So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1123: Unspoken rules of misunderstanding (below)

The unspoken rules of the misunderstanding of the 1123 chapter (below)

Old Buffon didn't wait until the next morning, and after returning to the room that evening, he called the city's MP, the owner of the opera house, Mr. Lock Larry.

"Hey? Who?" Lorraine stunned his sleepy eyes and glanced at the clock on the bed. It was more than eleven o'clock in the evening. Who was so late and called? So Lorraine’s voice is not very friendly!

It is no wonder that he is a rich man in this city, a member of the upper class, and a member of the city. Naturally, some arrogance is taken for granted.

"It's me, old Buffon." Old Buffon self-reported the door.

"Old Buffon? Who?" Lorraine stunned and immediately awake his mind: "Buffon, patriarch, are you?"

"It's me." Old Buffon said affirmatively.

"Ah... I’m sorry, Buffon patriarch, I’m a little confused, I’m just a little rude, I’m really sorry!” Lorraary suddenly turned a face, yeah, let alone him. It is the mayor of the city who saw the old Buffon that was also respectful and did not dare to have the slightest scorn! In a word, the mayor may step down, not to mention a member of parliament!

Besides, the music group owned by its own head office is still controlled by the old Buffon family. If it is really based on the theory of generations, it is just a small flaw of others.

"It doesn't matter." Lao Buffon was anxious to give Yang Ming a job, and he wouldn't pursue these small details: "There is one thing, Miss Shuya's concert tickets, do you have it?"

"Ah?" Lorraine stunned, and said, how can the old Buffon patriarch still go to the concert? But strangely strange, or quickly said: "Yes, of course, you have a few tickets!"

Although Shuya is not as popular in Europe as it is in Europe, it is also a popular star, especially among young people, and it is popular, so tickets are still very popular.

However, the old Buffon patriarch wants tickets, and that is how much it is. Lockarier would rather not sell the tickets for the entire concert. He is also willing to give him all the old Buffon! Even if the head office pursues it, Lorraine is not afraid!

The chairman of the chairman of the head office saw Lao Buffeng, who was respectful!

"Well, help me reserve four tickets, the location is better." Old Buffon said: "How much money, I asked my family to send you."

"This is the gift I gave you, what more money." How can Lorraine ask for money? Besides, four tickets are nothing but big things.

"Then I will accept it." Old Buffon did not say much. In his opinion, there is no need to go back and forth because of these small things: "Yes, do you know which company is the organizer of Shuya's concert? ”

“The organizer is the sound company of our theater group – the sound music group.” Lorraine said: “However, the specific matters are the responsibility of the local opera house, Buffon patriarch, what do you have?”

"This is the case, I have a very important guest - if it is, I am also my elder! He likes Miss Shuya very much. Can you arrange for them to meet each other?" said Old Buffon.

"This..." Lockarier hesitated, and his heart was very embarrassed, but he obviously misunderstood the meaning of the old Buffon.

“Why, is there a problem?” Lao Buffeng asked: “Do you want to say hello to the Sound Music Group?”

"That doesn't need to be..." Lorraine had to say it truthfully: "Mr. Buffon, Miss Shuya is the VIP we invited, not the singer of our music group. There are some things we can't do with her, and Miss Shuya. The family is also very prominent, once invited by Miss Alice... If your friend is to her..."

Old Buffon heard that Lorraine said this, suddenly laughed: "Lorra Larry! You misunderstood, I just said, let you create a chance to meet them, just to meet so simple, no need to ask for anything else! Whether you can get the favor of Miss Shuya, it depends on my friends!"

"It turns out!" Lorraine breathed a sigh of relief. He thought that the friends of the old Buffon patriarch would have to play with any unspoken rules. He was embarrassed by his embarrassment. After all, this is not his own singer, and he has no way to ask for anything.

"Then I am relieved, I am sorry, I just misunderstood, you know, in this position, there are many rich people looking for me to introduce the little stars to them to play..." Lockarier apologized.

"Oh, I understand." Old Buffon did not say anything: "Is this no problem?"

"No! I can invite you and your friends to attend the celebration party. How do you see it?" Lockari said.

"There are too many people celebrating the feast. You can see if there are any small cocktail parties, such as the reception of the wine, only a few people are the best!" said Old Buffon.

"Okay, then I will arrange it!" Lorraine said.

"After you have arranged, give me a call! My call is... This is my personal call, you can just call it!" Old Buffon told Lorraine his personal phone.

Rock Larry suddenly got excited! This is the private phone call of the old Buffon patriarch. To know how many people want to have this phone number, they can have it. How can he be upset?

No matter what, he must do it with all his heart, and the requirements of the old Buffon patriarch are not high, just attending a cocktail party together, no big deal.

When Lorraine hung up the phone, he took out the work log and recorded the matter and prepared to study it tomorrow.

However, Lorraine just hung up and the ringing tone of the phone rang again. Lorraine thought it was still called by old Buffon. Anything forgot to explain, so he quickly and respectfully picked up the phone: "You have, do you need anything to help me?"

"L.L. Larry Larry, you have done a good job! I called you on my son's phone. You see the strange number is also so polite, I think you are a close-knit member!" came over the phone. The voice of Mark Mayd, the mayor of this city.

"Hello, Mayor Mark Vader!" Lorraine was shocked, and his heart, how are you tonight, how are all the big guys calling themselves? However, I did not expect my respectful tone of yin and yang, and I was applauded by the mayor, which made Lorraly very happy.

"Well, Mr. Lorraine, I heard that your opera house is going to hold a concert recently?" said Mayor Mark Vader.

"This is the case, Mayor Mark Vader," Lockari said: "It is the concert of Miss Asian star Shuya!"

"That's not bad! There is something to trouble you, my son Ma Lige is Miss Shuya's fans, just like you want to ask for a few tickets for the concert!" Mayor Mark Weed said.

"No problem!" Lorraine quickly promised: "A small matter, I will send someone to the mayor's office tomorrow."

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