So Pure, So Flirtatious

Vol 3 Chapter 1212: a play (below)

The first chapter of the two hundred and twenty-two chapters of a play (below)

In a similar way, it was repeated several times, and the pirate ship was also parked on the side of Goro's boat. Several ropes were hovering on the ship's side of Goro, and the ship of Goro was completely controlled by the pirate ship.

The four big men on the pirate ship, the one-eyed dragon stayed on the pirate ship, and the other three people climbed the ropes to Goro's boat.

"I will hand over the valuable things, we don't want to do it, you are conscious of yourself." One of the big men said.

Both Wang Xiaoying and Victoria looked at Yang Ming at the same time. As long as Yang Ming nodded, the three men, together with the life of the big man on the pirate ship, will be accounted for here at the same time.

However, Yang Ming shook his head slightly and whispered to Wang Xiaoxiao: "Give diamonds and money to them."

Wang Xiaoyu gave a slight glimpse, but still, according to Yang Ming, threw a small suitcase in front of the deck. Wang Xiaoying is very surprised that Yang Ming does not work on these pirates. You must know that Yang Ming is not a casual child. These people actually want to rob Yang Ming. Wang Xiaoxiao thought they would die very badly.

Yang Ming is still very confident in dealing with these people. However, now that the Lord has not appeared, Yang Ming is too lazy to start with these people. Taking advantage of this empty space, Yang Ming used his power to check on the other's pirate ship.

There were not a few rooms on the pirate ship, so Yang Ming completed the exploration almost in an instant. On the ship, apart from the Lord, there is no other person hidden.

And on this pirate ship, there are only these four big men. However, what surprised Yang Ming was that the Lord was actually...

"Help! Save me, I am caught by these people!"

Just as Yang Ming thought about it, the pirate ship had a voice of a stern girl calling for help, and the man left behind on the pirate ship immediately alerted him and put his gun in his hand and frowned.

The unique sound line made it easy for Yang Ming to distinguish it. This voice was sent by the Lord on the ship, and even if Yang Ming could not hear it, she had already seen who she was.

The three big men on the Goro ship also paused their movements. Then they grabbed the black boxes on the deck and they didn't have time to open them. They were ready to return to the pirate ship. However, at the moment they moved, Yang Ming Also moved.

Yang Ming quickly grasped the right leg of the big man who was closest to him, and forced back to the area. Then he waited for him to react. His right hand was pinched at his throat. The big man fell on his throat. On the ground.

While Yang Ming had the result of this big man, his legs were not idle, his left leg was pulled out directly, and another big man who came to help him kicked out of the deck and fell directly into the sea.

Wang Xiaoying and Victoria have been paying attention to Yang Ming’s movements. Therefore, when Yang Ming started, Wang Xiaoying and Victoria also moved. Wang Xiaoyan’s glass dagger slipped into his hand and stabbed the nearest big man who had bent down to pick up the black box.

Wang Xiaoying’s shot was very fierce. The knife directly fell into the heart of Dahan. After the body of the Han Han twitched, he fell silently on the ground.

In Victoria, it was an instant gun aiming to pull the trigger. The big man who stayed on the pirate ship was also shot dead. The whole process was done in one go without any slight stagnation.

After killing the Cyclops left behind on the pirate ship, Victoria added a shot to the sea and hit the man who was kicked into the sea by Yang Ming.

Victoria looked at Yang Mingli’s technique and was very surprised. For the first time, she had the feeling of not seeing one person. In the past, she was very keenly aware of the strength of her opponent. This is her The secret of unbeaten.

But this time, she looked away. Yang Ming’s body had no murderousness at all. However, at the moment when Yang Ming shot, it was so fierce and full of blood, which made Victoria involuntarily afraid. If Yang Ming is her enemy, then can she escape Yang Ming’s blow?

And Wang Xiaoying's shot, but did not come out of Victoria's expectations, Victoria has long seen that Wang Xiaoying and she are the same kind of people, so at this moment for Wang Xiaoyu's shot, there is no special feeling.

However, Victoria is getting more and more puzzled. What is Yang Ming taking her back to China? Yang Ming and the woman around her, who is better than one, still need her Victoria to protect it?

Looking at Wang Xiaoyan's expressionless pull out of the dagger, after wiping a few times on the body of the big man and then taking it into the cuff, Victoria can judge that Wang Xiaoyu is also a murderer, not second to her Victoria.

Goro and Jim were a little dumbfounded. I didn't expect Yang Ming, Wang Xiaoying and Victoria to solve a few pirates in front of them. I couldn't help but widen my eyes!

Surprised, but my heart is also very fortunate, I did not go to provoke Yang Ming, otherwise, it will be more miserable than these pirates, Yang Ming, who are these people? It’s much more fierce than those pirates.

Yang Ming did not pay attention to the bodies on the ship, but jumped into the pirate ship and walked in the direction of the sound. It was a locked room, but at the foot of Yang Ming, the door of the entire room was smashed down.

"Help!" The people in the room are still crying for help.

"No need to call, Miss Alice." Yang Ming glanced at the girl in the room and said faintly: "The people above have been killed by me."

"Ah... how are you? Yang Ming?" Alice stared at her eyes in surprise and flickered at Yang Ming, incredulously opening her mouth into an "o" shape.

"Nature is me." Yang Ming nodded. "If I heard your voice, do you think I will manage this kind of leisure?"

If Yang Ming saw the previous scene, Yang Ming might have been deceived by Alice’s innocent expression at the moment. But unfortunately, Yang Ming has already become alert to this woman. Coupled with the scene she just saw, Yang Ming did not believe in her ghost words.

It’s just that Yang Ming doesn’t want to poke her anymore. Yang Ming wants to see what tricks she is going to play, so she’s naturally chatting with Alice.

"This is also..." Alice sighed: "It seems that I really want to thank God, let me meet you, otherwise, as you said, if you change to other people, you may not be willing to take care of this kind of business. I have no ability to manage this gossip. Those few people are professional pirates, and they are very powerful. Most people can’t beat them.”

"How do you know that I can beat them?" Yang Ming looked at Alice with a smile.

"Well?" Alice sneaked, then smiled: "Nature is listening to Uncle Buffon, you are very powerful."

"Is it?" Yang Ming did not say anything, because there is no need to say anything, Yang Ming is now very certain, this Alice has a problem, absolutely problematic!

Because before this, Yang Ming saw in the cabin of Goro that Alice was not locked in the cabin, but in a secret place on the deck of the pirate ship, what was directed at the one-eyed dragon!

At that time, Yang Ming was not in a hurry to read their lips, and they used English in their speech. The speed was very fast. Yang Ming couldn’t read as smoothly as his native language, so he didn’t know Alice. What did you say?

However, this did not affect Yang Ming's judgment. Alice was shutting herself into the room after she told the one-eyed dragon. From her attitude toward the one-eyed dragon, they are obviously a group!

This is simply a play!

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