So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1157: Gaming table change (below)

The first one hundred and fifty-seven chapters of the gambling table change (below)

The third game began. Yang Ming still did not see the dealer shuffling, nor did he have the impression of Park Zhe-nan, so that Park Zhe-nan wanted to vomit blood.

Yang Ming still looked at the cards and found that the first deck was better than the second deck. According to the previous licensing rules, this time it was the turn to give Park Zhenan the first deal, but Yang Ming did not interfere, not followed. That's it.

This time, Park Zhe-nan's card is a, and his third card is also a, Park Zhe-nan suddenly surprises, but the face is not leaking.

And Yang Ming's card is a q and a k, which is not too big or small.

"One chip." Park Zhe-nan still threw a chip out of the test.

"Hey, if I am all stud, you must not follow, and you have nothing to do with playing with you." Yang Ming shook his head and buckled his card.

Park Zhenan saw Yang Ming’s action, and the lungs were all mad! It’s hard to come up with a good card. I didn’t expect this guy to actually follow it! Can he know if he has a good card?

However, Yang Ming did not follow, he could only be detained. I didn’t follow two of them, and Yang Ming was the only one, so it was nothing.

The fourth game started, Yang Ming is still the same, but this time he predicted the face, Park Zhe-nan's deck is a straight, and his own is a flush.

"One chip!" Park Zhe-nan found that he talked first every time, and his own card looks good! The card is a, the board is q and j, if possible, it may be a straight!

Looking at Yang Ming's face, it is not so regular, a 3, a 9, an 8, a typical bad card.

"Follow you a chip." Yang Ming faintly threw a chip.

After the licensing, Park Zhe-nan found himself to be a k, suddenly overjoyed, and quickly threw out ten chips: "ten chips!"

"If I am all stud, you may not follow it, and you don't mean anything..." Yang Ming said slowly...

"How do you know that I don't follow!" Park Zhe-nan was shocked and said subconsciously. He has been mad by Yang Ming, and he has never seen Yang Ming playing such a game. It is too fucking!

Park Zhe-nan’s voice just fell, and he regretted it! Doesn't this mean that your card is good? Doesn't Yang Mingzhen not even follow himself? Park Zhe-nan yelled at his own idiots, and they are already the gambling kings of Korea. How can this psychological quality be restored!

In fact, the normal psychological quality of Park Zhe-nan is still very good, but today, Yang Ming has made such a mess, and made him messy, so he was somewhat mad at the subconscious.

"You follow!" Yang Ming lazily took back the hand that was about to buckle, and then said: "Well, then I followed, Stud!"

After Yang Ming finished, he pushed all the chips on the table.

"I don't have that much." Park Zhenan hesitated and said.

"Nothing, there are so many in front of you, how much is counted. I don't care." Yang Ming pointed to the chip in front of Park Zhenan.

"That line, I have all followed!" said, Park Zhenan also pushed the chips in front of him to the table.

"Well, let's deal with it, this will definitely win or lose. I am also troubled by the province." Yang Ming nodded, indicating that the dealer could continue to deal.

The dealer continued to issue cards, and Park Zhe-nan excitedly smashed his glasses, straight! Your own card is actually a straight! This is a once-in-a-lifetime big name!

Alice is very surprised. This Yang Ming’s gambling method is really unique and ingenious. He has never seen him play like this, either he doesn’t follow it, or he’s all showhand, he’s not organized at all, and he’s like a child.

After seeing that Park Zhe-nan’s face is a straight, Yang Ming is still the expression of the deputy. Alice is a bit surprised. Is he just perfunctory, and winning or losing has nothing to do with him?

Think about it too, he just promised him. If he wins, he will reward him to him, but lose? Doesn't it seem that there is no corresponding disciplinary measure?

Park Zhenan thought that Yang Ming saw that he was a straight, and he would show a surprised or scared expression, but he did not expect that Yang Ming was still the one who did not care about himself!

Not so arrogant? Park Zhenan is really angry: "Hey, have you really gambled with me?"

"I have been very serious, don't you see it?" Yang Ming's eyes widened, and an incredible look at Park Zhe, meaning that you are an idiot?

"..." Park Zhenan is very speechless. Is this serious? How do you see how it is perfunctory? Can't help but ask: "Do you look down on me?"

"I didn't say it, it was what you said." Yang Ming shrugged: "Actually, I can win you at any time."

"You..." Park Zhe-nan was a bit angry and snorted: "Well, say those are useless, you open the card!"

"Okay, let's open the card together!" Yang Ming reached out and touched his own card, and then said: "This century's gambling **** was born, and it was time to witness the miracle..."

Yang Ming saw the Spring Festival party during the Chinese New Year. There is a very awkward magician who likes to say this sentence, so Yang Ming is now using it.

Park Zhean couldn't help but want to swear, but still resisted, turned his own card over, it was a, and the straight on the board formed a 10jqka, which is a big card.

The person present couldn't help but make an exclamation. Alice also had a big eyeglass. This kind of face is all right, he is still cool?

Yang Ming’s card was unveiled. It is a set of flushes, just bigger than the straight. Although the cards are messy, the colors are the same!

Park Zhe-nan is completely stunned this time, isn't it? Is this OK?

"I have said, I can win you every time." Yang Ming took back the expression of burnout before, and put on a mysterious expression: "In fact, this person is like this, when gambling, they are The previous expression, like the gambling god, is like eating chocolate every time you gamble, in order to confuse your sight."

"You are swindling!" Park Zhenan suddenly took out a black pistol from his pocket and pointed to Yang Ming’s direction: "You are out of the old, I am not satisfied!"

Sudden changes, the presence of the dealers and onlookers are a glimpse, and Alice’s eyes also showed a frightening expression. However, the bodyguards around Alice have all shot out, aiming at Park Zhe-nan!

However, what makes Pu Zhe-nan strange is that his own muzzle is not directed at Yang Ming. Yang Ming in front of him is gone, and there is no one in front of him! Once again, the pistol was gone. Surprisingly, Yang Ming was standing beside him and pointed his gun at his head: "Want to kill me?"

Yang Ming had long doubted this Park Zhe-nan. From the beginning of his reaction to the present, Yang Ming has been paying attention to his movements. Therefore, while he was shooting, Yang Ming also moved!

Before, when Park Zhen-Yan came up to gamble, it had already caused Yang Ming’s suspicion. It’s just a matter of discussion. He and he have no deep hatred. Isn’t gambling a joke?

If he said that he used to gamble, he couldn’t say it. Why didn’t he gamble when he gambled with Alice? Moreover, if he is estimated to be gambling for the second time, he can't live to the present. He thought he was a regular victory general.

Yang Ming does not think that he has not lost from the debut to the present, and he is only ranked second in the Asian Gambling Championship, which means that there are people who are more powerful than him, and he has already died.

Therefore, his gambling has already made Yang Ming have some vigilance. Although Yang Ming has always been very lazy, he actually does not pay attention to the movement of this guy all the time. When he slams his gun, Yang Ming sees it. The gun in his pocket, so preemptive, took his pistol.

For the killer Yang Ming, the completion of this series of actions is simply a pediatrics, there is no technical content at all, simple.

Alice licked her mouth and gave her a look at the bodyguards on her side.

"Oh..." A gunshot, Park Zhe-nan fell in a pool of blood.

"Who opened the gun?" Yang Ming frowned, and asked some unpleasant drinks.

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