So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1167: Find out the details

The first one hundred and sixty-seven chapters to understand the details

"Oh, I thought it was General Karls who was stalking from it. I didn't expect it to be something that this kid made!" Li Zhisheng snorted: "Almost because this thing has destroyed my relationship with General Kars." !"

"Then we can't let this kid go! Since we came to our site, we must give him some color to see!" Li Tianjia's resentment against Yang Ming is even greater. He originally liked Huang Lele, but was robbed by Yang Ming. Li Tianjia naturally has no good feelings for Yang Ming.

"Huang Jiadu has been played by us very badly. How can I give it? The empty shell company of his family, don't give it to me." Li Zhi snorted.

"That can't let him go!" Li Zhizhen was naturally very uncomfortable. He had a good idea: "Would you like, let Zhang Jingyi engage them? Yes, Zhang Xiaoyu just said to help me, but I don't know him. Do you have any strength to speak, can Zhang Jingxuan listen, or, father, you call Zhang Jingyu? You will be able to make it in your capacity!"

"Well, it makes sense!" Li Zhisheng nodded after listening. In fact, he also hated Yang Ming in his heart! So, after listening to Li Tianjia's words, he dialed the phone of Zhang Jingyi, who had recently contacted him very closely.

"General Li, how are you!" Zhang Jingxuan was very courteous to Li Zhizhen. After all, if he wants to change career, he must rely on Li Zhisheng.

"Hello, Zhang Zong, huh, there is something I want to trouble you!" Li Zhiwei said with a smile.

"What is the trouble, the relationship between the two, your business is not my thing!" Zhang Jingyi said with a happy heart: "What is the matter, let alone."

"This is the case. Before, Tian Jia and Xiao Xiao went to eat and were humiliated by the people of the Huang family. Do you know this?" Li Zhisheng must first confirm whether Zhang Xiaoyu has said anything with Zhang Jingyu. Then do the decision.

"This thing, of course, said it!" Zhang Jingyi thought of Zhang Xiaoying's things, he wouldn't fight a fight, after all, it was his own son, who was broken and he couldn't feel bad: "Small He said that he brought revenge to Tianjia. As a result, the people there were very hard, and the hands of Xiaoyan were broken, just wrapped up!"

When Li Zhizhen heard it, this is a good opportunity. I was afraid that Zhang Jingyi would not help. After all, it is now an important stage of Zhang Jingyi’s transformation. If he does not want to cause trouble, then Li Zhisheng cannot force him, but once he gets on Zhang Xiaoyu, then things will be fine. I did it, so Li Zhisheng said quickly: "Is it awkward? These people are too arrogant, and they can't teach them!"

"Well, listen to your tone, you seem to hate them too?" Zhang Jingyi did not understand, how could Li Zhizhen personally call him because of this matter, Li Tianjia was only used to deduct the rice bowl, it is not a big deal. Children, it is reasonable to say that Li Zhizhen is unlikely to come forward, for sure, there are other reasons.

"I and the Huang family's grudges, you also know that I have already occupied the Huangjia gold mine in the country of x, but that is the kid, the person around Huang Lele, who brought Li Tianyu out of the gold mine. Forced to occupy the gold mine!" Li Zhisheng said: "So, I can be said to hate him!"

"He? Can you occupy the gold mine?" Zhang Jingyi gave a slight glimpse, but he asked quietly. Li Zhizhao has some power in the x country. He is clear. This time, the main cooperation project between him and Li Zhisheng is to invest in a mineral in the x-country partnership. Therefore, this period has also had a certain understanding of the situation in the x country.

At the home of Li Zhizhao, there is also a small armed force in the country of x. How could it be said that he was driven away when he was driven away? There is definitely something hidden in it.

"He naturally can't. He forced a group of militants to rush into the gold mine and put the gold mine into the occupation!" Li Zhizhen said indignantly.

"He? Have armed forces?" Zhang Jingxi secretly shocked, if such a person, where can he be provoked? This is a group of desperados, mercenaries of the same level, where is their own incitement?

"Who knows where to hire from, I have stayed in the country for so many years, and I have not heard of any armed forces in the Huang family. It must be a mercenary from somewhere. If you have money, you can do it. Not surprising!" Li Zhisheng really did not put Yang Ming in his eyes. He believed that the forces of Yang Ming were not hiss at all, but he paid for it.

Otherwise, if the Huang family had such a powerful armed force, could it be recovered by General Kars? Therefore, Li Zhizhen does not think that Huang Jia can turn out any storms!

However, Zhang Jingwei does not think so! Those who can stand firm in the war-torn country of North Africa are certainly not good scorpions. Most people want to find mercenaries. They can’t find them. What they can find also means that they have certain doors and connections. So, this is the case. People, it is best not to provoke easily!

Zhang Jingyi used to be mixed on the road, so he is extremely sensitive to these things, knowing who can provoke, and who can't provoke. Like Yang Ming, people who haven’t figured out the details, don’t even enemies easily!

Otherwise, it is likely to cause trouble! He has heard that a Western country has a gangster godfather, who is very powerful in the local area, once in the bar, drunk, and teased a woman.

Originally, this does not seem to be a big deal! But it has led to the disaster! Later, I learned that the woman’s lover was the trump card of a killer organization. The practice of the godfather of the underworld naturally angered the ace killer. Therefore, under the ignorance of God, the godfather and his family had a high wind in a month. The night was all dead and upturned.

Although the true and false of this matter has not been verified, it has been taken as a precept by the underworld bosses. It is always reminded that some people cannot be provoked.

Killer organizations, mercenary organizations, all belong to the mysterious existence of horror, not the people in the underworld can fight. People do not talk about any rules at all, and they are completely aimed at killing people, so that you can’t prevent them.

Therefore, Zhang Jingxuan thought of this, immediately shocked a cold sweat! He wants to stop the black bear from going to Yang Ming's troubles. He wants to talk to Yang Ming personally and touch Yang Ming's details.

"Cheng, I know, let me deal with this matter..." Zhang Jingyi didn't have time to re-enter Li Zhiyan, and perfunctory a few words, and then said: "Well, let's do this first, I will call this!"

"Okay, okay!" Li Zhizhen thought that Zhang Jingyu was anxious to mobilize the people and clean up Yang Ming. His heart was proud and quickly hang up the phone.

Zhang Jingyi did not dare to delay. After hanging up the phone, he immediately called the black bear and explained some things to him. So, there was a scene before.

The car drove back to the urban area from the suburbs and stopped in front of a very luxurious villa. It was several times more powerful than the villa of Huangjia. I could think of Zhang Jingyi’s local power.

Zhang Jingwei is very rich, but a lot of money is not legal. What he has to do is to wash the black gold, so he found Li Zhisheng’s cooperation and invested in the minerals of the African country. This way, because the country x does not exist at all. Joining the United Nations, it is impossible to find out the details of the fund turnover and facilitate the operation of Zhang Jingwei.

And Zhang Jingwei himself is not trying to invest in gold mines, but by taking such a head, he washes the money and takes it back.

After the black bear parked the car, he took the lead and jumped out of the car, helping Yang Ming open the door and made a gesture of asking: "Please!"

Yang Ming and Wang Xiaoyu got out of the car, the pace was very steady, and there was no fear. This made the black bear secretly admire. He had been observing Yang Ming in the mirror before, and found that Yang Ming’s look did not change along the way. When he said Zhang Jingwei After I have asked, Yang Ming has not made any reaction too much. It is completely a gesture of change.

This kind of person is not a big nerve or a possession, and the black bear does not think that Yang Ming is a big nerve. If it is really a big nerve, it will not become a friend of Huang Rongjin.

Yang Ming walked into the villa of Zhang Jingyu, and Zhang Jingyi also kept an eye on Yang Ming. He saw Yang Ming’s calm appearance and hesitated. He decided to go out and meet Yang Ming.

There are very few people who can get Zhang Jingyu’s personal greet, but for this Yang Ming, Zhang Jingyu has to pay attention, especially after Li Zhizhen has finished those words.

If Yang Ming really has strong armed forces and provokes him, it is simply asking for trouble! At the crucial moment of this transformation, Zhang Jingyi did not want to be extravagant.

"Hello, welcome to my villa, I am Zhang Jingyu!" Zhang Jingyu walked out and took the initiative to reach out to Yang Ming.

"Yang Ming." Yang Ming reached out and Zhang Jingyu lightly shook a bit, said faintly.

"Small 孬 ... is my son, the child does not understand things, and gives you trouble." Zhang Jing 尧 is not afraid to say good things, for a while, if you really understand the identity of Yang Ming, there is nothing, and then start is not too late, now, Just respect a little, and you won’t lose anything.

Therefore, I have to say that Zhang Jingwei is a person who can bend and stretch, and only such people can do business. Of course, there is another kind of person who is absolutely strong and will remain strong at all times. Such people must also have strong capital.

And Yang Ming now fully meets this standard.

"Nothing, but you better educate him. In the future, you will not be able to mix with Li Tianjia. Otherwise, you will not know how to die." Yang Ming said in an understatement, but the threat of tone is already very obvious.

Sure enough, after listening to this, Zhang Jingyi’s face suddenly changed. He had previously said to Yang Ming that it was a courtesy, but Yang Ming had always been a cold attitude, which made Zhang Jingyi very uncomfortable...

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