So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1208: Insult

The first thousand two hundred and eighty chapters are humiliated

"Of course I refused, something that Mr. Bobby didn't dare to ask. What can I do next?" Mike shook his head and said: "The most annoying thing is that this guy still wants to hide me, obviously he is offended. A big man, also told me that his money turnover is not working! This is not trying to kill me!"

"You are not not fooled! We will not be on his part!" Mike patted Jeffs' shoulder and said.

"Yeah, thanks to you reminding me yesterday, otherwise, I am probably today... oh, don't say it..." Jeffs sighed, and some feared.

"It’s all friends, what do you say thank you?" Mike waved his hand: "However, with your personal experience, let us all have a long experience, everyone should be careful, Li Zhisheng may not give up, Continue to sell us his minerals!"

"Hey, we all know, who will take over his minerals?" Everyone laughed.

After Li Zhiyi had gone to Jeffs, he was naturally unwilling, but there was no way. He did not understand that the minerals that were originally very popular, how suddenly everyone was not interested?

"Father, how are you talking to that Jeffs?" Li Tianjia and Li Tianyu came in from the next room and asked Li Zhisheng.

"Mom, this guy actually refused me. He also said that he was not interested. Did he make a mistake!" Li Zhisheng said coldly: "These people, one by one, are stupid, and the original price is sold to them. They don't want them. !"

"Don't he?" Li Tianyu frowned. "No, why don't he?"

"Who knows, these people are like the wrong medicine, this kind of cheap will not be embarrassed!" Li Zhizhen said indignantly.

"Father, I think it seems that the price we transferred is too cheap!" Li Tianyu interrupted at this time: "We should raise the price and transfer it more expensive!"

“Too cheap?” Li Zhizhen said: “It’s so cheap, the original price has been transferred, and it’s not transferred, let alone raise the price?”

"No, I think the problem is at this price!" Li Tianyu shook his head and said: "It is because it is too cheap, so the transfer can not go out!"

"How can you transfer cheaply? Can you transfer it out if you are expensive?" Li Zhiyi’s eyes widened and he did not believe Li Tianyu’s theory.

"Father, you are so smart, how can you not understand the truth of this?" Li Tianyu quickly explained: "You think, we spent a lot of effort to bid for the management rights of these two minerals, Now, the transfer of the original price, how can this not make people suspicious?"

"Well? You go on..." Li Zhisheng nodded. He seemed to have caught some doorways.

"Don't say that we are asking for the cost of Li Lexin's boxing. Is it time to go back and forth? Is it enough?" Li Tianyu said: "Now, when we transfer the original price, what do people think? They will definitely think that we are not Neuropathy, there is a problem with these two minerals! Obviously, we can't be a neuropathy, then there is only one result, that is, there is a problem with the minerals!"

"Yeah!" Li Zhiyi slap his head and suddenly realized: "I didn't think of it before! It turned out to be like this. No wonder I think Bob and Jeffs are both blinking. It turned out to be suspicious to me. This time, I can't sell it at the original price, I have to raise the price."

"Yes, only to raise prices, let others think that we just want to earn a difference, only to bid for these minerals, it is reasonable." Li Tianyu nodded and said.

"Tianyu, you analyzed well!" Li Zhixuan suddenly opened up, the mood is very refreshing, naturally do not hesitate to praise Li Tianyu.

Li Tianjia had some disdain at the side. Li Tianyu said this. He actually thought of it, but he did not think that his father did not consider these things, but obviously, Li Zhizhen was a fan of the authorities.

After Li Zhizhen thought about this, he was not so worried. He used breakfast in the room and went to the activity room on the first floor of the guest house. Many investors would come here to play cards in their leisure time.

Li Zhisheng entered the activity room and did not attract anyone's attention. Everyone was playing with each other, and Li Zhizhen, who was casually looking for a hand, sat down.

"Hey, man, what are you playing?" Li Zhiyi looked at a black man closest to himself and asked.

"blackjack!" The black man saw Li Zhizhao, and his expression changed involuntarily. However, for his questioning, he returned to the road.

"What minerals did you invest this time?" Li Zhisheng saw the black people talk to him, and naturally continued to talk.

The black man also heard about Li Zhisheng, and experienced the things of Jeffs in the morning. He naturally wanted to stay away from Li Zhisheng, but this guy was sitting beside him, and the black man could only answer one without a ride. His words: "I didn't get any minerals, my boxers are too garbage, and I won't win in one game!"

After listening to the words of the black people, Li Zhizhen suddenly moved his mind and did not get a mineral. Isn't that just the object that you are looking for? So Li Zhisheng quickly talked with the black people: "That's a pity!"

"Yeah." The black man finished, cursing a sentence: "Hell, the card is much more!" Then he deducted the poker in his hand.

"In my hands, there are two minerals. I don't know if you have any interest?" Li Zhizhen is ready to sell the minerals in his hands: "Actually, I am a middle businessman. I am speculative. I have an iron ore in my hand. Half-seat gold mine, don't you know if you are interested?"

"Speculative businessman?" The black man repeated Li Zhisheng's words, not salty, and it is difficult to understand the meaning of his tone.

"Yes, it is a speculative businessman!" Li Zhisheng said: "You only need to give me certain benefits, I will transfer the minerals in your hand to you, how? This business is still worthwhile? At least it will not be called empty-handed." And return!"

"I have returned empty-handed? I have returned empty-handed and booked the ticket for tomorrow." The black man licked his mouth.

"Yeah, now, you have such an opportunity, let you meet me, this speculative businessman!" Li Zhizhen thought that the blacks were tempted, and introduced the power.

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha!" Suddenly, a small voice interrupted the conversation between the two.

Li Zhixuan frowned, his heart, who is this so devout? Although this is a public occasion, how do you have to take care of your personal qualities?

"We are talking about business, trouble you to make a small noise!" Li Zhizhen found the root of laughter, a white man not far from them.

"Oh, hey! Ok, speculative businessman." Mike showed a sly expression: "I know you want to transfer the minerals in your hands as soon as possible, because you are not working well!"

"What kind of turnover is not working!" Li Zhi took a look at Mike, and some dissatisfaction he interrupted the conversation between himself and the black people.

"My business turnover in Singapore is not working, I need funds, so the original price of the minerals in the hands of the transfer, hehe, now you see our black brothers bully is it? Is it going to increase the price?" Mike learned before Li Zhisheng and Jeffs Speaking like a word, holding his nose and saying.

"You!" Li Zhizhao's face suddenly turned red. He didn't expect Jeffs to divulge their conversation. This made him very angry. How could this Jeffs do such a shameless thing?

"What happened to me?" Mike was not afraid of Li Zhisheng, especially since he knew from Bobby that there was a big man who had to rectify Li Zhizhao and he didn't care more about him. So, all the cynicism is used: "Are you a fool, or are we fools? One person a price? Do you think it is interesting to do this?"

Li Zhizhao’s face was stunned by Mike for a while, and for a while, he sighed: “Well, I admit, my money turnover is not working. I sold my minerals at the original price. Who are you?”

"I am not interested!" Mike spread his hand and stood up and walked directly to the door of the event room.

"Sorry, I am not interested." The former black man also stood up. He didn't want to mix it. Although he really wanted the minerals in Li Zhi's hands, he also understood that he couldn't buy it. If you stand on the ground, you might as well not buy it.

"Hey, man, I can be cheaper, how?" Li Zhisheng shouted his teeth.

"I really have no interest!" The black man shook his head and left without looking back.

"Let's go, there's nothing interesting here..." The other people in the activity room also stood up and walked to the door. Finally, only Li Zhiyi was left alone, sitting next to the table in the lounge.

Li Zhizhen did not understand why all the people are just as good as the discussion, and they are not interested in the minerals in his hands! Li Zhizhen is really dumbfound this time!

He originally thought that the goods are definitely not for sale, but the current situation is that he sells at the original price, and even sells it at no cost! What happened to these people...

It doesn't make sense, the whites are cheap, don't they? Is it because someone is not letting them buy?

Thinking of this, suddenly a chill came to Li Zhisheng's body! Don't let them buy &... yes, it must be like this! This thing, there must be behind the scenes!

And this behind-the-scenes ambassador is Yang Ming? Thinking of this, Li Zhisheng’s body could not help but start to tremble! Is the revenge of Yang Ming already started?

Yang Ming does not want to transfer the minerals in his hands to other people? Of course, Li Zhizhen did not think that Yang Ming would not let him transfer, but wanted him to continue his business.

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