So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1135: Change (3)

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-five chapters of change (three)

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu are talking about the sky. Suddenly there was a knock on the door, Yang Ming said: "Please come in."

"Yang Ming, a police officer from Holzer in the police station called and asked Miss Shuya to assist in the investigation, and listened to him. It seems that Ma Ligeben and Savinjis are victims..." I walked in and repeated the previous phone call and Yang Ming.

"Oh, it's normal. The police chief has changed. Nortons has been dismissed. Now it is replaced by Mark Vader's cronies. It is normal for them to do this." Yang Ming is familiar with Lao Buffon's plan, so he heard Xu Li said that the police station called and said so, but she did not feel anything strange.

"What should I do now?" Xu Li asked.

"Tell them Shuya's current address, let them have the ability to send people to catch!" Yang Ming snorted, disdainfully said.

"Okay!" Xu Li also faintly guessed the power represented by the old Buffon, because on the way, the outside alert and the land occupation of the manor are enough to illustrate the outstanding status of the old Buffon.

Therefore, since Yang Ming said so, it must be certain that the police did not dare to break into and arrest people. So I went back to the room and picked up the phone: "Hollzer police officer, are you still there?"

"I am here, what did Miss Shuya say?" Holzer asked.

"Miss Shuya is still very weak. If you really need it, send someone to come over. Our address is..." Xu Li said the address here according to Yang Ming’s instructions.

Holzer did not expect Shuya to be so refreshing, even the address told them, Holzer quickly took people to this address.

"Hey, how are there so few people here? Are we in the wrong place?" Holzer’s driver, who was driving a car, asked strangely: "This is going to the suburbs."

"Yes, the address above is written like this, not far from the front, and the satellite navigation system is definitely not wrong," Holzer said.

"Oh, okay!" Seeing Holzer determined when driving, he stopped asking more questions and continued to drive his car.

When the car passed through a heavy road, it seemed that after entering a manor, Holzer felt that something was wrong: "Where is this? How have you never been here before?"

"Hey, I have long felt strange, it seems that it is no longer within the scope of our city." The driver of the car said.

"Fuck, won't you lie to me?" Holzer cursed: "When I call again, ask!"

"Parking!" A group of fully armed people suddenly appeared, and stopped in front of the Holzer car! Shocked Holzer and others.

The driver is driving in front of the roadblock. I had to stop the car and suddenly I was pointed at the gun with a gun: "Don't move, get off!"

Holzer was shocked. He was a policeman. Some people dared to point them at the gun. This was a provocation. Suddenly he said: "We are the police, they all put down their guns!"

"I don't care who you are!" said one of the group of fully armed people: "This is already a private territory. You have illegally broken into private territory. Now you must go back to investigate with me!"

"We are the police, you have no right to arrest us!" When he saw this group of people going to get on the bus, Hallze suddenly rushed and shouted.

"We are the xxxth Army Corps, and the President has given orders to protect the safety of the Buffon family. We have the right to investigate anyone who breaks in here!" said the fully armed leader.

"Ah?" Hohorzer was stupid. Although he was a small police officer at the bottom, he also heard the name of the Buffon family. This is a family of high gods. They are not in contact with the bottom personnel. To. Why didn't he think about how he got into the territory of the Buffon family? Moreover, people are soldiers authorized by the president. Is it not very easy to arrest yourself to investigate?

"Take away!" The armed leader did not talk nonsense with Holzer, and waved his hand directly, ordering his men to arrest Holzer and others.

Holzer cursed in his heart, did Xu Li lie to herself? How do you break into the territory of the Buffon family? This is good, Shuya did not see it, but the home army stationed to seize the army.

Holzer felt very embarrassed and wanted to call Mark Weed to talk about it, but the communication equipment was helplessly collected by others. He could only follow others for interrogation.

In the hospital. Mark Vader saw that his son, who had been beaten even by him, had never recognized his son, Ma Li Geben. He saw that the handsome face of Ma Lige was completely disengaged, his teeth were all destroyed, and his eyes were blind. The bridge of the nose was also broken.

"From the current state of the patient, recovery is no problem, but there may be some ugly scars on the face!" The doctor said to Mark Vader: "And, many bones on the face are broken, and it is very troublesome to want to face. One thing."

Mark Vader hated the murderer who hurt Ma Lieben, and he wanted to kill him! However, at this moment, he is more concerned about whether Ma Lige can recover: "No matter how much money you spend, you must let my son return to normal."

"Let's try!" The doctor nodded.

What Mark Vader didn't know was that the best hospital in the city was actually one of the hospitals under the Buffon family-owned medical group... but even if he knew, he wouldn't think much. After all, he still doesn't know that the person he provoked is related to the old Buffon.

On the night of the medical treatment, the accident happened. Both Ma Lige and Savinjis died in the hospital because of medical accidents!

After learning the news, Mark Vader rushed to the hospital overnight. He was a bit hard-working. How could the people be fine during the day and die at night? Moreover, this kind of injury is caused by some trauma, no damage to the internal organs, no surgery, how can this be dead?

When Mark Vader arrived at the hospital, he found that the hospital should be very calm. I don’t know when there were a lot of media reporters! This is called Mark Weed is very incredible, because this kind of thing, the hospital will generally be low-key processing, how can it attract so many reporters? To know that things are getting bigger, the more you have no benefit to the hospital!

At that time, all the people knew that the hospital had a medical accident. So who dares to come here to see a doctor? But strange, Mark Weed's brain has no time to think about it! All he has left is anger, his son is being killed by a doctor, and this thing can't be easily done!

Mark Vader came down from his car and just walked two steps, but was surrounded by reporters. Although Mark Vader was very intolerant, in front of the reporter, he also had to maintain his good public image and reluctantly Standing in the body, he said: "So late, do you have anything?"

"May Mark Weide, I am a reporter for **** Weekly. I heard that your son died in a medical accident when he was treated in this hospital. Is this true?" This is an authoritative weekly magazine. The question raised by the reporter.

"Yes, so I came over in the night, but what I want to say is that if someone is killed by a medical accident, whether it is my son or not, I will let the medical management department intervene in the investigation, and the deceased will be fair." Mark Weide The mayor said.

"May Mark Weide, I am a reporter for the **** Evening News. I heard that the son of the deputy governor also died in this medical accident like your son. Is there any connection between this?" The local question was asked. The reporter of the media, this makes Mark Weide somewhat annoyed. On the site of Lao Tzu, what do you want to do with it?

"They were attacked and imprisoned together by the mob. I don't know if there is any connection. Because I am just like you, I just arrived here, but I don't know anything else!" Mark Weide said.

"Is this the case? Mayor Mark Vader, I heard that your son and Savinigis were not attacked by mobs, but because of the intention to indecent international star Shuya, but were wounded by those who are brave and brave!" This time, I still speak a local newspaper reporter, but this newspaper belongs to the media group where Lokari is located. Although the reporter asked the words before the people to be sharp, Markweed has no way. After all, Mr. Lorraine has always been inconsistent with himself. I have been intrigue for a long time. How can his people easily let him go under such circumstances?

"Nothing." Mark Weide denied: "This is a rumor! This is someone with ulterior motives. I want to make some trouble for me, so rumored!"

"Is it? I don't think so!" The reporter continued: "We have learned that the director of Nortons was removed from office because of his impartiality. Instead, the newly appointed Director of Loft, will take your son and Savinis. The two suspects became victims and were sent to the hospital..."

"This is awkward, naked!" Mark Wedd was anxious. He did not understand why these reporters did not pursue the medical accident in the hospital, but pointed the finger at themselves!

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