So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1184: Behind the scenes

The first one hundred and eighty-four chapters behind the scenes

At the exit of the next high-speed ramp, Sun Jie got off the high-speed, then turned the front of the car and decided to go back to Songjiang before making plans.

Looking at Sun San, who was pushed into the room, Sun Hongjun frowned. Sun San had been staying at the villa at home, and the villa had good security. How could he be brought here?

"The third child?" Sun Hongjun stood up and looked at Sun San in a strange way: "How come you came..."

"I... naturally came." Sun San smiled a bit: "Master, you really have something wrong..."

"Who brought you here?" Sun Hongjun has already calmed down at this time. It is a blessing that is not a curse. It is a curse. However, peace of mind is the most important thing.

"We didn't think of it... that person..." Sun San smiled and said the name of a person.

"What! Actually it is him!" Sun Hongjun heard the name and suddenly widened his eyes: "It turned out to be like this... I said how he got into the villa and tied you out... It all said Got it..."

"I didn't think of it..." Sun San shook his head: "The tiger is suffering..."

"It's not good! Xiaojie is coming back today, she can't..." Sun Hongjun's own life and death has long been less valued, but it is an incomparable care for this only daughter. Thinking of Sun Jie may also be unexpected, Sun Hongjun immediately It became a little uneasy.

"Master, I have already called the lady before, so she won't come to the East China Sea." Sun San said: "I didn't contact you and Xiao Wang before, I felt that something was wrong, so I quickly gave the lady a call." The phone, let her not come first... As a result, when I was talking on the phone, I was kidnapped!"

"That's good!" Sun Hongjun breathed a sigh of relief. He didn't want Sun Jie to get involved in this matter. What people who planned this thing wanted, Sun Hongjun was clear, even if Sun Jie was involved, it was a senseless sacrifice. .

"Master, we are now..." Sun San asked carefully.

"Now, I have to wait for him to come to see me, I don't know how much appetite he has." Sun Hongjun snorted: "However, what he wants is nothing more than that, and he is given."

"Give him?" Sun Sanyi said, "Master, struggling for the family business that has accumulated over the years..."

"Tired, these years, I am really tired." Sun Hongjun waved his hand and sighed: "Yang Ming does not mean to take care of the family business here, and I am really tired, my Years are not too small, and a few days of calm are true!"

"Master? You really think so?" Sun San looked at Sun Hongjun with some incredulity. He didn't expect him to look so open.

Sun Hongjun nodded. "Sometimes, I have been tired for too long, and I want to relax."

Sun Hongjun’s voice just fell, and the voice of the high-five was heard outside the door: “啪”, “啪”, “啪”!

"It’s good to say!" A sound familiar to Sun Hongjun and Sun San was sounded: "If you have this consciousness for a long time, I will not waste such great strength."

"Oh, it really is you." Sun Hongjun heard the voice, sneered, this sound that made him familiar again, a person who followed him for many years in the North, and made a great contribution.

However, at this moment it became his enemy and betrayed him.

"Oh, since I dare to do this, I don't want to hide it." The man smiled and pushed the door and came in. This person is Tian Long, the current helm of Tian Jia, the father of Tian Donghua.

"Actually, I should have thought of it for a long time. You have been with me for so many years, I will definitely be unwilling, but I did not expect that you will betray me." Sun Hongjun is very calm at this moment, facing his old friend, very calm Said.

"Since it is unwilling, rebellion is naturally a matter of time." Tian Long said faintly: "Sun boss, I have paid enough in these years..."

"Yes, you have paid enough, but what do you get, is it less?" Sun Hongjun looked at Tian Long with some disappointment: "I have given you enough, Tianjia is in the East China Sea, it has become Second only to a family of Sun’s family, can these not satisfy you?"

"Yes, you have given me enough!" Tian Long looked awkward and said: "But, no matter what, my Tian family can only be a vassal of the Sun family. You are the master, I am a servant! This will never be Change! In history, why are there so many princes, who have already been cherished, and who are under one million people, why do they still want to rebel, why do they rebel! Because no matter what, they are always slaves, not masters. !"

"I didn't expect you to think so much." Sun Hongjun listened to Tian Long's fierce argument, but he smiled helplessly: "In these years, you are flat, what servants have you treated as a servant? The gangsters have been completely handed over to you. Going to take care of it, I haven’t intervened at all, isn’t that enough?”

"Yeah, you really didn't intervene!" Tian Long nodded. "But, no matter what, my power still comes from you. As long as you are there, then I can become nothing at all! Tianwei is unpredictable. Haven't you heard this sentence? Maybe there is nothing now. In the future, once I make some mistakes that make you feel unforgivable, then what do you do to me?"

At this moment, Sun Hongjun was also silent. Indeed, no matter what, Tian Jia will be under the Sun family. This is a fact that cannot be changed. Tian Long has such concerns, and there is nothing wrong with it.

"However, you didn't think that your approach was too extreme? You think, you grab me, you can get the Sun family's industry?" Sun Hongjun looked at Tian Long, and asked some indifference.

"This doesn't require you to worry about it." Tian Long said with a strange smile: "Since I can put Xiao Wang in your side for so many years, the company naturally has my confidant. Maybe, tomorrow's grandson, only left A shell industry."

"You are not afraid, my people will retaliate against you?" Sun Hongjun's first person to think of is Yang Ming, Yang Ming is not a good person.

"Revenge? Oh, the people in the underworld are now only the leader of the horse." Tian Long smiled: "As for the person you said, is your son-in-law Yang Ming?"

"Do you know?" Sun Hongjun did not expect Tian Long to actually know about Yang Ming.

"Oh, he is hard to protect himself, will not come to control you." Tian Long smiled uncontrollable, according to the boss behind the scenes, Songjiang's underworld and Yang Ming's company, this time also have to finish together. On behalf of the boss, he has sent an invitation to the family of Jingshan to let the family go to clean up the gangsters of Songjiang.

“Is it hard to protect? What do you mean?” Sun Hongjun said: “You still have to do something with Songjiang?”

"Oh, I am not working on Songjiang, but the family of Jingshan, to start with Songjiang and Gidden!" Tian Long said with some conceit: "Gitton was originally the home of the family, and was carried out by people in Songjiang. Who will balance?"

Sun Hongjun naturally also knows that the city of Gidon is the site of the Jingshan family. It was plundered by Yang Ming, and his heart would naturally be uncomfortable. However, Tian Long and his family’s boss rushed together, which made him somewhat ridiculous.

Two people, not the same level of people, although the family involved in the black, but most industries are formal industries, the only gray industry is gradually washing white, which makes it difficult for the family and Tian Long to have an intersection.

Tian Long manages all the entertainment-oriented industries such as nightclubs, bars, bathing centers, game halls, and ktv halls, while the homepage of the family is in real estate, hotels, and trade sales.

"This thing is your own dominance? You are behind the scenes, there are others?" Sun Hongjun is not stupid, and suddenly thought of it, this matter is not simple, perhaps there is something unknown behind it.

In the industry dominated by Tian Long and Yu Yuejin, there is no need for cooperation between the two people.

After listening to Sun Hongjun’s question, Tian Long showed a very surprised expression. It seemed to be strange for Sun Hongjun’s keenness. However, he did not explain it. He just said: “This does not require you to worry about it. This is not with you. what relationship."

"Oh, then you just confess? Hey, Tian Long, I didn't expect that after you betrayed me, I still found a new master. What is the difference between this and the past?" Sun Hongjun looked at Tian Long with some mockery. Said.

"At least, I got more than now. The current boss, he will not interfere with my normal operation and management. I don't have to give him any money. All I have to do is help him at the crucial moment." Do something, just that." Tian Long shook his head and explained. Of course, regarding this, he must explain with Sun Hongjun, otherwise Sun Hongjun will definitely think that he is neurotic.

"Do something?" Sun Hongjun smiled and said: "This thing, haven't you told me yet? Tian Long, you, sometimes, you are smart and clever, this thing, can you do so well?" Since the one behind you is so capable, what he can't do is to do it... You think about it yourself, you have to lose yourself to taste."

When Sun Hongjun’s voice fell, Tian Long’s face became stiff and became a bit pale. Before that, he was just immersed in the excitement of replacing the Sun’s family and becoming the first in the East China Sea. He did not think about these far-reaching things.

But now, when Sun Hongjun came up, Tian Long had to consider it. Sun Hongjun said that there is nothing wrong with him. Can the ordinary person be able to stump him? What is the key thing?

Originally, I didn't think so much before, but now I think, Tian Long's heart has begun to become a little annoyed: "Now, it's useless to say this! What is certain is that I will definitely live better than now. !"

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