So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1180: Very important guest

The first thousand one hundred and eighty chapters are important guests

The country x is actually an independent small island near the North African plate. There is only one bridge that connects with the outside world. It can be used for transportation. Of course, it can also be accessed through waterways.

At the earliest, dating back to the 1960s, a rich man rented this African independent island as his own private territory, with tens of thousands of black slaves working for him.

After the liberation of black slaves, the blacks on the island united, overthrew the rule of the rich slave owners, and formed a temporary state of their own. However, as time went by, the island has stationed a number of other forces, and established its own temporary power here.

It can be said that the country of x was originally rented, but for historical reasons, it has formed an independent country. Although it has not paid the rental fees for more than a decade, the local management department has also defaulted. The existence of this fact.

These are all known by Yang Ming through the investigation of Lao Buffeng. It can be said that these are already some old things. Nowadays, few people know these details.

Unless there is a person like General Karls, you can get in touch with some of the secrets in the middle.

However, the old Buffon actually found the local management department in Africa, to invest in the island where the country is located! The local management department is naturally delighted with the money sent to the door! This is simply the same as the pie in the sky. Although the land of the country of x is nominally their management, it has been hosted for more than ten years.

Therefore, the local management department has shown great enthusiasm for someone to buy this land! However, when they investigated the life of the old Buffon, they were a little happy!

If you want to buy this land, you will naturally be happy to sell it. However, for the old Buffon, no!

The land, the local administration, although it has nominal ownership, has no control. If ordinary people, after they sell it, they can completely shirk and let the buyer accept the land themselves. As for whether they can recover it, it is not their business.

What people sell you is the land, what is on the land, and how can people be responsible for helping you to expel? However, Lao Buffon is not an ordinary person. Africa and Europe are very close. If you ask about it, you can know the identity of the old Buffon. This person can not be arbitrarily provoked.

Therefore, the local management department is somewhat embarrassed. Do not sell it, and lose a fortune in vain. Sold it, and I am afraid that the old Buffon will look back at their troubles.

However, weighed the pros and cons, the local management department felt that it is necessary to explain the situation to the old Buffon, after all, the old Buffon identity, they really can not afford.

The person in charge of this is Jason, a white official. When the old Buffon came over, they still gave a warm reception.

Because it is Yang Ming's business, Lao Buffeng does not want others to do it, so it seems that he is not sincere enough, so he will personally come over to negotiate this matter.

"Buffon patriarch, hello, you want to buy land here, we naturally welcome 100,000 points..." Jason can't offend the old Buffon, so the tone is also polite: "However, near this There are still many islands, although not as big as the x country, but it is ok, do you see if you choose individual islands?"

The old Buffon immediately waved his hand: "No, no! I want the land of the country x, why, you don't want to sell?"

"I don't want to sell... but Mr. Buffon, you may not know much about... The land of country x, although nominally belongs to us, has actually been hosted for more than ten years, so even if we signed an agreement, We can't guarantee that you can successfully recover the land in country x..." Jason explained.

"Oh, this is the case!" For the current situation in the country of x, the old Buffon has already got news from Yang Ming. Otherwise, what does he buy for the land of the country x? Isn't it nothing to do? Old Buffon’s family is not lacking in real estate. There is no need to run so far to buy a war-torn island. Isn’t that a neurosis?

"Yeah, Buffon patriarch, because of this, I can't deceive you, so I have to tell you everything." Jason said: "I advise you, or buy another island."

"Oh, you don't care about these, I buy this place, naturally have my purpose, you say a good price!" Old Buffon shook his head and smiled.

"This..." Jason is really a little embarrassed. I don't know what the old Buffon meant. Is this situation still bought?

However, since the old Buffon insisted, and the situation also explained, then Jason could not do anything, symbolically reported a very cheap price, anyway, this land has long since belonged to them, now, regardless of the money How are all white, how much is earned.

Therefore, the old Buffon got the permanent use of land in the country of x at an extremely low price. At this point, the x country has a legal status in the international arena. Although it cannot exist completely as a country, it can exist as a private territory.

Lao Buffon has already given the procedure to Li Qiang. This time, Yang Ming came to the country of x.

The car slowly entered the territory of the country of X. At the border, the heavily guarded soldiers were conducting a detailed investigation of the passing vehicles. However, when Yang Ming’s car was seen, Li Qiang, who drove the car, suddenly exposed all the soldiers. A respectful expression, watching Li Qiang's car go away.

This little detail, though not a big deal, has touched the hearts of Zhang Jingwei and Huang Xiaofang! They did not know that these soldiers knew Li Qiang. They felt that the respect of these soldiers was due to the pass in front of the car.

Although the passing vehicles have special passes, the style is different from that of Li Qiang's car, and other cars have gone through their own checks. Only Li Qiang passed the car smoothly.

It can be proved that Li Qiang is definitely not mixed in the x country. It is also a popular figure. Can you get a pass that is more powerful than those special passes. Is that the average person?

Only in this way, they still do not think that General Kars can go to see Yang Ming and Li Qiang in person.


Seeing the territory of the country of x, all the vehicles were placed with special passes. Li Tianjia and Li Zhizhen knew that this thing was not arrogant. Moreover, when entering the country of x, Li Zhizhen and Li Tianjia were also examined in detail. And asked, they learned that they came to invest in gold mines before they were released.

"Tianyu, this card seems to be on every car?" Li Tianjia frowned and frowned.

"Hey..." Li Tianyu was said by Li Tianjia, and suddenly his face was red. Although Li Tianjia’s tone was very dull, Li Tianyu felt that he was targeting himself and wanted to make himself ugly in front of his father. He suddenly hated: " Only those who do business here can handle it, ordinary people can't handle it!"

"Oh..." Li Tianjia nodded.

Li Zhizhao also knows that his two sons, although still able to unite the front on the big face, are always fighting for intrigues in small things. This is something that is irrelevant, but it is taken up as a phonetic.

"Well, don't say this, Tianyu, what happened to the iron ore?" Li Zhisheng asked.

"I have not seen the top person in charge of the military here. The situation is still very difficult to say. I think we should visit General Kars first. This is imperative from a private point of view or a commercial point of view. Li Tianyu said with a very knowledgeable look.

"Well, that's true." Li Zhisheng nodded. "General Karls, this time we have to visit."

Regarding Li Tianyu's point of view, Li Zhisheng still agreed, and immediately agreed.

"Tianyu, how big is the hope of our bidding this time?" Li Tianjia also left the embarrassment of his brother and talked about the business.

Before, Li Tianjia did not put Li Tianyu's African career in his eyes. A small iron mine, although the interests are still there, but after all, compared with the family business in Singapore, it is far worse.

However, this time re-bidding, Li may have a gold mine or even a diamond mine, and the benefits far exceed the family’s fundamental cause. As a result, his father’s emphasis on Africa’s career is certainly greater than domestic. The cause is gone, so Li Tianjia also began to jealously Li Tianyu.

Originally, he was able to sit firmly in the position of the heirs of the Li family, but at this moment, his position was loose.

"The official open documents said that this time we must compete fairly and fairly, but this thing, I think it is a superficial article, whoever has the relationship, who can get the minerals." Li Tianyu is very knowledgeable analysis, he is now, It is necessary to establish your own authority and the image in front of your father.

"Well, this is true." Li Zhisheng also strongly agreed with Li Tianyu: "We are visiting General Kars, just to ask about the inside story of this bid. So, I will call General Kars first and contact him if If you can, we will visit him in a while!"

Li Tianjia and Li Tianyu were busy nodding their heads. Li Zhisheng picked up the phone and dialed the phone of General Kars’s office. After the call was connected, there was a voice from General Carls’s secretary: "Hello, here is the Kars government office."

"Hello, I am Li Zhizhen of the Li family in Singapore. I am in trouble to transfer General Kars." Li Zhisheng said with a compliment.

"General Kars went to visit a very important guest. Now, aren't there, do you have anything?" said the secretary.

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