So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1188: Planning and decision

Chapter 1 188 plan and decision

"Why don't you know why you are big or not? If you do this, we will have no worries about Tianjia, but if we don't do it, there will be some trouble in the future!" Tian Long looked at Tian Donghua with some hateful iron.

"Dad, you and the Sun family, I don't want to manage, and I don't have the qualifications, but I have already said that Yang Ming is my friend. I will never do anything that is unfavourable to him." Tian Donghua The tone became stronger and stronger: "I don't know what the mysterious boss behind the scenes, why should I control Yang Ming, he and Yang Ming have any grudges, but don't involve me, I won't do it."

Tian Long opened his mouth and finally did not say anything. Tian Donghua's character is very paranoid and reluctant. This is what he understands. Otherwise, he could not fight at school because of a girl.

Therefore, Tian Long also understands that since it was decided by Tian Donghua, it cannot be changed. Tian Donghua and Yang Ming’s friendship before, he still looked down on it.

Since this road does not work, then Tian Long can only find another way.

Tian Donghua seems to have also seen Tian Long’s thoughts. Although hesitated, he added a message: “Dad, I advise you to dismiss the idea of ​​starting Yang Ming. Otherwise, I will ventilate the letter and say that I can do it. ""

"You...!" Tian Long was shocked by Tian Donghua's words and he couldn't speak. He didn't expect to have caused such a big rebound from Tian Donghua.

"I can't interfere with the things you do, but I will protect my friends." Tian Donghua said: "Of course, if you don't start with Yang Ming, I won't say anything about what you do."

Tian Long had some regrets before telling Tian Donghua about his ideas, so that now it is difficult to ride a tiger. If this matter does not tell Tian Donghua, he can secretly think of other ways to operate, but now let Tian Donghua know, then Tian Donghua will not allow him to do this again. And also claimed that it is necessary to ventilate the letter, so that Tian Long really can't get started.

It seems that this matter can only be planned in the future. It is impossible to do it now. Thinking of this, Tian Long also said: "Well, this thing is fine, you just haven't said anything."

Tian Donghua just smiled and nodded. "Nature, I am not very interested in those other things."

In the industry of the East China Sea, many of the top executives were bought by Tian Long with a large amount of bribes. Of course, this bribe came from the mysterious boss behind the scenes.

On the second day after Sun Hongjun, Sun San and Sun Jie were placed under house arrest, Sun’s legal representative of the Sun’s group in the East China Sea changed from Sun Hongjun to the current Tian Long.

From this day on, the Sun Group officially became the industry of Tianjia. Of course, the four words of the Sun Group will not be used anymore. It is only a certain procedure and time that the company needs to be renamed. It is not completed in an instant. Even though Tian Long has a deep network in the East China Sea, there are some things that need to go through the process.

And some of the small leaders in the gray industry are Tian Long’s own people, so they don’t have to worry about it. Now the entire Sun family’s industry in the East China Sea can be said to be in the hands of Tian Long.

In fact, people like Tian Long who have made up their minds, once they have ambitions, can easily control the overall situation instead of the master.

This is also the reason why many of the upper-level people do not decentralize, and all power is concentrated in their own hands. However, Sun Hongjun is too decentralized. He has no ability to shock these people. It is only difficult to make things happen by relying on his own personality.

The tyranny of the king, it is just a nonsense in the novel. Even when the emperor of the past hit the world, it was also Enwei.

However, Yang Ming is different here. Violent San Li, Hou Zhenduo and Li Qiang are afraid of Yang Ming. It is not because Yang Ming’s so-called “Tiger Body, Wang Pa’s Qi” but Yang Ming His own strange body and horrible acupoints, as well as superb assassination skills.

Such people do not have to say anything at all, and subordinates are also difficult to have a rebellious heart. If it is not the opposite, then the jade food, if it is reversed, there is only one dead road. Who will do this stupid thing?

Sitting in a spacious and bright office, Tian Long’s mood is very refreshing. He did not expect that he would sit in this position one day. Compared with the East China Sea, the progress of the Jingshan family is slow.

On the Songjiang side, I feel that there is something I can’t get started with. After all, he belongs to the Raptors crossing the river. It is not like Tian Long has infiltrated the power into the bones in the East China Sea. As long as he makes a bribe, he can win the whole situation.

However, it is not the same as Yue Yuejin. Although Liu Tea and Qu Daming are in the same place, the industry of Sanli (actually Yang Ming’s industry) is too scattered.

Famous heavy industry, although the famous entertainment is a brother company, but in fact it is nothing to do with the two companies, no one who controls who said so, so Yue Yue wants to penetrate into the famous heavy industry, it is impossible Completed tasks.

Not only him, Liu Tea and Qu Daming can't do the same. Not only is it not here, including the industry left by Wang Xifan’s Wang’s group, which was solely responsible by Guo Jianchao and has no substantive connection with Mingyang Entertainment.

Therefore, now that the hands of famous entertainment are in control, there is no other industry except the night-time and several small-scale bars. Although there is a newly established Mingyang Real Estate, Mingyang Real Estate is only a start-up company, and it is invested by Sun Hongjun and Huazhong. It is not easy to control it.

However, the city of Gidonton is easy to handle. There, the foundation of the violent Sanli is still unstable, and the center of gravity has changed from the gray industry to the current sunshine industry. The entertainment industry and the catering industry have gradually abolished the previous dive. The rules are moving forward positively, so it is more feasible to get involved in the city of Gidon.

Although Liu Tea and Qu Daming have already been bought, but as long as the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu are still alive, then the success of this matter will be somewhat resistant. Their other industries and forces cannot be eliminated and swallowed together, causing the aftermath. Liu Cha and Qu Daming are not opponents once the storm has set a counterattack.

Even if you like Jin Yuejin, you have a deep body in Jingshan. In this land that is not your own, it is difficult to compete with the local forces.

In the conference room, Liu Tea, Qu Daming, Yu Yuejin, and Tian Long sat together to study and discuss how to get rid of the problems of violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu.

"We have tried our best. However, in our capacity, it is unlikely that we will get close to the violent Sanli and Hou Zhenduo, and the people around him have no possibility of buying." Liu Cha sighed and spread the stalls. Said helplessly.

Qu Daming on the side also nodded and said that Liu Tea was right.

Tian Long also slightly bowed his dagger. Indeed, he is different from Liu Tea and Qu Daming. He has been in the East China Sea and Sun Family for many years to be able to buy people's hearts smoothly. Moreover, the most important point is that he Tian Long’s identity and status are second only to Sun Hongjun! However, the identity of Liu Tea and Qu Daming is obviously a bit low. Although they all seem to be manager-level, they actually do not enter the core layer of Violent.

In addition to knowing some of the business accounts of the night, he knows nothing about the other, and now he can emptied, and there are only a few bars and ktvs in the night, and at most it is a newly established real estate company.

In other respects, they simply can't get it right, and they can't start.

"It seems that this is indeed a very serious problem." Yue Yue did not think that Liu Tea and Qu Daming did not work hard, but knew that their ability was limited and they could not force anything at all: "Let's do it, I think It is imperative to eliminate the violent San Li, Hou Zhenduo and Guo Jianchao. Once these core figures have disappeared, then you will be able to take advantage of the industry in Songjiang."

"Do it?" Liu Tea and Qu Daming were both surprised. They never thought about killing the violent San Li and Hou Zhenduo, etc., but it was very dangerous. Once they made a mistake, they couldn’t stop it. ! And, the most important thing is that neither of them has the ability to! Thinking of this, Liu Cha quickly said: "Hou Zhenhao's skills are one of the best in Songjiang. We both have the ability to do it?"

"Of course, you don't have to take it out yourself." 隋 进 进 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆 摆

"Please people?" Liu Chayi, he was not originally a mixed gangster, and did not know much about these things, so this time revealed a puzzled expression.

"There are special killers. Please come and assassinate the violent San Li and Hou Zhenyu and Guo Jianchao. When they die, we will be all right!" 隋 进 对于 对于 对于 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 暴 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , The matter is on me. I have been in contact with the killer in my early years and have a certain understanding of this line. As long as the money is in place, I can go to the world's top killer!"

"The problem that money can solve is not a problem!" Tian Long directly made a decision: "I will do it out!"

Tian Long now has not only the financial support of the behind-the-scenes boss, but also the income of Sun’s industry. It can be said that it is rich and rich, and the money is still nothing to him.

"Okay." There is no derogation from the enthusiasm. After all, this money is not a small amount, and there is no need to take the initiative to pay for it.

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