So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1206: trusting each other

The first thousand two hundred and six six chapters trust each other

"Well, peace of mind here, after you hurt, we will leave." Yang Ming nodded. In fact, Yang Ming also already knew Victoria's answer. The conversation just was just a formal one.

If Victoria does not want to accept it, I am afraid she will not come out of the bathroom.

"I have no problem, take a break, and you can leave tomorrow." Victoria said, stretching his arms in front of Yang Ming, indicating that he had no problems. However, the intense exercise still made her brow slightly wrinkled.

"Don't be stubborn." Yang Ming looked at Victoria's look, some funny, no matter how cold her appearance, she is always a normal girl.

"No, I am." Victoria nodded firmly.

"Okay." Yang Ming saw Victoria insist, so he no longer advised her: "Then the day after tomorrow, I have a little personal matter to deal with tomorrow."

"Okay." Victoria said: "If you take a day off tomorrow, there should be no problem."

The private affairs that Yang Ming refers to are naturally things of Li Zhisheng. Yang Ming is going to leave a day to clean up Li Zhisheng. One day is enough.

"Right, remote control, have you seen it?" Yang Ming looked up and looked at Victoria.

"Well, I saw..." Victoria nodded. "Thank you..."

"Give me." Yang Ming extended his hand to Victoria.

"Well?" Victoria stunned. Some of them were overwhelmed by Yang Ming. They didn't understand why Yang Ming asked her for a remote control.

"Give me the remote control." Yang Ming repeated his previous words in detail.

"Ah...this..." Victoria hesitated. Didn't Yang Ming just be pretending to be a good person, and ultimately didn't want to give himself freedom?

To be honest, Victoria didn't want to hand over the remote control. However, Yang Ming's words made her very moved. In her subconscious mind, she felt that Yang Ming was not the kind of person who was going to go back. Now it is necessary to have a remote control.

Therefore, after a brief hesitation, Victoria took out the remote control from his pocket and handed it to Yang Ming: "Give you..."

"Oh, how do you hand it over? Is this thing very important for you?" Yang Ming also wanted to tease Victoria, of course, there are also temptations.

Yang Ming wants to see if Victoria really wants to follow himself, but Yang Ming also understands that he is just a few words, and he wants Victoria to give himself a life. It seems that it is not realistic, and Yang Ming has no hope.

However, Victoria has just handed over the remote control, which makes Yang Ming very surprised. What he did not expect was that this simple sentence was the root of Victoria!

Because Victoria has never been respected by others, Yang Ming is the first person to talk to her, and Yang Ming promised to give her freedom, so this makes Victoria feel that it is worthwhile to gamble once.

Even after Yang Ming repented, she also received a respect. Once, for her, it is enough. So Victoria handed over the remote that was vital to her.

But when he heard that Yang Ming was still talking about the wind, Victoria immediately flattened his mouth and succumbed: "Isn't it what you want?"

"I want you to hand it over?" Yang Ming was very satisfied with Victoria's move, and did not reach for the remote control, but continued to ask.

"If you have decided to follow you, then the remote control is naturally in your hands." Victoria was very conscious, shrugged and said: "In fact, it doesn't matter, I already want to open it."

“Oh,” Yang Ming took the remote control from Victoria’s hand and smiled. “In fact, this remote control has no use. Doctor Jessica knows this best. Is it, Dr. Jessica? ?"

"?" Victoria looked at Yang Ming inexplicably, not knowing what he meant.

"Yes, Miss Victoria, when I was doing the surgery, I took out the chip in your body and gave it to Mr. Yang." Dr. Jessica listened to Yang Ming's words and explained quickly.

"Is it taken out?" Victoria was a glimpse, and then his face showed a happy expression: "Really?"

Dr. Jessica nodded affirmatively.

All of this came too suddenly. The chip in the body once became a nightmare for Victoria. Victoria dreamed of removing chips from the body, but he could not.

Under the eyes of Bobby and the Egyptians, it is impossible for her to do this kind of surgery. She did not have any chance to contact people in this area, so the previous Victoria was just thinking about it when she was awake. There will be no such unrealistic ideas.

"I think there should be such a kind of trust between us." Yang Ming smiled: "And now, you give me the remote control, I can be sure, you absolutely trust me. So, I will be in your body. The chip took out and told you."

"Thank you." Victoria was really touched this time. The tears lingered in the eyelids and finally fell down with disappointment: "I am not very useless... I am a boxer, actually crying... There is nothing on the stage..."

Yang Ming shook his head. "No, it is not useless. It means that you have found yourself and become a person with feelings! I hope that you will write your own emotions and sorrows on your face, not that. A cold face."

"I will work hard." Victoria smiled hard, and she felt that her choice today would change her future life. She is no longer a slave, a boxer who is a master of life.

Yang Ming left the hospital with Victoria and Li Qiang. When he went downstairs, Li Qiang gave a thumbs up to Yang Ming: "Yang Ge, you buy people's hearts, there is really a set!"

"Yes?" Yang Ming waved his hand: "I admit, some words I deliberately said in front of Victoria, but in fact, I really think so. Li Qiang, as a superior, will It’s right to say something beautiful, but if you say it, you must cash it out. Don’t always talk empty words. Beautiful words can buy people's hearts, but lies can also lose people's hearts!”

Li Qiang nodded thoughtfully. He knows that Yang Ming is reminding him to do this when he wants to speak later.


Early the next morning, Li Zhizhen found his old acquaintance Jeffs.

"Hey, Jeffs, how? Have a breakfast together?" Li Zhisheng patted Jeffs's shoulders passionately and said to him.

In this bid, Jeffs only maintained the small coal mine in his hand, and there was no breakthrough. However, this is very satisfying for him, because his original strength is relatively weak, and he dare not go and What others are vying for.

"Oh? Mr. Li?" Jeffs saw Li Zhisheng, and he subconsciously stepped back two steps, but eventually stood still.

Jeff's reaction, Li Zhizhen naturally looked in the eyes, but he did not feel anything, he thought that Jeffs was scared by himself, can not help but react: "Oh, of course, me Let's go, come to my room to have breakfast. I asked Tianjia to buy a good porridge, very fragrant..."

Jeffs hesitated, looked around and found that no one else, nodded and said: "Well, then go to your room."

Jeffs naturally heard rumors about Li Zhizhao. Therefore, when he saw Li Zhizhao, he kept a certain distance from him, but due to the previous relationship, Jeffs was not good at talking to Li Zhisheng.

Now, Li Zhisheng invited him to have breakfast together. Originally Jeffs wanted to refuse, but I heard that he only went to his room. It was not to go to the public restaurant, but to eat good porridge, and Jeffs was stubborn. The promise was made.

Li Zhizhao also noticed that Jeffs seemed to be a little bit wrong, but he did not think about it. His concern now is to dispose of the iron ore and half-gold mine in his hands as soon as possible, and then leave the ghost place.

Jeffs cautiously followed Li Zhisheng to his room. When no one saw it, Jeffs was relieved. After entering the door, he became more enthusiastic: "Mr. Li, how so polite, early in the morning On, please ask me to eat?"

"Oh, the relationship between the two of us is good!" Li Zhiyan said swearing, although Li Zhizhen and Jeffs were more familiar before, but they are only more familiar, and "good relationship" is far worse.

"Oh..." Jeffs naturally did not take it seriously, and laughed twice with Li Zhisheng.

"Jeffs, now there is a big good thing, to fall on your head, how, do you want to hear?" Li Zhizhen closed the door, and then mysteriously said.

"What's the good thing about Tianda? What's the good thing?" Jeffs glanced, and looked at Li Zhisheng with some surprises.

"If it is not for the relationship between the two of us, I will not find you first!" Li Zhisheng lowered his voice and said: "You got the right to operate a coal mine this time?"

Although Jeffs was somewhat inexplicable about why Li Zhizhen would say this, he nodded. "Yes, you don't know my strength. How can I rob those who make money? I don't want to earn more. Child money? But can't you not be self-reliant?"

"Oh, but now there is a great opportunity for you to be in front of you!" Li Zhisheng said: "Look, you want to grasp it."

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