai can only pick out the good goods in this batch of stones. It is also a matter of spending more money.

"Well, if you don't understand anything, just ask me!" Zhang Jiefang didn't care, but some wonder how Yang Ming knew so much about jade: "Where did you learn from this knowledge?"

"Hey! I just bought it myself! Zhang Bin, what about the book?" Yang Ming asked.

Zhang Bin quickly took the "Jade Knowledge Brief Analysis" from the bed and handed it to his father.

Zhang Jiefang was interested in flipping through a few pages and said: "Yes, very basic. You will choose a book, this book is the most suitable for beginners like you."

"Uncle Zhang laughed, I know, I happened to meet a young man who knows this in the bookstore. He recommended me to watch it!" Yang Ming smiled.

"It turned out that it seems that that person is also an expert." Zhang Jiefang nodded.

Yang Ming suddenly thought that Zhang Jiefang was doing this business. He may have heard the name of Mr. Liu Lao, so he asked with a try: "Uncle Zhang, have you heard of Liu Weishan?"

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