So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1178: House arrest

The first one hundred and seventy-eight chapters of house arrest

"Mr. Sun, are you shooting at me?" Xiao Wang's tone is very dull. It seems to have long been expected: "No bullets are fired?"

Sun Hongjun’s face has changed, and he is somewhat surprised by Xiao Wang’s knowledge. After all, when the southern boss gave this thing to himself, Xiao Wang was only far away, and should not have listened to the purpose of this thing.

But how does he know?

"Before the South Chong boss gave you a lighter-type pistol." Xiao Wang saw Sun Hongjun not talking, so he explained it himself: "I have already opened it and checked it. There is a particle bomb inside, for your sake. Safety, to prevent bullets from bombing, I took the bullet out."

" you do it?" Sun Hongjun finally couldn't help but horrified: "What time?"

"A moment ago, huh, huh." Xiao Wang smiled and said: "The lighter is a lighter. It is so complicated. If the lighter explodes, the bullet will also be blown up. How dangerous? I am your bodyguard as Mr. Sun. Naturally, you are responsible for your safety."

"Okay, very good!" Sun Hongjun took a deep breath: "Xiao Wang, I am wrong."

Xiao Wang did not speak and continued to drive.

And Sun Hongjun, since there is no pistol, there is no sense of resistance. This car is his own car, and he is familiar with the structure inside.

After the door is locked, it can't be opened anyway, and the car glass is also bulletproof. It is a fantasy.

Sun Hongjun’s mood at the moment has also calmed down. It is a blessing that is not a curse. Since some people want to target themselves, even if they have escaped this time, it is always a hidden danger.

It’s better to go to see the behind-the-scenes ambassador and get it.

The car drove into a farm in the suburbs. The farmhouse looked like an ordinary farmer's house. There were arable land outside and there were rows of greenhouses.

Xiao Wang parked the car in front of a bungalow. After pressing two car horns, he rushed out two squat-shaped big men from the bungalow. After Xiao Wang opened the car's central locking, the two big men opened the door. The left and right are on the arm of Sun Hongjun.

Although Sun Hongjun was a master of fighting when he was young, but now he is too old to be the opponent of these two big men, so he simply did not do anything unnecessary rebellion, but said calmly: "Let's go. Let me see your master."

Xiao Wang looked at Sun Hongjun's back and sighed slightly. For more than ten years, how can you say that there is no feeling? Moreover, Sun Hongjun is not thin to him. However, Xiao Wang also knows that his mission is like this.

Under the arrangement of fate, Xiao Wang has no choice.

Sun Hongjun was erected into a room inside. The two big men did not bother him. After he was brought into the house, he let go of him and said, "Mr. Sun, rest here."

Sun Hongjun made a slight glimpse. On this road, although Xiao Wang rebelled, but he was still polite, Sun Hongjun did not think much. The speculation may be because Xiao Wang has been with himself for more than ten years and has already developed this kind of speech. The habit of it.

But at the moment, these two great men and their own non-intimate, but still talkatively, are still polite, which makes Sun Hongjun a bit strange, and although this room is not so luxurious, the decoration is also very simple, However, everything used is complete, tables and chairs benches, sofas, beds, air-conditioned TVs, all, just like a hotel.

"Who is your boss?" Sun Hongjun frowned, how do you feel like you are under house arrest?

"When the boss wants to see you, I naturally come to see you, but before that, Mr. Sun, you still have a good rest." Dahan said not to be salty: "Look at the TV, relax."

What Sun Hongjun wanted to say, the two big men went out of the room and shut the door.

Sun Hongjun sat on the bed and thought about the whole thing. Let him watch TV at this time? Can he see it in?

Sun Jie’s accident, is there any connection with this time?

This time, who is it, want to target yourself?

Sun Hongjun was puzzling, but the most worried person at the moment was Sun Jie. He was afraid that these people would be unfavorable to Sun Jie, but there was no way.

When I usually get off work, Sun Hongjun is afraid of being disturbed by others. The mobile phone is usually placed in the hands of Xiao Wang. He filters the number of the call, and Sun Hongjun decides whether to answer the call.

This seemingly ordinary habit has become a fatal injury to Sun Hongjun at the moment. He has no tools to contact the outside world!


The plane landed slowly at the airport.

Passengers in the first class naturally took the plane off, took the first class shuttle bus at the airport and left the airport.

This is the nearest airport to country x. After getting off the plane, everyone needs to take a car or a boat to get to country x.

Outside the airport, Li Tianyu was there early, and the old visionary Li Zhihao and Li Tianjia came out and quickly shouted and waved at them.

Li Tianyu has rented a car and has passed the passport to the country of x, and can drive all the way to the territory of the country.

Li Zhiyu and Li Tianjia also saw Li Tianyu. They were too lazy to ignore Huang Xiaofang and Zhang Jingyu who were not far behind. It is useless to say anything. When they go to country x, they can show how much power Li has.

"Father, big brother!" Although Li Tianyu suffered some setbacks in the iron ore, his father decided to invest more minerals in the country of x, so that Li Tianyu was very proud of the spring breeze.

In this way, he can take a big say in the family business, it is not the big brother alone to control the business at home.

"How is the situation there? The details of the bid have been obtained?" Li Zhizhen asked with great concern.

"I have already got it. After we have gone, we have to discuss it well." Li Tianyu nodded and said: "Get on the bus first, let's walk and say."

"Okay." Li Zhisheng nodded, and Li Tianjia got on the car. Li Tianjia also saw the special pass for the x country in front of the car. He couldn't help but admire: "Tianyu, your kid is very mixed, and the special pass is all done?"

"That's ah!" Li Tianyu nodded unsatisfactorily. In the past, Big Brother rarely praised himself.

In fact, although the country of x has been in chaos for many years and has not joined the United Nations, it belongs to a relatively unique existence. However, the country of x has to trade with other places.

Therefore, the merchants who come and go are more amiable and free to apply for entry permits for them. In other words, as long as you are a businessman doing business in country x, you can apply for a special pass.

However, Li Tianyu will certainly not be stupid enough to say this, since Li Tianjia does not know, then he will show up in front of his father.

Li Tianyu started the car and just wanted to leave, but he was not far from the face. Yang Ming and Huang’s family came over in this direction. They immediately stunned and immediately said: “Father, that person! It is the gold mine he took people to occupy. !"

Li Tianyu immediately recognized Yang Minglai and pointed to Yang Ming and shouted.

"Sure enough, he!" Li Zhisheng had already guessed that Yang Ming was the one who took the gold mine in the country of x. At this moment, listening to Li Tianyu’s words, nothing more than confirming it: "I already know, don't take care of him, he But it means a group of mercenaries."

"Oh? It turned out to be like this!" Li Tianyu listened to his father's words and thought that his father had the exact evidence that Yang Ming hired a mercenary, so he was relieved and suddenly realized: "No wonder those armed forces are so powerful. It turned out to be foreign aid, so don't be afraid of him!"

"In the country of x, we have General Kars support, naturally do not have to be afraid of him." Li Tianjia nodded and said.

Yang Ming and Huang Jia’s people naturally came to pick up. The person who responded was Li Qiang, the current armed leader of the country.

Li Qiang also drove over. He drove a CMB commercial vehicle, but it was not very conspicuous. However, in front of the window, there was also something similar to a pass. It's just a little different from Li Tianyu. There are only numbers and there are no other things.

This is the fleet number within the Li Qiang armed forces. Of course, Li Qiang did not drive the first car, but just found a car. However, like Li Tianyu's special pass, he can enter the territory of the country. The difference is that Li Qiang’s car can also enter the base where his armed forces are stationed.

When Yang Ming and Huang Jia’s people got on a CMB car, Li Zhizhen smiled disdainfully: “I thought it was a tour group? Sitting in this car...”

Li Tianyu listened to his father's words and looked at his father's gaze. He saw a CMB car, but... in front of the windshield glass of the car...

Li Tianyu hasn't seen it yet. The bus has already started to leave... It's just a glimpse of it. Li Tianyu seems to have seen the special number plate of the x-country military vehicle.

However, Li Tianyu thought about it and immediately shook his head. How could it be? How could such a car appear here, and it is to pick up Yang Ming and others, obviously it is wrong.

Thinking of this, Li Tianyu did not care, launched the car and headed for the direction of the country.

After Yang Ming got on the bus, he simply introduced the name of Li Qiang to everyone, saying that he is his own capable man, but did not say what Li Qiang specifically did, so no matter whether the Huang family or Zhang Jingwei did not take Li Qiang As a great character, he thought he was just a driver of Yang Ming.

In front of Yang Ming, Li Qiang also has no shelf at all. It is really like a driver and a follower, doing his own things.

"Yang Ge, where are we going for a while?" Li Qiancai asked after the car entered the country.

"Go first to see General Kars..." Yang Ming thought about it and waved his hand: "Forget it, go to your station, settle down and let Kars come over to see me."

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