So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1196: inequality

The first thousand one hundred and ninety-six chapters are not equal

Victoria won. However, it is clear from Victoria's painful look that the Italian girl's last attack was still very heavy, which caused Victoria's back to be hurt.

However, she still won. She is the ultimate winner.

"Good!" Bobby couldn't help but slammed the table in front of him, but he might have thought of Yang Ming in front of him. He suddenly apologized and said quickly: "Sorry, sir, I am so excited! But what you said Yes, she won."

Yang Ming shrugged and said nothing: "Congratulations, Mr. Bobby."

"Thank you." Bobby saw Yang Ming not care, only relieved.

And Marott, because the Italian girl was knocked down, feeling very unhappy, roared, but because of his identity, it did not go on the spot.

However, his current mood can be imagined, it is extremely uncomfortable.

It is obviously impossible for Marott to prepare only a female boxer to participate in the competition, but this Italian girl is probably the strongest of all the players, otherwise it is impossible to send her to participate in this top-heavy competition.

It can be said that the biggest highlight of the entire bidding meeting is the diamond mine. Other minerals are also very good, but the most profitable one is only this one.

Bobby is the final winner, and Lu Xinyang awarded the 10-year diamond mining license to Bobby.

Yang Ming has learned the lesson from this time. The newly signed contract is up to ten years long, which is also conducive to management and re-contracting, and these investors obviously welcome this approach.

Although it seems that the situation in country x is still good, who knows what will happen in the future? Maybe one day there was a temporary regime that took back their minerals, and as a result, they invested in vain.

This is something that everyone does not want to see. Of course, Yang Ming believes that this may not happen again, but Yang Ming has not said anything more than these investors. He also agrees with this short-term contract.

In addition to this diamond mine, Bobby also invested in several other nearby minerals. Of course, he did not want to be too stiff with Marott. Obviously he understands that the water is full, if he makes his family If you are alone, then he will become the public enemy of all investors on the scene.

Therefore, Bobby deliberately opened up with Marott. The minerals that Marlot wanted, except for the biggest diamond mine, were all wrong with him. This would also make Marott not get nothing. .

Other small investors have also targeted the main targets of minerals that are not needed by them. The scale of these minerals is relatively small and the output is not high. Obviously, Bobby and Marott are not interested.

"Father, the guy named Bobby, also participated in the bidding of the gold mine we want!" Li Tianjia frowned and looked at the amazing performance of Victoria on the stage.

All the opponents fell to her feet. Undoubtedly, after several contests, Victoria was the last winner. This kind of oppression will inevitably not cause anxiety for the Li family.

However, in fact, Yang Ming is very clear. Victoria’s previous attack by the Italian girl is not light. Although it is on the back, it is not a too important position, but the injury is inevitable. The state is more or less Will be affected.

Sure enough, in the last few games, Victoria did win, but it was not as decisive as before. Although the result was good, in the process, Victoria inevitably suffered some damage.

"I don't know if Li Lexin is her opponent?" Li Tianyu is also anxious. Some of his grievances are too conservative and careful. Before, Li Zhizhen and Li Tianjia and Li Tianyu had discussed it. This time, the bidding was placed on the former iron ore mine and a gold mine near the iron ore, only facing the two minerals.

And Li Lexin, also easily defeated the iron ore contenders. From the perspective of Li Lexin, it seems that it is not weaker than that Asian girl, so this is why Li Tianyu is depressed.

If Li Zhizhen was able to follow his advice and hold a wide-ranging seeding attitude, perhaps more will be obtained now! Those **** female boxers who are incomprehensible should not be Li Lexin’s opponents.

Now, all the hopes are placed in the last gold mine, and there are Bobby in the gold mine competitors. How can Li Tianyu not worry?

"Li Lexin should be able to." Li Tianjia is now only comforting himself.

"Okay, don't say it. I understand what you both mean. This time I made a mistake. I didn't expect Li Lexin to play like this. The black female boxers are not her opponents. I know that, we have to vote a few more. Minerals are no problem." Li Zhiyan sighed: "However, the relationship between Yang Ming and Li Qiang and General Kars is unclear. It is not appropriate to be too public, so as not to bring unnecessary trouble to yourself."

Thinking of the unclear relationship between Yang Ming and Li Qiang and General Kars, Li Tianjia and Li Tianyu's chest are inexplicable. Indeed, there is still one biggest problem left unsolved.

That is Yang Ming’s attitude.

In his own home, he lied to Huang Xiaofang for four billion yuan, and Yang Ming was so good to stop? No matter from what point of view, Yang Ming will be troublesome if he is a normal person.

Li Zhizhen asked himself, if he is Yang Ming, he will take this opportunity to find trouble. So when I think of it, Li Zhisheng is a little annoyed, and he is not so concerned about the success or failure of the bidding.

After all, whether you can stand on the heels in the country in the future is still a big problem. It is too early to consider gold mines. If Yang Ming insists on revenge, even if he has won a hundred gold mines, that will not help.

Thinking of this, Li Tianjia and Li Tianyu no longer complain, after all, the problem at hand is very realistic.

Finally, it was the gold mine competition. Li Lexin was as easy as the iron mines before, and the easy group went out, and Victoria, as well, successfully defeated the previous opponents.

Li Lexin, Victoria, two Asian girls, became the last point of the game.

In fact, the competition has continued until now. Many people have gotten more or less the minerals they want. Everyone has almost everything. Although some are not ideal, they can do it.

So now, most people are watching the attitude of watching movies, including Marott. In fact, in his heart, he hopes that Bobby can lose the game, and then lose a big face, Marott can find a psychological balance.

"Retired." Yang Ming looked at Victoria and said to Bobby faintly.

"Retired? Why?" Bobby stunned, looking at Yang Ming with some doubts.

"Victoria is not the opponent of that person." Yang Ming did not know Li Lexin's name, because when introducing the contestants, they only introduced who they represent, and their names were ignored.

Yes, who cares about a slave who is driven by the owner to go on stage to sell for himself? Or, in the eyes of these investors, these are simply not human.

Although Yang Ming is very helpless, there is no way. Although he is very strong, he is not strong enough to change the rules of the game in this world.

In the land of North Africa, although the country has become his private island, he can't change anything. This is a society with a weak and strong food. There is nothing fair or unfair.

Yang Ming is sitting here overlooking these investors, which is unfair. Therefore, it is normal for these investors to look at their boxers with high eyes.

"Is it impossible?" Bobby apparently felt that Victoria was invincible: "She has defeated all her opponents, including the Italian girl that Marott found."

"Yes, that's right." Yang Ming nodded. "However, Victoria was injured in that game. Now, she should have been in overdraft. She needs rest, not to continue fighting."

"Oh? She needs a break?" Bobby liked to hear something very funny.

Yang Ming shrugged. He didn't try to change Bobby's thoughts, because his thoughts were already ingrained in his mind, so Yang Ming didn't have any need to explain it. He just said: "I Just a goodwill reminder."

"Thank you, sir!" Bobby also smiled.

The game started. Li Lexin also carefully observed Victoria before. It seems that she is also aware of her injuries. Therefore, she is not eager to attack. She has to make sure that Victoria is really injured or is she deliberately making a confused gesture. .

Li Lexin's skills are not weak. The mysterious boss personally taught them some strange training methods in order to train them. Although the boss behind the scenes seems to only know theoretical knowledge, these theories are not on paper, but very large. The truth, as long as you follow these trainings, it will take a long time to achieve extraordinary results.

Li Lexin is one of the beneficiaries, which is why they fear the boss behind the scenes from the bottom of their hearts.

Victoria seems to have also smelled the danger of Li Lexin. For other people, she is not as nervous as she is now, but now she is more cautious.

Her own affairs are clear to herself. Before the Italian girl attacked, she was not hurt. The back ribs may have been broken, but she still has no time to view and dress.

When the referee waved the flag in his hand, the game officially began.

Li Zhizhen’s current mood is very complicated. The victory that he had longed for has become a little weak at this moment...

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