So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1139: Charles' troubles (on)

The first thousand one hundred and thirty-nine chapters of Charles' troubles (on)

Old Buffon is famous. But there are not many people who have seen him, and these people are mostly social celebrities on the top of the pyramid. Now, the old Buffon is like an ordinary old man, carrying his wife on the street, like a middle-aged couple. There is nothing special about it.

And Yang Ming is holding Wang Xiaoying and Shu Ya in front of the two, like the **** who came out to have fun, but it does not seem strange. You know, on the streets of the night, most of the people who hold the right and hold like Yang Ming are the playboys who come out to have fun.

"It hasn't been this ordinary feeling for a long time." Old Buffon said with some emotion that he took the lady's hand. Before coming out, it was not the defending of the team or the followers. There was no feeling of freedom.

"Yeah, this feeling of tranquility is so good." Mrs. Buffon has not been so relaxed for decades. After marrying old Buffon, she lived a life without two doors.

"Oh, but that is, with Master and Wang Shi Niang, they will have such a solid feeling. With them, the guards of a team are better than that!" Lao Buffeng was somewhat contented.

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu don't have to make up. Shuya is a public figure. At this moment, she has to wear a pair of big sunglasses to cover her face, but she can't conceal her purity. She walks down the street and attracts many young boys.

"Yang Ming... You see that person..." Suddenly, Wang Xiao, who was next to Yang Ming, pinched his hand and said softly.

In fact, without Wang Xiaoying's remarks, Yang Ming has noticed that, not far from a few people, there is a man in a black trench coat, this person is actually the car **** Charles in Songjiang!

"What's wrong?" Shu Yaluo looked at Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu with doubts. I don't know why they suddenly stopped.

"I saw an acquaintance." Yang Ming whispered: "But I don't really want him to see us here."

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu have always been very common in front of Charles, but suddenly appeared in Europe, and some are inexplicable, and Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu think Charles's behavior is sneaky and want to see what he is doing.

I saw that Charles’s cap was pressed very low, and the collar on the windbreaker was set up to cover most of his face. If Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu were not very impressed by this person, they would not recognize it immediately. he comes.

Charles was there and seemed to be waiting for someone. However, if Yang Ming is going to the commercial street, passing through Karls is the only way. So Yang Ming turned to the old Buffon couple and said, "I have a temporary thing here. You should go shopping first. I will meet you later. Xiaoya, you and the old Buffon, they will go first, and I will continue later. ""

"Okay." Old Buffon nodded and took the lady to leave. He also understands that since Yang Ming said so, there must be something big.

Shuya also knows that Yang Ming must have important things to do. Since Wang Xiaoyu left, then Shuya also guessed something, and nodded. She is not an indecisive woman. She understands that staying here will only bring trouble to Yang Ming. If something goes wrong, Yang Ming wants to protect her, which seriously affects Yang Ming’s plan execution efficiency.

And Wang Xiaoying is different, she does not need Yang Ming protection.

And Yang Ming gave Shuya to the old Buffon couple, he is also very reassured. In Europe, there are no people who dare to move the old Buffon family.

After the three men left, Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu were hiding in the dark, quietly observing the movement of Charles.

At a closer look, Yang Ming discovered that Charles was not waiting for someone, but was looking at the direction of a tea room far away, thoughtfully.

"What does this guy look at?" Yang Ming said this while also using the ability to look in the direction of the tea room.

"Who knows? Is it necessary to engage in assassination?" Wang Xiaoyan guessed.

There are not many people in the tea room, and it seems that people are taking a bag. There are many black people standing in the doorway moving around. In the tea room, there is only one person sitting on the table. It is a somewhat majestic old man. Waiting quietly there.

Beside him, is a blond girl, although it can be called very beautiful, but according to the aesthetics of Yang Ming Oriental, this European and American beauty is not very cold.

After a while, the old man looked at the watch on his wrist and frowned. It seems that he is waiting for someone, and that person has not come yet.

"There is an old man in the tea room, and a young foreign girl, who seems to be waiting for someone." Yang Ming said to Wang Xiaoying.

"Isn't I waiting for Charles?" Wang Xiaoyan said casually.

"Wait for Charles?" Yang Ming stunned. He thought that Charles was observing the target, but now it seems that this is not the case.

"How do you see it?" Wang Xiaoying was somewhat curious. She and Yang Ming stood together. She didn't even see the figures in the tea room, and Yang Ming actually looked so meticulous!

"My vision is better." Yang Ming can only explain this, he still has some concealment of Wang Xiaoying.

"How do I feel like you are wearing Conan with electronic glasses?" Wang Xiaoyan looked at Yang Ming and said: "I am looking closer, maybe the person I know may be."

After that, before Yang Ming opened his mouth, he walked forward. Although Yang Ming wanted to stop speaking, he thought about it. This road is not very wide, there is no obstruction on the roadside, and if it is too close, it will inevitably be discovered by Charles.

But even if Charles found it, he didn't care. The big deal was to sit down and talk, and Yang Ming wouldn't be afraid of him.

The old man in the tea room looked at the time again, and suddenly frowned, Yang Ming guessed. It’s probably a while after the appointed time, so the old man will have this expression.

The old man took out the phone and dialed a number. What makes Yang Ming somewhat surprised is that Charles actually took out his phone at the same time, took a look, and then pressed the button to hang up.

The old man frowned and put down the phone, then picked up the phone irritably and continued to dial the number. Charles once again found his own phone.

"Hey?" Charles picked up the phone.

"Where are you? When are you coming? It’s been half an hour late from the agreed time!" asked the old man.

"I... there are some things on the side, I won't go..." Charles's ambiguity is obviously insufficient.

"Are you nearby? I am going to find you!" The old man hangs up after the call, and then tells a man in black who is waiting for him. The black man comes out with other black people. The tea room began to search around the tea room in all directions.

Charles hangs up the phone. After seeing this scene, he violently turned and ran to Yang Ming. Wang Xiaoying’s attention was on the tea room over there. I didn’t expect Charles, who was not far away, to turn to her. When I ran, Wang Xiaoyan was shocked.

Wang Xiaoyan didn't know the old man's conversation with Charles. He suddenly saw Charles turning around. He thought that Charles had found her trace. He didn't think about dodging. Instead, he put on a posture to meet the enemy. Yang Ming is a little bit smirking.

Yang Ming wants to say that Wang Xiaoyu is too late, because Charles has already seen the existence of Wang Xiaoying. Charles also had a hint of surprise on his face.

"You... what are you going to do?" Charles asked in a panic, not knowing how Wang Xiaoyu suddenly appeared here, blocking him. Is it the person the father hired?

“What am I going to do?” Wang Xiaoyu suddenly said: “Don't you find me?”

"I found out what you are!" Charles heard Wang Xiaoyu's words and knew that there was a misunderstanding between the two. He couldn't help but laugh: "Don't talk, run quickly, there will be things for a while!"

After that, Charles ran away. Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu couldn't figure out the current situation. They had to run with Charles. The three were like street marathons. They ran forward together. After about four or five streets, Charles stopped.

Fortunately, all three are killed and have received strict physical training, so they ran so far. No one has any physical strength and gaspness, and it is the same as nothing.

Charles knew his own things, so it was not surprising that he had nothing to do with himself. Instead, he had a strong suspicion about Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu.

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